February 2023
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The random-groups design is frequently used in equating and linking scores from two tests, in which the linking functions are derived from the test scores of two samples of the test-taker population. In this paper, we consider estimating variances of test score population statistics for large-scale survey assessments (LSAs), where the random-groups design is used in linking latent variable test scores. Examples of LSAs include National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In estimating variances of population statistics in LSAs, the common practice takes into account the uncertainties due to sampling and latency. In this paper, we propose a variance estimation method as an extension of the existing procedure that takes into account the random-groups linking. We illustrate the method using a NAEP dataset for which a linear linking function is used in linking test scores from a computer-based test to those from a paper-and-pencil test. The proposed method can be easily extended when random-groups equating and linking are applied to other assessment contexts, with linking functions being parametric or non-parametric.KeywordsVariance estimationStatisticsSamplingJackknifeAssessmentNAEPRandom-groups linking designScore linkingEducation surveyAssessmentIRTWeightImputationResamplingPlausible valuesSampling varianceLatency varianceLinking functionLatent variableComplex sampling