Joëlle Fournier’s research while affiliated with French National Centre for Scientific Research and other places

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Publications (26)

Cell-specific structural changes in M. truncatula cells primed for infection
a, b Representative images of longitudinal sections of M. truncatula A17 roots 5 days after inoculation with S. meliloti. These are consecutive 1 µm sections stained with Basic Fuchsin to reveal cell outlines and contents. Arrows indicate ITs in root hair epidermal cells and arrowheads indicate a C1 cortical cell exhibiting pre-infection priming. After analysis of 200–250 sections (1 µm) per S. meliloti-inoculated root segment, 7 individual pre-infection priming events were captured, 5 of which were further analysed by TEM (data are from 3 independent experiments). The primed cell (arrowhead) and framed area in (b) are shown in 80 nm TEM sections in (c–e). Note that the primed C1 outer cortical cell (arrowhead in a–c and enlarged image in e) exhibits a unique organisation compared with neighbouring cells. Primed cells have a cytoplasmic bridge enriched in endoplasmic reticulum (white arrows in e), and numerous vesicles or small vacuole-like structures (v). They also have a large nucleus (n) with mitochondria (asterisks) clustering around (quantified in Supplementary Fig. 1). f, g At a later stage, when the IT (arrows) has progressed across the cytoplasmic bridge towards inner tissues, the nucleus of the crossed cell appears closely associated to the IT (n = 4, 2 independent experiments) (g). h–j Representative images of M. truncatula A17 root sections after mock (water) treatment for 5 days (2 independent experiments). h A 1 µm longitudinal section of a mock control root stained with Basic Fuchsin. i, j TEM of 80 nm sections of a mock control root. The framed area in (i) is shown in (j). Note that non-symbiotically activated cells have a large vacuole and nuclei near the cell periphery. Abbreviations: cortical cells (C1, C2, C3), nucleolus (nuc). Scale bars: a, b, h = 50 µm, c, i = 20 µm, d–g, j = 5 µm. See also Supplementary Fig. 1. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
Ca²⁺ spiking amplitude drops along root hair IT development
a, b Representative bright-field and corresponding confocal fluorescence images of a a root hair with entrapped CFP expressing (magenta)-S. meliloti (RHE) and b a root hair with a growing infection thread (IT) in sunn. Nuclei expressing the NR-GECO1 Ca²⁺ sensor appear in red, and the MtAnn1-GFP fluorescence (green) labels the cytoplasmic zone around the IT and the cytoplasmic bridge connecting and surrounding the nucleus. Representative Ca²⁺ spiking traces of RHE (c) and growing IT stages (d) in sunn. The relative concentration of Ca²⁺ ions in the nucleus is reflected by the intensity of NR-GECO1 fluorescence, expressed as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR, cf. ‘Methods’ section). The number of root hairs with nuclear spiking/total number of root hairs are indicated between parentheses. Nuclei are counted as spiking when showing more than 2 peaks in 10 min. Quantification of nuclear Ca²⁺ spiking: spiking frequency (e), expressed as number of spikes in 10 minutes per nucleus, and spiking amplitude (f), expressed as average SNR of spikes per nucleus. Box plots represent the distribution of individual values (indicated by open circles) from root hairs with entrapped rhizobia RHE, (n = 24 in e and n = 23 in f) or with an IT (n = 21 in e and n = 18 in f) in sunn, 2–4 dpi with S. meliloti from 3 independent experiments. First and third quartile (horizontal box edges), minimum and maximum (outer whiskers), median (centreline), mean (solid black circle) and outliers (crosses) are indicated. Differences were not significant in spiking frequency in IT vs. RHE in (e) (p = 0.1531, two-tailed Mann-Whitney test). Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences in spiking amplitude in RHE vs. IT in (f) (p = 0.0037, two-tailed t-test). Scale bars: a, b = 10 µm. See also Supplementary Fig. 2 and Movies 1, 2 for Ca²⁺ spiking responses in A17 and/or sunn root hairs, and Supplementary Figs. 4–7 for MtAnn1-GFP localisation and fluorescence quantification in root hair cytoplasmic bridges. Source data, including split channels for merged fluorescence, are provided as a Source Data file.
Strong MtAnn1-GFP fusion fluorescence and low frequency Ca²⁺ spikes are hallmarks of pre-infection priming in the cortex
a–e Representative images of rhizobia infection sites in roots co-expressing MtAnn1-GFP (green) and NR-GECO1 (red) in M. truncatula A17. a–c Confocal images illustrate an infected root hair (CFP-labelled rhizobia in the IT, arrow, in magenta) and the nucleus (n) in front, guiding the growth of the IT in a cytoplasmic bridge (arrowhead) (a), the base of the infected root hair cell (b, grey dotted line) and the neighbour C1a-c outer cortical cells (c, dotted lines). C1a-C1c are also shown in (d). d, e Representative Ca²⁺ spiking traces, expressed as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), from outer cortical cells (C1a-c, C2d-f, C1g-l, top panels) adjacent to two independent infected root hair sites. Cortical cells C1a-c, C2d-f are adjacent to the infection site shown in (a, b) (C1a-c are also shown in c), while C1g-l cells are adjacent to another root hair infection site (not shown). Traces of cortical cells that are in direct contact (C1a, C1b, C1g) or not (C1b-c, C2d-f in d and C1h-l in e) with the infected root hair site are shown. Images were obtained from A17 roots 4 dpi (a–d) or 3 dpi (e) with CFP-labelled S. meliloti. Data were obtained from 2 independent experiments after the analysis of Ca²⁺ traces in n = 12 individual cells. Note that only cortical cells co-expressing MtAnn1-GFP (C1a-b in d, C1g in e) show detectable low frequency Ca²⁺ spiking. Images in a-c are maximal z-projections of sub-stacks and images in d-e are maximal projections of whole time series. Abbreviations: first and second outer cortex layers (C1, C2), infection thread (IT). Scale bars: a–e = 20 µm. See also Supplementary Figs. 3, 6 and 8, 9 for Ca²⁺ spiking responses and MtAnn1-GFP dynamics in primed cells in the cortex in sunn and in infection-defective ern1 and dmi3 mutants. Source data, including split channels for merged fluorescence, are provided as a Source Data file.
NIN is required for pre-infection priming and MtAnn1 expression
pMtAnn1:GUS activity in roots of M. truncatula A17 (a, b) or nin (c, d) inoculated or not with S. meliloti at 4 dpi. GUS activity (blue) is visualised in endodermis (asterisks), root tips or lateral roots (arrowheads) and rhizobial infection sites (arrows). LacZ-expressing rhizobia are in magenta (Close-up in b). c Infection-induced pMtAnn1:GUS activity is abolished in nin. d NIN under pEXPA promoter induces pMtAnn1:GUS activity in root epidermis without rhizobia, also shown in Basic Fuchsin counterstained 10 µm sections. Data are from two independent experiments (A17, n = 41; nin, n = 