Jean-Guy Degos’s research while affiliated with University of Bordeaux and other places

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Publications (31)

The relative nature of success and failure – function of time and context. What can we learn from the History of three large-scale projects
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2022


20 Reads


Jean-Guy Degos

In this paper, we study three long-term projects, with a life cycle of several centuries, where the environment and the economic conditions change: as well as the borders and the political regimes of the countries, the behaviors and the aspirations of men, the daily life and the perception of the world. For these large projects, their life cycle, including the classic stages of beginning, maturity, and completion, the end may be far away... but sometimes it already gives an idea of the outcome of the project. To show the relativity of their success and failure, we have chosen to evoke three large projects of the same nature: whose failure or success can be appreciated nowadays. We will first study, respecting the chronology, the oldest waterway, the Canal du Midi, the most important large project of the 17 th century (1667-1682), which was a success as long as it enjoyed a natural monopoly. We will then evoke the Suez Canal, which was a success, and which remains so (1859-1869). Finally, we will study the Panama Canal, which was a resounding failure under the French government (1881-1903), but which later became an undisputed success when completed by the Americans (1904-1914). Many factors have modified the destiny of these great projects, and we will try to analyze them. For these three projects, we have used archives and testimonies somewhat forgotten in time, which raises our second objective - to inform and communicate the existence of these resources because their volume requires much more effort than ours.


The history of accounting standards in French-speaking African countries since independence: The uneasy path toward IFRS

July 2018


2,252 Reads


23 Citations

Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to focus on circumvolutions taken by the accounting standard-setting process in French-speaking African countries which have delayed convergence toward IFRS standards and to identify how different factors shape accounting standards in a context in which post-colonial hysteresis interact with globalization. Design/methodology/approach This study uses archival data and interviews with key individual actors. Two case studies from two successive periods are contrasted: the design of the OCAM accounting standards in the 1970s, and the development of the SYSCOA/OHADA accounting standards during the 1990s before the partial adoption of IFRS. Findings The study shows the convergence toward international accounting standards in French-speaking African countries emerged from a complex, multimodal process mingling competition with collaboration and negotiation. They have followed a different path from most English-speaking African countries, where convergence to IAS/IFRS took place earlier and faster. The evidence indicates the significance of the interaction between the ex-colonization and the indigenous accounting standards, the importance of key actors and the level of the educational institutions. Research limitations/implications No African written sources were located. Most of the sources used were French. Practical implications The paper includes implications for the standards setting in developing countries. The examination of the development of accounting rules in French-speaking African countries between 1960 and 2010 shows the complexity of the accounting standards’ diffusion dynamic. Originality/value This study provides novel insights over a 30-year period of accounting standards in French-speaking African countries. This research explains why IFRS have not yet adopted in French-speaking African countries as it was in English-speaking African countries.

Gérer les risques permanents des bitcoins et des monnaies virtuelles de même type

May 2017


44 Reads


2 Citations

Question(s) de management

Managing ongoing risks of bitcoins, and other virtual currencies The monetary and banking authorities, which for centuries have been the unaccepted guardians of individuals, representing the public power and its coercion, are often rejected with great comprehension. New currencies, or pseudo-currencies, based on cryptography, have emerged and developed with the aid of block chains, with decentralized networks of active people who no longer wish to collaborate with banks. What are the promises and threats of this new monetary approach ? Do its benefits offset its risks ? This is what we will try to clarify by combining, diachronic approach, survey data and cross-dimensional checks. The main result is that virtual currencies remain risky and do not constitute a definitive substitute for bank weaknesses.

