July 2016
51 Reads
11 Citations
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
It's a common phenomenon llial two kinds or more than two kinds of herbs belong lo different parts of the same plant. Lonieera Japonica Mos, Lonicera Japonica caulis and Lonicera Japonica I'olium are the typical representative of this phenomenon. They belong lo different parts of the Lonicera jajxynica Tliuiih. This paper reviewed the research progress on pharmacological effects and their differences among them. Il was found that the research mainly concentrated on Lonicera Japonica Mos, and the others were ignored. However, some pharmacological effects in leaves are stronger than that of flowers and stems, such as antibacterial, anti-bird flu and antioxidant activity. Lonicera Japonica l los is mainly used for the treatment of respiratory tract virus infection while Lonicera Japonica Caulis is mainly used for the treatment of hepatitis virus infection, respectively. Finally, main problems and suggestions on pharmacological effects among them were also discussed.