Joe Palma’s research while affiliated with Southern Methodist University and other places

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Publications (6)

Analyzing and improving reliability: A tree-based approach
  • Article

April 1998


6 Reads


12 Citations

IEEE Software


J. Palma

Tree-based reliability models integrate the benefits of software reliability growth models and input domain reliability models, offering a framework to assess reliability and guidance to improve it. The authors studied five large systems to test their approach

Tool support for software measurement, analysis and improvement

November 1997


20 Reads


15 Citations

Journal of Systems and Software

This paper presents our strategy, implementation, and experience with tool support for software measurement, analysis, and quality improvement in a commercial software development environment. The activities that need to be supported include: 1) gathering software product and process measurements, 2) analyzing measurement data, and 3) using the results to assess and improve software quality. We employed existing internal tools, commercial off-the-shelf tools, and new tools that we developed to gather and analyze data, and presented results. These tools were tailored to fit the application environments and were integrated through common rules, multiple purpose tools, and utility programs. This approach has been used successfully in supporting software measurement and quality improvement for several large commercial software products developed in the IBM Software Solutions Toronto Laboratory.

Test Workload Measurement and Reliability Analysis for Large Commercial Software Systems.

January 1997


13 Reads


11 Citations

Annals of Software Engineering

This paper characterizes the testing environment for large commercial software systems, matches reliability model assumptions with the application environment, examines alternative test workload measurements that capture software usage information during testing, and uses two such measurements, test runs and transactions, as our usage dependent time measurements in reliability modeling. Our previous research using test runs, execution time, and test input information for reliability analysis and improvement is extended to ensure better test workload measurements for reliability assessment and prediction. This paper also identifies conditions under which different test workload measurements are appropriate, and presents reliability modeling results using these measurements in several products developed in the IBM Software Solutions Toronto Laboratory.

Data partition based reliability modeling

January 1996


5 Reads


9 Citations

The paper presents an approach to software reliability modeling using data partitions derived from tree based models. We use these data sensitive partitions to group data into clusters with similar failure intensities. The series of data clusters associated with different time segments forms a piecewise linear model for the assessment and short term prediction of reliability. Long term prediction can be provided by the dual model that uses these grouped data as input fitted to some failure count variations of the traditional software reliability growth models. These partition based reliability models can be used effectively to measure and predict the reliability of software systems and can be readily integrated into our strategy of reliability assessment and improvement using tree based modeling

Test-Execution-Based Reliability Measurement and Modeling for Large Commercial Software

June 1995


11 Reads


39 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering

The paper studies practical reliability measurement and modeling for large commercial software systems based on test execution data collected during system testing. The application environment and the goals of reliability assessment were analyzed to identify appropriate measurement data. Various reliability growth models were used on failure data normalized by test case executions to track testing progress and provide reliability assessment. Practical problems in data collection, reliability measurement and modeling, and modeling result analysis were also examined. The results demonstrated the feasibility of reliability measurement in a large commercial software development environment and provided a practical comparison of various reliability measurements and models under such an environment

Collecting data for software reliability analysis and modeling.

January 1993


9 Reads


8 Citations

This paper studies the collection of appropriate data for software reliability analysis and modeling. Our approach satisfies the data requirements for various reliability models under the constraints imposed by our project environment. These data-model relations and data - environment constraints are characterized to provide a tentative roadmap for data collection. In the process of collecting data for a group of projects in the system testing stage, we encountered various problems and devised solutions and improvement initiatives to deal with them. We summarize our experience in this paper so that similar initiatives in quality improvement under similar environments can be implemented more effectively.

Citations (6)

... Detailed information regarding the study and the initiatives can be found in [8,9]. Tool Support for SM [23] This initiative uses a set of integrated tools in order to support software measurement and quality improvement. A tool that supports tree-modeling analysis (S-PLUS) is the central analysis tool. ...


An ontology-based approach for integrating tools supporting the software measurement process
Tool support for software measurement, analysis and improvement
  • Citing Article
  • November 1997

Journal of Systems and Software

... The models fall into two basic classes namely failures per time period and time between failures. A software reliability growth model provides a systematic way of assessing and predicting software reliability based on certain assumptions about the fault in the software and fault exposure in a given usage environment [12]. The reliability growth for software is the positive improvement of software reliability over time, accomplished through the systematic removal of software faults. ...

Collecting data for software reliability analysis and modeling.
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 1993

... The problem of testing and benchmarking large-scale software is a key part of the software engineering discipline. Here, the main question to be answered is what makes a good testing or benchmarking environment [8, 23, 24]. The work of Tian and Palma [23] presents insights into the characteristics of a workload used to test large commercial software products. ...

Test Workload Measurement and Reliability Analysis for Large Commercial Software Systems.
  • Citing Article
  • January 1997

Annals of Software Engineering

... As a result, once a failure is observed, usually a series of related test runs are conducted to help isolate the cause of failure. Overall, testing of software systems uses a mixture of [32] @BULLET structured (centered around scenarios), @BULLET clustered (focused on fault localization), @BULLET random testing. The -dependence of successive software runs also depends on the extent to which internal state of a software has been affected and on the nature of operations undertaken for execution resumption, i.e., whether or not they involve state cleaning [16]. ...

Data partition based reliability modeling
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 1996

... DTs also make good candidates for combining because they are structurally unstable classifiers and produce diversity in classifier decision boundaries. DTs have also been one of the tools of choice for building classification models in the SE field [29,30,46474858,646566707172. We assume that the readers are familiar with DT learning [4,49]. ...

Analyzing and improving reliability: A tree-based approach
  • Citing Article
  • April 1998

IEEE Software

... Because of the dependence of testing-effort on multiple factors, testing time may not enable accurate measurement of testing-effort. Hence, SRGMs that implicitly relate fault detection to testing-effort according to elapsed time during testing may not fail to adequately characterize fault detection [7][8][9][10]. To overcome this possible limitation, testing-effort models [11][12][13][14] were proposed, which model fault discovery according to the effort dedicated to testing activities. ...

Test-Execution-Based Reliability Measurement and Modeling for Large Commercial Software
  • Citing Article
  • June 1995

IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering