Jianjun Gu’s research while affiliated with Nanjing Normal University and other places

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Publications (25)

Hypothesized theoretical model
The powered cart parts design of wheel, stent, battery installation, gears (from left to right). Notes: The design presented herein was crafted by students utilizing CAD drawing software, with all dimensions denominated in centimeters (cm)
Students’ work: a powered cart
Students’ work: A powered cart. Notes: Figs. 3 and 4 show a student-designed powered cart crossing a barrier
Verification of the research model. Note. T t-statistic, R.² R-squared, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001


The role of gender in Chinese junior high students’ self-efficacy, creative thinking and project-based learning perceived value in technology and engineering education
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

September 2024


76 Reads


Xiaofeng Li


Jianjun Gu




Previous research has demonstrated that stereotypes associated with the female gender can impact technology and engineering education results. However, it remains unclear whether these stereotypes affect other relevant factors in technology and engineering education performance. The research used quantitative methods to investigate the correlation between technology and engineering self-efficacy, creative thinking attitudes, and project-based learning value, moderated by gender stereotypes. A total of 262 junior high school students were involved in the research. Correlation analysis showed that dimensions of creative thinking attitudes were positively correlated with project-based learning value, and technology and engineering self-efficacy was positively correlated with creative thinking attitudes and project-based learning value. Moreover, gender stereotypes can effectively moderate individuals’ creative thinking attitudes and technology and engineering self-efficacy in technology and engineering education environments based on the project-based learning approach. Therefore, teachers should create an inclusive learning environment, utilizing authentic teaching methods and diverse materials to showcase gender achievements, thereby highlighting the potential of both genders. In addition, it is possible to create a more equitable environment to minimize the impact of gender stereotypes on students .

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A delphi consensus checklist for assessing arts design: a case for miniature robots in a STEAM contest

May 2024


20 Reads

Arts design has been proven to enable designers to have a meaningful learning of STEAM, but research on a checklist for assessing Arts design based on evaluating entries in a STEAM contest is still rare. Therefore, this study developed a checklist for assessing Arts design for evaluating miniature robots in a STEAM contest. Using an example of STEAM contest, named PowerTech, which has been held 22 years in Taiwan, we developed five dimensions of the checklist are: aesthetics, material usage, bionic, performance, and additional devices. There are two sub-indices in each aspect to be considered as the identification of form characteristics. Eight international experts were invited to review the content validity of the Arts design scale, and 30 completed checklists were used to test the reliability and validity though Kendall's coefficient of concordance. The results showed that the Arts design scale had high reliability and good validity, and so rubric index could be used to measure and assess Arts design with miniature robots in that integrated STEAM contest. Based on this, it is suggested that educational authorities can refer this study and for encourage students to create Arts in any integrated STEAM contests.

Research Model
Verification of the research model
Relationships among students’ hands-on making self-efficacy, incremental belief of intelligence, help-seeking attitudes, and continuance intention to participate in a STEAM contest

February 2024


97 Reads

STEAM contests play a pivotal role in maintaining students’ interest and motivation in STEAM education. Finding factors that are related to students’ continuance intention (CI) to participate in STEAM contests is important for promoting STEAM education. Previous studies mostly focused on exploring the relationships between students’ behavioural attitude, positive affect and their CI for a STEAM contest. However, few studies have explored students’ CI from the perspective of help-seeking attitude with the belief-attitude-behaviour model. Thus, this study investigated the relationships among students’ hands-on making self-efficacy (HMSE), incremental belief of intelligence (IBI), help-seeking attitudes including instrumental help-seeking (IHS) and executive help-seeking (EHS), and their CI for STEAM contests based on the belief-attitude-behaviour model. A total of 405 elementary and junior high school students who took part in the 2022 STEAM PowerTech contest participated in this study. Structural equation modelling was used for confirmatory analysis to validate the hypotheses. Results indicated that EHS exhibited a negative association with CI, whereas IHS exhibited a positive association with CI. HMSE and IBI were negatively associated with EHS, and positively associated with IHS. This study implies that students with a high level of HMSE and IBI are inclined to exhibit IHS and thus have a strong CI for STEAM contests. The findings provide suggestions on enhancing students’ CI for STEAM contests.

