Jia-Lin Zhao’s research while affiliated with Shanghai Normal University and other places

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Publications (9)

The Efficacy of an SFBT-Based Positive Psychology Intervention in Promoting University Students’ Post-Traumatic Growth and Psychological Resilience After the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Quasi-Experiment
  • Article

February 2024


77 Reads

Research on Social Work Practice

Chun-Ying Wang






Jia-Lin Zhao

Purpose: This study examines the efficacy of a positive psychology intervention involving solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) techniques in promoting university students' post-traumatic growth and psychological resilience after the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: The research hypotheses were tested via a quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-tests including three groups: intervention ( n = 28), active control ( n = 25), and control groups ( n = 57). We followed convenience sampling and recruited Chinese students after the peak of the pandemic. Results: Repeated-measures ANOVA revealed that there were significant main effects of groups in post-traumatic growth, F(2, 107) = 3.17, p < .05, η ² = .05, and psychological resilience, F(2, 107) = 4.19, p < .05, η ² = .06. The SFBT-based positive psychology intervention significantly increased both positive outcomes in the intervention group. Discussion: By applying SFBT techniques in positive psychology interventions, pandemic experiences can become an opportunity for students' positive growth.

Description of the categorical variables associated with work-family management strategies (n = 287).
The means, standard deviations, and correlations of control and outcome variables (n = 287).
LCA fit statistics (n = 287).
Work-family management strategies of nurses during the COVID-19 lockdown (n = 287).
Nurses’ Work–Family Strategies during COVID-19 Lockdown and Their Association with Individual Health and Family Relations
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2023


57 Reads


The COVID-19 lockdown forced people to stay at home and address their family duties more equally. However, since nurses themselves were involved in the closed-loop management in hospitals and unable to return home, there was also an increased likelihood of non-traditional work-family strategies emerging. To ascertain the extant and implications of this phenomenon, this cross-sectional study explores work–family management strategies among nurses during the COVID-19 lockdown and their association with nurses’ individual health, family relationships, and job performance. Survey data were collected from 287 nurses who were involved in the closed-loop management in Shanghai hospitals from March to June 2022. Latent Class Analysis of seven categorical variables of nurses’ work–family status (e.g., the division of childcare labor) produced a best-fit solution of five strategies (BLRT (p) < 0.001, LMR (p) = 0.79, AIC = 5611.34, BIC = 6302.39, SSA-BIC = 5703.65, Entropy = 0.938): (1) fully outsourcing to grandparents, (2) partially outsourcing to grandparents, with the husband filling in the gap, (3) the husband does it all, (4) egalitarian remote workers, and (5) a neo-traditional strategy. Nurses who applied the egalitarian strategy had less psychological distress and relationship tension and better performance than those who applied the neo-traditional strategy and performed most of the childcare. The “husband does it all” strategy and the outsourcing strategies seem to have double-edged effects, with better job performance and family relations but also more distress and fewer sleeping hours among nurses. Overall, with a view to future risk mitigation, policymakers and practitioners should be aware of the diversity of the work–family strategies among nurse families during the lockdown period, and their association with individual and family outcomes, and provide tailored support.


Results of Descriptive and Correlation Analyses of Each Variable (N 5 388)
Government Support, Professional Support, and Vicarious Trauma in Social Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Roles of Compassion Fatigue and Professional Identity

October 2023


119 Reads


1 Citation

Social Work Research

COVID-19 has had a profound effect on frontline social workers as well as their clients, and mitigating the risk of recurrence warrants an investigation of the individual and contextual factors associated with social workers’ experience of helper-related trauma. In this study authors explore the effects of government support and professional support on social workers’ vicarious trauma and the mediating roles of compassion fatigue and professional identity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Surveying 388 social workers from Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, during the pandemic, indicated that professional support was indirectly related to vicarious trauma while compassion fatigue played a fully mediating role. Government support had a negative direct effect on vicarious trauma, and professional identity played a partially mediating role. However, contrary to authors’ expectations, professional identity was positively rather than negatively related to vicarious trauma. These findings suggest, first, that coping strategies for compassion fatigue should be included in professional supervision and, second, that government should provide more substantive support to effectively reduce vicarious trauma among social workers during the pandemic.

Does Playing Video Games Improve Psychological Resilience? The Mediating Roles of In-Game Positive and Negative Affect, Sense of Competence, and Social Connection

April 2023


230 Reads


1 Citation

Psychology of Popular Media

This study examines three potential mediating mechanisms regarding the effects of regular video game playing on psychological resilience: (a) the emotion mechanism; (b) the competence mechanism; and (c) the social mechanism. Based on a survey of 554 university students, the results show that the frequency and duration of playing video games have positive indirect effects on psychological resilience via game experiences of positive affect and social connection, and a negative indirect effect via game experiences of negative affect. Contrary to expectations, game competence experience is negatively related to psychological resilience. By clarifying the mechanisms linking playing video games to psychological resilience, our study also provides insights into the value of future game-based interventions.

SEM for EI and perceptions of resilience. Note. Path coefficients represented are standardized. EI1, EI at first semester in 6th grade; EI2, EI at second semester in 6th grade; EI3, EI at second semester in 7th grade; RE1, perceptions of resilience at first semester in 6th grade; RE2, perceptions of resilience at second semester in 6th grade; RE3, perceptions of resilience at second semester in 7th grade. Quarreling, quarreling with parents; Bullying: school bullying; Discord, parental discord; Family-sup, family support; Friend-sup, friends support; Other-sup, others support
Bidirectional Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Perceptions of Resilience in Young Adolescents: A Twenty-Month Longitudinal Study

April 2021


922 Reads


31 Citations

Child & Youth Care Forum

Background Though many empirical studies have shown the positive relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and resilience, the bidirectional relationship need to be further explored. Moreover, little research uses holistic approaches to study the relationship among a series of contextual variables, EI and perceptions of resilience in adolescents.Objective The present study investigated the bidirectional relationship between EI and perceptions of resilience in adolescents and explored the effect of contextual variables on their development.Method In a three-wave, longitudinal study, 988 students of sixth graders (mean age of 11.38 years) completed the Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS), Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), and Shanghai High School Student Development-Questionnaire to investigate EI, perceptions of resilience and contextual factors, respectively. A structural equation modeling (SEM) examining the relationship among EI, perceptions of resilience and contextual factors was conducted.ResultsSEM indicated EI and perceptions of resilience at T1 (first semester in sixth grade) predicted EI and perceptions of resilience at T2 (second semester in sixth grade), respectively. EI at T2 can predict perception of resilience at T3 (second semester of seventh grade), but perceptions of resilience at T2 cannot predict EI at T3. As a protective factor, social support positively predicts EI and perceptions of resilience, while family conflicts, school bullying as risk factors negatively predict EI and perceptions of resilience.Conclusions The findings clarified the bidirectional relationship between EI and perceptions of resilience and highlighted the importance of contextual factors. Particularly, good quality of environment such as sufficient social support, combating school bullying and mitigating family conflicts is required to improve adolescents’ EI and resilience to help them cope with the challenges.

Optimizing the relationship between job autonomy and knowledge workers’ satisfaction: The roles of crafting and value congruence

October 2020


155 Reads


34 Citations

Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources

This paper proposes a moderated mediation model to explain how job autonomy affects knowledge workers’ job and leisure satisfaction through crafting activities. Using a large‐scale survey of 836 Chinese knowledge workers, we confirm the role of job crafting in mediating the relation between job autonomy and job satisfaction, and further reveal that leisure crafting mediates the relation between job autonomy and leisure satisfaction. Our results also reveal the moderating effects of person‐organization value congruence on the relation between job autonomy and job/leisure crafting and, in turn, on the indirect effect of job autonomy on knowledge workers’ satisfaction. These findings indicate that knowledge‐intensive organizations should apply interventions conducive to leisure crafting to elevate their employees’ well‐being. The findings also highlight the worth of fostering a culture of ‘crafting’ to facilitate person‐organization value congruence and strengthen the positive relations between job autonomy and crafting activities. Job autonomy not only increases knowledge workers’ job satisfaction through job crafting, but also increases their leisure satisfaction through leisure crafting. Person‐organization value congruence moderates the relation between job autonomy and job crafting. With high value congruence, knowledge workers perform more job crafting, and become more satisfied with their jobs. Person‐organization value congruence moderates the relation between job autonomy and leisure crafting. With high value congruence, knowledge workers perform more leisure crafting, and become more satisfied with their leisure experiences.

Tested mediation models with standardized path coefficients (n = 714). Trait EI = Trait emotional intelligence. W1 = the first wave; W2 = the second wave; W3 = the third wave. Numbers in parenthesis are path coefficients from the partial mediation model. For illustrating the results of main models, control variables are not shown. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001
Trait Emotional Intelligence and Young Adolescents’ Positive and Negative Affect: The Mediating Roles of Personal Resilience, Social Support, and Prosocial Behavior

June 2020


237 Reads


34 Citations

Child & Youth Care Forum

Background While trait emotional intelligence (EI) has been found to be related to young adolescents’ affect, the underlying mechanisms need to be further explored. Previous findings are also limited by common method problems arising from the use of cross-sectional design involving single-wave data capture. Objective The study aims to clarify the relation between trait EI and young adolescents’ positive and negative affect by further exploring the mediating roles of personal resilience, social support, and prosocial behavior. Method We conducted a three-wave survey among 714 Chinese junior high school students (mean age of 11.11 years) with temporal separations of the research measures to reduce common method variance. Trait EI was measured at the beginning of Grade 6; personal resilience, social support, and prosocial behavior were measured at the end of Grade 6; positive and negative affect were measured at the end of Grade 7. Results Trait EI at the beginning of Grade 6 was positively related to positive affect and negatively related to negative affect by the end of Grade 7. The influence of trait EI on positive affect was fully mediated by personal resilience, social support, and prosocial behavior at the end of Grade 6. Its influence on negative affect was also fully mediated by social support. Conclusions The findings clarify the mechanisms underlying the trait EI effect and highlight the importance of future youth programs targeting mediation mechanisms. In particular, we suggest the worth of utilizing trait EI to better facilitate personal and social resources when facing difficulties, and to help others in appropriate and effective ways.

Correlations of CSLI and human judgment in Weibo comments (n = 429).
Correlations of CSLI and personality traits in Weibo postings by undergraduate students (n = 52).
The Development of the Chinese Sentiment Lexicon for Internet

November 2019


58 Reads


7 Citations

This paper examines the development of the Chinese Sentiment Lexicon for Internet (CSLI), a sentiment lexicon for capturing the valence and arousal in Chinese online social media texts. We first review the current sentiment lexicons and their building process, including the collection of words, judging the emotionality of words, and testing reliability and validity. In Study 1, we develop CSLI and test its initial reliability and validity. In Study 2, we further test the convergent validity of CSLI by examining its correlations with human judgment in 429 aggregated Weibo comments. In Study 3, the predictive validity of CSLI is examined by linking its results to personality traits among 52 undergraduates. Two replication studies are also conducted to verify the findings in Study 2 and 3. The results have generally supported the reliability and validity of CSLI. Therefore, CSLI can be used as a research tool to capture the degree of valence and arousal in Chinese online social media texts. Its potential to promote human well-being is also discussed.

Figure 1. Tested research model with standardized path coefficients. For illustrating the results of main model, control variables and error terms are not shown. ERA emotion-regulation ability. p .05. p .01. p .001.
Figure 2. Moderating effect of emotional labor on the relationship between emotion-regulation ability and job burnout. ERA emotionregulation ability.
Managing Job Burnout: The Effects of Emotion-Regulation Ability, Emotional Labor, and Positive and Negative Affect at Work

July 2018


3,086 Reads


54 Citations

International Journal of Stress Management

The authors examine the relationship between emotion-regulation ability, a key branch of emotional intelligence, and job burnout in 343 Chinese employees from a wide range of occupations and find that emotion-regulation ability is negatively related to job burnout, especially in jobs that require high emotional labor. An objective performance-based test of emotional intelligence shows that positive work affect partially mediates the relationship between emotion-regulation ability and burnout. The study refines understanding of how, to what degree, and under what circumstances emotional intelligence is related to job burnout.

Citations (7)

... Кроме того, выявлено, что на восприятие и оценку стресса на рабочем месте у сотрудников социальной сферы оказывают влияние имеющиеся возможности для обучения, повышения квалификации, карьерного роста, а также благоприятная рабочая среда, складывающаяся в том числе из отношений с коллегами и руководителями . Подчеркивается также важность сильной государственной поддержки социальных работников, способствующей внутренней мотивации, поскольку ощущение лишь формальной поддержки может наоборот способствовать росту стресса и эмоциональному выгоранию [Yu et al. 2023]. Выявлено, что поддержание работников социальных служб важно осуществлять не только на внутриличностном уровне, учитывающем индивидуальные особенности, но и на межличностном, способствующем росту благоприятной атмосферы на рабочем месте между коллегами [Molakeng, Truter, Fouché, 2021]. ...


