June 2014
56 Reads
30 Citations
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung C
6 -H ydroxyflavones have been identified for the first tim e in the Iridaceae, in leaves o f three Crocus species. T hree new glycosides have been characterised: 6 -hydroxyluteolin 7-rham nosylglucoside, scutellarein 7-glucoside and scutellarein 7-m ethyl ether 6 -glucoside, as well as twoknow n glycosides: 6 -hydroxyluteolin 7-glucoside and 6 -hydroxyluteolin 7-m ethyl ether 6 -glucoside. 6 -Hydroxyluteolin and scutellarein glycosides have been found before in Bromeliaceae. Commelinaceae, C yperaceae and O rchidaceae, but this is the first record o f the respective7-m ethyl ethers in the M onocotyledoneae. Acacetin and tricin have been identified asaglycones in C. laevigatus an d C. heuffelianus leaves, respectively and the occurrence o fmangiferin confirm ed in C. aureus leaves. Two o f the m ajor flavonol glycosides present inflowers o f cultivated species were identified as kaem pferol 3-sophoroside and kaem pferol 3-rutinoside-7-glucoside. H ow ever none o f the flavonoids identified appe.