Technology teachers’ teaching engineering self-efficacy: an investigation of Chinese high school general technology teachers

June 2023


61 Reads


1 Citation

This study reports an investigation of the teaching engineering self-efficacy among Chinese high school general technology teachers. The teaching engineering self-efficacy scale (TESS) was the measurement tool. 557 qualified questionnaires were analyzed, and the results showed that: (1) TESS can be used to assess teaching engineering self-efficacy in the Chinese context after confirmatory factor analysis. (2) Technology teachers don’t really believe that they are capable of teaching engineering. Teachers are especially pessimistic about their ability in engineering pedagogical content knowledge. (3) There are school area differences in teaching engineering self-efficacy. Teachers’ teaching engineering self-efficacy in the town is the lowest. (4) There are training frequency differences in teaching engineering self-efficacy. Teachers who participated in more than 6 training events have higher teaching engineering self-efficacy than other teachers, and teachers with no training have the lowest teaching engineering self-efficacy. (5) There are educational level differences in teaching engineering self-efficacy. Teachers with a less than bachelor’s degree have the lowest teaching engineering self-efficacy, and teachers with a master’s degree have higher teaching engineering self-efficacy than teachers with a bachelor’s degree.

Citations (16)

... Maker education has gained popularity and scholarly attention in recent years, fuelled by its potential to fundamentally change how people teach and learn (Dougherty 2013;Martinez and Stager 2019) and to move education forward into a creative, technology-driven 21st-century learning culture (Klapwijk et al. 2023;Korhonen et al. 2023). Although the origins of maker education are in informal and non-formal learning contexts, the integration of learning by making settings is on the rise in formal education (Rouse and Gillespie Rouse 2022). ...


Technological Competence in Formal Education Collaborative Maker Projects: An Epistemic Network Analysis
Maker Education Meets Technology Education: Reflections on Good Practices
  • Citing Book
  • August 2023

... During the learning process, seeking assistance is a practical approach for students to tackle academic challenges (Cheng et al., 2023), especially when preparing for STEAM contests which demand certain skills and knowledge (Hong et al., 2021;Yang et al., 2023). In the PowerTech contest, students independently handle the material process, assemble the mechanical beasts, and join the competitions at the contest site without assistance from their parents or teachers (Hong et al., 2021). ...

A delphi consensus checklist for assessing arts design: a case for miniature robots in a STEAM contest

... Dalam kegiatan ini terlihat bahwa peserta sudah memiliki kemampuan terkait EDP yakni 1) Mengdefinisikan masalah, 2) Mengumpulkan informasi, 3) menghasilkan ide, 4) membuat model, 5) evaluasi ide dan 6) membuat keputusan (Atman et al., 2007). Lebih lanjut, kemampuan ini akan sangat berguna bagi guru dan calon guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran matematika di kelas berbasis STEM (Laksmiwati et al., 2024;Widiastuti & Budiyanto, 2022), melaksanakan pembelajaran matematika berbasis pemrograman (Herlinawati et al., 2024;Kilhamn & Bråting, 2019;Rodríguez-Martínez et al., 2020) dan mendorong siswa menghasilkan karya-karya teknologi yang inovatif untuk menyelesaikan masalah melalui robotic coding (Çakıroğlu & Yıldırım, 2024;Liu et al., 2023;Sen et al., 2021) ...

