Jesus Barreiro-Hurle’s research while affiliated with The Joint Commission and other places

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Publications (46)

Much ado about nothing? An empirical analysis of consumer behaviour in the presence of ‘dual food quality’
  • Article

February 2025


3 Reads

Food Policy

Di Marcantonio Federica


Jesus Barreiro-Hurle





Ciaian Pavel

Overview of the experimental treatments.
Average accuracy by incentive treatments.
GAMLSS regressions with accuracy as dependent variable.
Who Can Predict Farmers’ Choices in Risky Gambles?
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2024


117 Reads

Q Open

Risk is a pervasive factor in agriculture and a subject of great interest to agricultural economists. However, there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of the knowledge held by farm advisors, students, and economists with regards to farmers' risk preferences. Misconceptions about farmers’ willingness to take risks could lead to misguided advice. This study builds upon a recent multinational endeavor that employed a multiple price list to assess risk preferences among European farmers. We expand this research by gathering predictions for farmers’ risk preferences from 561 farm advisors, students, and economists. Our objectives are threefold: firstly, we explore variations as to how accurately participants can predict risk preferences in different specializations; secondly, we compare the predictive accuracy of different groups of forecasters; and thirdly, we assess whether modifying incentive mechanisms can improve the accuracy of predictions. Whereas our findings reveal substantial variation in individual predictions, the averages closely align with the observed responses of farmers. Notably, the most accurate predictions were provided by a sample of experimental economics researchers. Furthermore, predictions for different production systems exhibit minimal disparities. Introducing incentive schemes, such as a tournament structure, where the best prediction receives a reward, or a high-accuracy system, where randomly selected participants are compensated for the accuracy of their predictions, does not significantly impact accuracy. Further research and exploration are needed to identify the most reliable sources of advice for farmers. JEL-Codes: Q12, Q16, C91


Border carbon adjustments in agri-food markets: Not as effective as one might think

June 2024


55 Reads

Q Open

Using the EU as case study, we simulate the impact of border carbon adjustments on agri-food markets. While border carbon adjustments alleviate adverse carbon price impacts on EU agricultural competitiveness and emission leakage, our simulation results also reveal that (i) border carbon adjustments may diminish domestic mitigation efforts, thereby partly offsetting benefits from reduced emission leakage, and (ii) trade diversion further undermines global emission reduction. The results indicate that border carbon adjustments on agri-food products in major exporting countries with emission-efficient production systems may not reduce global emissions as effectively as commonly assumed, highlighting the importance of emission efficiency improvements especially in developing and emerging countries.

Endogenous switching regression model results for manure use and total gross margin.
Estimated associations between access to subsidized fertilizer and total and commercial fertilizer use, manure use and gross margins.
Government fertilizer subsidies, input use, and income: The case of Senegal

April 2024


74 Reads


9 Citations

Food Policy

Most Sub-Saharan countries implement input subsidy programs (ISPs) in an attempt to increase fertilizer use, crop yields and farmers’ income and to improve household food security. Senegal is no exception and has had an ISP in place for the last 15 years. This article assesses how access to subsidized fertilizer under the ISP is associated with changes in fertilizer and manure use and gross margin. Using household-level data from two agroecological zones, we employ an endogenous switching regression framework to control for the potential endogeneity of access to subsidized fertilizer. We find that access to subsidized fertilizer is associated with an increase in the total use of fertilizer of + 39 % but also with a reduction in the use of commercial fertilizer of 18 %. Access to subsidized fertilizer is also associated with a reduction in the likelihood of using manure of 5 % and an increase in farmers’ total gross margin of 11 %. Results are heterogeneous across agroecological zones, with a strong crowding-out of commercial fertilizer where widely available to farmers. In this case, revising the design of the ISP could lead to improved efficiency.

