November 2017
18 Reads
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November 2017
18 Reads
March 2017
195 Reads
1 Citation
December 2016
June 2015
50 Reads
June 2015
32 Reads
June 2015
41 Reads
May 2015
77 Reads
March 2015
39 Reads
January 2015
113 Reads
January 2015
646 Reads
The integrated production of green peppers recommended in Poland is described
... T 3-T 6 16, 9 69,4 32,8 24,7 41,06 AlgaminoPlant-1 L T 2-T 5 (4 zabiegi co 7-14 dni, 4 treatments in 7-14 days intervals) 21, 0 74,4 33,8 25,7 42,46 Kontrola / Check17,9 53,0 32,0 24,5 40, teŜ zwiększał plon na zbliŜonym poziomie [6]. Wiadomo, Ŝe w doświadczeniach polowych takie róŜnice pomiędzy porównywanymi obiektami trudno jest udowodnić statystycznie, szczególnie gdy liczba obiektów jest mała jak w przypadku opisywanych doświadczeń. ...
March 2017
... 3) można spotkać wczesną wiosną po zimie na plantacjach cebuli ozimej wysiewnej około połowy sierpnia, na których bezpośrednio po siewie stosowano herbicydy zawierające pendimetalinę (np. Stomp 330 EC, Panida 330 EC) nie niszczące tego chwastu i po wschodach cebuli w okresie letnio-jesiennym, gdy nie stosowano dodatkowo innych herbicydów (Dobrzański i Pałczyński 2005). Starcowi mogą towarzyszyć w dużej ilości gatunki średniowrażliwe na pendimetalinę (rumianowate, chaber bławatek , tobołki polne, mlecz zwyczajny), a więc nie w każdych warunkach zwalczane skutecznie. ...
January 2005
... Podleúny et al. (1993), Adamczewski et al. (1988), Rychcik (2005) stress the fact that the effectiveness of weed-killing action of herbicides, although dependent on soil and climatic conditions and the technique and time of the treatment, is very high and necessary in pea agrotechnique. In the study by Anyszka et al. (1999), the effectiveness of applied herbicides (Basagran 600 SL, Barox 460 SL) was high, the weed reduction being estimated within the range 93.4100%. In this investigation, the effectiveness of applied herbicides (Basagran 600 SL and Afalon 50 WP) was evaluated at 100% after the emergence and over 90% before harvest. ...
January 1999
... The number of chemicals available for weed control in cucumbers has been limited and results with them some times have been erratic. Recommended herbicides in Poland are as follows: naptalam, napropamid and clomazone (Dobrzański et all 1990, Dobrzański & Pałczyński 1995, 1998 Pałczyński & Dobrzański 2000). Crop resistance to herbicides depend on several factors, among them genetic are very important. ...
January 2000
... The concentrations of potassium and calcium were determined using the flame photometric method [Adamski et al. 1997]. According to Sobiczewski [2020], the elements' content in apple leaves were estimated. ...
January 2005
... Czeczko and Mikos-Bielak [31] observed that spraying plants with Asahi at a concentration of 0.1% significantly increased the yield of leek, celeriac, and potato. Similarly, Dobrzański et al. [39] reported a positive impact of this preparation on the yield of onion. Asahi (0.1%) and Tytanit (0.05%) preparations were found to enhance the marketable yield of carrot roots by reducing the share of small and unmarketable roots in the total yield [40]. ...
January 2008
... Onion is a weak competitor with weeds [4] due to a slow seedling emergence and establishment rate [1], and its shoot architecture is of thin vertical leaves that do not produce much shade throughout the growing season [5]. It has been shown that season-long infestation of annual weeds, such as lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.), can result in >90% yield reduction, with 43% reduction observed when weeds remain untreated during the seedling establishment stage [6]. Thus, developing efficient and sustainable weed management for onion, mainly during early growth stages, is essential to ensure high yields [7]. ...
January 2001
Vegetable Crops Research Bulletin
... Cukry teŜ zwiększał plon na zbliŜonym poziomie [6]. Wiadomo, Ŝe w doświadczeniach polowych takie róŜnice pomiędzy porównywanymi obiektami trudno jest udowodnić statystycznie , szczególnie gdy liczba obiektów jest mała jak w przypadku opisywanych doświadczeń. ...
January 2004
... Corchorus olitorius of the family, Tiliaceae, is grown throughout the Middle East and in some parts of Africa and India as a pot herb (Biswas, 1996). It was chiefly used in India as a source of the bast fiber "tossa jute" (Asaduzzamana et al., 1995). ...
January 2004