November 2024
16 Reads
German Journal of Human Resource Management Zeitschrift für Personalforschung
The COVID-19 pandemic sharply increased opportunities to work from home. However, current research on working from home cannot keep up with its practical developments. In particular, studies on the risks of working from home are too undifferentiated, so most of these risks’ antecedents and effects remain unknown, along with the relationships among them. This study analyzes and conceptualizes the perceived risks of working from home following the COVID-19 pandemic. We used the Gioia methodology to analyze 22 semi-structured interviews qualitatively. Our results reveal the perceived risks of working from home, along with their antecedents and possible effects. In addition, we developed six process models to represent patterns in these perceived interrelationships between risks, antecedents, and effects. By analyzing and conceptualizing the risks of the work model, our results contribute to the literature on working from home and offer guidance for future research.