Analysis of professional hardiness of social workers
Government Support, Professional Support, and Vicarious Trauma in Social Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Mediating Roles of Compassion Fatigue and Professional Identity

Social Work Research

... Corresponding to "#0 aggression" and "#1 internet gaming disorder", the researcher investigated the violence, aggression and game addiction of adolescents in video games from the social network perspective (Greitemeyer, 2018;Rothmund et al., 2011;Verheijen et al., 2021), discovering aggressive competition (Adachi & Willoughby, 2013), role preferences (Delhove & Greitemeyer, 2020), ethics (Ellithorpe et al., 2015;Teng et al., 2017Teng et al., , 2019 and excessive social network use (Gómez-Galá n et al., 2021) are determinants. Examining the mediating role of in-game emotions, sense of competence, and family ties (Wang et al., 2018), and social relationships (Lim et al., 2020;Zhao et al., 2023) suggests that playing games cooperatively attenuates the effects of increased aggression from video games (Velez et al., 2016;Velez & Ewoldsen, 2013), and that exposure to pro-social video games can increase players' pro-social behaviour, pro-social thoughts and empathic responses (Boduszek et al., 2019;Saleem et al., 2012). As well as "#8 Covid-19", prolonged lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic significantly increased the odds of gaming addiction (Gómez-Galá n et al., 2021). ...

Does Playing Video Games Improve Psychological Resilience? The Mediating Roles of In-Game Positive and Negative Affect, Sense of Competence, and Social Connection

Psychology of Popular Media

... Integrating the concept of Islamic well-being into the study of leisure crafting and life satisfaction addresses a vital research problem: how can leisure activities be optimally designed to support spiritual well-being in ways that are culturally consonant and spiritually enriching? Current literature highlights the effectiveness of leisure crafting in improving emotional exhaustion, promoting job satisfaction, and enhancing life meaning under stressful conditions (Hadi et al., 2021;Zhao et al., 2022). Yet, there is limited understanding of how these benefits translate into contexts where spiritual well-being is paramount. ...

Optimizing the relationship between job autonomy and knowledge workers’ satisfaction: The roles of crafting and value congruence
  • Citing Article
  • October 2020

Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources

... Emotional intelligence closely links to psychological resilience. Zheng (2021) conducted a longitudinal study, affirming a positive association between increased emotional intelligence and enhanced psychological resilience. In their study involving university students, Sarrionandia et al. (2018) identified that psychological resilience plays a mediating role in the connection between national emotional intelligence and the reduction of stress. ...

Bidirectional Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Perceptions of Resilience in Young Adolescents: A Twenty-Month Longitudinal Study

Child & Youth Care Forum

... Mounting evidence shows that emotional intelligence and prosocial behavior play an important role in the physical and mental development of children and adolescents (Zhao et al., 2020;González Moreno & Molero Jurado, 2024). The importance of these two variables for child development is long recognized (Gerbino et al., 2018;Ahmad & Sanyata, 2020). ...

Trait Emotional Intelligence and Young Adolescents’ Positive and Negative Affect: The Mediating Roles of Personal Resilience, Social Support, and Prosocial Behavior

Child & Youth Care Forum

... A lexicon-based sentiment analysis was conducted to assign each post a valence score and an arousal score based on the Chinese Sentiment Lexicon for Internet (CSLI) [45], which consists of 7088 Chinese words, each of which is annotated with a valence score ranging from −4 to 4 and an arousal score ranging from 0 to 8. ...

The Development of the Chinese Sentiment Lexicon for Internet

... The results show that AB is a moderator of the relationship between grade level and ER. Individuals with high ER abilities at certain grade levels can predict situations that cause AB [49], [83], [84]. Individuals with high ER are shown to be able to contribute to the establishment of warm and caring relationships, dealing with problems effectively, creating a relaxed classroom atmosphere, so as to increase positive emotions and prevent AB. ...

Managing Job Burnout: The Effects of Emotion-Regulation Ability, Emotional Labor, and Positive and Negative Affect at Work

International Journal of Stress Management