Jennifer Viezzer’s research while affiliated with Federal University of Paraná and other places

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Publications (37)

Public garden squares and mean monthly per capita income in Curitiba, PR, Brazil: inequalities in the distribution and access of benefits generated by nature
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2023


68 Reads

Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente

Jennifer Viezzer


Emidio Neves de Moraes



The urban forest generates diverse ecosystem services for people. Among the components of the urban forest, public garden squares are different for having a smaller area but a greater quantity and better distribution across cities, acting as small forests that provide benefits. However, these benefits may not be shared by the entire population, due to the variability in the vegetation cover of the squares and the inequality concerning areas with better or worse socioeconomic conditions. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between the squares and the mean monthly income in the 40 clustered neighborhoods of Curitiba, aiming at supporting urban planning to maintain equal distribution of benefits to the population or reduce inequalities, if any. Thus, quantitative and qualitative data from the squares were compared to the mean monthly income through descriptive and correlation statistical analysis and spatial data visualization. Results indicate that neighborhoods with lower income have fewer squares concerning the neighborhood total area and fewer tree species in total and per square. Neighborhoods with higher incomes have better indicators of quantity and quality, in general, except for the mean square area and permeability. We concluded that the benefits are not equally distributed to the entire population of Curitiba, with a loss of access to the benefits generated by the squares and their ecosystem services for the population with worse socioeconomic conditions.


A novel method for monetary valuation of street trees: a case study in a Brazilian city

March 2023


67 Reads

Acta Biológica Catarinense

Street trees offer numerous ecosystem benefits when well managed by the municipal administration. However, quantifying these benefits is complex, which contributes to the negligence and undervaluation of afforestation by municipal managers and the population as a whole. Thus, the valorization of urban afforestation emerges as a strategic awareness tool, capable of translating the importance of each individual tree within the urban green infrastructure for citizens and municipal managers, in addition to assisting in the process of choosing the best guidelines and practices for urban forest management. When applied to street tree planting, these methods fail to consider the most important aspect of a tree in the urban environment: its canopy. Thus, this research aimed to propose a new method for the monetary valuation of street trees, focusing on the benefits of the canopy and applying this method in a case study. Tree species, condition, location, biometric value and implementation cost were considered.

Área verde é tudo igual? a importância de se considerar tipologias de áreas verdes urbanas para avaliar seus benefícios em Curitiba

November 2022


58 Reads

Paisagem e Ambiente

Áreas verdes urbanas (AVU) são espaços livres de edificações, com predominância de cobertura vegetal, que geram serviços ecossistêmicos importantes nas cidades, como a melhoria microclimática, a segurança hídrica, e a saúde física e mental dos seus habitantes. Geralmente, as AVU são consideradas como um só componente em estudos sobre a floresta urbana, embora possam ter coberturas do solo e qualidade da vegetação diferentes entre si. Esta pesquisa buscou caracterizar tipologias de áreas verdes usando o índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (NDVI) para investigar se existe distinção entre elas. Para isso, Curitiba foi selecionada como área de estudo, tendo 18 tipologias de áreas verdes. O NDVI do município, das áreas verdes em conjunto, e de cada tipologia foi calculado com base em imagem LANDSAT-8 e classificado em água, não-vegetação, vegetação gramínea e ou arbustiva, vegetação arbórea esparsa, ou vegetação arbórea densa. Uma análise estatística descritiva e um teste t de igualdade de médias também foram realizados. Os resultados demonstraram diferenças entre a maioria das tipologias, com alta amplitude entre valores mínimos, máximos e médios, estes diferentes entre si na maioria dos casos (72,50%). A proporção ocupada por cada classe de NDVI variou bastante entre as tipologias, principalmente para vegetação gramínea e ou arbustiva (0,00% a 72,22%) e arbórea esparsa (5,26% a 80,00%). Por isso, destaca-se a importância de se conhecer e qualificar a vegetação de diferentes áreas verdes em estudos futuros.