31; nin + pEXPA:NIN, n = 37). e Transactivation assay of pMtAnn1:GUS with NIN or NINΔ (DNA-binding domain deletion version) in N. benthamiana leaves. Box plots show distribution of values (open circles) of individual plants (n = 25 per sample) from 4 independent experiments. First and third quartile (horizontal box edges), minimum and maximum (outer whiskers), median (centerline), mean (solid black circle) and outliers (crosses) are indicated. Different letters above boxes indicate statistically significant differences (p < 2e-16, by One-way ANOVA α = 5% followed by Tukey honest significant difference tests). Representative leaf disc images are shown. Expression of pENOD11:GFP-ER and pUBQ10:DsRed fusions in nin control (+pEXPA:GUS) (f, h) and complemented (+pEXPA:NIN) roots (g, i). Red DsRed fluorescence labels cytosol and nucleoplasm. Green GFP-ER fluorescence labels ER network and growing root hair tips (f, g), and rhizobia-induced cytoplasmic columns in complemented roots (arrowhead in g). Arrow indicates enclosed rhizobia (RHE). Cortical cells of control or epidermally-complemented nin do not show GFP-ER or DsRed-labelled cytoplasmic rearrangements (h,i), whereas these are clearly visible with DsRed in sunn (see Supplementary Fig. 11). Data are from 2 independent experiments (n = 7 for nin + pEXPA:GUS and n = 19 for nin + pEXPA:NIN). Asterisks mark xy positions of infected root hair base. Scale bars: a–d = 100 µm, f–i = 40 µm. See also Supplementary Figs. 10, 11. Source data, including split channels for merged fluorescence, are provided as a Source Data file.
Root infection is negatively impacted in ann1 mutant and RNAi transgenic roots
Infection of M. truncatula R108 mutant (a–n) and A17 RNAi roots (o–r) for MtAnn1 with lacZ-expressing (blue) S. meliloti. At 4 dpi, quantification of the number of ITs in root hairs (a) and reaching outer cortex (b), proportion of non-infected (-) vs. infected (+) nodule primordia (NP) (c) and NPs with 1 or more ITs (d), as depicted in (e–h) (R108 n = 17, R108S n = 21, ann1-2n = 36 and ann1-3n = 38). At 10 dpi (i–l), quantification of nodule number/plant (R108 n = 18, R108S n = 21, ann1-2n = 30, ann1-3n = 21) (m) and infection level (X-gal staining intensity) (n) (R108S n = 196, ann1-2n = 295, ann1-3n = 310). Arrows indicate ITs (e–h) and poorly-infected nodules (i–l). Quantification of number of nodules/NP (o) and infection level (p) in pMtAnn1:GUS control (n = 51) and pMtAnn1:RNAi-MtAnn1 (n = 50) roots at 5 dpi (q, r). Control (arrowheads) and RNAi ITs (arrows) are indicated. Box plots (a, b, m–p) show the distribution of values (dots or circles) from 2 (a–d, m, n) or 3 (o, p) independent experiments. First and third quartiles (horizontal box edges), minimum and maximum (outer whiskers), median (centerline), mean (solid black circle) and outliers (crosses) are shown. Classes with the same letter (a, b, m, n) are not significantly different (p = 0.0388 in a, p = 0.0449 in b,p = 9,17e-13 in n, Kruskal-Wallis α = 5%; p = 0,076 in m, one-way ANOVA). Asterisks (c, d, o, p) indicate statistical difference relative to R108S (in c, p = 0.8408 for R108, p = 0,0027 for ann1-2, p = 0,0198 for ann1-3; in d, p = 0.7947 for R108, p = 0.0226 for ann1-2, p = 0.001 for ann1-3, two-tailed Fisher’s exact tests) or control (p = 0.0176, two-tailed Student t-test in o; p = 0.0023, two-tailed Mann-Whitney test in p). Scale bars: e–h, i–l = 100 µm, q, r = 1 mm. See Supplementary Figs. 12, 13. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.


Annexin- and calcium-regulated priming of legume root cells for endosymbiotic infection
  • Article
  • Full-text available

December 2024


149 Reads


1 Citation


Joëlle Fournier





Legumes establish endosymbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi or rhizobia bacteria to improve mineral nutrition. Symbionts are hosted in privileged habitats, root cortex (for AM fungi) or nodules (for rhizobia) for efficient nutrient exchange. To reach these habitats, plants form cytoplasmic cell bridges, key to predicting and guiding fungal hyphae or rhizobia-filled infection thread (IT) root entry. However, the underlying mechanisms are poorly studied. Here we show that unique ultrastructural changes and calcium (Ca²⁺) spiking signatures, closely associated with Medicago truncatula Annexin 1 (MtAnn1) accumulation, accompany rhizobia-related bridge formation. Loss of MtAnn1 function in M. truncatula affects Ca²⁺ spike amplitude, cytoplasmic configuration and rhizobia infection efficiency, consistent with a role of MtAnn1 in regulating infection priming. MtAnn1, which evolved in species establishing intracellular symbioses, is also AM-symbiosis-induced and required for proper arbuscule formation. Together, we propose that MtAnn1 is part of an ancient Ca²⁺-regulatory module for transcellular endosymbiotic infection.


Annexin and calcium-regulated priming of legume root cells for endosymbiotic infection

January 2024


143 Reads

Legumes establish endosymbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi or rhizobia bacteria to improve mineral nutrition. Symbionts are then hosted in privileged habitats, root cortex (for AM fungi) or nodules (for rhizobia), for efficient nutrient exchanges. To reach them, the plant creates trans-vacuolar cytoplasmic bridges, key for predicting and directing AM fungi hyphae or rhizobia-filled infection threads (ITs) entry. Yet, mechanisms underlying this pre-infection cellular remodelling are poorly studied. Here we show that unique ultrastructural changes and Ca2+ spiking signals closely linked to MtAnn1 annexin cellular dynamics, shape rhizobia-primed cells. Loss of MtAnn1 function in M. truncatula affects peak amplitude, cytoplasm configuration and rhizobia infection, consistent with a role for MtAnn1 in regulating this priming state. MtAnn1, mainly recruited during evolution in plants establishing endosymbioses, also appears involved in the ancient AM symbiosis in M. truncatula. Together, our work suggests MtAnn1 as part of an ancient Ca2+-regulatory module for transcellular endosymbiotic root infection.

The penetration of sunflower root tissues by the parasitic plant Orobanche cumana Wallr. is intracellular

July 2023


40 Reads

Parasitic plants cause yield losses for important crops. Among these, Orobanche cumana Wallr, sunflower broomrape, is one of the major pests for sunflower. Previous studies stated that in most cases, the haustorium, a specific parasitic plant organ, penetrates host roots intercellularly. However, host cellular mechanisms involved during the parasitic cells penetration remained poorly described. We investigated sunflower root cellular behavior during haustorium penetration using various microscopy approaches including live cell imaging of inoculated transgenic fluorescent sunflower roots. We showed that the haustorium of O. cumana penetrated living sunflower root tissues, as a result of the degradation of the host cell wall and the formation of a new host trans-cellular apoplastic compartment for haustorium accommodation. Moreover, broomrape induced cell divisions in outer root tissues at very early stages of the interaction, leading to localized hypertrophy at the site of broomrape attachments. These findings are a change of paradigm in the research field of parasitic plants. They extend host root intracellular accommodation mechanisms initially shown for symbiotic and pathogenic biotrophic fungi to parasitic plants. It paves the way for future understanding and development of resistance to parasitic plants.

S. meliloti strains and plasmids*
Sinorhizobium meliloti succinylated high molecular weight succinoglycan and the Medicago truncatula LysM receptor‐like kinase MtLYK10 participate independently in symbiotic infection

November 2019


189 Reads


38 Citations

The Plant Journal

The formation of nitrogen‐fixing nodules on legume hosts is a finely‐tuned process involving many components of both symbiotic partners. Production of the exopolysaccharide succinoglycan by the nitrogen‐fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 is needed for an effective symbiosis with Medicago spp, and the succinyl modification to this polysaccharide is critical. However, it is not known when succinoglycan intervenes in the symbiotic process, and it is not known whether the plant lysin‐motif receptor‐like kinase MtLYK10 intervenes in recognition of succinoglycan, as might be inferred from work on the Lotus japonicus MtLYK10 ortholog, LjEPR3. We studied the symbiotic infection phenotypes of S. meliloti mutants deficient in succinoglycan production or producing modified succinoglycan, in wild‐type Medicago truncatula plants and in Mtlyk10 mutant plants. On wild‐type plants, S. meliloti strains producing no succinoglycan or only unsuccinylated succinoglycan still induced nodule primordia and epidermal infections, but further progression of the symbiotic process was blocked. These S. meliloti mutants induced a more severe infection phenotype on Mtlyk10 mutant plants. Nodulation by succinoglycan‐defective strains was achieved by in trans rescue with a Nod factor‐deficient S. meliloti mutant. While the Nod factor‐deficient strain was always more abundant inside nodules, the succinoglycan‐deficient strain was more efficient than the strain producing only unsuccinylated succinoglycan. Together, these data show that succinylated succinoglycan is essential for infection thread formation in M. truncatula, and that MtLYK10 plays an important, but different role in this symbiotic process. These data also suggest that succinoglycan is more important than Nod factors for bacterial survival inside nodules.

