Jędrzej Kaniewski’s research while affiliated with University of Warsaw and other places

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Publications (60)

Machine learning meets the CHSH scenario
  • Preprint

July 2024


3 Reads

Gabriel Pereira Alves


Nicolas Gigena


Jędrzej Kaniewski

In this work, we perform a comprehensive study of the machine learning (ML) methods for the purpose of characterising the quantum set of correlations. As our main focus is on assessing the usefulness and effectiveness of the ML approach, we focus exclusively on the CHSH scenario, both the 4-dimensional variant, for which an analytical solution is known, and the 8-dimensional variant, for which no analytical solution is known, but numerical approaches are relatively well understood. We consider a wide selection of approaches, ranging from simple data science models to dense neural networks. The two classes of models that perform well are support vector machines and dense neural networks, and they are the main focus of this work. We conclude that while it is relatively easy to achieve good performance on average, it is hard to train a model that performs well on the "hard" cases, i.e., points in the vicinity of the boundary of the quantum set. Sadly, these are precisely the cases which are interesting from the academic point of view. In order to improve performance on hard cases one must, especially for the 8-dimensional problem, resort to a tailored choice of training data, which means that we are implicitly feeding our intuition and biases into the model. We feel that this is an important and often overlooked aspect of applying ML models to academic problems, where data generation or data selection is performed according to some implicit subjective criteria. In this way, it is possible to unconsciously steer our model, so that it exhibits features that we are interested in seeing. Hence, special care must be taken while determining whether ML methods can be considered objective and unbiased in the context of academic problems.

Biased random access codes

October 2023


9 Reads


3 Citations

Physical Review A

A random access code (RAC) is a communication task in which the sender encodes a random message into a shorter one to be decoded by the receiver so that a randomly chosen character of the original message is recovered with some probability. Both the message and the character to be recovered are assumed to be uniformly distributed. In this paper, we extend this protocol by allowing more general distributions of these inputs, which alters the encoding and decoding strategies optimizing the protocol performance, with either classical or quantum resources. We approach the problem of optimizing the performance of these biased RACs with both numerical and analytical tools. On the numerical front, we present algorithms that allow a numerical evaluation of the optimal performance over both classical and quantum strategies and provide a Python package designed to implement them, called RAC-tools. We then use this numerical tool to investigate single-parameter families of biased RACs in the n2↦1 and 2d↦1 scenarios. For RACs in the n2↦1 scenario, we derive a general upper bound for the cases in which the inputs are not correlated, which coincides with the quantum value for n=2 and in some cases for n=3. Moreover, it is shown that attaining this upper bound self-tests pairs or triples of rank-1 projective measurements, respectively. An analogous upper bound is derived for the value of RACs in the 2d↦1 scenario, which is shown to be always attainable using mutually unbiased measurements if the distribution of input strings is unbiased.

Extremal points of the quantum set in the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt scenario: Conjectured analytical solution

July 2023


15 Reads


6 Citations

Physical Review A

Quantum mechanics may revolutionize many aspects of modern information processing as it promises significant advantages in several fields such as cryptography, computing, and metrology. Quantum cryptography, for instance, allows us to implement protocols which are device independent, i.e., they can be proven secure under fewer assumptions. These protocols rely on using devices producing nonlocal statistics and ideally these statistics would correspond to extremal points of the quantum set in the probability space. However, even in the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) scenario (the simplest nontrivial Bell scenario) we do not have a full understanding of the extremal quantum points. In fact, there are only a couple of analytic families of such points. Our first contribution is to introduce two families of analytical quantum extremal points by providing solutions to two families of Bell functionals. In the second part we focus on developing an analytical criteria for extremality in the CHSH scenario. A well-known Tsirelson-Landau-Masanes criterion only applies to points with uniform marginals, but a generalization has been suggested in a sequence of works by Ishizaka. We combine these conditions into a standalone conjecture, explore their technical details, and discuss their suitability. Based on the understanding acquired, we propose a set of conditions with an elegant mathematical form and an intuitive physical interpretation. Finally, we verify that both sets of conditions give correct predictions on these families of quantum extremal points.

