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Publications (6)

Programme Development and Evaluation in Counselling
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December 2023


1,748 Reads

International Journal of Research

John N Odili


Introduction Programme development and evaluation in counselling is a crucial area of study with far-reaching implications for the enhancement of mental health services and the well-being of individuals. Counselling services cater to a diverse range of clients with unique needs and challenges. The development of effective counselling programmes ensures that interventions are tailored to address the specific issues faced by various populations, such as individuals with different cultural backgrounds, age groups, or mental health conditions. By studying programme development,


Figure 1: Theta estimates for all calibrated items
Item Fit Statistics of the SSAT
Percentage distribution of questions across the topics in the curriculum
Development of Social Studies Aptitude Test for Testing Critical Thinking Skills: Implication for the Achievement of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

July 2023


591 Reads


2 Citations

Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies

This study developed a social studies aptitude test (SSAT) that captured and measured critical thinking skills for the achievement of education for sustainable development. Eight research questions guided the study. The instrumentation research design was adopted for the study. The population comprised 72,854 Upper Basic School students, with a total of 1,000 sample size selected using simple random and cluster sampling techniques. A 100-item multiple choice Social Studies Aptitude Test (SSAT) was developed by the researcher, which was used as instrument for the study. The data were collated, entered into a computer system and analysed using chi-square goodness of fit, frequency, percentage, Item Characteristics Curve and factor analysis. The findings revealed that most of the items in the SSAT have a good fit; that the test questions measured the skills of enquiry, intellectual, manipulative and societal values; that the test items are distributed according to Upper Basic Education curriculum; and that the Social Studies Aptitude Test is reliable, having obtained 0.89 index. The study also found that all the 100 items measured a single construct; that most of the items (94 out of 100) were either satisfactory (need no revision), good or moderate (needs little or no revision); that most of the items (89 out of 100) were either very easy or easy; and most of the items (73 out of 100) are not susceptible to guessing. Based on the findings, the study concluded that the Social Studies Aptitude Test items are valid and reliable. The study recommended amongst others, that the developed Social Studies Aptitude Test should be used by Social Studies teachers for the assessment of secondary school students, especially during mock examination, in preparation for external examinations. The study has contributed to knowledge by providing a test that measures the objectives of the revised upper basic education curriculum as well as the achievement of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Drug Abuse among Young People: A Ticking Time Bomb

July 2023


112 Reads

Drug abuse has continued to be a source of problems in our society. This study investigated existing literature on its people in Nigeria. It prevalence among young was evident that drug abuse is high among Nigerian youths. The prevalence was found to be highest in the South-West geopolitical zone, and in the South-South zone, it was found to be highest in Delta State. The literature identified the following drugs commonly abused among Nigerian youths: cannabis, opioids, cough syrup, tranquillizers and sedatives; ecstasy, solvents and inhalants amphetamines & prescription stimulants, and cocaine. It recommends amongst others, that Government agencies charged with the regulation of drug use such as NAFDAC and NDLEA should double their efforts in arresting and prosecuting drug peddlers and drug abusers in the country. Secondly, the social studies education curriculum should expand its scope in the problemof drug abuse in Nigerian schools.


January 2023


94 Reads


2 Citations

European Journal of Open Education and E-learning Studies

The study assesses the level of achievement of urban and rural students in computer studies in senior secondary schools in Bayelsa state. It investigated the level of urban and rural students’ achievement in the cognitive and psychomotor domains in computer studies. two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Related literature was reviewed by the researcher. The ex-post facto research design of a descriptive study was used in the study. The population was all 12,441 public senior secondary school students in their final year of study in Bayelsa state. The multistage sampling technique which involved a proportional stratified procedure and a simple random sampling technique was used to arrive at a sample of 380 students. The instrument for data collection was the West African Examination Certificate (WAEC) computer studies 2020 past question. The research instrument was a standardized achievement test constructed by WAEC which had undergone all the processes involved in the construction and validation of an achievement test and hence deemed to be valid and reliable. The results obtained from the test administered were scored and graded into a five-point range of very low, low, average, good, and excellent. The study revealed that there was a significant difference in the level of urban and rural students’ achievement in the cognitive and psychomotor domains in computer studies. It was recommended amongst others that government should ensure the provision of all necessary infrastructural facilities like computer sets, laptops, software application packages, printer, scanner, internet connectivity, amongst others that will enhance the teaching of computer studies in public senior secondary schools in Bayelsa State and that experienced and skilled teachers in ICT should be posted to the rural schools. Article visualizations: </p

Skill Development Gap and Applications of Bloom Taxonomy-Related Assessment Techniques Among Teachers in Delta State of Nigeria Introduction and Background