Rhizophagus irregularis hyphae enter actinorhizal host roots intracellularly via atrichoblasts
Roots of C. glauca (A, B) and D. trinervis (C, D) plants were observed 15d after inoculation with spores of R. irregularis. Asterisks mark AM fungal hyphopodia formed on the root surface at sites of hyphal root entry. Single and double arrowheads indicate transcellular hyphae that cross respectively epidermal and outer cortical cells. The two focal planes were selected to highlight either the surface hyphopodia (A, C) or the transcellular hyphae (B, D). To facilitate appreciation of these data, superimposed images (C and D) are presented as an animated Gif in S1 Fig, as well as an animated Gif of a second site of AM fungal colonization of a D. trinervis root (S2 Fig). Bars: 10 μm.
Nuclear Ca²⁺ spiking elicited in root epidermal cells of both C. glauca and D. trinervis in response to either AM fungal exudates or Frankia supernatants
Freshly excised root segments of C. glauca and D. trinervis were treated with either an H2O control (a, b), 40x concentrated AM fungal germinated spore exudates (GSE) (c, d) or 100x diluted supernatants of the appropriate induced Frankia supernatants (SN-Fci and SN-Fdi: see Materials & Methods) (e, f). Ca²⁺ spiking responses were monitored in either atrichoblasts (Atr) or root hairs (RH) over 20 min periods following root treatment. These experiments show that fungal GSEs elicit sustained spiking responses in both C. glauca and D. trinervis atrichoblasts (c, d), the cellular targets for AM colonization. A typical Ca²⁺ spiking response elicited in C. glauca root hairs by an induced F. casuarinae supernatant is shown in (e). By comparison, the negative response to induced F. discariae supernatant treatment of D. trinervis atrichoblasts is illustrated in (f). Percentages of positively responding cells are indicated for each treatment with the total number of cells examined in brackets.
Chitotetraose (CO4) elicits similar nuclear Ca²⁺ spiking to AM fungal GSEs in root atrichoblasts of both actinorhizal hosts
Root segments of both C. glauca and D. trinervis were treated with either 10⁻⁶ M (a, b) or 10⁻⁸ M (c-e) CO4, and Ca²⁺ spiking responses monitored in epidermal tissues over 20 min periods. (a-d) Both concentrations of chitotetraose elicited sustained spiking responses in atrichoblasts (Atr) of the two hosts resembling those observed with AM fungal exudates (Fig 2). (e) In contrast, 10⁻⁸ M CO4 failed to trigger Ca²⁺ spiking in C. glauca root hairs (RH). Percentages of positively responding cells are indicated for each treatment with the total number of cells monitored in brackets. Note that these figures combine all CO4 treatments (see S1 Table).
Chitotetraose is a more efficient elicitor of Ca²⁺ spiking in root atrichoblasts of both C. glauca and D. trinervis by comparison with Myc LCOs
Root segments of both actinorhizal host plants were treated with either GSEs (40x concentrated), CO4 (10⁻⁸ & 10⁻⁶ M), non-sulphated (NS)-Myc LCOs (10⁻⁸ & 10⁻⁶ M), or sulphated (S)-Myc LCOs (10⁻⁶ M). For each treatment the dark grey bars indicate the percentage of atrichoblast cells with more than 2 spikes within the 20 min imaging period, the light grey bars 1–2 spikes, and the white bars represent non-spiking cells. See S1 Table for details of the number of cells examined for each condition and note that the data presented in this figure for all the CO4 and Myc-LCO treatments were obtained in the presence of acetonitrile (0.005% for 10⁻⁸ M dilutions and 0.5% for 10⁻⁶ M dilutions).
Chitotetraose activates the fungal-dependent endosymbiotic signaling pathway in actinorhizal plant species

October 2019


260 Reads


5 Citations

Mutualistic plant-microbe associations are widespread in natural ecosystems and have made major contributions throughout the evolutionary history of terrestrial plants. Amongst the most remarkable of these are the so-called root endosymbioses, resulting from the intracellular colonization of host tissues by either arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi or nitrogen-fixing bacteria that both provide key nutrients to the host in exchange for energy-rich photosynthates. Actinorhizal host plants, members of the Eurosid 1 clade, are able to associate with both AM fungi and nitrogen-fixing actinomycetes known as Frankia. Currently, little is known about the molecular signaling that allows these plants to recognize their fungal and bacterial partners. In this article, we describe the use of an in vivo Ca²⁺ reporter to identify symbiotic signaling responses to AM fungi in roots of both Casuarina glauca and Discaria trinervis, actinorhizal species with contrasting modes of Frankia colonization. This approach has revealed that, for both actinorhizal hosts, the short-chain chitin oligomer chitotetraose is able to mimic AM fungal exudates in activating the conserved symbiosis signaling pathway (CSSP) in epidermal root cells targeted by AM fungi. These results mirror findings in other AM host plants including legumes and the monocot rice. In addition, we show that chitotetraose is a more efficient elicitor of CSSP activation compared to AM fungal lipo-chitooligosaccharides. These findings reinforce the likely role of short-chain chitin oligomers during the initial stages of the AM association, and are discussed in relation to both our current knowledge about molecular signaling during Frankia recognition as well as the different microsymbiont root colonization mechanisms employed by actinorhizal hosts.

A protein complex required for polar growth of rhizobial infection threads

June 2019


917 Reads


80 Citations

During root nodule symbiosis, intracellular accommodation of rhizobia by legumes is a prerequisite for nitrogen fixation. For many legumes, rhizobial colonization initiates in root hairs through transcellular infection threads. In Medicago truncatula, VAPYRIN (VPY) and a putative E3 ligase LUMPY INFECTIONS (LIN) are required for infection thread development but their cellular and molecular roles are obscure. Here we show that LIN and its homolog LIN-LIKE interact with VPY and VPY-LIKE in a subcellular complex localized to puncta both at the tip of the growing infection thread and at the nuclear periphery in root hairs and that the punctate accumulation of VPY is positively regulated by LIN. We also show that an otherwise nuclear and cytoplasmic exocyst subunit, EXO70H4, systematically co-localizes with VPY and LIN during rhizobial infection. Genetic analysis shows that defective rhizobial infection in exo70h4 is similar to that in vpy and lin. Our results indicate that VPY, LIN and EXO70H4 are part of the symbiosis-specific machinery required for polar growth of infection threads.

Molecular Methods for Research on Actinorhiza

May 2019


165 Reads


11 Citations

Actinorhizal root nodules result from the interaction between a nitrogen-fixing actinomycete from the genus Frankia and roots of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs belonging to 25 genera within 8 plant families. Most actinorhizal plants can reach high rates of nitrogen fixation comparable to those found in root nodule symbiosis of the legumes. As a consequence, these trees are able to grow in poor and disturbed soils and are important elements in plant communities worldwide. While the basic knowledge of these symbiotic associations is still poorly understood, actinorhizal symbioses emerged recently as original systems to explore developmental strategies to form nitrogen-fixing nodules. Many tools have been developed in recent years to explore the interaction between Frankia and actinorhizal plants including molecular biology, biochemistry and genomics. However, technical difficulties are often encountered to explore these symbiotic interactions, mainly linked to the woody nature of the plant species and to the lack of genetic tools for their bacterial symbionts. In this chapter, we report an inventory of the main recent molecular tools and techniques developed for studying actinorhizae.