Figure 1: Content-wise organisation of iMAP
Figure 2: Composition of iMAP models over time
Modelling in Support of Better Agricultural and Food Policies: the JRC 's Integrated Agro‐economic Modelling platform ( iMAP )

March 2024


39 Reads


3 Citations


Research in the area of agro‐economic modelling has been one of the key contributions of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) to the development of better agri‐food policies in the EU. This article provides an overview of the development of the JRC's integrated agro‐economic modelling platform since its establishment in 2005. We highlight the main contributions to policy analysis and describe in detail two key areas, namely the provision of medium‐term projections for agricultural markets and the analysis of various CAP proposals. Furthermore, we describe the gradual shift to expand the capabilities of individual models within the platform to encompass aspects beyond traditional agro‐economic aspects and incorporate environmental considerations. Model integration remains a focus both within the platform at different levels and scales, and in conjunction with biophysical models. This, together with incorporating knowledge from other fields of economic analysis is fundamental to capture changing policy objectives.

Trade impacts of external border measures under the European Union's plant health legislation

December 2023


36 Reads

Background This article assesses whether the European Union's (EU's) plant health regulations have had an impact on imports. A dynamic modelling approach was applied, using a two‐step generalized method of moments estimator for panel data, and covering an 8‐year period (2013–2020). The estimated equation includes volumes of trade, economic drivers, the trading partner, and variables capturing categories of import requirements (phytosanitary certificates, exemptions, restrictions) with regards to external border measures for enhanced biosecurity. Results From the analysis we can conclude that the import regime and its recent changes have had a limited impact, if any, on trade flows of the affected products. The most significant impact is found for products classified as high‐risk plants, while the extension of the phytosanitary certificate requirement to new products seems to have had negligible effects on trade. Conclusion Therefore, the plant protection regime for extra‐EU trade seems to be not trade distorting while supplying a framework to enhance plant health in the EU. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.

Pesticide reduction amidst food and feed security concerns in Europe

September 2023


98 Reads


33 Citations

Nature Food

Recent studies have estimated the potential yield impacts of pesticide reductions in the European Union. While these estimates guide policy design, they are often based on worst-case assumptions and rarely account for positive ecological feedbacks that would contribute to sustainable crop yields in the long term.

Willing or complying? The delicate interplay between voluntary and mandatory interventions to promote farmers' environmental behavior

July 2023


196 Reads


13 Citations

Food Policy

Agri-environmental policies generally build around two complementary approaches: mandatory requirements and (compensated) voluntary measures. One of the challenges of the future EU Common Agricultural Policy is precisely to find the right balance between these two types of interventions. We conducted an experiment with farmers in three EU Member States to assess the impact of (1) increasing mandatory contributions to the environment , and of (2) decreasing unconditional income support. We also assess the effect of two key behavioural factors: environmental concern and trait reactance. Results show that both interventions reduce voluntary contributions to the environment, but the reduction is higher when mandatory contributions increase than when income decreases.. However, when mandatory contribution increases substantially, this more than offsets the reduction of voluntary contributions, leading to higher total contributions.

Citations (35)

... Su logro requeriría doblar el ritmo anual de crecimiento de la producción ecológica (European Environment Agency, 2023; página 71) y contar con una demanda efectiva capaz de absorberla. Es sabido que modelizar la variable del consumo es problemático en tanto que implica evaluar comportamientos alimentarios, difícilmente mensurables y que, en última instancia, dependerán de la evolución de los diferenciales de precios entre los productos ecológicos y los convencionales (Barreiro-Hurle et al., 2024). El eje 1 del Plan de Acción de la agricultura ecológica de la Unión de 2021 (Cuadro 1-24; páginas 6-11) citó una ristra de medidas para estimular la demanda de productos ecológicos (acciones de información, comedores, cambios en la contratación pública, en los programas escolares, etc.) que, sin embargo, apenas se recogen en los PEN aprobados a la espera de la legislación comunitaria (Cuadro 1-16, 17 y 22). ...


La PAC post 2023: Límites de diseño y condicionantes de la aplicación de sus Planes Estratégicos para el logro de los objetivos del Pacto Verde
Modelling in Support of Better Agricultural and Food Policies: the JRC 's Integrated Agro‐economic Modelling platform ( iMAP )


... For instance, in Southern Africa, soils have been reported to have reached a tipping point, where SOM is below the minimum threshold to support crop productivity (Messina, Peter and Snapp, 2017). In Western Africa, some countries have introduced ISPs, which have increased the total use of fertilizer by 39 percent but with a reduction in the use of commercial fertilizer by 18 percent (Ricome, Barreiro-Hurle and Sadibou Fall, 2024). Access to subsidized fertilizer was associated with a reduction in the likelihood of using manure by 5 percent and an increase in farmers' total gross margin of 11 percent. ...

