Joana Pierce McMahon’s research while affiliated with Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and other places

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Publications (16)

FIGURA 4 Valoración (4-1) de las competencias adquiridas por los alumnos 
La enseñanza del inglés profesional y académico bajo las directrices europeas. El control autónomo de la adquisición de competencias
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2017


262 Reads


1 Citation

Enseñanza & Teaching Revista Interuniversitaria de Didáctica


Joana Pierce MCMAHON

After ten years of immersion in the European Higher Education convergence process, this article deals with the application of European directives to the teaching, learning and assessment of English for Academic and Professional Purposes (eapp) to different groups of engineering students at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (upm) enrolled in eapp subjects. It focuses on the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (cefr) and the European Language Portfolio (elp). Although these language-learning directives had been previously implemented in other contexts, with various results, their total adaptation to engineering education was pending. The paper starts by highlighting the coincidence in the principles underlying the European Credit Transfer System (ects), and the cefr and elp directives centred on the students’ work to attain certain competencies, and on their autonomous and reflective learning. Next, it discusses the research and innovation projects aimed at improving teaching practices and learning skills after the application of European directives to eapp subjects. The main projects dealt with the development and application of language competence descriptors tailored to the specific context. The paper concludes by showing the advantages of their implementation to the improvement of teaching objectives, programme design, teaching methodology and students’ evaluation, with respect to other procedures before the cefr, based on the results of a survey obtained from the teachers and students participating in the study. Although the complete use of the elp is not feasible, it may be considered as a useful instrument. Both the lists of adapted reference level competence descriptors and the Dossier have proven to be very valuable for the university students’ autonomous and reflective learning with the acquisition of competences in mind, and for their self-assessment abilities, according to the results obtained.


Challenges of adapting English médium instruction into the Spanish university curricula and some novel solutions

January 2015


105 Reads

Joana Pierce McMahon







Applied genre analysis: The case of introductions in Spanish teacher trainees curricular design documents

January 2013


28 Reads


6 Citations

Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics

A host of studies over the years have been published on introductions to research articles across a variety of fields. However, much less attention has been paid to professional or workplace introductions as well as student written introductions. This study aims to redress this imbalance by studying the writing samples of four primary English teacher trainees’ introductions to curricular design i.e. the document candidates must present to an examination board in Spain. This genre can be considered occluded in that exemplars are private and confidential and not readily available to the aspiring candidate. Three recurrent moves were identified, namely, explaining the importance of curricular design, providing background and defining concepts. Instances of self-glorification (Bhatia 1996) were revealed. The implications of the findings can have a positive effect on students’ future writing. © 2013, Pasoc Espanola Liguistica Aplicada. All rights reserved.

Table 5 . Ranked by percentage of students marking "not an objective".
Analysing written production competence descriptors for academic and professional purposes and their calibration to the CEFR

March 2012


138 Reads


4 Citations


El Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCER) "describe de forma integradora lo que tienen que aprender a hacer los estudiantes de lenguas con el fin de utilizar una lengua para comunicarse, así como los conocimientos y destrezas que tienen que desarrollar para poder actuar de manera eficaz" (Consejo de Europa 2002: 1). Este trabajo presenta los resultados de dos estudios realizados para analizar los descriptores de la competencia de producción escrita encaminados a formar parte del Portafolio Europeo de Lenguas (PEL) Académico y Profesional para alumnos universitarios de ingenierías y arquitectura. El objetivo principal de estos estudios era establecer si dichos descriptores constituían una herramienta válida y satisfactoria para los programas de las asignaturas de lenguas, desde criterios de claridad, relevancia y fiabilidad, percibidos por los estudiantes y profesores de Inglés con fines académicos y profesionales (IPA) / Inglés para la ciencia y la tecnología (ICT). Los estudios arrojan luz sobre cómo mejorar los descriptores no satisfactorios. Los resultados muestran que las listas con la versión final de los descriptores estaban bien calibradas y bien escritas en su conjunto: los profesores y alumnos implicados consideraron válidos la gran mayoría de los descriptores.