Citations (19)

... In most legumes, rhizobia enter roots through root hairs via plant-made structures known as infection threads, which are tubular invaginations of the host cell wall and plasma membrane that grow across cells and are colonized by rhizobia (Gao et al. 2024;Liang et al. 2021). The progressing infection threads ramify into the underlying nodule primordium, after which the rhizobia are released from infection threads into nodule cells where they fix atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia (de Carvalho-Niebel et al. 2024;Su et al. 2023). ...


Applying conventional and cell-type-specific CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in legume plants
Cellular insights into legume root infection by rhizobia

Current Opinion in Plant Biology

... immunity has mainly relied on aequorin-based Ca 2+ assays in entire seedlings, plant organs, and suspension-cultured cells, providing accurate and sensitive Ca 2+ measurements (Knight et al., 1991;Chandra et al., 1997;Mith€ ofer et al., 1999;Lecourieux et al., 2002;Zuppini et al., 2004;Ranf et al., 2011). In addition to an aequorin-based approach in plant cell populations that first demonstrated the involvement of Ca 2+ in AM signalling (Navazio et al., 2007), the endosymbiotic field has primarily adopted fluorescent Ca 2+ -dependent dyes and genetically encoded Ca 2+ indicators (GECIs) for imaging Ca 2+ dynamics at the single-cell level (Ehrhardt et al., 1996;Shaw & Long, 2003;Kosuta et al., 2008;Chabaud et al., 2011;Sieberer et al., 2012;Genre et al., 2013;Sun et al., 2015). More recently, the use of fluorescent GECIs to investigate immunity Ca 2+ signalling (Thor & Peiter, 2014;Keinath et al., 2015;Kelner et al., 2018) and bioluminescent GECIs in symbiotic interactions Teyssier et al., 2024) clarified that theuse of complementary toolsmay providemore robust findings. ...

Arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphopodia and germinated spore exudates trigger Ca2+ spiking in the legume and nonlegume root epidermis
  • Citing Article
  • January 2011

... LjEPR3 orthologous genes are widely conserved in the nitrogen-fixing clade of plants that engage in nodulation symbioses with diazotrophic Frankia or rhizobia, including both legumes and non-legumes (whether nodulating or non-nodulating) (Dupin et al. 2022). In M. truncatula, the LjEPR3 ortholog, MtLYK10, is crucial for the progression of the infection thread to the nodule primordia; however, binding of succinoglycan by MtLYK10 was not observed (Maillet et al. 2020). Intriguingly, the LjEPR3 ortholog in Parasponia species (EPR) is a pseudogene due to the insertion of a conserved retrotransposon in the promoter region (Dupin et al. 2022). ...

Sinorhizobium meliloti succinylated high molecular weight succinoglycan and the Medicago truncatula LysM receptor‐like kinase MtLYK10 participate independently in symbiotic infection

The Plant Journal

... Certain keywords, including "Casuarina" and "multigene family", have remained consistently relevant, emphasizing the continued significance of host plants and genetic diversity in frankia research. Studies delved into the molecular language of this partnership and the secrets of nitrogen fixation (Cissoko et al. 2018;Fournier et al. 2018;Gifford et al. 2018;Chabaud et al. 2019;Gentili and Huss-Danell 2019;Gueddou et al. 2022;Pujic et al. 2022), and the evolutionary history of this unique association SciVal ( (Nguyen et al. 2019b;Ardley and Sprent 2021;Berckx et al. 2022;Salgado et al. 2022). ...

Chitotetraose activates the fungal-dependent endosymbiotic signaling pathway in actinorhizal plant species

... Phytohormones, primarily cytokinins, gibberellins, and auxins, play an important role in the process of infection development, nodule formation, and their further functioning (Ferguson and Mathesius 2014;Gamas et al. 2017;Lin et al. 2020). At the earliest stages of symbiosis development, auxins stimulate the infection thread growth in epidermis (Breakspear et al. 2014;Nadzieja et al. 2018;Liu et al. 2019a), while gibberellins and cytokinins regulate infection thread formation rather negatively (Held et al. 2014;McAdam et al. 2018). Interestingly, the effect of cytokinins and gibberellins is antagonistic in plants, which means that the interplay of these phytohormones should be strongly controlled by some regulators and feedback loops. ...

A protein complex required for polar growth of rhizobial infection threads

... Frankia can possess two unmistakable environmental specialties, the land and root knotshaped on nonlegumes termed actinorhizal plant (Sellstedt & Richau, 2013). Actinorhizal plants have a place with 25 plant genera, for the most part trees and bushes (except for the lasting spice Datisca), addressing eight plant families Betulaceae, Casuarinaceae, Coriariaceae, Datiscaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Myricaceae, Rhamnaceae, and Rosaceae (Gherbi et al., 2019). ...

Molecular Methods for Research on Actinorhiza
  • Citing Chapter
  • May 2019

... Certain keywords, including "Casuarina" and "multigene family", have remained consistently relevant, emphasizing the continued significance of host plants and genetic diversity in frankia research. Studies delved into the molecular language of this partnership and the secrets of nitrogen fixation (Cissoko et al. 2018;Fournier et al. 2018;Gifford et al. 2018;Chabaud et al. 2019;Gentili and Huss-Danell 2019;Gueddou et al. 2022;Pujic et al. 2022), and the evolutionary history of this unique association SciVal ( (Nguyen et al. 2019b;Ardley and Sprent 2021;Berckx et al. 2022;Salgado et al. 2022). ...

Cell remodeling and subtilase gene expression in the actinorhizal plant Discaria trinervis highlight host orchestration of intercellular Frankia colonization
  • Citing Article
  • February 2018

... This technique has been successfully implemented in numerous plant species, such as Arabidopsis thaliana (Ruberti 2022), tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana) (Feng et al. 2021), upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) (Haipeng et al. 2018), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) (Hoshikawa et al. 2019), and rice (Oryza sativa) , etc. The Agrobacterium-mediated transient genetic transformation system has been effectively established in various legume species, such as Medicago Sativa (Remblière et al. 2017), chickpea (Cicer arietinum) (Cheng and Nakata 2020), and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) (Juranic et al. 2020), utilizing leaf disc explants. In a scholarly investigation, the examination of Agrobacterium-mediated disc transient expression in fully developed soybean leaves revealed an enhanced conversion efficiency of the GUS reporter, subsequent to the optimization of Agrobacterium concentration, infiltration buffer, and infiltration time. ...

A simple Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation method for rapid transgene expression in Medicago truncatula root hairs

Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture

... In fact, simple mathematical models [57] propose explanations for decoding mechanisms based, among other features, on the number of spikes. Whereas Ca 2+ spiking stops before transcellular infection has finished [46], it lasts for the entire duration of bacterial progression through the infection thread at the root hair [54], with faster frequencies when the rate of elongation is more rapid. If the growth of the infection thread stops, nuclear Ca 2+ spiking is not observed [54]. ...

Nuclear Ca 2+ Signaling Reveals Active Bacterial-Host Communication Throughout Rhizobial Infection in Root Hairs of Medicago truncatula
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 2015

... Root segments from M. truncatula composite plants expressing pMtAnn1:GUS (in pLP100) or pEXPA:NIN + pMtAnn1:GUS constructs were collected from control (non-inoculated) or rhizobia-inoculated roots and incubated in 0.5% paraformaldehyde/0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer pH 7.0, for 1 h, prior to histochemical (blue) staining for GUS activity for 2-5 h at 37°C using 1 mM of the substrate X-Gluc (5bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl-b-D-GlcA, cyclohexylammonium salt, B7300; Biosynth, Staad, Switzerland) as described 51 . Histochemical GUS staining of mycorrhizal roots expressing pMtAnn1:GUS or N. benthamiana leaf discs was carried out in the same X-Gluc substrate but supplemented with 0.1% Triton X-100, first under vacuum for 20-25 min at room temperature before incubation at 37°C for 1-3 hours. ...

The Symbiosis-Related ERN Transcription Factors Act in Concert to Coordinate Rhizobial Host Root Infection

Plant Physiology