LA REVUE DU FINANCIER La structure financière contrastée des entreprises familiales françaises : une approche fondée sur la théorie du compromis

May 2016


4,273 Reads


2 Citations

Depuis plus d'un demi-siècle les chercheurs en finance cherchent les combinaisons optimales de financement sur fonds propres et sur dette qui allient des coûts moyens pondérés du capital faible et des performances financières élevées. De nombreuses propositions ont été faites, et les chercheurs, à chaque fois, examinent le bien fondé des hypothèses et des résultats. Dans cet article, nous avons essayé d'analyser dans quelle mesure la théorie du compromis (Trade off theory) est d'une application pertinente pour les entreprises familiales, et si elle est en concurrence ou en concordance avec la théorie du financement hiérarchique (Pecking order theory). Pour cela, nous avons comparé deux séries d'échantillons d'entreprises familiales non cotées et d'entreprises non familiales également non cotées. Nos résultats indiquent que le comportement financier des entreprises familiales diffère en général de celui des entreprises non familiales et en particulier si on examine les variables d'opportunité de croissance, de profitabilité et de matérialité des actifs et que la théorie du compromis se justifie pour les entreprises familiales et les entreprises non familiales, à l'examen de la convergence du ratio d'endettement vers un ratio optimal, sans toutefois s'appliquer intégralement à tous les déterminants traditonnels de la structure financière. Mots-clés : Coûts d'agence-Endettement-Entreprises familiales-Fiscalité-Structure du financement-Théorie du compromis-Théorie du financement hiérarchique.

IASB conceptual framework and Single European Accounting Directive

January 2016


1,675 Reads

The European standardization coexists with the international standardization coming from the United Nations Organization, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the International Accounting Standards Board, the European Federation of Accountants, the IFAC and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), as well as foreign standardizations with strong negotiating power, especially Anglo-Saxon, such as the American FASB -entirely exotic- or the ambiguous British ASC -at the same time exotic and integrated to the European Union. All of these standardization systems continuously evolve and it is impossible to maintain a single one without any modification or with absolute stability for more than a few years. Thus, the three evolutions of the conceptual framework of the IASC -changed to IASB- have rendered the evolution of the main European accounting directives almost inevitable and a single directive has been developed and was published on June 26, 2013. Its key characteristics are presented below.

Citations (16)

... Of the 43 papers classified as the sociology of exclusion, only one does not adopt a social/critical conceptualization. This paper is Degos et al. (2019), which adopts neo-institutional theory. Furthermore, only two articles carry out their analyses at the organizational and institutional levels, namely, Alawattage and Wickramasinghe (2009) and Annisette (2000), respectively. ...


The sociology of exclusion: A knowledge synthesis of imperialism and post-colonialism in accounting research
The history of accounting standards in French-speaking African countries since independence: The uneasy path toward IFRS

Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal

... In order to resolve the problem of double spending encountered during traditional transactions, (Nakamoto, 2008)proposes a payment protocol operating thanks to the proof of work mechanism which consists of carrying out complex calculations for the addition of a new blockchain block carried out by miners (Miners are those who take care of the mining activity in the consensus of a blockchain). Although the cryptocurrency model was designed with the aim of solving the problem of double spending, and keeping users' privacy during transactions, different researchers are still debating on their subject, and trying to better understand them and explain this phenomenon, a priori even the definition assigned is not uniform today, considered as an IT product (Degos, 2017)and (Lansky, 2018), and a system that brings together specific conditions that allows it to strengthen its cryptographic status. Listed by (DELHAYE, le bitcoin, première cryptomonnaie, 2014) as follows: ...

Gérer les risques permanents des bitcoins et des monnaies virtuelles de même type
  • Citing Article
  • May 2017

Question(s) de management

... & Ouvrard, 2015;Escaffre, 2016). La publication des perspectives de croissance, exigée aux sociétés cotées par les règles d'animation de la Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières, constitue l'intégration de l'intention dans les comptes. ...

Normes financières et modèle économique :: Comment concilier neutralité, comparabilité et pertinence de l’information publiée ?
  • Citing Article
  • May 2015

La Revue des Sciences de Gestion Direction et Gestion

... « La notation financière correspond à l'évaluation […] du risque de non-paiement, en temps et en heure, de la totalité du principal et des intérêts d'une obligation financière. » (Lantin, 2012, p. 25) Le marché de la notation financière est apparu dans les années 1870 aux États-Unis (Degos, Ben Hmiden et Henchiri, 2012). Les agences de notation comme Moody's, Standard and Poor's ou Fitch, qui notent surtout des grands groupes émettant des titres sur les marchés, en sont aujourd'hui les acteurs principaux. ...