Promoting Primary School Students’ Creativity via Reverse Engineering Pedagogy in Robotics Education
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

Thinking Skills and Creativity

... Su enfoque permitió potenciar el diseño del prototipo a partir del reconocimiento de las necesidades del usuario (Población migrantes), sumado a la iteración rápida y constante en todo el proceso creativo, elementos clave para desarrollar piezas visuales efectivas, útiles y atractivas. Debido a su potencialidad, su aplicación es factible a diversas áreas disciplinares y del conocimiento, desde la tecnología hasta la educación, pasando por la medicina, la administración de empresas, y muchas otras ciencias (Liu, Gu, & Xu, 2024). -El diseño centrado en el usuario (UX), es un enfoque que aborda las necesidades e intereses de los usuarios, para crear productos que sean fáciles de usar y funcionales (Ferrer-Mavárez, Aguirre-Villalobos, & Valecillos-Pereira, 2023; Aguirre-Villalobos, Ferrer-Mavárez, & Rojas, 2021). ...

The impact of the design thinking model on pre-service teachers’ creativity self-efficacy, inventive problem-solving skills, and technology-related motivation

... In this study, metacognition comprises metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive skills (Craig et al., 2020;Syahmani et al., 2020). The focus is on metacognitive skills through five aspects (Syahmani et al., 2020), namely: (1) representation (Tytler et al., 2020), (2) planning, (3) monitoring, (4) evaluation (van der Stel & Veenman, 2014;Ozturk, 2016;Wengrowicz et al., 2018;Hong et al., 2023), and (5) transfering skills (Heddy & Sinatra, 2013;Schuster et al., 2018Schuster et al., , 2020. ...

The Effects of Implicit Belief of Intelligence on Metacognitive Skills and Project Design Engagement in an invention practice

... The role of teachers as facilitators and exemplars of digital competencies is crucial for fostering skills in their students. Recent studies underscore that information and digital literacy are interdependent and essential skills in today's educational environment (Aydınlar et al., 2024;Tang et al., 2022). However, many educators face challenges such as limited access to technological resources and insufficient training in these areas (Anaya et al., 2021;Claro et al., 2024). ...

Constructing a Digital Competence Evaluation Framework for In-Service Teachers’ Online Teaching


... Behavioural, affective, and cognitive engagement are dimensions of the theory of engagement. Behavioural engagement (BE) encompasses readiness, passion, and attentiveness to achieve a target and stay focused on the final goal (Gu et al., 2022;Reinhold et al., 2021). Affective engagement (AE) represents learners' emotions displayed to achieve the required or optimum achievement of a particular learning objective (Barkatsas et al., 2009). ...

Promoting Pre-service Teacher Students’ Learning Engagement: Design-Based Research in a Flipped Classroom

... This means that this product is following what it is supposed to serve. In line with Brand (2020), Ko et al ( 2021), and Xu et al., (2022) stated that by developing a product if procedures or steps and methods are used in the right direction, the result that will be obtained is a practical product. According to Lindorff et al., (2020), Meika et al., (2019), and Rombout et al., (2021) stated that based on the appearance and presentation aspects taken from the response questionnaire instrument if it is developed using good correct procedures, it will produce a product that is practical to implement. ...

Developing an instrument for assessing technology teachers’ understandings of the nature of technology

... Buunk and Gibbons (2006) found that individuals high in social comparison orientation are more susceptible to comparative information because they tend to relate those things that happen to others to themselves when making comparisons and take into account their own successes or failures in competition when making social comparisons. Individuals with high social comparison orientations are thus more likely to have higher levels of involvement in a setting of involution, to have greater expectations for their children's academic achievement, but also to exhibit higher levels of educational anxiety (Yang et al., 2021). ...

Parental Social Comparison Related to Tutoring Anxiety, and Guided Approaches to Assisting Their Children's Home Online Learning During the COVID-19 Lockdown

... Specifically, Siyam (2019) found that the availability of technical support positively impacted teachers' attitudes towards ICT use. Xu et al. (2022) showed that training activities can enhance teachers' positive attitudes towards technology. Additionally, Dong et al. (2020) reported that teachers' attitudes towards the use of ICT in teaching and learning are positively correlated with administrative support. ...

Technology teachers’ professional attitudes towards technology: An investigation of Chinese high school general technology teachers