Utilidad del portafolio europeo de lenguas académico y profesional en el ámbito universitario

July 2011


158 Reads

El Consejo de Europa ha elaborado unas directrices en materia lingüística para todos los países de la UE, que se encuentran en el Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFRL (2001) y permiten la equiparación de los niveles de competencia comunicativa de los distintos programas y asignaturas de L2. Inmersos en el proceso de convergencia europea de la educación superior, esta comunicación comenzará explicando los criterios y fases para el desarrollo de un PEL (Portafolio Europeo de Lenguas), en el contexto científico y técnico, por parte del grupo de investigación DISCYT de la UPM. Presentará un resumen de las destrezas comunicativas, las situaciones de aprendizaje y uso de la lengua, y los tipos de texto que nuestros alumnos necesitan para desenvolverse en su entorno académico y profesional y facilitar la movilidad. La elaboración del PEL académico y profesional (ACPEL Portfolio) ha obteniendo como resultados la profundización en el análisis del discurso científico y técnico desde la lingüística cognitiva y la socio-pragmática, la actualización de las necesidades de aprendizaje de lenguas de los estudiantes de la UPM dentro del al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES), y la capacitación de los alumnos para autoevaluar su progreso de aprendizaje de lenguas. PALABRAS CLAVE: PEL, EEES, destrezas comunicativas, aprendizaje autónomo y reflexivo, autoevaluación.

Figure 1. Results of Oxford Placement Test Test and DIALANG listening test.
Figure 2. Comparison of Oxford Placement Test and self-assessment results.
Figure 3. Comparison of DIALANG and students DIALANG self-assessment.
Self-assessment Based on Language Learning Outcomes: A Study with First Year Engineering Students

November 2010


1,986 Reads


10 Citations

Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses

As the Bologna Process moves forward, changes in European systems of higher education are expected. The introduction of the ECTS focussing on the students' achievements described in terms of the learning outcomes and competences acquired is one of the innovations. This process, encouraged by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, signifies a change in teaching focus, from an input model to an output one, which promotes self-assessment in a flexible curriculum, in this case adapted to student's language profile. To illustrate this new approach in language learning, a pilot experience with Technical English mining engineering students is discussed, with special attention to learner reflection and self-assessment practices. Students' progress in self-assessment, based on the introduction of learning outcomes in specific language courses, is analysed to conclude that personal engagement and clear purpose -specified in terms of learning outcomes-seem to have become relevant components to student's self-assessment practice.

Figure 1. Percentage results of Oxford placement test
Introducing alternative assessment into engineering language education at the Technical University of Madrid

May 2010


232 Reads


1 Citation

Engineering Institutions across Europe are currently involved in a major process of reform and restructuring as part of the Bologna Process, which stresses the role of competencies and outcomes in curriculum design. In the field of languages, the Council of Europe has developed the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR), which aims to provide a reference framework for describing different qualifications, identifying different language learning objectives and setting out the basis of different achievement standards. Using this framework of language competence levels, our research group, over a three year period, has developed and piloted the Academic and Professional English Language Portfolio (ACPEL) especially designed for Engineering students and professionals. This portfolio was accredited by Language division of the Council of Europe in 2008. This paper will report on an ongoing project dealing with self and peer assessment based on the ACPEL portfolio. The project's aim is threefold: first, to train university language professionals in the use of self and peer assessment through the implementation of the ACPEL portfolio; secondly, to gradually introduce these assessment processes into the engineering language curriculum and finally to monitor and evaluate these two processes at the seven engineering schools.

Language Communication Competencies in Engineering Education Revisited

January 2010


52 Reads


19 Citations

Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas

The ability to learn languages and adapt communication competencies to the changing needs and situations of a global knowledge society and the European Higher Education area is becoming a necessity for future engineers. This article first discusses the demand for communication skills in Engineering Education in general. Secondly, it describes the present state of the Bologna process in Spanish higher education, which calls for a change in focus from an input model to an output one, in which learning outcomes are central. Finally, it summarizes the proposal of developing a ªbankº of language learning outcomes for Engineering Education studies framed within the European Language Portfolio. This bank of learning outcomes, expressed as ªcan doº statements, will serve three purposes: curricula guidance for teachers, guidelines for student life-long learning and autonomous learning.

