August 2011
22 Reads
5 Citations
In order to solve such problems of the mine cable gas monitoring system as high costs, inconvenient maintenance, hindering wiring and unmovable monitoring information points, a mine safety helmet is designed, based on wireless sensors networks, which studies the hardware design, gas concentration calculations and its dynamic compensation algorithm, as well as the experimental design of gas monitoring system in mine safety helmet so as to ensure the correct calculation of the gas concentration. The innovative point of this essay is the combination of the ordinary LED cap lamp and the wireless sensors networks, which ensures a real-time, dynamic collection ofthe information of the gas concentration around the workers. Most of the present mine gas monitoring networks are designed to transmit data through cables, which has such defects as high costs, inconvenient maintenance, no timely follow-up of the sink node with the mining progress and being unable to change its position as miners move around, and no timely collection of the information surroundings the miners. Most of the miners' safety helmet can only provide them with illumination and safety protection. This essay aims to combine miners' safety helmet with the gas monitoring networks and establish a real-time collection of the information surrounding the miners. When the gas exceeds criterion, an on-the-spot alarming occurs, meanwhile, the alarming information will be transmitted to the ground commanding center, which commands all the workers to evacuate from the worksite. And this system bolsters the ability to resist and reduce disasters(1).