October 2023
10 Reads
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October 2023
10 Reads
August 2023
69 Reads
March 2022
24 Reads
1 Citation
Ce numéro regroupe des textes issus des projets ayant travaillé dans le cadre du Programme PSDR 4, sous l’égide d’INRAE et de 10 Régions françaises.
January 2021
706 Reads
This publication is the result of a study carried out by INRA (now INRAE, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment) and IGN (National Institute for Geographic and Forestry Information), at the request of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the High Council for Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas. It was conducted by INRAE’s Directorate for Collective Scientific Expertise, Foresight and Advanced Studies (DEPE). As with all work conducted by DEPE, this study was carried out according to the principles and rules for conducting expert assessments and studies laid down by this institution (INRAE-DEPE, 2018). DEPE carries out three types of projects, mostly commissioned by public authorities or external partners. • Collective Scientific Assessments (ESCo) involve the compilation of existing scientific knowledge to highlight achievements, uncertainties and knowledge gaps, and to reveal the latest scientific debates. • When the available literature is unable to precisely answer the questions posed by the public authorities, a multidisciplinary study-type approach is used. These studies are similar to the ESCo, and indeed integrate the ESCo approach, but complement it with the creation of new data (collection, statistical analysis, calculation and simulation). • Prospective studies offer visions of the future (or scenarios) for discussion by exploring, as systematically as possible, hypothetical scenarios based on available scientific knowledge. The study presented here includes elements specific to each of these three approaches. It examines how carbon balances can be established for the forestry and wood sector - taken here in its broadest sense, i.e. the entire forestry sector system and the activities related to the management, harvesting and value-adding of wood-based products - and their associated uncertainties. Firstly, it adopts an expert assessment approach using a review of the international scientific literature to define and discuss the assumptions and parameters to be adopted for each component along production chains that are likely to sequester or release carbon dioxide (CO2). The detailed results of this first stage were the subject of a first report directed to the ministry responsible for agriculture (Dhôte et al., 2015). This study also considers alternative forest management strategies up to 2050 using a prospective approach, which develops scenarios and seeks to quantify their long-term consequences. Finally, the study quantifies the effects of the scenarios considered using existing simulation tools, which therefore exposes their limitations. The detailed results of the complete study are available in the full report and its numerous annexes (see Roux et al., 2017). This project was coordinated by the project leader Alice Roux (INRAE-DEPE), and assisted by Marc-Antoine Caillaud and Kim Girard (INRAE-DEPE) who provided logistical and administrative support. The scientific steering was initially entrusted to Jean-François Dhôte (INRAE), with Antoine Colin (IGN) and Bertrand Schmitt, then Director of the DEPE (INRAE), taking over as planned and ensuring the finalization of the study and the coordination of this publication. To carry out this work, a group of experts, comprising researchers and technical experts from a variety of institutional and scientific backgrounds, was formed to cover the various themes addressed in the study. This group was composed of: Alain Bailly (FCBA[1]); Claire Bastick (IGN); Jean-Charles Bastien (INRAE); Alain Berthelot (FCBA); Nathalie Bréda (INRAE); Sylvain Caurla (INRAE); Jean-Michel Carnus (INRAE); Antoine Colin (IGN); Barry Gardiner (INRAE); Hervé Jactel (INRAE); Jean-Michel Leban (INRAE); Antonello Lobianco (AgroParisTech); Denis Loustau (INRAE); Benoît Marçais (INRAE); Céline Meredieu (INRAE); Luc Pâques (INRAE); Éric Rigolot (INRAE); Laurent Saint-André (INRAE). A summary of the expertise and contributions of each of the experts can be found at the end of the book. The supervision of the study was entrusted to a steering committee which brought together a group of administrative, technical and professional experts around the relevant units of the ministry responsible for agriculture, which commissioned the study. This process ensured constructive exchanges of different perspectives within the French forestry & wood sector. In addition to representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, participants included: Pierrick Daniel, Lise Wlérick, Frédéric Branger and Florian Claeys (DGEP); Pierre Claquin and Élise Delgoulet (CEP); Sylvie Alexandre (MTES-MCT); Bernard Roman-Amat, then Michel Vallance (CGAAER); Jean-Luc Peyron (GIP Ecofor); Isabelle Feix and Miriam Buitrago (Ademe); Pierre Brender, Joseph Lunet and Elisabeth Pagnac-Farbiaz (MTES-DGEC); Gérard Deroubaix and Estelle Vial (FCBA); Christine Deleuze (ONF); Olivier Picard (CNPF-IDF); Jacques Chevalier (CSTB); Yves Duclerc (MTES-DHUP); Julia Grimault (I4CE). A first draft of this book greatly benefited from the constructive criticism of Erwin Dreyer (INRAE), Jean-Marc Guehl (INRAE), Mériem Fournier (AgroParisTech) and Jean-Luc Peyron (GIP Ecofor), whose comments were invaluable. Jean-Marc Guehl was also directly involved in the drafting process, helping us to place the approach used within the context of global forest issues in the face of climate change. Although the following is the sole responsibility of the authors of this publication, the contributions of the members of the steering committee and the scientific reviewers were important, both in the development of the study strategy and in the interpretations of the results. We would like to thank them all for their contributions. 1FCBA, l’Institut technologique Forêt cellulose bois-construction ameublement (The Technological Institute for Forest Cellulose, Timber and Wood Furniture).
December 2020
19 Reads
1 Citation
July 2020
55 Reads
4 Citations
Deux visions du rôle du secteur forestier dans la lutte contre le changement climatique semblent aujourd’hui s’opposer : l’une promeut l’accumulation de biomasse en forêt pour optimiser le stockage de carbone dans les écosystèmes forestiers ; l’autre préconise un accroissement des prélèvements de bois dans une approche large du développement de la bioéconomie. Si la première démarche mise sur le renforcement du « puits » forestier de carbone, la seconde vise à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre dues aux activités humaines en substituant des produits bois aux biens dont les modes de production sont plus émetteurs.Centré sur l’exemple de la forêt française métropolitaine, cet ouvrage affine tout d’abord le bilan carbone de la filière forêt-bois et identifie les incertitudes liées à certains de ses paramètres clés. Puis, dans une démarche prospective, trois scénarios de gestion forestière, se différenciant par le niveau et les modalités des prélèvements de bois en forêt et par leur mode de gestion des boisements, ont été imaginés et leurs bilans carbone projetés jusqu’à l’horizon 2050. Les impacts sur ces bilans carbone d’une aggravation du changement climatique et de crises majeures, telles que des incendies, des tempêtes ou des invasions biologiques à grande échelle, ont été analysés. Issu d’une étude réalisée par INRAE et l’IGN à la demande du ministère chargé de l’Agriculture et de la Forêt et conduite par la Direction à l’expertise, à la prospective et aux études (DEPE) d’INRAE, cet ouvrage vise à éclairer le débat sur la façon dont la forêt et ses filières bois peuvent contribuer à atténuer le changement climatique.
July 2020
20 Reads
3 Citations
July 2020
62 Reads
Sciences Eaux & Territoires
Les forêts de l’hémisphère nord sont plus productives qu’il y a plusieurs décennies. Telle est la tendance observée et quantifiée dans différentes études menées depuis les années 1970 et qui mettent en cause plusieurs facteurs : les modifications des régimes pluviothermiques, les dépôts azotés et l’augmentation de la concentration atmosphérique en dioxyde de carbone. À partir de données de l’inventaire forestier national, les auteurs de cet article se sont penchés sur l’évolution des forêts françaises. Leurs résultats à des échelles plus fines mettent en évidence des variations extrêmes (négative et positive) liées aux espèces et au contexte environnemental local qu’il conviendrait de suivre en « temps réel » compte tenu des grandes incertitudes futures liées au climat.
April 2020
279 Reads
January 2020
80 Reads
1 Citation
... Mitigations and adaptation are "obviously inextricably linked (Innes et al. 2009)", but " Locatelli et al. (2011) […] argued that mitigation projects can facilitate or hinder the adaptation of local people to climate change, whereas adaptation projects can affect ecosystems and their potential to sequester carbon" (Keenan, 2015). Roux et al. (2020) highlight also the possible contradictions between strategies and, in this case, two opposite views about the role of forestry-wood sector in climate change mitigation: the willingness to promote and thus increase carbon sequestration and the willingness to develop bioeconomy, which implies to use more wood as bio-sourced and renewable resources, to avoid greenhouse gas emissions. They are incompatible, because the last one implies to increase wood logging. ...