Figure 1. The location of the sub-basins of São João River, Iporã River, and Prado Stream, PR, Brazil.
Figure 3. Probability of restoration success in the sub-basins of Rio São João, Ribeirão do Prado, and Rio Iporã, PR, Brazil.
Assessing the success of forest restoration based on landscape analysis

September 2022


173 Reads

Gaia Scientia






Jennifer Viezzer

Recognition of landscape configuration is essential to define priority sites most likely to succeed in forest restoration. The research aimed to reduce uncertainties regarding the feasibility of ecological restoration processes by applying landscape metrics to support priority areas for restoration in three watersheds located in the northwest region of the state of Paraná, Brazil. A temporal analysis of the landscape was performed for the years 1985, 1996, 2007, and 2018. Seven land use and land coverage categories were proposed and seven landscape metrics were calculated to assess the configuration using the Fragstats® software, and an assessment of restoration success using GoFor® software. The studied area was divided into four priority levels: low, medium, high, and very high probability of restoration success. The landscape matrix was composed of pastures and agriculture, which corresponded to almost 90% of the area. There has been a considerable increase in forest coverage over the years due to commercial plantations and the recovery of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP). Approximately 12.6 percent of the landscape has the potential to be restored if restoration efforts are allocated to areas with the highest potential for restoration success.


August 2022


303 Reads

Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Arborização Urbana

O Objetivo do Desenvolvimento Sustentável 11.7 visa fornecer acesso universal a espaços públicos verdes, o que pode ser alcançado por um sistema bem planejado de áreas verdes (AV). Este estudo buscou, portanto, identificar lacunas na distribuição de AV relacionada a variáveis demográficas e socioeconômicas. Curitiba foi selecionada como área de estudo por ser internacionalmente conhecida por suas 1.182 AV. Dez variáveis sobre população, renda e AV foram calculadas com base em dados espaciais e divididas em 40 bairros agrupados. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas bem como correlações de Pearson, Spearman e Kendall. Os principais resultados são apresentados em valores mínimos-máximos por bairro (com valor médio entre parênteses): quantidade 12 – 113 (31,07); área média 0,00 – 0,66 km² (0,03); área total 0,02 – 7,87 km² (0,67); quantidade por área do bairro 0,35 – 12,44 AV/km² (3,98); área do bairro ocupada por AV 0,30 – 42,44% (5,03%); população por quantidade de AV 442,17 – 2.789,26 habitantes/AV (1.564,97); e índice de AV 0,65 – 269,56 m²/habitante (16,77). Correlações fortes foram encontradas principalmente para renda per capita entre a quantidade de AV por área do bairro (positiva) e a população por quantidade de AV (inversa). Os resultados mostram grande amplitude e diferenças relevantes entre bairros que podem auxiliar planejadores urbanos.

Restoration of urban forests to reduce flood susceptibility: A starting point

April 2022


67 Reads


15 Citations

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

Urban areas are highly vulnerable to a variety of flood types, including river floods. Mapping vulnerable areas of a watershed is a key measure to develop an assessment of restoration strategies to protect people from flooding, but it is difficult to pinpoint the best place to start. Studies about flooding in urban areas and priority areas for restoration have been conducted separately; however, the interface between these themes has been less explored. Therefore, this paper presents two methods to develop flood susceptibility maps, as well as priority restoration areas: Areas of Variable Inflow (AVI) and the most Hydrologically Sensitive Areas (HSA+). The AVI calculation was developed using the Topographic Wetness Index (TWI). The HSA + calculation was based on criteria that are among the most used in flood studies, combined using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). All AVI and HSA+ within Riparian Preservation Areas (RPA) and without vegetation cover were considered priority areas for restoration. AVI occupied 16.6759 km² (18.63%), with 2.1172 km² as a priority (3.76% of the RPA). HSA + included 12.4863 km² (13.95%), with 3.3603 km² as a priority (5.97% of the RPA). Most AVI and HSA+ were located outside the RPA, which indicates the necessity for additional conservation on the watershed, even though restoration within RPA must be the priority. Both methods may be applied in any watershed, but we indicate that HSA + provides better results since it considers a wider range of criteria. Since flooding events are rising due to climate change, prioritizing restoration efforts becomes indispensable.

Landscape visual and sound quality influence on noise pollution propagation in urban green areas

December 2021


54 Reads


2 Citations

Dyna (Medellin, Colombia)

The objective of this study was to evaluate both the landscape’s visual and sound quality influence on propagating noise pollution in the Botanical Garden and the São Lourenço Park in Curitiba, Brazil. Data were collected in three transects (A, B, and C), representing different vegetation densities. Landscape visual quality was characterized through a direct method for valuing landscape elements. The visual quality was classified as Good, Average, or Bad. We used two INSTRUTHERM DEC-470 decibel meters with 1.5-decibel precision for the sound analysis. The landscapes evaluated at site C showed variation in the landscape visual quality from 1 to 21.57, with the best visual and noise attenuation qualities. Correlation analysis between the landscape visual quality and the amount of blocked noise showed a strong correlation coefficient (0.65; p = 0.0001). Landscapes with better visual quality resulted in a greater amount of attenuated noise, mainly due to the presence of vegetation.

Landscape visual quality influence on noise pollution propagation in urban green areas

November 2021


31 Reads


4 Citations

Dyna (Medellin, Colombia)

The objective was to evaluate the influence of noise pollution on both visual and sound landscapes at the Botanical Garden and the São Lourenço Park in Curitiba, Brazil. Data were collected in three transects (A, B, and C), representing different vegetation densities. Landscape visual quality was characterized through a direct method for valuing landscape elements. The visual quality was classified as Good, Mean, or Bad. For the sound analysis, two INSTRUTHERM decibel meters, model DEC-470, with 1.5-decibel precision, were used. The landscapes evaluated at site C showed variation in the quality of the landscape from 1 to 21.57, with the best visual and noise attenuation qualities. Correlation analysis between the visual quality of the landscape and the amount of blocked noise showed a strong correlation coefficient (0.65; p = 0.0001). Landscapes with better visual quality result in a greater amount of attenuated noise, mainly due to the presence of vegetation.

Citations (19)

... An ever-increasing number of individuals have been exposed to urban noise and its harmful effects on health. For this reason, contamination of this nature is a concern for urban health management, as it affects communication and causes sleep disturbances, stress, cardiovascular problems, mental health, damage productivity decrease, social behavior disturbances, and discomfort [8]. ...


Identification of monitoring stations for noise levels in Durrës city, Albania
Landscape visual and sound quality influence on noise pollution propagation in urban green areas

Dyna (Medellin, Colombia)

... Trees and shrubs in river parks enhance the protective capacity for water storage. The protection zone of river parks along with the valley can be safeguarded by a buffer strip formed by agroecosystems (Viezzer et al 2022. The significance of management planning has not been fully appreciated, and opportunities for improving quality have remained invisible across Europe and much of its urban green infrastructure. ...

Restoration of urban forests to reduce flood susceptibility: A starting point
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

... Recent studies propose an alternative approach for calculating sound propagation in green areas. De Oliveira et al. [75] found a highly significant relationship between the visual quality of the landscape and noise attenuation. ...

Landscape visual quality influence on noise pollution propagation in urban green areas

Dyna (Medellin, Colombia)

... H. dulcis has a high risk of invasion in Brazil, and in MOF areas, the species occupies the upper stratum, gradually taking over the space of native tree species (INSTITUTO HÓRUS, 2022). Reis et al. (2021) found that the UFPs in Curitiba are highly vulnerable to invasion by H. dulcis, especially in more urbanized regions, such as the northern part, with the Papa João Paulo II forest being moderately vulnerable to invasion by the species. ...

Vulnerability to biological invasion of Hovenia dulcis Thunb. in green areas of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

Ciência Florestal

... Embora possuam suas características ecológicas alteradas, os fragmentos florestais urbanos têm a capacidade de prover serviços ecossistêmicos como a conservação da biodiversidade (REIS et al., 2021); fornecimento de conforto microclimático (SOLDERA et al., 2014;RAYMUNDO et al., 2020); fixação e armazenamento de carbono (BATISTA et al., 2020;DACÓL et al., 2020); e atenuação do ruído sonoro (OLIVEIRA et al., 2018a;b), dentre outros. ...

