John B. Saunders’s research while affiliated with University of Queensland and other places

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Publications (224)

Fig. 1. The 8-step approach for developing and validating the 8-item Gaming Disorder Identification Test (GADIT)
Sample characteristics
Confirmatory factor analysis of individual diagnostic criterion
Confirmatory factor analysis using the validation set and a separate sample recruited from university
Regression analyses Predictor: Gaming Disorder 8 items
The Gaming Disorder Identification Test (GADIT) - A screening tool for Gaming Disorder based on ICD-11
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2024


176 Reads


1 Citation

Journal of Behavioral Addictions

Gary C K Chan


John B Saunders





Janni K Leung

Background Gaming Disorder was included as an addictive disorder in the latest version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), published in 2022. The present study aimed to develop a screening tool for Gaming Disorder, the Gaming Disorder Identification Test (GADIT), based on the four ICD-11 diagnostic criteria: impaired control, increasing priority, continued gaming despite harm, and functional impairment. Method We reviewed 297 questionnaire items from 48 existing gaming addiction scales and selected 68 items based on content validity. Two datasets were collected: 1) an online panel ( N = 803) from Australia, United States, United Kingdom and Canada, split into a development set ( N = 589) and a validation dataset ( N = 214); and 2) a university sample ( N = 408) from Australia. Item response theory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted to select eight items to form the GADIT. Validity was established by regressing the GADIT against known correlates of Gaming Disorder. Results Confirmatory factor analyses of the GADIT showed good model fit (RMSEA=<0.001–0.108; CFI = 0.98–1.00), and internal consistency was excellent (Cronbach's alphas = 0.77–0.92). GADIT scores were strongly associated with the Internet Gaming Disorder Test (IGDT-10), and significantly associated with gaming intensity, eye fatigue, hand pain, wrist pain, back or neck pain, and excessive in-game purchases, in both the validation and the university sample datasets. Conclusion The GADIT has strong psychometric properties in two independent samples from four English-speaking countries collected through different channels, and shown validity against existing scales and variables that are associated with Gaming Disorder. A cut-off of 5 is tentatively recommended for screening for Gaming Disorder.


The nature and characteristics of problem gaming, with a focus on ICD-11 diagnoses

May 2024


40 Reads

Current Opinion in Psychiatry

Purpose of review This review describes the diagnoses related to problem gaming that are included in ICD-11, published by the WHO in 2022. It summarizes the recent literature on the prevalence of Gaming Disorder, its structure, antecedents and comorbidities, and explores whether the range of diagnoses currently available adequately covers the range of experiences seen with problem gaming. Recent findings Overall, between 3 and 6% of the population worldwide are reported to have a gaming disorder as defined by ICD-11 or DSM-5. However, most studies are constrained by methodological issues such as nonrepresentative samples and the use of brief questionnaires to determine prevalence. ICD-11 Gaming Disorder is a psychometrically sound diagnosis. There is no diagnosis that currently captures the experience of harm from gaming, where the requirements for the diagnosis of Gaming Disorder are not reached. Summary There is evidence in support of the proposed new entity of ‘Harmful Gaming’, which encompasses mental and physical harm/impairment due to a repeated pattern of gaming, but where requirements for the diagnosis of Gaming Disorder are not met. Such a diagnosis would complete the spectrum of diagnoses available for problem or unhealthy gaming, similar to those for unhealthy substance use, and would provide a framework for a public health approach to reducing the overall harm from unhealthy gaming.

Drug dependence and prescribing ketamine for treatment-resistant depression in Australia and New Zealand

April 2024


25 Reads


1 Citation

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

Ketamine is a restricted and regulated medication in Australia and New Zealand, which has implications when considering treatment for patients with treatment-resistant depression and a history of illicit drug use, abuse or dependence. Regulations governing prescription of ketamine for treatment-resistant depression vary between jurisdictions in Australia and New Zealand, though most restrict use in those with drug dependence. There is substantial variation in definitions of drug dependence used in each jurisdiction, and between the legal and clinical definitions, with the latter specified in the current International Classification of Diseases, Eleventh Revision and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. This paper reviews the literature assessing the risk of ketamine misuse and dependence in patients with a history of illicit drug use, abuse or dependence and presents recommendations for psychiatrists who prescribe ketamine in such patients with treatment-resistant depression.

Monitoring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on problematic gambling and gaming: an international key informant survey

August 2023


115 Reads


5 Citations

International Gambling Studies

This paper reports a qualitative survey of experts in problem gaming and/or problem gambling from 19 countries worldwide on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on problematic gaming and gambling. Twenty-seven problem gaming experts reported (i) no licensing changes, (ii) few existing or newly introduced policies or regulations, (iii) overall increases in gaming, (iv) adverse health-related outcomes, (v) media coverage of gaming and eSports, (vi) limited health service capacity for treatment and prevention, (vii) difficulty in connecting with patients, and (viii) adaptations including transition to telemedicine. Twenty-eight problem gambling experts reported (i) no changes in policies or regulation, (ii) increased activity of off-shore betting companies, and (iii) increases in online gambling, though (iv) decreased expenditure due to closure of land-based gambling venues, (v) adverse health-related outcomes, (vi) some financial benefits from savings, (vii) few and poorly accessible treatment facilities and (viii) transition to telemedicine. There is a need for: guidelines on the prevention and management of excessive gaming and gambling; studies examining the public health consequences of eSports viewing and participation and closure of land-based gambling venues on other forms of gambling; and longitudinal studies in a number of different areas described herein.

Cryptocurrency trading and its associations with gambling and mental health: A scoping review

January 2023


259 Reads


43 Citations

Addictive Behaviors

Background and aims The volatile and 24/7 nature of the cryptocurrency market allows traders to engage in speculative trading patterns closely resembling gambling. Its potential for harm and financial loss warrant investigation from a public health perspective. Therefore, we summarized the emerging literature on cryptocurrency trading and its link to problematic gambling and other mental health outcomes such as depression and anxiety. We also examined demographic or psychological factors associated with cryptocurrency trading. Methods We searched PubMed, Scopus, and Embase for published, original studies investigating associations with cryptocurrency trading behavior. We also conducted supplementary searches using Google Scholar. Results Eight papers were included after eligibility screening. Our scoping review revealed associations between problem gambling symptoms and cryptocurrency trading engagement and intensity. Furthermore, we found cryptocurrency traders share similar demographic and personality characteristics with share-traders and problem gamblers. Studies on cryptocurrency trading and mental health produced mixed results. Discussions and Conclusions Our scoping review indicates a likely relationship between problem gambling and cryptocurrency trading. Findings also suggest overlap with high-risk stock traders, with similarities in gambling behaviors, demographics, and personality traits. These findings justify further research into problem cryptocurrency trading behaviors and their potential for harm, especially concerning mental health. To assess what behaviors are problematic, future research should also look to explore differences between long-term investors and short-term traders of cryptocurrency.

Does Drinking Culture Induce Problematic Alcohol Use? Evidence From a Military Representative Survey in Korea

November 2022


53 Reads


1 Citation

Psychiatry Investigation

Objective: To examine the relationship between problematic alcohol use and contributing factors among Korean professional soldiers. Methods: Cross-sectional data of 2,646 participants collected by 2014 military-wide representative health survey was analyzed. Multivariate logistic models were used to identify contributing factors for problematic alcohol use. Problematic alcohol use was defined by the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) questionnaire as hazardous (8≤ AUDIT <16) or harmful (AUDIT ≥16). Tolerant drinking culture was measured by the Drinking Culture Questionnaire. Results: Hazardous alcohol use was found in 56.9% of men and 46.8% of women and harmful use in a further 16.2% of men and 5.4% of women. In univariate analyses, perceived health status, subjective sleep quality, depression, and drinking culture were related to the outcome variable. In multivariate models controlling covariates, the likelihood of problematic alcohol use was significantly increased by man gender, being single, current/past smoking, and tolerant/permissive drinking culture. In those with harmful alcohol consumption, tolerant drinking culture was a particularly powerful influence. Conclusion: A substantial proportion of Korean professional soldiers demonstrated problematic alcohol use. Tolerant drinking culture was shown to have a significant influence on problematic alcohol use in the military. Our findings underscore the need for public health policies that address this drinking culture to mitigate negative health consequences and preserve the forces' combat readiness.

Criteria for the establishment of a new behavioural addiction

July 2022


203 Reads


7 Citations

Journal of Behavioral Addictions

When does repeated behaviour constitute behavioural addiction? There has been considerable debate about non-substance-related addictions and how to determine when impaired control over a behaviour is addiction. There are public health benefits to identifying new behavioural addictions if intervention can improve outcomes. However, criteria for establishing new behavioural addictions must guard against diagnostic inflation and the pathologizing of normal problems of living. Criteria should include clinical relevance (Criterion 1), alignment with addiction phenomenology (Criterion 2) and theory (Criterion 3), and taxonomic plausibility (Criterion 4). Against such criteria, evidence does not yet support classification of pornography-use and buying-shopping disorders as addictions.

Brief overview of the WHO Collaborative Project on the Development of New International Screening and Diagnostic Instruments for Gaming Disorder and Gambling Disorder

May 2022


512 Reads


27 Citations


In this brief letter, we report a new World Health Organization (WHO)-led project developing gold standard instruments to detect gaming disorder and gambling disorder following their inclusion in the ‘disorders due to addictive behaviours’ section of the eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11)

Citations (65)

... Para peminat video gim tidak ambil pusing untuk menghabiskan uang dan waktunya untuk tenggelam dalam rasa senang memainkan video gim kesayangan mereka. Tidak tanggung-tanggung dari popularitas yang telah diraihnya, industri ini dapat meraup pendapatan global hingga mencapai miliaran dolar setiap tahunnya [2]. Kesuksesan yang diraih oleh industri ini tentunya tidak lepas dari semakin liarnya kehebatan teknologi yang beredar. ...


