João Cardoso’s research while affiliated with Instituto Superior Técnico and other places

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Publications (6)

Figure 4
DCSO: Towards an Ontology for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans
  • Preprint
  • File available

March 2022


92 Reads

João Cardoso






The concept of Data Management Plan (DMP) has emerged as a fundamental tool to help researchers through the systematical management of data. The Research Data Alliance DMP Common Standard (DCS) working group developed a core set of universal concepts characterising a DMP in the pursuit of producing a DMP as a machine-actionable information artefact, i.e.,machine-actionable Data Management Plan (maDMP). The technology-agnostic approach of the current maDMP specification: (i) does not explicitly link to related data models or ontologies, (ii) has no standardised way to describe controlled vocabularies, and (iii) is extensible, but has no clear mechanism to distinguish between the core specification and its extensions. Currently, the maDMP specification provides a JSON serialisation and schema to operationalise the approach. Such approach, however, does not address the concerns above. This paper reports on the community effort to create the DMP Common Standard Ontology (DCSO) as a serialisation of the DCS core concepts, with a particular focus on a detailed description of the components of the ontology. Our initial result shows that the proposed DCSO can become a suitable candidate for a reference serialisation of the DMP Common Standard.


Interconnecting Systems Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans – Hackathon Report

November 2021


28 Reads


6 Citations

Data Science Journal

The common standard for machine-actionable Data Management Plans (DMPs) allows for automatic exchange, integration, and validation of information provided in DMPs. In this paper, we report on the hackathon organised by the Research Data Alliance in which a group of 89 participants from 21 countries worked collaboratively on use cases exploring the utility of the standard in different settings. The work included integration of tools and services, funder templates mapping, and development of new serialisations. This paper summarises the results achieved during the hackathon and provides pointers to further resources.

Figure 2 Notification to library staff identifying a potential security issue when depositing a dataset to the repository.
Figure 3 Diagram of how DSW is using maDMPs.
Figure 4 maDMPs used to exchange machine-actionable DMPs among university services.
Application Profile for Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans

October 2021


221 Reads


10 Citations

Data Science Journal

This paper presents the application profile for machine-actionable data management plans that allows information from traditional data management plans to be expressed in a machine-actionable way. We describe the methodology and research conducted to define the application profile. We also discuss design decisions made during its development and present systems which have adopted it. The application profile was developed in an open and consensus-driven manner within the DMP Common Standards Working Group of the Research Data Alliance and is its official recommendation.

Citations (4)

... The more recent guidelines for the Horizon Europe programme (European Commission 2021) improve the previous one by clarifying some concepts and by addressing the management not only of data but also of other research outputs, both digital and physical, ensuring alignment with FAIR principles for sharing and re-use. These guidelines are an effective tool, especially when integrated with other existing guidelines or tools like 'ERC Open Research Data and Data Management Plans' (ERC 2019), the already mentioned DMPonline tool (Donnelly, Jones & Pattenden-Fail 2010), the ARGOS tool which also allows generating machine actionable DMPs, 17 other tools dedicated to standard-based machine actionable data management (Cardoso, Castro & Miksa 2021), the Data Stewardship Wizard, 18 EasyDMP 19 and many others. ...


Data Management in Distributed, Federated Research Infrastructures: The Case of EPOS
Interconnecting Systems Using Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans – Hackathon Report

Data Science Journal

... Após testes e análises dessas ferramentas de acesso livre, v. 9, n. 2, p. 16 -29, 2023. (Miksa et al., 2021 v. 9, n. 2, p. 16 -29, 2023. de pesquisa, desenvolvedores e comunidades científicas é fundamental para avalizar a eficácia das ferramentas e sua capacidade de atender às necessidades dos pesquisadores. ...

Application Profile for Machine-Actionable Data Management Plans

Data Science Journal

... No entanto, apesar da curadoria e proveniência de dados serem tradicionais em Ciência Aberta e terem farta literatura, até o momento não se identificam estratégias produtoras de PGDA com suporte a proveniência e princípios FAIR que permitam que pesquisadores acompanhem o versionamento dos planos (Cardoso et al., 2019). ...

Debunking Active Data Management Plans

... Further, (Miksa, Neish, et al., 2018) clarified the misconceptions related to maDMP that it is not meant to increase the workload and administrative work but rather to find a way to resolve the issues related to traditional DMP practices. Furthermore, (Miksa, Cardoso, et al., 2018) It is evident from the literature review that there is significant interest in development of DMPs as also in researching DMP techniques and methods. However, the metadata management aspect of DMPs is still not explored widely, and as a result, inconsistencies and disparities can be seen in the metadata creation of DMPs in different DMP tools. ...

Framing the scope of the common data model for machine-actionable Data Management Plans
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • December 2018