John J. Tobin’s research while affiliated with National Radio Astronomy Observatory and other places

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Publications (358)

Figure 1. The HH 212 disk dust continuum maps from ALMA and VLA observations.The contours are 5σ (dashed line) and [10σ,20σ,50σ,80σ,100σ] (solid line). The yellow crosses show the position of the central protostar. The ellipses in the lower right of each panel indicate the beam size of each band.
Figure 5. The best-fit result of the DSHARP dust model at ALMA band 9, 7, 6, 3, and VLA band Q. Left column: 1-D azimuthally averaged visibilities of observations (black dots), models searched for during the fitting process (blue lines) and best-fit model (red lines). The observational data are binned into 30 points linearly. The grey shadows show the uv ranges contaminated by the envelope. Middle column: The synthetic image restored from the best-fit model. The color scales are the same as Figure 1. Right column: The residual map between the observation image and the synthetic image excluding uv data in gray shadows. The color scales are the same as Figure 1.
Figure 6. The best-fit result of the DIANA dust model at ALMA band 9, 7, 6, 3, and VLA band Q. The notations are the same as Figure 5.
Figure 7. The best-fit result of the PDO model at ALMA band 9, 7, 6, 3, and VLA band Q. The notations are the same as Figure 5.
Figure 8. The relation between dust absorption opacities κ ν,abs and wavelength λ. The black dots are the best-fit value from the PDO model. The dark/light shadows stand for the noise uncertainties from our fitting process (Table 3) and absolute uncertainties contributed by central stellar mass and Toomre parameter. The black-dashed line shows the power-law fitting result from the PDO model using κ ν,abs between ALMA band 7 and VLA band Q. The green dots and shadows are the estimated value and absolute uncertainties of κ ν,abs in Paper 1. The orange triangle is κ ν,abs from Beckwith et al. (1990) with β=1. The red/purple solid lines denote the κ ν,abs of DIANA amax = 50µm and DSHARP amax = 130µm. The red/purple dashed lines are the κ ν,eff of amax = 75µm of DSHARP and DIANA dust model.


Multi-wavelength Study of Dust Emission in the Young Edge-on Protostellar Disk HH 212
  • Preprint
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November 2024


8 Reads

Ying-Chi Hu



Zhe-Yu Daniel Lin




Grain growth in disks around young stars plays a crucial role in the formation of planets. Early grain growth has been suggested in the HH 212 protostellar disk by previous polarization observations. To confirm it and to determine the grain size, we analyze high-resolution multi-band observations of the disk obtained with Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Bands 9 (0.4 mm), 7 (0.9 mm), 6 (1.3 mm), 3 (3 mm) as well as with Very Large Array (VLA) in Band Ka (9 mm) and present new VLA data in Bands Q (7 mm), K (1.3 cm), and X (3 cm). We adopt a parameterized flared disk model to fit the continuum maps of the disk in these bands and derive the opacities, albedos, and opacity spectral index β\mathrm{\beta} of the dust in the disk, taking into account the dust scattering ignored in the previous work modeling the multi-band data of this source. For the VLA bands, since the continuum emission of the disk is more contaminated by the free-free emission at longer wavelengths, we only include the Band Q data in our modeling. The obtained opacities, albedos, and opacity spectral index β\beta (with a value of \sim 1.2) suggest that the upper limit of maximum grain size in the disk be \sim 130 μ\mum, consistent with that implied in the previous polarization observations in Band 7, supporting the grain growth in this disk.


Figure 4. Peak optical depth map of CO2 and illustration of optical depth calculation for each spaxel. Left: Peak optical depth map of CO2 at 4.27 µm, with the white circle indicating the ALMA 870 µm continuum peak. Cyan, green, and red crosses mark spaxel positions corresponding to the fit results displayed in the middle and right panels. Middle: Specific intensity of marked spaxel ('x') as a function of wavelength. The colors of the plotted lines correspond to the same color 'x' spaxel. The dashed orange lines represent the fitted continuum to the respective spaxel. Right: Calculated optical depths for the marked spaxels.
Figure 9. Radial profile of dust temperature of the HOPS 370 envelope. The color-shaded regions mark various dust temperature zones. The red vertical line represents the inclination corrected distance of the H2 shocked knot from the central protostar.
CO and OCN − Component Profiles
JWST-IPA: Chemical Inventory and Spatial Mapping of Ices in the Protostar HOPS370 -- Evidence for an Opacity Hole and Thermal Processing of Ices