July 2020
... Many policy strategies rely on modeling that either omits disturbances or only considers them deterministically. Upon request from the French Ministry for agriculture, Roux et al (2020) produced estimates of the forest sector's potential contribution to mitigation by 2050. Their assessment used several forest inventory, carbon budget and economic models. ...
December 2020
... An example is provided by the MELA Finnish simulation platform (Redsven et al., 2013;Siitonen et al., 1996) used to assess the impact of forest management and climate scenarios on future wood availability (Redsven et al., 2013). More recently, the MAtrix model of forest Resource, Growth and dynamics On the Territory scale (MARGOT) model (Wernsdörfer et al., 2012) was used to simulate alternative management and climate scenarios' impacts on the carbon sink of the French forests by 2050 (Roux et al., 2020). ...
July 2020
... The final aim is to improve management, especially by integrating these models into simulation platforms, as in, e.g., the "CAPSIS" platform (Dufour-Kowalski et al. 2012). These tools allow comparing different management alternatives (Courbaud et al. 2001;de Coligny et al. 2010;Meredieu et al. 2009) at the spatial scale of the stand and at the temporal scale of a rotation. These models and this simulator (http://capsis.cirad.fr/capsis/ ...
January 2009
... En forêt, les dérèglements climatiques concernent autant des processus écologiques au long cours (phénologie, vitesse de croissance des arbres, …) que des perturbations plus ponctuelles (sécheresses, attaques parasitaires, incendies, …). L'importance relative de ces deux types de changements climatiques sur le futur des forêts métropolitaines est encore difficile à évaluer, tout comme les réponses à y apporter (Wohlgemuth et al. 2002;Roux & Dhôte 2017). À titre d'exemple, il est légitime de craindre que le passage à une sylviculture irrégulière, en maintenant un couvert forestier continu, fasse de l'ombre aux essences héliophiles comme les chênes (Quercus sp.). ...
January 2019
... According to the previous research data, it can be preliminarily analyzed that the undergrowth economy is affected by many factors [14] [15]. Multiple linear regression can be used to analyze the influence of several explanatory variables on an explanatory variable. ...
April 2018
... GIS technology can be applied to protect venerable trees (Seynave et al., 2018). Coupled with satellite images and remote sensing technology, the location and changes in venerable trees can be tracked so that timely detection and preventive measures can be taken to protect them. ...
June 2018
Annals of Forest Science
... Les gestionnaires privés et publics des forêts tirent en effet la plupart de leurs revenus de la production de bois. Or, cette production est menacée par les changements climatiques, comme le montrent des études projetant une baisse de la productivité moyenne des forêts européennes, liée à une détérioration de l'état sanitaire des arbres (Roux & Dhôte, 2017). Pour diversifier leurs revenus et équilibrer leurs dépenses, certains forestiers pourraient donc adopter des approches économiques émergentes en France ou ailleurs. ...
June 2017
... Ces deux leviers, séquestration et substitution, sont interconnectés dans l'espace et dans le temps, de sorte que l'optimisation de la contribution de l'ensemble de la filière est aujourd'hui une question complexe (ADEME 2015b). L'effet de séquestration en forêt diminue à long terme avec le vieillissement de la forêt et l'augmentation des risques biotiques et abiotiques de déstockage de carbone (dépérissement, incendies, attaques d'insectes, tempêtes, etc.), notamment dans le contexte du changement climatique, il s'agit donc d'un effet temporaire (Deleuze et al. 2015). De même, l'effet de séquestration dans les produits bois, bien que présentant aujourd'hui en France un fort potentiel d'atténuation, est également temporaire et son ampleur est limitée par rapport à la séquestration en forêt. ...
December 2015
... Hence, a common approach to reducing stand vulnerability to drought consists of more frequent and intensive thinnings maintaining low stand density that, in the short-term, stimulates the growth of the retained trees and reduces droughtinduced mortality (Sohn, Hartig, et al. 2016;Schmitt et al. 2020;Gavinet et al. 2020;Moreau et al. 2022). However, this strategy prioritises short-term benefits while neglecting evolutionary processes and genetic impacts (Legay et al. 2015). ...
December 2015