Mutually Unbiased Measurements, Hadamard Matrices, and Superdense Coding

June 2023


15 Reads


5 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory

Mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) are highly symmetric bases on complex Hilbert spaces, and the corresponding rank-1 projective measurements are ubiquitous in quantum information theory. In this work, we study a recently introduced generalisation of MUBs called mutually unbiased measurements (MUMs). These measurements inherit the essential property of complementarity from MUBs, but the Hilbert space dimension is no longer required to match the number of outcomes. This operational complementarity property renders MUMs highly useful for device-independent quantum information processing. It has been shown that MUMs are strictly more general than MUBs. In this work we provide a complete proof of the characterisation of MUMs that are direct sums of MUBs. We then construct new examples of MUMs that are not direct sums of MUBs. A crucial technical tool for this construction is a correspondence with quaternionic Hadamard matrices, which allows us to map known examples of such matrices to MUMs that are not direct sums of MUBs. Furthermore, we show that–in stark contrast with MUBs–the number of MUMs for a fixed outcome number is unbounded. Next, we focus on the use of MUMs in quantum communication. We demonstrate how any pair of MUMs with d outcomes defines a d -dimensional superdense coding protocol. Using MUMs that are not direct sums of MUBs, we disprove a recent conjecture due to Nayak and Yuen on the rigidity of superdense coding, for infinitely many dimensions. The superdense coding protocols arising in the refutation reveal how shared entanglement may be used in a manner heretofore unknown.

Fig. 1. Ilustration of conditions from Conjecture 2. Points P0, Pc, Pm are fixed with observables' parameters. Point P0 + Pc corresponds to the point with the maximally entangled state from the first condition. If this point satisfies TLM criterion, then the second condition claims that all points on the ellipse down to the first non-negativity facet (in this case P4) are extremal, while points on the ellipse below P4 are not extremal.
Fig. 3. The Generalised Wolfe-Yelin functionals with quantum advantage.
Fig. 4. The Generalised Wolfe-Yelin points with extended range of parameters α0, α1. The points that correspond to functional with quantum advantage are shown in blue. A region with quantum extremal points given by numerical tools, Ishizaka's and our conditions is shown in orange.
Extremal points of the quantum set in the CHSH scenario: conjectured analytical solution
  • Preprint
  • File available

February 2023


19 Reads


1 Citation

Quantum mechanics may revolutionise many aspects of modern information processing as it promises significant advantages in several fields such as cryptography, computing and metrology. Quantum cryptography for instance allows us to implement protocols which are device-independent, i.e.~they can be proven security under fewer assumptions. These protocols rely on using devices producing non-local statistics and ideally these statistics would correspond to extremal points of the quantum set in the probability space. However, even in the CHSH scenario (the simplest non-trivial Bell scenario) we do not have a full understanding of the extremal quantum points. In fact, there are only a couple of analytic families of such points. Our first contribution is to introduce two new families of analytical quantum extremal points by providing solutions to two new families of Bell functionals. In the second part we focus on developing an analytical criteria for extremality in the CHSH scenario. A well-known Tsirelson--Landau--Masanes criterion only applies to points with uniform marginals, but a generalisation has been suggested in a sequence of works by Satoshi Ishizaka. We combine these conditions into a standalone conjecture, explore their technical details and discuss their suitability. Based on the understanding acquired, we propose a new set of conditions with an elegant mathematical form and an intuitive physical interpretation. Finally, we verify that both sets of conditions give correct predictions on the new families of quantum extremal points.


Optimality of any pair of incompatible rank-one projective measurements for some nontrivial Bell inequality

September 2022


8 Reads


2 Citations

Physical Review A

Bell nonlocality represents one of the most striking departures of quantum mechanics from classical physics. It shows that correlations between spacelike separated systems allowed by quantum mechanics are stronger than those present in any classical theory. In a recent work [A. Tavakoli, M. Farkas, D. Rosset, J.-D. Bancal, and J. Kaniewski, Sci. Adv. 7, eabc3847 (2021)], a family of Bell functionals tailored to mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) was proposed. For these functionals, the maximal quantum violation is achieved if the two measurements performed by one of the parties are constructed out of MUBs of a fixed dimension. Here, we generalize this construction to an arbitrary incompatible pair of rank-one projective measurements. By constructing a new family of Bell functionals, we show that for any such pair there exists a Bell inequality that is maximally violated by this pair. Moreover, when investigating the robustness of these violations to noise, we demonstrate that the realization which is most robust to noise is not generated by MUBs.