October 2024


46 Reads

The composition of protoplanetary disks, and hence the initial conditions of planet formation, may be strongly influenced by the infall and thermal processing of material during the protostellar phase. Composition of dust and ice in protostellar envelopes, shaped by energetic processes driven by the protostar, serves as the fundamental building material for planets and complex organic molecules. As part of the JWST GO program, "Investigating Protostellar Accretion" (IPA), we observed an intermediate-mass protostar HOPS 370 (OMC2-FIR3) using NIRSpec/IFU and MIRI/MRS. This study presents the gas and ice phase chemical inventory revealed with the JWST in the spectral range of \sim2.9 to 28 μ\mum and explores the spatial variation of volatile ice species in the protostellar envelope. We find evidence for thermal processing of ice species throughout the inner envelope. We present the first high-spatial resolution (80\sim 80 au) maps of key volatile ice species H2_{2}O, CO2_{2}, 13^{13}CO2_2, CO, and OCN^-, which reveal a highly structured and inhomogeneous density distribution of the protostellar envelope, with a deficiency of ice column density that coincides with the jet/outflow shocked knots. Further, we observe high relative crystallinity of H2_{2}O ice around the shocked knot seen in the H2_2 and OH wind/outflow, which can be explained by a lack of outer colder material in the envelope along the line of sight due to the irregular structure of the envelope. These observations show clear evidence of thermal processing of the ices in the inner envelope, close to the outflow cavity walls, heated by the luminous protostar.

IPA Sample of Class 0 Protostars
CO Aperture Properties across Central Outflow Cavity
IPA: Class 0 Protostars Viewed in CO Emission Using JWST

October 2024


13 Reads


3 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal

We investigate the bright CO fundamental emission in the central regions of five protostars in their primary mass assembly phase using new observations from JWST’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph and Mid-Infrared Instrument. CO line emission images and fluxes are extracted for a forest of ∼150 rovibrational transitions from two vibrational bands, v = 1−0 and v = 2−1. However, ¹³ CO is undetected, indicating that ¹² CO emission is optically thin. We use H 2 emission lines to correct fluxes for extinction and then construct rotation diagrams for the CO lines with the highest spectral resolution and sensitivity to estimate rotational temperatures and numbers of CO molecules. Two distinct rotational temperature components are required for v = 1 (∼600 to 1000 K and 2000 to ∼10 ⁴ K), while one hotter component is required for v = 2 (≳3500 K). ¹³ CO is depleted compared to the abundances found in the interstellar medium, indicating selective UV photodissociation of ¹³ CO; therefore, UV radiative pumping may explain the higher rotational temperatures in v = 2. The average vibrational temperature is ∼1000 K for our sources and is similar to the lowest rotational temperature components. Using the measured rotational and vibrational temperatures to infer a total number of CO molecules, we find that the total gas masses range from lower limits of ∼10 ²² g for the lowest mass protostars to ∼10 ²⁶ g for the highest mass protostars. Our gas mass lower limits are compatible with those in more evolved systems, which suggest the lowest rotational temperature component comes from the inner disk, scattered into our line of sight, but we also cannot exclude the contribution to the CO emission from disk winds for higher mass targets.

Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks. XI. A High-resolution View Toward the BHR 71 Class 0 Protostellar Wide Binary