33 Reads


3 Citations

Based on their classroom experiences, practicing teachers do realize important assessment-related skills which their teacher training programmes failed to develop in them. Failure to equip teacher trainees with such skills rids them of the opportunity of being effective in relevant classroom practices. The gap between the extent to which they perceive such skills as important and the extent to which such skills were covered during their training programmes constitute a determinant factor in their application of such skills in their classrooms. This study identified such gaps in 12 Bloom taxonomy-related 21 st century-essential skills and determined the extent to which they influence the application of these desirable skills in the classroom. With data collected through a survey of 227 secondary school teachers in Delta State of Nigeria a gap analysis was done for each of 12 Bloom taxonomy-related skills and level of application of such skills were analysed using ANOVA to test twelve null hypotheses on the influence of level of these gap on classroom application of such skills. Classroom applications of ten of these skills were found to be significantly influenced by the related level of gap identified. These findings were discussed and recommendations that follow directly from these findings were made.

Primary Teacher's Perceptions of Classroom Assessment Practices as Means of Providing Quality Primary/basic Education by Botswana and Nigeria

241 Reads


27 Citations

More than any other of its aspects, assessment plays a central role in determining the quality of education. Quality of primary/basic education (QoE) can be viewed as the extent to which the process of education at the primary education level maximizes desirable outcomes in terms of cognitive, affective and psychomotor behaviour of the learners. Given human resources demand for development in the society some cognitive skills are more desirable than others. Hence education, to meet the skill demand of the society must ensure the development of such desirable skills among learners. Since teachers are the key executors in the processes of ensuring the development of these skills, their perception as to the level to which each of such skills differ in enhancing quality of primary/basic education, and the level to which current assessment practices ensure the development of each of these skills are important in any attempt to contribute solution to the problem of quality in basic education in Africa. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which primary school teachers in Botswana and Nigeria perceive the six levels of Bloom's cognitive behaviour as being different in the extent to which they enhance quality in basic education and the level to which their current classroom assessment practices involve items that measure each of these levels of cognitive behaviour. Survey data from 191 primary school teachers from Gaborone district in Botswana, and 300 similar teachers from Delta State in Nigeria were analysed using repeated measure ANOVA to test related hypotheses. The main finding was that there is a significant discrepancy between the level to which, in the perception of the teachers, each of Bloom's level of cognitive behaviour enhances quality of education and the level to which their classroom assessment practices are able to provide for the development of such behaviour among learners. The results were discussed and recommendations made on how to enhance quality in primary/basic education through classroom assessment practices.

Citations (4)

... The instrument was given to experts in the Department of Guidance and Counselling, as well as one psychometrician. The reason for using experts in the validation was to gain their insight as to appropriate matching of the items to the domains and content areas arrangement and appropriateness of the item options Jessa (2023). The experts made some inputs and suggestions which were reflected in the final instrument. ...


Parenting Styles as Predictors of Adolescents’ Susceptibility to Peer Pressure in Secondary Schools in Anambra State, Nigeria
Development of Social Studies Aptitude Test for Testing Critical Thinking Skills: Implication for the Achievement of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies

... Teaching computer studies, only 62.9% of the teachers in Nigeria secondary school are trained to teach the subject (Onifade, 2018). However, observation showed that there are few computer experts to teach computer studies in primary schools (Brenda, Odili, & Osadebe, 2023). Based on this fact, it could then be argued that, with what knowledge would majority of the primary school teachers teach computer studies since the subject is compulsory and limited experts teach the subject? ...

  • Citing Article
  • January 2023

European Journal of Open Education and E-learning Studies

... Scholars argue that education should be challenging, complex, and creative (Nenty & Odili, 2012). Degree-based CBE programs, liketraditionaldegreeprograms,aresubjecttoregulations,politics, andscrutinyfromeducatorsfavoringatraditionalapproachtomeasuring success in learning.The purpose of this article is to provide a survey of existing literature and to highlight the growing body of research that focuses on nontraditional approaches to learning foundedinpersonalizedlearningandcompetency-basededucation. ...

Skill Development Gap and Applications of Bloom Taxonomy-Related Assessment Techniques Among Teachers in Delta State of Nigeria Introduction and Background
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... For instance, research by previous researchers establishes relationships between knowledge and attitudes toward assessment in various educational settings (Brookhart & M, 2013;Liberto et al., 2022). Similar findings are reported in studies emphasizing how understanding and perspectives on assessment influence practice quality (Jansen & Moller, 2022;Nenty et al., 2021). Additionally, socio-demographic variables have been identified as predictors of assessment practices (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2005). ...

Primary Teacher's Perceptions of Classroom Assessment Practices as Means of Providing Quality Primary/basic Education by Botswana and Nigeria
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