Government fertilizer subsidies, input use, and income: The case of Senegal

Food Policy

... For instance, remote sensing and GPS-guided applicators enable farmers to locate where pests are affecting their fields. Additionally, this approach considerably reduces the number of insecticides used hence minimizing environmental pollution (Anastasiou et al. 2023). Besides that, precision farming is in line with IPM programs already being implemented. ...

Precision farming technologies for crop protection: A meta-analysis
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

Smart Agricultural Technology

... Not applicable: This manuscript does not include human or animal research. Ensures precise spraying and minimizes overlap [39]. / Signal loss increases chemical wastage and environmental impact. ...

Precision farming technologies on crop protection: A stakeholders survey
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

Smart Agricultural Technology

... From the biotic perspective and as managed by the Plant Protection Product (PPP) Regulation, chemical agrochemical active substances (AS) were for a long time almost the only agents available for controlling agricultural pests (Marchand, 2023b;Neumeister, 2022;Schneider et al., 2023), then largely preponderant (Robin & Marchand, 2019a), then merely the majority (Galli et al., 2024) and now just on the verge of equality with naturally occurring BioControl Agents (BCA) (Marchand, 2023a). For Biotic Stress Management, since the old Directive EEC 91/414, numerous bio-based substances were proposed at the 4th Stage of this Directive, with many considered under the EU Rebeca project (EC, 2007a). ...

Pesticide reduction amidst food and feed security concerns in Europe

Nature Food

... Implementing sustainable practices, such as waste reduction, energy conservation, and the use of eco-friendly products, can result in improved operational efficiency (Younas et al., 2023). Implementing this strategy can lead to a decrease in the hotel's ongoing expenses, a boost in profitability, and an indirect enhancement of staff productivity because of improved financial security and incentives (Barreiro-Hurle et al., 2023). Guests and the public frequently see hotels that prioritize green initiatives as being more socially and ecologically responsible (de Mello, 2024). ...

Willing or complying? The delicate interplay between voluntary and mandatory interventions to promote farmers' environmental behavior

Food Policy

... This is because NGT varieties could, for example, have a higher nitrogen utilization efficiency than conventional varieties (Qaim, 2020). Only a few studies, such as Schneider et al. (2023), have dealt with this aspect from an agricultural economics perspective and did not focus on GHG reduction effects in arable farming. ...

Insights on cisgenic plants with durable disease resistance under the European Green Deal

Trends in Biotechnology

... • Establish a reliable payment procedure (i.e., payments should be delivered on time) and ensure that the payment vehicle is incentive-compatible. • Consider co-designing the experiment with farmers and relevant stakeholders (see, e.g., Höhler et al. (2023) and Hölting et al. (2022) for details on co-designing processes with farmers). • Receive experiment approval (e.g., through mock interviews, co-design, farmers associations, ethics approval). ...

Perspectives on stakeholder participation in the design of economic experiments for agricultural policymaking: Pros, cons, and twelve recommendations for researchers

Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

... The farmer's decision module assumes the maximization of the expected utility (Gollier, 2004): (6) where is the coefficient related to risk preference. In the framework presented here, the farmers are assumed to be either risk neutral or risk averse (Pennings and Garcia, 2001;Rommel et al., 2023). In solving Eq. (6), the computation of the optimal use level of NBS gives an estimation of the condition for NBS efficiency (Chavas and Aliber, 1993;Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2018), the primary objective of this study (Box 8 in Fig. 1). ...

Farmers' risk preferences in 11 European farming systems: A multi-country replication of Bocquého et al. (2014)

Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

... In Africa, it is important to improve the availability of market information (i.e. prices) (Solano-Hermosilla et al., 2022). For this reason, the food price crowdsourcing initiative was developed to collect real-time data on food prices from volunteers. ...

Increasing engagement in price crowdsourcing initiatives: Using nudges in Nigeria

World Development