Jazlyn A Mooney’s research while affiliated with University of Southern California and other places

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Publications (21)

Figure 1. Reference bias influences the SFS and demographic trajectories. A) Sampling localities of gray fox genomes, with a star indicating the origin of the gray fox reference genome 17 and circles representing WGS data obtained from Preckler-Quisquater et al. 15 . B) Silhouettes and phylogenetic relationships of the three canid species whose reference genomes were used: Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) in blue, domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) in red, and the most basal clade, gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) in gold. Each species is labeled with its respective diploid chromosome number (2n).C) SFS for eastern and western populations show more singletons using the conspecific gray fox genome. D) Inferred effective population sizes (y-axis) and years from present (x-axis) reveal discordant demographic histories of eastern (light) and western (dark) foxes resolved using the species-matched (gold) and heterospecific genomes (red and blue).
Figure 2. Recombination rate comparisons between reference genomes for gray fox populations. Histograms of the square root of recombination rates (cM/Mb) across 50 kb windows in (A) east and (B) west populations. Colors represent the three reference genomes used for recombination rate estimates, with vertical lines representing mean values. Loess-smoothed (span=0.1) recombination rates (cm/Mb) per chromosome computed over 50 kb windows in Eastern (C) and Western (D) gray foxes based on the three reference genomes.
Figure 4. Reference-specific patterns revealed by FST outlier and functional enrichment analyses. (A) Scatter plot comparing FST values between gray fox and arctic fox references, with outlier windows unique to the arctic fox (blue) and gray fox (gold) highlighted. (B) Scatter plot comparing FST values between gray fox and Canfam4 references, highlighting outliers unique to Canfam4 (red) and gray fox (gold). For both (A) and (B), outliers shared between the two references are shown in black, while nonoutlier windows are in gray. (C) UpSet plot of significant (p<0.05) GO biological process terms identified as enriched for each reference genome. Bars represent the intersection size of GO terms. Shared terms across all three references are represented by the bar labeled "2-1-3," while pairwise intersections show shared terms between specific reference genomes. The bottom panel shows the intersections represented as dots, where each connected set of dots indicates a shared subset of GO terms across references.
Pyrho hyperparameter settings for each reference genome and both populations.
Divergent reference genomes compromise the reconstruction of demographic histories, selection scans, and population genetic summary statistics
  • Preprint
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November 2024


55 Reads


Matthew Genchev



Jazlyn A Mooney

Characterizing genetic variation in natural populations is central to evolutionary biology. However, most non-model organisms lack integral genomic resources such as reference genomes and recombination maps, limiting accurate evolutionary inference. Here, we explore the consequences of reference genome bias on the inference of genetic diversity, demographic histories, and recombination rates using gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus), which, like most members of Canidae, are traditionally mapped to the dog (Canis lupus familiaris) reference genome. Whole genome sequence data from gray foxes were mapped to the gray fox reference genome and two heterospecific canid references (dog and Arctic fox; Vulpes lagopus). Our results reveal that reference bias significantly affects population genomic analyses. Mapping to the conspecific gray fox genome improved read pairing, increased detection of SNPs, especially rare variants, and reduced spurious variants. Estimates of nucleotide diversity (π) and genetic differentiation (FST) were higher using the gray fox genome. We observed that mapping to heterospecific references leads to underestimates of population sizes, distorted demographic trajectories, and more variable recombination rates. These effects are further complicated by population-specific biases, which vary in their magnitude and direction across populations, highlighting the need for tailored approaches to mitigate reference bias. Importantly, FST outlier detection also differed among references, affecting functional interpretations. Collectively, this work addresses a critical gap in the rapidly expanding field of non-model species genomics by demonstrating the importance of using conspecific genomic resources in evolutionary research and illustrating how reliance on distantly related reference genomes can distort population genetic analyses.


A Pipeline and Recommendations for Population and Individual Diagnostic SNP Selection in Non-Model Species

November 2024


26 Reads

Molecular Ecology Resources


Chenyang Li


Michael G Campana




Jazlyn A Mooney

Despite substantial reductions in the cost of sequencing over the last decade, genetic panels remain relevant due to their cost‐effectiveness and flexibility across a variety of sample types. In particular, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels are increasingly favoured for conservation applications. SNP panels are often used because of their adaptability, effectiveness with low‐quality samples, and cost‐efficiency for population monitoring and forensics. However, the selection of diagnostic SNPs for population assignment and individual identification can be challenging. The consequences of poor SNP selection are under‐powered panels, inaccurate results, and monetary loss. Here, we develop a novel and user‐friendly SNP selection pipeline (mPCRselect) that can be used to select SNPs for population assignment and/or individual identification. mPCRselect allows any researcher, who has sufficient SNP‐level data, to design a successful and cost‐effective SNP panel for a diploid species of conservation concern.

Clonal dynamics of HSCs are characterized by methylation profiles over lifetime
A Cartoon depicting HSC population dynamics from embryo development throughout a human lifespan for two twins. Colors represent different HSC clones. Created in BioRender. Kreger, J. (2024) BioRender.com/m16o751. Bβ distributions of two twins over time, see circled numbers in panel A. Colors represent the different individuals. The Pearson correlation coefficient between individuals over time is also shown (right panel). C Pearson correlation coefficients for average methylation profiles between MZ twins. Dots represent individual comparisons and hexagons represent means of datasets. D Pearson correlation coefficients between DZ twins. E Pearson correlation coefficients between unrelated individuals. F Pearson correlation coefficients for all of the three comparisons (compilation of the data presented in C–E), along with lines of best fit and corresponding 90% confidence intervals. The lines of best fit and confidence intervals are calculated using the means of datasets (hexagons).
Variation during development is needed in order for model to match initial Pearson coefficients at birth
A Schematic diagram of the mathematical model, with probability of cell replacement α and probability of change in methylation γ. B HSC population dynamics over a lifetime. C Parameter estimation using initial Pearson coefficients of twins and unrelated individuals. Given a choice for the initial number of clones, the number of cells at which the embryo splits (Nsplit) can be determined. Data points (dots) represent the mean Pearson coefficient for 10³ independent simulations of the model with a given number of clones (Nclones) and number of shared cells (Nsplit). Shaded areas and error bars denote one standard deviation from the mean over the 10³ simulations. The horizontal lines represent the data: initial Pearson coefficients at birth for MZ twins (red), DZ twins (blue) and unrelated individuals (yellow). D–E Effect of varying Nsplit. White striped bars represent the clonal distribution in the shared embryo when it reaches Nsplit cells and splits into two embryos. Yellow/blue bars represent individuals 1 or 2 at the point at which the embryo has reached Ncells cells and finished growing. D: Nsplit = 10. E: Nsplit = 500. All other parameter values can be found in Table 2.
Frequency-dependent growth produces clonal variation during development
A Uniform growth during development with Nsplit = 36 and no selection (si = 0) for all clones. Left panel: Clonal dynamics during development, colors denote different clones. Right panel: β distributions at the end of development, i.e. birth. The initial Pearson correlation coefficient at birth is 0.99. B Same as A for frequency-dependent growth model during development. The initial Pearson correlation coefficient at birth is 0.87. All other parameter values can be found in Table 2.
Variants with weak selection arise during development and explain FMC dynamics for monozygotic twins
Simulations shown for MZ twins (Nsplit = 36) with frequency-dependent growth during development. For plots of the data (middle column and bottom row): dots represent individual comparisons, hexagons represent means of datasets, and shaded bands represent 90% confidence intervals. The data plotted in each panel (A-C and D-F) are the same for purposes of comparison against different model simulations. A–C Clone growth frequency plots for both individuals during development and life (dashed vertical line represents Nsplit), Pearson correlation coefficient, and β distributions at 0, 50, and 100 years of life. A: No selection. B: Weak selection (a = 0.05 and θ = 0.01). C: Strong selection (a = 0.05 and θ = 0.05). D–F Results from 10² simulations are shown (dashed lines are individual simulations and solid lines are mean trajectories). D: No selection. E: Weak selection (a = 0.05 and θ = 0.01). F: Strong selection (a = 0.05 and θ = 0.05). All other parameter values can be found in Table 2.
Weak selection with variants arising in development explains lifetime dynamics of twins and unrelated individuals
Simulations shown for weak selection (a = 0.05 and θ = 0.01) with frequency-dependent growth during development. For plots of the data (middle column and bottom row): dots represent individual comparisons, hexagons represent means of datasets, and shaded bands represent 90% confidence intervals. The data plotted in each panel (A-C and D-F) are the same for purposes of comparison against different model simulations. A–C Clone growth frequency plots for both individuals during development and life (dashed vertical line represents Nsplit), Pearson correlation coefficient, and β distributions at 0, 50, and 100 years of life. A: MZ twins, Nsplit = 36. B: DZ twins, Nsplit = 15. C: Unrelated individuals, Nsplit = 10. D–F: Results from 10² simulations are shown (dashed lines are individual simulations and solid lines are mean trajectories). D: MZ twins. E: DZ twins. F: Unrelated individuals. All other parameter values can be found in Table 2.
Developmental hematopoietic stem cell variation explains clonal hematopoiesis later in life

November 2024


17 Reads

Clonal hematopoiesis becomes increasingly common with age, but its cause is enigmatic because driver mutations are often absent. Serial observations infer weak selection indicating variants are acquired much earlier in life with unexplained initial growth spurts. Here we use fluctuating CpG methylation as a lineage marker to track stem cell clonal dynamics of hematopoiesis. We show, via the shared prenatal circulation of monozygotic twins, that weak selection conferred by stem cell variation created before birth can reliably yield clonal hematopoiesis later in life. Theory indicates weak selection will lead to dominance given enough time and large enough population sizes. Human hematopoiesis satisfies both these conditions. Stochastic loss of weakly selected variants is naturally prevented by the expansion of stem cell lineages during development. The dominance of stem cell clones created before birth is supported by blood fluctuating CpG methylation patterns that exhibit low correlation between unrelated individuals but are highly correlated between many elderly monozygotic twins. Therefore, clonal hematopoiesis driven by weak selection in later life appears to reflect variation created before birth.

Evolutionary consequences of domestication on the selective effects of new amino acid changing mutations in canids

November 2024


19 Reads

The domestication of wild canids led to dogs no longer living in the wild but instead residing alongside humans. Extreme changes in behavior and diet associated with domestication may have led to the relaxation of the selective pressure on traits that may be less important in the domesticated context. Thus, here we hypothesize that strongly deleterious mutations may have become less deleterious in domesticated populations. We test this hypothesis by estimating the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) for new amino acid changing mutations using whole-genome sequence data from 24 gray wolves and 61 breed dogs. We find that the DFE is strikingly similar across canids, with 26-28% of new amino acid changing mutations being neutral/nearly neutral (| s| < 1e-5), and 41-48% under strong purifying selection (| s| > 1e-2). Our results are robust to different model assumptions suggesting that the DFE is stable across short evolutionary timescales, even in the face of putative drastic changes in the selective pressure caused by artificial selection during domestication and breed formation. On par with previous works describing DFE evolution, our data indicate that the DFE of amino acid changing mutations depends more strongly on genome structure and organismal characteristics, and less so on shifting selective pressures or environmental factors. Given the constant DFE and previous data showing that genetic variants that differentiate wolf and dog populations are enriched in regulatory elements, we speculate that domestication may have had a larger impact on regulatory variation than on amino acid changing mutations. Significance Statement Domestication of dogs to live alongside humans resulted in a dramatic shift in the pressures of natural selection. Thus, comparing dogs and wolves offers a unique opportunity to assess how these shifts in selective pressures have impacted the fitness effects of individual mutations. In this project, we use patterns of genetic variation in dogs and wolves to estimate the distribution of fitness effects (DFE), or the proportions of amino acid changing mutations with varying fitness effects throughout the genome. Overall, we find that the DFE for amino acid changing mutations is similar between dogs and wolves. Even genes thought to be most affected by domestication show a similar DFE, suggesting that the DFE has remained stable over evolutionary time.

Unraveling the genomic diversity and admixture history of captive tigers in the United States

September 2024


101 Reads


2 Citations

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Genomic studies of endangered species have primarily focused on describing diversity patterns and resolving phylogenetic relationships, with the overarching goal of informing conservation efforts. However, few studies have investigated genomic diversity housed in captive populations. For tigers ( Panthera tigris ), captive individuals vastly outnumber those in the wild, but their diversity remains largely unexplored. Privately owned captive tiger populations have remained an enigma in the conservation community, with some believing that these individuals are severely inbred, while others believe they may be a source of now-extinct diversity. Here, we present a large-scale genetic study of the private (non-zoo) captive tiger population in the United States, also known as “Generic” tigers. We find that the Generic tiger population has an admixture fingerprint comprising all six extant wild tiger subspecies. Of the 138 Generic individuals sequenced for the purpose of this study, no individual had ancestry from only one subspecies. We show that the Generic tiger population has a comparable amount of genetic diversity relative to most wild subspecies, few private variants, and fewer deleterious mutations. We observe inbreeding coefficients similar to wild populations, although there are some individuals within both the Generic and wild populations that are substantially inbred. Additionally, we develop a reference panel for tigers that can be used with imputation to accurately distinguish individuals and assign ancestry with ultralow coverage (0.25×) data. By providing a cost-effective alternative to whole-genome sequencing (WGS), the reference panel provides a resource to assist in tiger conservation efforts for both ex- and in situ populations.

Figure 2: Classification accuracy using two approaches, 1) top FST markers (triangles) and 2) random markers (circles). For the random markers, each dot signifies the mean over 20 simulation replicates. The x-axis indicates the number of markers used for classification and the dot color indicates the number of individuals. The accuracy of classification is shown on the y-
Figure 3: Allele frequency of the top 100 FST markers between populations and the frequency difference for each marker between various populations. The x-axis indicates the rank of FST values of the markers, and the y-axis indicates the markers' allele frequency in both Luhya (represented in blue) and Dai (represented in red) populations; and Amur (represented in blue) and Bengal (represented in red); Labrador Retriever (represented in blue) and Yorkshire Terrier (represented in red).
Recommendations for Population and Individual Diagnostic SNP Selection in Non-Model Species

July 2024


50 Reads

Despite substantial reductions in the cost of sequencing over the last decade, genetic panels remain relevant due to their cost-effectiveness and flexibility across a variety of sample types. In particular, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panels are increasingly favored for conservation applications. SNP panels are often used because of their adaptability, effectiveness with low-quality samples, and cost-efficiency for use in population monitoring and forensics. However, the selection of diagnostic SNPs for population assignment and individual identification can be challenging. The consequences of poor SNP selection are under-powered panels, inaccurate results, and monetary loss. Here, we develop a novel user-friendly SNP selection pipeline for population assignment and individual identification, mPCRselect. mPCRselect allows any researcher, who has sufficient SNP-level data, to design a successful and cost-effective SNP panel for species of conservation concern.

FIGURE 4. Relationship between effect size and quantitative phenotypic traits. The y-axis
FIGURE 5. Relationship between effect size and categorical phenotypic traits. The y-axis
FIGURE 7. Manhattan plots for GLMM-based GWAS for body weight. A. All individuals B.
Genotypic and phenotypic consequences of domestication in dogs

May 2024


25 Reads

Runs of homozygosity (ROH) are genomic regions that arise when two copies of an identical ancestral haplotype are inherited from parents with a recent common ancestor. In this study, we performed a novel comprehensive analysis to infer genetic diversity among dogs and quantified the association between ROH and non-disease phenotypes. We found distinct patterns of genetic diversity across clades of breed dogs and elevated levels of long ROH, compared to non-domesticated dogs. These high levels of FROH (inbreeding coefficient) are a consequence of recent inbreeding among domesticated dogs during breed establishment. We identified statistically significant associations between FROH and height, weight, lifespan, muscled, white head, white chest, furnish, and length of fur. After correcting for population structure, we identified more than 45 genes across the three examined quantitative traits that exceeded the threshold for suggestive significance, indicating significant polygenic inheritance for the complex quantitative phenotypes in dogs.

Towards Simulation Optimization: An Examination of the Impact of Scaling on Coalescent and Forward Simulations

April 2024


33 Reads


1 Citation

Scaling is a common practice in population genetic simulations to increase computational efficiency. However, there exists a dearth of standardized guidelines for best practices. Few studies have examined the effects of scaling on diversity and whether the results are directly comparable to unscaled and empirical data. We examine the effects of scaling in two model populations, modern humans and Drosophila melanogaster . The reason is twofold: 1) due to the substantial difference in population sizes and generation times, human populations require moderate-to-no scaling, while more dramatic scaling is required for Drosophila ; and 2) model populations have empirical data for comparison. We determine whether coalescence, runtime, memory, estimates of diversity, the site frequency spectra, and deleterious variation are affected by scaling. We also explore the effect of varying the simulated segment length and burn-in times. We find that the typical 10N generation burn-in is often not sufficient for full coalescence to occur in human or Drosophila simulations. As expected, memory and runtime increase as the scaling coefficient decreases and the length of the simulated segment increases. We show that simulating larger segments in humans is preferable, as it produces a smaller variance in diversity estimates. Conversely, in Drosophila it is preferable to simulate smaller segments and concatenate them into full genome for achieving comparable levels of diversity to empirical data. We find that aggressive scaling leads to stronger negative selection and ultimately amplifies the strength of background selection on flanking variation. Author Summary Scaling is a common approach to make population genetic simulations more computationally tractable. However, the implications of scaling and best practices for scaling are still unknown. This study highlights the importance of carefully considering scaling practices for forward-in-time population genetics simulations. We provide insights about the trade-offs between computational efficiency and accuracy of scaled simulations relative to empirical data, in human and Drosophila . We achieved this by varying the species demographic model; the method of coalescence; the simulated genomic element length; and the scaling factor. For each combination of parameters genetic diversity was quantified and computational was efficiency tracked. Our findings suggest that when simulating populations, such as humans, where moderate scaling is required, one should simulate larger genomic segments for more accurate measures of diversity. Scaling seems to cause an inflation of diversity in human simulations relative to empirical data. On the other hand, in populations where more aggressive scaling is required, such as Drosophila , simulating smaller segments is advantageous. The scaling factor increases substantially in Drosophila studies, and the simulated data experiences a drastic drop in diversity, relative to empirical data, and an increased effect of purifying selection.

Developmental hematopoietic stem cell variation explains clonal hematopoiesis later in life

March 2024


22 Reads


1 Citation

Clonal hematopoiesis becomes increasingly common with age, but its cause is enigmatic because driver mutations are often absent. Serial observations infer weak selection indicating variants are acquired much earlier in life with unexplained initial growth spurts. Here we use fluctuating CpG methylation as a lineage marker to track stem cell clonal dynamics of hematopoiesis. We show, via the shared prenatal circulation of monozygotic twins, that weak selection conferred by stem cell variation created before birth can reliably yield clonal hematopoiesis later in life. Theory indicates weak selection will lead to dominance given enough time and large enough population sizes. Human hematopoiesis satisfies both these conditions. Stochastic loss of weakly selected variants is naturally prevented by the expansion of stem cell lineages during development. The dominance of stem cell clones created before birth is supported by blood fluctuating CpG methylation patterns that exhibit low correlation between unrelated individuals but are highly correlated between many elderly monozygotic twins. Therefore, clonal hematopoiesis driven by weak selection in later life appears to reflect variation created before birth.

Figure 1
Chromosome-level assembly of the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) confirms the basal loss of PRDM9 in Canidae

February 2024


57 Reads


1 Citation

G3 Genes Genomes Genetics

Reference genome assemblies have been created from multiple lineages within the Canidae family, however, despite its phylogenetic relevance as a basal genus within the clade, there is currently no reference genome for the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). Here, we present a chromosome-level assembly for the gray fox (U. cinereoargenteus), which represents the most contiguous, non-domestic canid reference genome available to date, with 90% of the genome contained in just 34 scaffolds and a contig N50 and scaffold N50 of 59.4 and 72.9 Megabases (Mb), respectively. Repeat analyses identified an increased number of simple repeats relative to other canids. Based on mitochondrial DNA, our Vermont sample clusters with other gray fox samples from the northeastern US and contains slightly lower levels of heterozygosity than gray foxes on the west coast of California. This new assembly lays the groundwork for future studies to describe past and present population dynamics, including the delineation of evolutionarily significant units of management relevance. Importantly, the phylogenetic position of Urocyon allows us to verify the loss of PRDM9 functionality in the basal canid lineage, confirming that pseudogenization occurred at least 10 million years ago.

Citations (8)

... Gray foxes are widely distributed across North America, and despite their phenotypic similarity, genetic evidence suggests deep divergence between eastern and western lineages 14 . Previous gray fox genetic studies have relied on a domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) reference genome 15 , which poses challenges due to significant karyotypic differences between the two species 16,17 . In fact, despite most canid study's reliance on the domestic dog reference genome, the clade contains a number of large rearrangements, for example, dogs have 38 pairs of autosomal chromosomes, gray foxes have 32, and the Arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) has 24. ...


