February 2016
140 Reads
21 Citations
Journal of Physical Therapy Science
[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to compare reposition errors in subjects with upper crossed syndrome to examine the effects of upper crossed syndrome on position senses. [Subjects and Methods] A sample population of 60 subjects was randomly divided into three groups of 20: a normal group, a mild group, a moderate group. A cervical range of motion device was attached to the head of each subject using straps and the reposition errors of cervical flexion, extension, right lateral flexion, left lateral flexion, right rotation and left rotation were measured. [Results] The normal group showed smaller reposition errors than the mild group and the mild group showed smaller reposition errors than the moderate group but none of the differences among the three groups was significant. [Conclusion] Reposition errors increased in the order of the normal, mild, moderate group but the differences were not significant. In addition, the degree of the subjects’ postural misalignment was higher in the moderate than in the mild group. These results demonstrate that cervical spine position sense declines as postural misalignment becomes more severe.