Citations (8)

... The students can identify and set goals to assess their learning progressively, inside and outside the educational framework (Little and Perclová, 2005). Secondly, learning outcomes can be a pedagogical resource for teachers to determine the key purposes of the course if they are properly selected and flexibly applied (Durán and Pierce, 2007b). ...


Self-assessment Based on Language Learning Outcomes: A Study with First Year Engineering Students
ELP pedagogic implementation concerns in an EST context

... These samples were included in the grant applications for the 2019-2020 academic year, together with additional supporting materials. Despite the general difficulties of acquiring private papers or occluded genres (McMahon, 2013;Starfield, 2016), we were able to access the GRLs. Due to two of the authors' intimate relationship with the School of Graduate Studies, we had little difficulty securing "local approval" (Creswell & Creswell, 2018: 145) from the school's gatekeepers. ...

Applied genre analysis: The case of introductions in Spanish teacher trainees curricular design documents
  • Citing Article
  • January 2013

Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics

... –Durán et al., 2009– Competencias lingüísticas y metalingüísticas: léxica, gramatical, semántica, fonológica, ortográfica y ortoépica. ...


... Los resultados obtenidos apoyan la hipótesis de partida de que el empleo de las TIC es beneficioso para el alumnado universitario cuando estos están vinculados con metodologías activas. La literatura ha reportado que la incorporación de WQ en los métodos de enseñanza-aprendizaje presentan resultados positivos (Bernabé Muñoz, 2008;Bernabé Muñoz y Adell Segura, 2006;Dos Santos, 2022;Fernández-Jiménez et al., 2017;Göktepe, 2014;Katayama Cruz y Rojas Montero, 2021;Lara, 2006;Lemarié Oyarzún y Gallardo González, 2011;Pierce McMahon, 2011;Pérez y Dos Santos, 2016;Rojas Bahamón, 2017;Sosa Díaz, 2013). Estos efectos podrían explicarse porque el uso de estrategias pedagógicas activas con TIC en educación superior permite cambios significativos en un modelo de formación por competencias docentes (Bernabé Muñoz y Adell Segura, 2006;Fernández-Jiménez et al., 2017;Fraile Aranda et al., 2023;Pierce McMahon, 2011). ...

La aplicación de la teoría del constructivismo al aprendizaje de lenguas para fines específicos a través de la webquest
  • Citing Article
  • March 2011

... En ambos casos se consultó el MCERL y se incorporaron aspectos relacionados con las carreras. (13) Relacionado con la utilización del Método Delphi, los especialistas consultados ofrecieron sugerencias y recomendaciones en los aspectos siguientes: elementos a tener en cuenta para Aporte científico: ...

Desarrollo de las competencias lingüísticas a través del Portfolio de Inglés Académico y Profesional
  • Citing Article
  • June 2011

... CEF) para adaptarlos a los ámbitos de las lenguas de especialidad(Durán y Pierce, 2007; Ubeda y Roldan, 2007;Durán y Cuadrado, 2007;Pierce y Durán, 2008;Durán y Pierce, 2010;Pierce y Robisco, 2010;Pierce y Durán, 2012). ...

Analysing written production competence descriptors for academic and professional purposes and their calibration to the CEFR


... According to Jurkovic (2010) and Peréz (2012), there is a positive correlation between students' self-assessment, teachers' assessment and proficiency test scores, suggesting that students are competent to carry out nearly accurate and effective assessment of their own language proficiency. In contrast, in the study conducted by Escribano and McMahon (2010), students' self-assessment was shown to be irrelevant to their class performance, placement test and proficiency test, or the degree of correlation was very low, raising doubts about students' self-assessment competence. Although the reliability and validity of self-assessment is controversial, its significance to teaching and learning is deeply rooted in people's minds. ...

Self-assessment Based on Language Learning Outcomes: A Study with First Year Engineering Students

Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses

... Las primeras abarcan los aspectos léxico, fonológico y sintáctico; las segundas hacen referencia al uso funcional de los recursos lingüísticos y al registro, y las sociolingüísticas a los factores socioculturales. Se distinguen además, tres grandes bloques de destrezas: producción, recepción e interacción, cada uno de los cuales a su vez puede ser hablado o escrito (Durán y Pierce, 2007; Pierce y Durán, 2008). ...

Language Communication Competencies in Engineering Education Revisited

Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas