Jean Bourgain’s research while affiliated with Institute for Advanced Study and other places

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Publications (352)

On a multi-parameter variant of the Bellow–Furstenberg problem
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2023


57 Reads


12 Citations

Forum of Mathematics Pi

Jean Bourgain



Elias M. Stein


James Wright

We prove convergence in norm and pointwise almost everywhere on LpL^p , p(1,)p\in (1,\infty ) , for certain multi-parameter polynomial ergodic averages by establishing the corresponding multi-parameter maximal and oscillation inequalities. Our result, in particular, gives an affirmative answer to a multi-parameter variant of the Bellow–Furstenberg problem. This paper is also the first systematic treatment of multi-parameter oscillation semi-norms which allows an efficient handling of multi-parameter pointwise convergence problems with arithmetic features. The methods of proof of our main result develop estimates for multi-parameter exponential sums, as well as introduce new ideas from the so-called multi-parameter circle method in the context of the geometry of backwards Newton diagrams that are dictated by the shape of the polynomials defining our ergodic averages.


On a multi-parameter variant of the Bellow-Furstenberg problem

September 2022


28 Reads

We prove convergence in norm and pointwise almost everywhere on LpL^p, p(1,)p\in (1,\infty), for certain multi-parameter polynomial ergodic averages by establishing the corresponding multi-parameter maximal and oscillation inequalities. Our result, in particular, gives an affirmative answer to a multi-parameter variant of the Bellow-Furstenberg problem. This paper is also the first systematic treatment of multi-parameter oscillation semi-norms which allows an efficient handling of multi-parameter pointwise convergence problems with arithmetic features. The methods of proof of our main result develop estimates for multi-parameter exponential sums, as well as introduce new ideas from the so-called multi-parameter circle method in the context of the geometry of backwards Newton diagrams that are dictated by the shape of the polynomials defining our ergodic averages.

On Discrete Hardy–Littlewood Maximal Functions over the Balls in Zd{\boldsymbol {\mathbb {Z}^d}} : Dimension-Free Estimates

June 2020


36 Reads


5 Citations

Lecture Notes in Mathematics -Springer-verlag-

We show that the discrete Hardy–Littlewood maximal functions associated with the Euclidean balls in Zd\mathbb Z^d with dyadic radii have bounds independent of the dimension on p(Zd)\ell ^p(\mathbb Z^d) for p ∈ [2, ∞].

Galilean Boost and Non-uniform Continuity for Incompressible Euler

November 2019


63 Reads


14 Citations

Communications in Mathematical Physics

By using an idea of localized Galilean boost, we show that the data-to-solution map for incompressible Euler equations is not uniformly continuous in Hs(Rd)Hs(Rd){H^s({\mathbb{R}}^d)}, s≥0s0{s \ge 0}. This settles the end-point case (s = 0) left open in Himonas–Misiołek (Commun Math Phys 296(1):285–301, 2010) and gives a unified treatment for all Hs. We also show the solution map is nowhere uniformly continuous.

Strong Ill-Posedness of the 3D Incompressible Euler Equation in Borderline Spaces

August 2019


34 Reads


22 Citations

International Mathematics Research Notices

For the d-dimensional incompressible Euler equation, the usual energy method gives local well-posedness for initial velocity in Sobolev space Hs(Rd)H^s(\mathbb{R}^d), s>sc:=d/2+1s>s_c:=d/2+1. The borderline case s=scs=s_c was a folklore conjecture. In the previous paper [2], we introduced a new strategy (large lagrangian deformation and high frequency perturbation) and proved strong ill-posedness in the critical space H1(R2)H^1(\mathbb{R}^2). The main issues in 3D are vorticity stretching, lack of LpL^p conservation, and control of lifespan. Nevertheless in this work we overcome these difficulties and show strong ill-posedness in 3D. Our results include general borderline Sobolev and Besov spaces.

Citations (77)

... is the Chebyshev function. We also consider the Cotlar type ergodic averages (discrete singular integrals) given by (1. 6) In the case where k = k and k = 0, one may instead consider the Hölder continuity condition generalizing (1.6) (see Proposition 11 for discussion of this issue): For some σ ∈ (0, 1] and for every x, y ∈ R k \ {0} with 2|y| ≤ |x|, we have ...


Vector-Valued Maximal Inequalities and Multiparameter Oscillation Inequalities for the Polynomial Ergodic Averages Along Multi-dimensional Subsets of Primes
On a multi-parameter variant of the Bellow–Furstenberg problem

Forum of Mathematics Pi

... The analogue of the Hansen-Mullen conjecture in number theory is to find rational primes with prescribed (binary) digits. Recently, Bourgain [5] showed that for some δ > 0 and for large n, there is a prime of n digits with δn digits prescribed without any restriction on their position. Thus it is believed that an analogous improvement holds for polynomials in finite fields. ...

Prescribing the binary digits of primes, II
  • Citing Article
  • February 2015

Israel Journal of Mathematics

... Initiated by work of Bourgain [9] in ergodic theory, research in this direction has continued to evolve into a standalone subfield of harmonic analysis following the pivotal work of Magyar, Stein and Wainger [44], where they considered the discrete analog of the spherical maximal function. Several authors have proved maximal and/or improving inequalities for discrete operators over lattice points on surfaces of arithmetic interest; see [1][2][3]12,15,24,27,28,32,36,40,41,46] for some such results. A distinctive feature of such work is the interplay between analysis and number theory, as the arithmetic properties of the underlying discrete set play a central role when the analogous continuous operator involves curvature. ...

On Discrete Hardy–Littlewood Maximal Functions over the Balls in Zd{\boldsymbol {\mathbb {Z}^d}} : Dimension-Free Estimates
  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2020

Lecture Notes in Mathematics -Springer-verlag-

... In [4] the authors partially answered the conjecture when φ is given by a real analytic surface of revolution. Later Kemp [12] partially proved the conjecture by establishing a decoupling inequality for all surfaces with identically zero Gaussian curvature but no umbilical points. ...

Decouplings for Real Analytic Surfaces of Revolution
  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2020

Lecture Notes in Mathematics -Springer-verlag-

... For the proofs of (2.6) and (2.7), we refer the arguments yielding [25, Lemma 2.1] and [25, Lemma 2.2], respectively. In addition, we refer [3,4,26,13,43] for some applications of these numerical inequalities and other related numerical inequalities. ...

Dimension-Free Estimates for Discrete Hardy-Littlewood Averaging Operators Over the Cubes in ℤd
  • Citing Article
  • January 2019

American Journal of Mathematics

... To overcome this limitation, Inci obtained a series of nowhere uniform continuity results including many Camassa-Holm type equations [19,20]. And for the incompressible Euler equation, Bourgain and Li [2] showed that the data-to-solution map is nowhere-uniform continuity in H s (R d ) with s ≥ 0 by using an idea of localized Galilean boost, this method will inspire us in this article. ...

Galilean Boost and Non-uniform Continuity for Incompressible Euler

Communications in Mathematical Physics