Les agences de notation financières: Naissance et évolution d'un oligopole controversé

Revue française de gestion

... The methodological basis for the study of RASMA's activities was the work on the history of accounting societies, such as the academic associations of French accountants, treated in detail by Pierre Labardin (2008), and the international academic societies of accountants (the European Accounting Association and the American Accounting Association) (Scovill, 1941;Trump, Ball, 1969;Carmona, 2002;Zeff, 2002). Bibliographic studies of historical publications (Edwards, 2009;Carnegie, Napier, 2012;Fowler, Keeper, 2016) and the review of studies of accounting theory in France and Germany in the 20th century (Degos, Mattessich, 2012) were considered. The articles devoted to the personalities of the profession served as an important foundation for the study; their role in examining the history of accounting was justified by Carnegie and Napier (1996: 21), who wrote that "modern accounting cannot be understood without the key individuals who have contributed to the development of accounting." ...

German and French writers: some relevant alternatives to IAS-IFRS conceptual framework
  • Citing Article
  • January 2012

International Journal of Critical Accounting

... This work is an extension of several scientific studies previously published concerning university governance and the organisation of accounting lessons (Degos, 2013), the control of French Government on French accounting professional structures for a century (Degos, 2014a(Degos, , 2014b, the evolution of the accountability by statutory auditors for the French Government (Degos and Mairesse, 2014). In analysing the evolution of all these institutions to organisational structures, we use the same reading guide that we mobilise once again. ...

Academic governance and accountancy: complexity emergence and garbage can model
  • Citing Article
  • January 2013

International Journal of Critical Accounting

... This work is an extension of several scientific studies previously published concerning university governance and the organisation of accounting lessons (Degos, 2013), the control of French Government on French accounting professional structures for a century (Degos, 2014a(Degos, , 2014b, the evolution of the accountability by statutory auditors for the French Government (Degos and Mairesse, 2014). In analysing the evolution of all these institutions to organisational structures, we use the same reading guide that we mobilise once again. ...

Elements of theory on state control applied to accounting: the French case
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014

International Journal of Critical Accounting

... Cette approche -du scandale comme « révélateur »marque, avec cependant moins de radicalité, les travaux des chercheurs en sciences de gestion, plus particulièrement en histoire de la gestion et de la comptabilité. Si ces derniers ont manifesté un intérêt pour l'étude du scandale financier, celui-ci y apparaît moins comme un objet à part entière que comme un révélateur des pratiques et des mentalités d'une époque (Bensadon, 2007 ;Degos & Prat dit Hauret, 2008 ;Lemarchand, 1993Lemarchand, , 1995Praquin, 2003 ;plus récemment voir : Falguieres, 2021 La sociologie pragmatique est le courant de travaux qui, depuis les années 1980, interroge le monde social à partir de la capacité d'action et de jugement de ses membres. Outre le pragmatisme linguistique -décisif dans l'appellation finalement adoptée, ce courant s'inspire de différentes écoles telles que l'ethnométhodologie, la sociologie de Goffman ou de Durkheim (Barthe et al., 2013 ;Lemieux, 2018). ...

L'échec du canal de Panama. Des grandes espérances à la détresse financière
  • Citing Article
  • December 2008

Revue française de gestion

... There are different authors who stand out on an international level in terms of accounting in this period: Dregrange, Léautieu, Guilbault, Dupont, Howard, De Roover, Gomberg, Delaporte and Dupont (Degos & Mattessich, 2003a;Degos & Mattessich, 2003b). Joseph H. Vlaemminck (1961), a well-known Belgian, stated that accounting responds to business needs through proprietary information, with a significant impetus towards standardization and record keeping. ...

Accounting Research in the French Language Area: The First Half of the 20th Century

Review of Accounting and Finance

... First, the lack of preliminary studies: Lesseps distrusted engineers, such as Gustave Eiffel or Philippe Bunau-Varilla, who had always preferred the option of a canal with locks, and he listened to the bad advice of men who were incompetent, devious and duplicitous (Degos, 2011). The lack of prior studies on volumes and costs was then aggravated by the neglect of time calculations. ...

The French Canal du Midi at the 17th century: accounting gaps and financial innovations
  • Citing Article
  • January 2011

International Journal of Economics and Accounting