July 2019
17 Reads
10 Citations
Training and Education in Professional Psychology
Eight U.S.-based psychotherapists were interviewed regarding their personal and professional use of social media networks (SMNs), professional SMN policies, and experiences of navigating a significant Facebook (FB)-related discussion with a client. Discussions were stimulated by clients seeking FB contact with therapists, with the majority being attempts to “friend” therapists. Most discussions involved therapists explaining why they do not “friend” clients, largely because of concerns about boundaries and how the therapy relationship differs from relationships clients have with others. Positive consequences included the impact of the incident and discussion on strengthening SMN practices/policies and enhancing the therapy relationship. In contrast, negative consequences included evoking distressing emotions in clients and eliciting discomfort for practitioners. Participants offered a range of advice for avoiding problematic FB interactions with clients, with many suggesting strict and consistent policies regarding FB/SMN with clients. Implications for practice and research are discussed.