September 2022
29 Reads
1 Citation
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
The large-scale particle image velocimetry (LSPIV) technique was regarded as a novel approach for estimating dam breach discharge in recent years. In order to investigate its advantages and disadvantages in the estimation of the dam breach hydrograph, the landslide dam breach experiments were conducted in a large width flume (4 m wide), and the relationship between the breach discharge and the surface velocity during the dam break process was also discussed. It was found that the LSPIV approach showed improved accuracy over the conventional volume conservation method in the estimation of the dam breach hydrograph, and the LSPIV approach was capable of capturing the prompt response of the hydrograph to the abrupt breach channel enlargement caused by the lateral collapse. To eliminate the error induced by the logarithmic approximation, the discharge obtained by the LSPIV approach at each time step should multiply a uniform factor of 1.08, which was proposed based on the total mass conservation concept. The methodology established in this study can be extended to measure the hydrograph of a prototype-scale dam breach flow, which is important for disaster mitigation but only difficult to measure in the field.