October 2024


10 Reads


1 Citation

The Astrophysical Journal

We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of the binary Class 0 protostellar system BHR 71 IRS1 and IRS2 as part of the Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk) ALMA Large Program. We describe the ¹² CO ( J = 2–1), ¹³ CO ( J = 2–1), C ¹⁸ O ( J = 2–1), H 2 CO ( J = 3 2,1 –2 2,0 ), and SiO ( J = 5–4) molecular lines along with the 1.3 mm continuum at high spatial resolution (∼0.″08 or ∼5 au). Dust continuum emission is detected toward BHR 71 IRS1 and IRS2, with a central compact component and extended continuum emission. The compact components are smooth and show no sign of substructures such as spirals, rings, or gaps. However, there is a brightness asymmetry along the minor axis of the presumed disk in IRS1, possibly indicative of an inclined geometrically and optically thick disk-like component. Using a position–velocity diagram analysis of the C ¹⁸ O line, clear Keplerian motions were not detected toward either source. If Keplerian rotationally supported disks are present, they are likely deeply embedded in their envelope. However, we can set upper limits of the central protostellar mass of 0.46 M ⊙ and 0.26 M ⊙ for BHR 71 IRS1 and BHR 71 IRS2, respectively. Outflows traced by ¹² CO and SiO are detected in both sources. The outflows can be divided into two components, a wide-angle outflow and a jet. In IRS1, the jet exhibits a double helical structure, reflecting the removal of angular momentum from the system. In IRS2, the jet is very collimated and shows a chain of knots, suggesting episodic accretion events.

Fig. 1. Kinetic gas temperature map derived from the I(HCN)/I(HNC) J=1-0 ratio (the color scale is the same as Fig. B.7) overlaid with the integrated intensity map of diazenylium N 2 H + J=1-0 (gray contours in steps of 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 K km s −1 ; see also Fig. B.4) for each observed region. All maps are shown with the same color-scale range for comparison. The σ value above each panel indicates the cutoff value for both maps. Stars mark the positions of protostellar sources, and squares mark the locations of starless cores. The filled circle marks the position of L1448 IRS2E, whose nature is debated. Straight lines indicate the outflow directions for the protostellar systems included in the MASSES survey (Stephens et al. 2017).
Fig. 3. Relations of the N 2 H + gas mass, M gas (N 2 H + ), and envelope dust mass, M menv , for the sample. The orange stars show multiple systems, the cyan diamonds show binary systems, and the gray circles show single protostellar systems. Each panel represents one of four ways of grouping the sample and their corresponding correlations. The lines and shaded areas show the linear regression for the data with the corresponding color. The solid lines indicate statistically significant correlations (Pearson r and Spearman ρ p-values <0.05), and the dashed lines show subsamples with p-values >0.05; see Sect. 5.5 for a discussion of the figure).
The factors that influence protostellar multiplicity I. Gas temperature, density, and mass in Perseus with Nobeyama

August 2024


18 Reads

Astronomy and Astrophysics

Context. Protostellar multiplicity is common at all stages and mass ranges. However, the factors that determine the multiplicity of protostellar systems have not been systematically characterized through their molecular gas. Aims. We characterize the physical properties of the Perseus molecular cloud at ≥5000 AU scales by mapping the diagnostic molecular lines. Methods. We used Nobeyama 45m Radio Observatory (NRO) on-the-fly maps of HCN, HNC, HCO ⁺ , and N 2 H ⁺ ( J =1–0) toward five subregions in Perseus, complemented with single-pointing Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) observations of HNC ( J = 4–3), to derive the physical parameters of the dense gas. The spatial resolutions of both observations were ~18″, which is equivalent to ~5000 AU scales at the distance of Perseus. The kinetic gas temperature was derived from the I (HCN)/ I (HNC) J ratio, and the H 2 density was obtained from the HNC J =4–3/ J =1–0 ratio. These parameters were used to obtain the N 2 H ⁺ (cold) and HCO ⁺ (warm) gas masses. The inferred and derived parameters were then compared to source the parameters, including protostellar multiplicity, bolometric luminosity, and dust envelope mass. Results. The inferred mean kinetic gas temperature ( I (HCN)/ I (HNC) J =1–0 ratio; ranging between 15 and 26 K), and H 2 volumetric density (HNC J =4–3/ J =1–0; 10 ⁵ −10 ⁶ cm ⁻³ ) are not correlated with multiplicity in Perseus. The derived gas and dust masses, 1.3 to 16 × 10 ⁻⁹ M ⊙ for the cold-gas mass (N 2 H ⁺ ), 0.1 to 25 M ⊙ for the envelope dust masses (850 μm), and 0.8 to 10 × 10 ⁻¹⁰ M ⊙ for the warm-gas mass (HCO ⁺ ), are correlated to multiplicity and to the number of protostellar components. The warm-gas masses are lower by a factor of 16 than the cold-gas masses. Conclusions. The gas and dust mass is correlated to multiplicity at ~5000 AU scales in Perseus. Higher-order multiples tend to have higher gas and dust masses in general, while close binaries (separations ≤7″) and single protostars have similar gas and dust mass distributions. On the other hand, the H 2 density and kinetic gas temperature are not correlated with multiplicity.

Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk) XVI: An asymmetric dust disk driving a multi-component molecular outflow in the young Class 0 protostar GSS30 IRS3

July 2024


34 Reads

We present the results of the ALMA Large Program Early Planet Formation in Embedded disks observations of the Class 0 protostar GSS30 IRS3. Our observations included 1.3 mm continuum with a resolution of 0.''05 (7.8 au) and several molecular species including 12^{12}CO, 13^{13}CO, C18^{18}O, H2_{2}CO and c-C3_{3}H2_{2}. The dust continuum analysis unveiled a disk-shaped structure with a major axis size of \sim200 au. We observed an asymmetry in the minor axis of the continuum emission suggesting that the emission is optically thick and the disk is flared. On the other hand, we identified two prominent bumps along the major axis located at distances of 26 and 50 au from the central protostar. The origin of the bumps remains uncertain and might be due to an embedded substructure within the disk or the result of the temperature distribution instead of surface density due to optically thick continuum emission. The 12^{12}CO emission reveals a molecular outflow consisting of three distinct components: a collimated one, an intermediate velocity component exhibiting an hourglass shape, and a wider angle low-velocity component. We associate these components with the coexistence of a jet and a disk-wind. The C18^{18}O emission traces both a Keplerian rotating circumstellar disk and the infall of the rotating envelope. We measured a stellar dynamical mass of 0.35±\pm0.09 M_{\odot}.

The Class 0 protostars in Orion: Characterizing the properties of their magnetized envelopes

July 2024


5 Reads

We present a study connecting the physical properties of protostellar envelopes to the morphology of the envelope-scale magnetic field. We use the ALMA polarization observations of 55 young prtostars at 0.87 mm on 4003000\sim400-3000 au scales from the {\em B}-field Orion Protostellar Survey (BOPS) to infer the envelope-scale magnetic field and both dust and gas emission on comparable scales to measure the envelope properties. We find that the protostellar envelopes with compact polarized dust emission tend to have lower envelope masses, than the sources with more extended envelopes. We also find that protostars showing hourglass-field morphologies tend to have lower velocity dispersions in their envelopes, whereas systems with spiral-field morphologies have higher velocity dispersion. Combining with the disk properties taken from the Orion VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity (VANDAM) survey, we connect envelope properties to fragmentation. Our results suggest that envelope mass may not correlate with fragmentation, whereas turbulence appears to promote fragmentation. On the other hand, we find that fragmentation is suppressed in systems with pinched magnetic fields, suggesting that the magnetic field play a role on providing additional support against gravitational collapse, and the formation of an hourglass-like field may coincide with enhanced magnetic braking that removes angular momentum and hinders the formation of embedded disks. Nevertheless, significant misalignment between magnetic field and outflow axes tends to reduce magnetic braking, leading to the formation of larger disks.

Identification of Hot Gas around Low-mass Protostars

July 2024


5 Reads


3 Citations

The Astrophysical Journal

The low carbon content of Earth and primitive meteorites compared to the Sun and interstellar grains suggests that carbon-rich grains were destroyed in the inner few astronomical units of the young solar system. A promising mechanism to selectively destroy carbonaceous grains is thermal sublimation within the soot line at ≳300 K. To address whether such hot conditions are common among low-mass protostars, we observe CH 3 CN transitions at 1, 2, and 3 mm with the NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array toward seven low-mass and one intermediate-mass protostar ( L bol ∼ 2–300 L ⊙ ), as CH 3 CN is an excellent temperature tracer. We find >300 K gas toward all sources, indicating that hot gas may be prevalent. Moreover, the excitation temperature for CH 3 OH obtained with the same observations is always lower (∼135–250 K), suggesting that CH 3 CN and CH 3 OH have a different spatial distribution. A comparison of the column densities at 1 and 3 mm shows a stronger increase at 3 mm for CH 3 CN than for CH 3 OH. Since the dust opacity is lower at longer wavelengths, this indicates that CH 3 CN is enhanced in the hot gas compared to CH 3 OH. If this CH 3 CN enhancement is the result of carbon-grain sublimation, these results suggest that Earth’s initial formation conditions may not be rare.

Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XI. A high-resolution view toward the BHR 71 Class 0 protostellar wide binary

July 2024


13 Reads

We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of the binary Class 0 protostellar system BHR 71 IRS1 and IRS2 as part of the Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk) ALMA Large Program. We describe the 12^{12}CO (J=2--1), 13^{13}CO (J=2--1), C18^{18}O (J=2--1), H2_2CO (J=32,1J=3_{2,1}--22,02_{2,0}), and SiO (J=5--4) molecular lines along with the 1.3 mm continuum at high spatial resolution (\sim0.08" or \sim5 au). Dust continuum emission is detected toward BHR 71 IRS1 and IRS2, with a central compact component and extended continuum emission. The compact components are smooth and show no sign of substructures such as spirals, rings or gaps. However, there is a brightness asymmetry along the minor axis of the presumed disk in IRS1, possibly indicative of an inclined geometrically and optically thick disk-like component. Using a position-velocity diagram analysis of the C18^{18}O line, clear Keplerian motions were not detected toward either source. If Keplerian rotationally-supported disks are present, they are likely deeply embedded in their envelope. However, we can set upper limits of the central protostellar mass of 0.46 M_\odot and 0.26 M_\odot for BHR 71 IRS1 and BHR 71 IRS2, respectively. Outflows traced by 12^{12}CO and SiO are detected in both sources. The outflows can be divided into two components, a wide-angle outflow and a jet. In IRS1, the jet exhibits a double helical structure, reflecting the removal of angular momentum from the system. In IRS2, the jet is very collimated and shows a chain of knots, suggesting episodic accretion events.

Fig. 3. Relations between N 2 H + gas mass, M gas (N 2 H + , and envelope dust mass, M env , for the sample in this work. The orange stars show multiple systems, the cyan diamonds show binary systems, and the gray circles show single protostellar systems. Each panel represents one of four ways of grouping the sample presented in this work, and their corresponding correlations. The lines and shaded areas show the linear regression for the data with the corresponding color. Solid lines indicate statistically significant correlations (Pearson r and Spearman ρ p-values<0.05), while dashed lines show subsamples with p-values>0.05. See Section 5.5 for discussion on the figure.
Fig. B.1. Integrated intensity maps of hydrogen cyanide HCN 1-0 toward five subregions in Perseus: NGC1333, L1448, L1455, B1, and IC348. All maps are shown with the same colorscale range for comparison. Maps are clipped to the signal-to-noise ratio indicated next to the panel title (i.e., 5σ or 3σ). Gas kinetic temperature map is overlaid in contours in steps of 10., 15., 20., 25., 30., 40. K. Star symbols mark the locations of protostellar systems (Table A.1). Square symbols mark the location of starless cores (Table A.2). The circle symbol marks the position of L1448 IRS2E, whose nature is debated. Straight lines indicate outflow directions for the protostellar systems included in the MASSES survey (Stephens et al. 2017).
Fig. C.1. Relations between envelope mass M env and N 2 H + gas mass (M gas (N 2 H + ), first row, same as Fig. 3), and HCO + gas mass (M gas (HCO + ), second row). Bottom three rows show number of components versus gas mass (M gas (N 2 H + ), third row; M gas (HCO + ), fourth row), and versus envelope mass (M env , fifth row). The orange stars show multiple systems, the cyan diamonds show binary systems, and the gray circles show single protostellar systems. Each panel represents one of four ways of grouping the sample presented in this work, and their corresponding correlations. The lines and shaded areas show the linear regression for the data with the corresponding color. Solid lines indicate statistically significant correlations (Pearson r and Spearman ρ p-values<0.05), while dashed lines show subsamples with p-values>0.05. See Section 5.5 for discussion on the figure.
The factors that influence protostellar multiplicity I: Gas temperature, density, and mass in Perseus with Nobeyama

July 2024


12 Reads

Protostellar multiplicity is common at all stages and mass ranges. However, the factors that determine the multiplicity of protostellar systems have not been systematically characterized through their molecular gas. Nobeyama 45m Radio Observatory OTF maps of HCN, HNC, HCO+^+, and N2_2H+^+ (J = 1--0) toward five subregions in Perseus, complemented with single pointing APEX observations of HNC (J = 4--3) are used to derive physical parameters of the dense gas. Both observations have angular resolutions of \sim18", equivalent to \sim5000 AU scales at the distance of Perseus. Kinetic gas temperature is derived from the I(HCN)/I(HNC) J = 1--0 ratio, and H2_2 density is obtained from the HNC J=4--3/J=1--0 ratio. These parameters are used to obtain the N2_2H+^+ and HCO+^+ gas masses. The inferred and derived parameters are compared to source parameters. Inferred mean kinetic gas temperature (I(HCN)/I(HNC) J=1--0 ratio; ranging between 15 and 26 K), and H2_2 volumetric density (HNC J=4--3/J=1--0; 105^5 -- 106^6 cm3^{-3}) do not show correlations with multiplicity in Perseus. The derived gas and dust masses, 1.3 to 16 × 109\times~10^{-9} M_{\odot} for the N2_2H+^+ gas mass, 0.1 to 25 M_{\odot} for envelope dust masses (850 μ\mum), and 0.8 to 10 × 1010\times~10^{-10} M_{\odot} for the HCO+^+ gas mass, are correlated to multiplicity and number of protostellar components. The warm gas masses are a factor of 16 lower than the cold gas masses. This work shows that gas and dust mass is correlated to multiplicity at \sim5000 AU scales in Perseus. Higher order multiples tend to have higher gas and dust masses in general, while close binaries (separations \leq7") and single protostars have similar gas and dust mass distributions. On the other hand, H2_2 density and kinetic gas temperature do not show any correlation with multiplicity.

Citations (49)

... J. Tobin et al. 2020a), and their radii are independent of the turbulent velocity and magnetic field strengths and orientations in their environments (H.-W. Yen et al. 2021bYen et al. , 2024. Thus, these are less likely the primary mechanisms for the formation of sizable disks in magnetized dense cores, and nonideal MHD effects remain a key candidate mechanism in disk formation and growth (J. ...


Protostellar Disk Formation Regimes: Angular Momentum Conservation versus Magnetic Braking
Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XV. Influence of Magnetic Field Morphology in Dense Cores on Sizes of Protostellar Disks

The Astrophysical Journal

... Investigating Protostellar Accretion (IPA) across the mass spectrum is a JWST Cycle 1 medium GO program (PID: 1802; P.I.: S Thomas Megeath et al. 2021;Federman et al. 2024;Narang et al. 2024;Rubinstein et al. 2023;Neufeld et al. 2024, ;Watson et al. in prep) to observe five protostars in a broad luminosity range (L bol ∼ 0.2 − 10 4 L ⊙ ). IPA uses NIRSpec/IFU and MIRI/MRS in 2 × 2 mosaicing mode to obtain spectral cubes with a field of view of 6 ′′ × 6 ′′ . ...

JWST/MIRI Detection of Suprathermal OH Rotational Emissions: Probing the Dissociation of the Water by Lyα Photons near the Protostar HOPS 370

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

... Since this component spans a spatial scale comparable with the RFS we do not report its total flux, but note this has a peak brightness approximately half that of the central source. We speculate that this component could be tracing an infalling accretion streamer/a late-stage infall event, or a molecular wind/outflow (such as those discussed in, for example Alves et al. 2019;Pineda et al. 2020;Kuffmeier et al. 2021;Garufi et al. 2022;Gupta et al. 2023;Pascucci et al. 2023;Pineda et al. 2023;Hanawa et al. 2024;Hales et al. 2024). Comparison with other YSOs observed at higher-resolution may illuminate our understanding of IRAS 08235-4316. ...

Discovery of an Accretion Streamer and a Slow Wide-angle Outflow around FU Orionis

The Astrophysical Journal

... Investigating Protostellar Accretion (IPA) across the mass spectrum is a JWST Cycle 1 medium GO program (PID: 1802; P.I.: S Thomas Megeath et al. 2021;Federman et al. 2024;Narang et al. 2024;Rubinstein et al. 2023;Neufeld et al. 2024, ;Watson et al. in prep) to observe five protostars in a broad luminosity range (L bol ∼ 0.2 − 10 4 L ⊙ ). IPA uses NIRSpec/IFU and MIRI/MRS in 2 × 2 mosaicing mode to obtain spectral cubes with a field of view of 6 ′′ × 6 ′′ . ...

Investigating Protostellar Accretion-driven Outflows across the Mass Spectrum: JWST NIRSpec Integral Field Unit 3–5 μm Spectral Mapping of Five Young Protostars

The Astrophysical Journal

... component. The observed intensities are shown by dots that are color-coded by the offset positions. From the top to bottom rows, the solid lines show the SED models assuming (1) grown-dust branch with q = −2.5, (2) grown-dust branch with q = −3.5, (3) small-dust branch with q = −2.5, and (4) small-dust branch with q = −3.5. J. Zamponi et al. 2021;S. Takakuwa et al. 2024), as well as toward TMC-1A (W. . If this is the case, given a certain surface temperature, the midplane temperature is positively correlated with the Planck/Rosseland mean opacities and Σ dust (E. I. Chiang & P. Goldreich 1997). The vertical temperature profile of the grown-dust branch may not be physical, due to the small Planck/Rossela ...

Early Planet Formation in Embedded Disks (eDisk). XIV. Flared Dust Distribution and Viscous Accretion Heating of the Disk around R CrA IRS 7B-a

The Astrophysical Journal

... Another possible scenario shows the dragging of the frozen-in magnetic field along with the gas material toward the dense core by the gravitational collapse. This phenomenon creates a pinching effect in the magnetic field lines, leading to an "hourglass"-like appearance (e.g., Girart et al. 2006Girart et al. , 2009Rao et al. 2009;Tang et al. 2009;Stephens et al. 2013;Hull et al. 2014;Qiu et al. 2014;Koch et al. 2018;Maury et al. 2018;Beltrán et al. 2019;Kwon et al. 2019;Cortés et al. 2021;Huang et al. 2024). This specific structure may be partially due to projection and line-of-sight integration effects that lead to the observed dust polarization. ...

On the Magnetic Field Properties of Protostellar Envelopes in Orion

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

... Ordered by increasing wavelength, overlapping ice features include 12 CO 2 (4.27 μm), 13 CO 2 (4.39 μm), OCN -(4.60 μm), 12 CO (4.675 μm), 13 CO (4.779 μm), and OCS (4.90 μm). For detailed analyses of ice properties beyond the scope of this work, please see Brunken et al. (2024), Nazari et al. (2024, Slavicinska et al. (2024), andH. T. Tyagi et al. (2024, in preparation). ...

JWST observations of 13CO_2 ice: Tracing the chemical environment and thermal history of ices in protostellarenvelopes

Astronomy and Astrophysics

... Some studies indicated that carbon dioxide and methane are distributed within the spatial region surrounding two protostars: IRAS 16253-2429 [35] and IRAS 23385+6053 [36]. After publishing the first version of this paper, we further analyzed the data from JWST. ...

Discovery of a Collimated Jet from the Low-luminosity Protostar IRAS 16253−2429 in a Quiescent Accretion Phase with the JWST

The Astrophysical Journal Letters

... One of the variable Class 0 sources identified with WISE/NEOWISE, B335, experienced a luminosity increase of a factor of 5 to 7 over the timescale of ∼10 years (Evans et al. 2023;Kim et al. 2024). We had a series of ALMA observations with similar spectral coverage serendipitously spaced during the ascending phase of luminosity. ...

The CO Outflow Components Ejected by a Recent Accretion Event in B335

The Astrophysical Journal

... These previous modelling works assumed a cloudlet capture model, where the initial shape of the infalling material is a large (several thousand au in radius) sphere which is slightly tidally stretched as it reaches the star and/or disc. However observations support far more elongated structures, "streamers", as a more suitable initial condition (Alves et al. 2019;Pineda et al. 2020;Cacciapuoti et al. 2024;Gupta et al. 2024;Hales et al. 2024). ...

A dusty streamer infalling onto the disk of a class I protostar

Astronomy and Astrophysics