Divergent reference genomes compromise the reconstruction of demographic histories, selection scans, and population genetic summary statistics
Chromosome-level assembly of the gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) confirms the basal loss of PRDM9 in Canidae

G3 Genes Genomes Genetics

... We recorded global and local ancestry for all individuals for each of 50 generations post-admixture, using a constant census population size of = 10,000 individuals per generation. We focus primarily on results from the first 20 generations post-admixture, approximately corresponding to the timing of African-European admixture initiated by the trans-Atlantic slave trade (ZAITLEN et al. 2017;HAMID et al. 2021;KORUNES et al. 2022;MAS SANDOVAL et al. 2023;MOONEY et al. 2023), with a subset of results over longer time periods in the Supplement. ...

On the number of genealogical ancestors tracing to the source groups of an admixed population


... The marker selection method was applied to three different datasets. We used wholegenome sequence data from humans in the 1000 Genomes Project (Dai, CDX; Puerto Rican, PUR; Luhya, LWK; Colombian, CLM; and Afro-Caribbean, ACB) (1000Genomes Project Consortium et al., 2010; from tigers (Amur, Bengal, and Generic, Armstrong et al., 2024); and dogs (Labrador retriever and Yorkshire terriers, Mooney et al., 2023). Sample sizes were 88 humans from each population (N = 440 individuals total), 13 tigers from each of the Amur and Bengal subspecies, and 13 Generic (N = 39 individuals total), and 100 individuals from each dog breed (N = 200 individuals total). ...

Unraveling the Genomic Diversity and Evolutionary History of Captive Tigers in the United States

... We did not find differences in genome-wide estimates of mutation load or inbreeding between NARW with high and low estimates of RS ( Figure S19). However, we did identify deleterious variants putatively associated with nulliparity in NARW females using approaches similar to those used to assess the genetic effects of inbreeding in the Isle Royale wolf (Canis lupus) (Robinson et al. 2019) and to explore positive selection in the Ethiopian wolf (Canis simenis) (Mooney et al. 2023). In our dataset, 41 variants were distributed across the top 10 percentiles of each of three candidate approaches based on associations with principal components, genotypic differentiation (F ST ), and differences in total mutation load ( Figure 4A-F; Figure S20). ...

Long-term Small Population Size, Deleterious Variation, and Altitude Adaptation in the Ethiopian Wolf, a Severely Endangered Canid

Molecular Biology and Evolution

... Identification of lethal genotypes causing pregnancy loss and perinatal mortality poses challenges due to their absence in living individuals. Deficit of homozygosity and haplotype has been applied to infer genetic causes of recessive lethality in humans and farm animals, which however relies heavily on ultra-large sample size [9][10][11]. Therefore, the existing research for pigs was limited in highly managed commercial populations [12][13][14], leading to our insufficient understanding of recessive lethality. ...

The impact of identity by descent on fitness and disease in dogs

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... As breeders of fashionable dogs prioritize specific physical traits, such as coat colour, size, shape, or other distinctive features, they cause the selection of a narrow range of the genetic diversity within the breed, contributing to the loss of biodiversity within dog species. To obtain the desired appearance traits, breeders usually rely on close inbreeding or breed from a limited number of individuals with the desired traits, which creates a kind of genetic bottleneck accompanied by a consequent reduction in the gene pool and, therefore, a loss of genetic diversity [132]. Furthermore, this can have negative consequences for the health and well-being of the dogs by increasing the likelihood of passing on undesirable traits, including genetic disorders, to the next generation while ignoring the breed's original functional traits or working abilities. ...

The impact of identity-by-descent on fitness and disease in natural and domesticated Canid populations

... We attempt to illuminate this exciting and challenging culmination of the academic search in the life sciences by summarizing typical stages and key considerations in the negotiation process, focusing primarily on research-intensive positions in the USA. For more information on how to prepare for earlier stages of the job search (such as the application, screening interviews, and 'interview visits' that include a job talk and chalk talk) we point readers to references [9][10][11][12][13]. We describe strategies, surprises, and setbacks, drawing from the experiences of recently hired participants in the Leading Edge initiative of earlycareer women and nonbinary scientists (https://www.leadingedgesymposium.org). ...

Ten simple rules for giving an effective academic job talk

... Paisa Cohort: The Paisa Project 24 is a case-control study of 9,105 participants recruited from the Paisa genetic isolate of Colombia [25][26][27] . Participants included individuals from the Paisa region who were at least 18 years old at the time of recruitment with a clinical diagnosis of SZA, SCZ, BP, or severe MDD, and matched controls. ...

Understanding the Hidden Complexity of Latin American Population Isolates
  • Citing Article
  • October 2018

The American Journal of Human Genetics