Quantum value for a family of I 3322 -like Bell functionals

July 2022


18 Reads


3 Citations

Physical Review A

We introduce a three-parameter family of Bell functionals that extends those studied previously [Kaniewski, Phys. Rev. Res. 2, 033420 (2020)] by including a marginal contribution. An analysis of their largest value achievable by quantum realizations naturally splits the family into two branches, and for the first of them we show that this value is given by a simple function of the parameters defining the functionals. In this case we completely characterize the realizations attaining the optimal value and show that these functionals can be used to self-test any partially entangled state of two qubits. The optimal measurements, however, are not unique and form a one-parameter family of qubit measurements. The second branch, which includes the well-known I3322 functional, is studied numerically. We identify the region in the parameter space where the optimal value can be attained with two-dimensional quantum systems and characterize the state and measurements attaining this value. Finally, we show that the set of realizations introduced by Pál and Vértesi [Phys. Rev. A 82, 022116 (2010)] to obtain the maximal violation of the I3322 inequality succeeds in approaching the optimal value for a large subset of the functionals in this branch. In these cases we analyze and discuss the main features of the optimal realizations.

For every value of c¯ the function h p (c) is bounded from above by its derivative at c=c¯ and from below by straight lines connecting the point c¯,hp(c¯) to the endpoints, namely (0, 0) and (1, 0).
Lower bounds on the commutation-based incompatibility measure as a function of the average overlap for d = 2 (left) and d = 3 (right). Note that for d = 2 we obtain a non-trivial bound for the entire range of c¯ , but this is not the case for d = 3. As showed before in both cases the optimal QRAC performance certifies the maximal value of incompatibility.
Region plot of the incompatibility–uncertainty space quantified by ϒ1 and −log τ for d = 3 in the range τ∈[13,1] . The forbidden regions are marked in red.
Quantifying incompatibility of quantum measurements through non-commutativity

June 2022


4 Reads


8 Citations

The existence of incompatible measurements, i.e. measurements which cannot be performed simultaneously on a single copy of a quantum state, constitutes an important distinction between quantum mechanics and classical theories. While incompatibility might at first glance seem like an obstacle, it turns to be a necessary ingredient to achieve the so-called quantum advantage in various operational tasks like random access codes or key distribution. To improve our understanding of how to quantify incompatibility of quantum measurements, we define and explore a family of incompatibility measures based on non-commutativity. We investigate some basic properties of these measures, we show that they satisfy some natural information-processing requirements and we fully characterize the pairs which achieve the highest incompatibility (in a fixed dimension). We also consider the behavior of our measures under different types of compositions. Finally, to link our new measures to existing results, we relate them to a robustness-based incompatibility measure and two operational scenarios: random access codes and entropic uncertainty relations.

Mutually Unbiased Measurements, Hadamard Matrices, and Superdense Coding

April 2022


23 Reads

Mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) are highly symmetric bases on complex Hilbert spaces, and the corresponding rank-1 projective measurements are ubiquitous in quantum information theory. In this work, we study a recently introduced generalization of MUBs called mutually unbiased measurements (MUMs). These measurements inherit the essential property of complementarity from MUBs, but the Hilbert space dimension is no longer required to match the number of outcomes. This operational complementarity property renders MUMs highly useful for device-independent quantum information processing. It has been shown that MUMs are strictly more general than MUBs. In this work we provide a complete proof of the characterization of MUMs that are direct sums of MUBs. We then proceed to construct new examples of MUMs that are not direct sums of MUBs. A crucial technical tool for these construction is a correspondence with quaternionic Hadamard matrices, which allows us to map known examples of such matrices to MUMs that are not direct sums of MUBs. Furthermore, we show that -- in stark contrast with MUBs -- the number of MUMs for a fixed outcome number is unbounded. Next, we focus on the use of MUMs in quantum communication. We demonstrate how any pair of MUMs with d outcomes defines a d-dimensional superdense coding protocol. Using MUMs that are not direct sums of MUBs, we disprove a recent conjecture due to Nayak and Yuen on the rigidity of superdense coding for infinitely many dimensions.

Quantum value for a family of I3322I_{3322}-like Bell functionals

March 2022


17 Reads

We introduce a three-parameter family of Bell functionals that extends those studied in reference [Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033420 (2020)] by including a marginal contribution. An analysis of their quantum value naturally splits the family into two branches, and for the first of them we show that this value is given by a simple function of the parameters defining the functionals. In this case we completely characterise the realisations attaining the optimal value and show that these functionals can be used to self-test any partially entangled state of two qubits. The optimal measurements, however, are not unique and form a one-parameter family of qubit measurements. The second branch, which includes the well-known I3322I_{3322} functional, is studied numerically. We identify the region in the parameter space where the quantum value can be attained, with two-dimensional systems and characterise the state and measurements attaining this value. Finally, we show that the set of realisations introduced in reference [Phys. Rev. A 82, 022116 (2010)] to obtain the maximal violation of the I3322I_{3322} inequality succeeds in approaching the optimal value for a large subset of the functionals in this branch. In these cases we analyse and discuss the main features of the optimal realisations.

Citations (37)

... In addition, still in the semi-DI framework, all measurement devices can be considered as fully trusted [12,13] or only some of them can be considered as trusted [14]. In the standard prepare-andmeasure (PM) scenario, which will form the framework for self-testing in our paper, the most widely accepted assumption is an upper bound on the dimension of the communicated quantum system (see, e.g., [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]). * New J. Phys. ...


Towards minimal self-testing of qubit states and measurements in prepare-and-measure scenarios
Biased random access codes
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

Physical Review A

... Even in the simplest bipartite qubit scenarios, establishing uniqueness remains a formidable challenge because quantum probability space is convex but not a polytope. Nevertheless, one can identify certain extremal behaviours, if not the entire set, using the optimal quantum violations of Bell inequalities [83]. In the simplest bipartite scenario, extensive research has shown that by designing various Bell inequalities [83], one can characterise a wide array of quantum extremal points and demonstrate the self-testing of pure twoqubit states and measurements. ...

Extremal points of the quantum set in the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt scenario: Conjectured analytical solution
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

Physical Review A

... Several different approaches have been proposed in the literature from different perspectives in an attempt to partially answer this question. For instance, the NPA hierarchy [13,14] provides a numerical approximation of the quantum correlation set from the outside, the convexity of the quantum correlation set and its extremal points (for some specific scenarios) have been studied in [15,12,16,17]. It has been proven that for the scenarios involving any number of parties with binary inputs, the classical correlation polytope is dual to the no-signaling polytope [18], the duality of the quantum correlation set, which is convex but is in general not a polytope unlike L and NS, is less known and has been studied for some specific scenarios [20,21,15,18,22,19]. ...

Extremal points of the quantum set in the CHSH scenario: conjectured analytical solution

... the above techniques, we will now prove that from correlations arbitrarily close to the local set (and therefore violating any Bell inequality arbitrarily weakly) one can extract logðdÞ bits of device-independent key for any integer d ≥ 2. For this purpose, we need to use Bell inequalities with d outcomes. Various recent works have looked at such scenarios (also in the context of DIQKD) [31][32][33][34], and a family of inequalities particularly suitable for our purposes was introduced in Ref. [35]. The inequalities are PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 132, 210803 (2024) parametrized by an integer d ≥ 2 and overlap matrix O, whose elements are characterized by two orthonormal bases on C d , which we choose to be fjjig d−1 j¼0 and fje k ig d−1 k¼0 . ...

Optimality of any pair of incompatible rank-one projective measurements for some nontrivial Bell inequality
  • Citing Article
  • September 2022

Physical Review A

... In this work, we provide a conclusive proof that incompatible projective measurements are necessary and sufficient to violate the CGLMP inequality with two qutrits. In contrast to the CHSH situation [20], we find that the violation of the CGLMP inequality is nonmonotonic with the increase of incompatibility in projective measurements quantified via commutation based incompatibility measure [50]. This leads to one of the central observations of our work, where for the CGLMP inequal-ity, we report: more nonlocality with less incompatibility. ...

Quantifying incompatibility of quantum measurements through non-commutativity

... The exploration of the 2 µm spectral window indeed goes beyond conventional applications in communication. Notably, both squeezed light and entangled photons have been demonstrated at ∼2 µm [23][24][25], marking a significant leap in the realm of high-sensitivity metrology. These advancements are particularly crucial for applications requiring high-sensitivity detection. ...

Near-Maximal Two-Photon Entanglement for Optical Quantum Communication at 2.1 μ m
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

Physical Review Applied


Jędrzej Kaniewski





... There are numerous selftesting schemes (see, e.g., Refs. [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]) that provide self-testing statements for various states and measurements. In particular, Refs. ...

Self-testing quantum systems of arbitrary local dimension with minimal number of measurements

npj Quantum Information

... There are numerous selftesting schemes (see, e.g., Refs. [15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26]) that provide self-testing statements for various states and measurements. In particular, Refs. ...

Mutually unbiased bases and symmetric informationally complete measurements in Bell experiments

Science Advances