Analisis Deskriptif Penerapan Sistem Navigasi Peta Pada Video Gim ‘Grand Theft Auto: IV’
Extended hours of video game play and negative physical symptoms and pain
  • Citing Article
  • June 2024

Computers in Human Behavior

... Za czynnik sprzyjający popadaniu w uzależnienie od alkoholu możemy uznać również liberalną kulturę picia danej społeczności, charakteryzującą się przyzwoleniem na picie, akceptowaniem, namawianiem do spożycia i pomijaniem szkodliwych konsekwencji z tym związanych. Tego rodzaju podejście sprzyja powstawaniu alkoholizmu, co czyni uzależnienie problemem społecznym [28]. ...

Does Drinking Culture Induce Problematic Alcohol Use? Evidence From a Military Representative Survey in Korea

Psychiatry Investigation

... Other than these issues, some studies also focus on health-related aspects of cryptocurrencies, specifically BT. The psychological effects of BT and its health implications due to BT trading are shown to lead to many forms of health problems, including mental health [45][46][47]. Such negative effects should be noted for their profound long-run implications on societies. ...

Cryptocurrency trading and its associations with gambling and mental health: A scoping review
  • Citing Article
  • January 2023

Addictive Behaviors

... In particular, with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, studies in Asian countries such as China and India reported an increase in Internet addiction at mild and moderate levels that was related to increased depression and anxiety [2,3]. Research has been conducted in several countries on the increase in digital media screen time and related mental/behavioral and physical health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic [4,5]. Increases in screen time, decreases in physical activity, and sleep problems were especially common in children and adolescents [6]. ...

Monitoring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on problematic gambling and gaming: an international key informant survey
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

International Gambling Studies

... Thus, unlike the food addiction approach, it is hardly feasible to just take the diagnostic criteria of gambling disorder and translate them to refer to food and eating (Meule & Gearhardt, 2014b). While there have been several suggestions for a set of symptoms that are applicable across different behaviors, there has not been a consensus on diagnostic criteria across or overarching criteria for establishing new behavioral addictions (Goodman, 1990;Gullo et al., 2022). Interestingly, it appears that experts in the field of behavioral addictions actually do not really consider eating addiction as part of the behavioral addictions spectrum. ...

Criteria for the establishment of a new behavioural addiction

Journal of Behavioral Addictions

... Although a previous study showed that the awareness of IGD medicalization raised adolescents' willingness to seek help to deal with IGD [7], it may intensify stigma related to professional help-seeking [8][9][10]. Researchers have called for more studies investigating the prevalence and factors of professional help-seeking for early prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of IGD [11]. ...

Gaming disorder and the COVID-19 pandemic: Treatment demand and service delivery challenges

Journal of Behavioral Addictions

... The design and validation of diagnostic instru-ments for GD focused on youth should be developmentally informed, sensitive to the current gambling and online environments, and culturally appropriate, and not involve mere adaptation of existing instruments for adults [29]. Likewise, scientific consensus in the assessment of GD is important to compare results of research conducted internationally. ...

Brief overview of the WHO Collaborative Project on the Development of New International Screening and Diagnostic Instruments for Gaming Disorder and Gambling Disorder


... In retrospect, one may suspect that infl uences by diff erent authorities have been involved in publishing guidelines relating to alcoholic beverages (6). In Table 1, Guidelines on alcoholic beverages from diff erent sources in males and females regarding the amount of alcohol expressed in grams are presented in the time coordinate (7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13). ...

New Australian guidelines for the treatment of alcohol problems: an overview of recommendations
  • Citing Article
  • October 2021

The Medical journal of Australia

... For the purposes of the present study, AUDIT was also used as a dichotomized variable where scores ≥ 6 points indicated hazardous use and < 6 nonhazardous use (reference group), according to the proposed cutoff points for women in the Swedish setting (23). In a subanalysis, use of a cut-off of ≥ 4 points for hazardous use was explored, as this has been proposed for other populations to increase sensitivity (24). Maternal characteristics registered at first visit included: country of birth (Sweden, other), maternal education (≤ 9, 10-12, >12 years), living condition (single mother household vs. cohabitant, also including other family situations such as extended family), smoking at first antenatal visit (yes regardless of quantity, no), and parity (nulliparous, parous). ...

Validation of the AUDIT and AUDIT-C for Hazardous Drinking in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

... Moreover, socio-behavioral factors contribute significantly to the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 [133][134][135]. Human mobility patterns [136][137][138], social interactions [139], and adherence to preventive measures [140,141] all shape the likelihood of viral spread within communities. Understanding these behavioral determinants is essential for devising effective strategies to mitigate transmission and safeguard public health. ...

Non-adherence to preventive behaviours during the COVID-19 epidemic: findings from a community study

BMC Public Health