Using landscape metrics and species potential distribution modeling in cities to develop the Selection of Areas for Species Conservation Index (SASCI)


... In their research, Jennifer Vieser and Daniela Biondi investigate the impact of urban, socio-economic and environmental aspects on mortality and its causes. The results of the correlation coefficient show that urbanization, high population, population density, absolute and relative built-up areas, higher poverty and illiteracy rates and lower income and human development index, low vegetation and forest cover, with deaths caused by The COVID-19 virus was associated (Viezzer and Biondi 2021). In his article, Consolazio investigates the role of five indicators (educational benefits, unemployment, housing congestion, mobility and population density) in the formation of the risk of infection in the provinces of Milan and Lodi (Lombardy, Italy), and uses multivariate regression models to simultaneously assess the influence of individual characteristics. ...

The influence of urban, socio-economic, and eco-environmental aspects on COVID-19 cases, deaths and mortality: A multi-city case in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil
  • Citing Article
  • March 2021

Sustainable Cities and Society

... Estudos sobre arborização urbana possibilitam conhecer as características das espécies, a importância dos componentes para a conservação da biodiversidade e necessidade de gestão e manejo dos espaços, bem como subsidiar políticas municipais de criação de áreas verdes em ambientes urbanos(VIEZZER et al., 2020).O município de Santo Antônio do Tauá, localizado na mesorregião metropolitana de Belém, no Pará, não possui um plano municipal de arborização urbana, sendo essencial para avaliações que subsidiem políticas públicas municipais. Deste modo, a pesquisa teve como objetivo caracterizar quali-quantitativamente a arborização do centro urbano do município de Santo Antônio do Tauá -PA, coletando informações que fundamentem diretrizes para enriquecer e melhorar a arborização urbana. ...

Brazilian landscape styles and tree biodiversity in public garden squares
  • Citing Article
  • July 2020


... A logistic function was used to elaborate the model, which provides an estimate ranging from 0 to 1% probability of the species' presence [14]. This occurrence probability indicated the environmental adequacy for the species' occurrence [17]. A total of 1,000 combinations were established with 10 repetitions in the cross-validated method, and the radius was adjusted to "-30" due to the work scale [18]. ...

Adequação ambiental para Ocotea odorifera (Vell.) Rohwer na floresta urbana de Curitiba, Paraná, Brasil

... Isto posto, são poucos locais no meio urbano que concentram a presença de vegetação, destacando o potencial de praças e parques, sendo estes espaços públicos característicos de centros urbanos e necessários para a promoção dos benefícios supracitados. As praças desempenham finalidades essenciais através de aspectos e fatores sociais, históricos, ecológicos, culturais e de identidade, sendo consideradas símbolo de sociabilidade da paisagem urbana (Viezzer et al., 2016;Oliveira Júnior e Orlando, 2023). Por sua vez, os parques possuem uma maior extensão territorial e, portanto, apresentam um maior nível de arborização, cumprindo papel ecológico, educacional, paisagístico, lazer, e sendo propício à prática de atividades físicas (Carasek et al., 2017;Scheleder e Pontarolo, 2022). ...


Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Arborização Urbana

... Ecosystem-based adaptation and disaster risk reduction (EbA and Eco-DRR) entail using the natural capacity of ecosystems to directly buffer against hazards (e.g., vegetation or wetlands regulating water to fight flooding, or trees providing shade and temperature reduction to fight heatwaves) as well as to indirectly increase people's capacity to deal with such hazards (GIZ, UNEP-WCMC and FEBA, 2020). Used in harmony with other climate adaptation measures Geneletti & Zardo, 2016;Kasecker et al., 2018;Lange et al., 2019;Nehren et al., 2019a;Sandholz, 2018), EbA and Eco-DRR may also result from conservation efforts or policy mixes based on intrinsic values of nature Kasecker et al., 2018;Scarano, 2017;Wamsler et al., 2014). Cities with a strong focus on biodiversity conservation may find themselves in a good position to implement EbA e.g., Durban in South Africa (Roberts et al., 2012). ...

Ecosystem-Based Approaches for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Rio de Janeiro State
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2019