Jay G. Blumler’s research while affiliated with University of Leeds and other places

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Publications (81)

BBC Campaign Coverage Policy: Campaigning, Media and Polling in the 2017 General Election
  • Chapter

January 2019


43 Reads


2 Citations

Jay G. Blumler

This chapter considers how editorial policy at the BBC is formulated by exploring the decision-making process in this and previous elections. Drawing on his longstanding expertise in the subject, the author notes the Corporation must simultaneously balance a need to remain relevant to audiences with the demands of rival politicians keen to promote themselves. Despite the prevailing ‘groupthink’ that the result of this election was a foregone conclusion, the BBC remained determined to offer quality journalism that scrutinized the rival policies on offer. The piece ends with some reflections and observations on the future role of the BBC as a public service broadcaster reporting on elections.

Mediatization as a combination of push and pull forces: Examples during the 2015 UK general election campaign
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2018


299 Reads


39 Citations


This article introduces a dual perspective to the study of mediatization of politics, a political actor-centric and a media actor-centric perspective. It applies both perspectives to a case study of the 2015 UK General Election campaign. The media actor-centric perspective focuses on push forces of mediatization, manifested in proactive, interventionist reporting methods. The political actor-centric perspective focuses on pull forces of mediatization, referring to how candidates and parties purposefully draw media logic into the political world in order to achieve better their campaign goals. We argue that the Conservative Party and Labour Party, when exposed to equal push forces, employed different pull strategies in the 2015 UK General Election Campaign. The article uses a set of five indicators to recognize push forces that focus on the style of questions used by journalists when interrogating politicians on TV election programmes (reflecting media actor-centric mediatization). It finds clear indications of assertiveness, adversarialism and accountability in the news approach of the BBC. To recognize pull forces, the article uses a set of seven indicators developed from the literature on campaign professionalism (reflecting political actor-centric mediatization) and finds a considerable imbalance in the effective use of pull strategies between the Conservative and Labour Parties. This latter point leads to what we call lop-sided mediatization. The concluding section discusses inplications for mediatization research in times of Brexit and Trumpism.


The Crisis of Public Communication, 1995–2017

January 2018


506 Reads


62 Citations

Javnost - The Public

The article asks where stands the notion of a crisis of public communication, first promulgated by Blumler and Gurevitch in 1995, in the new communications ecology of 2017. Its focus is a “crisis of communication for citizenship.” It maintains that the sources of that crisis, spotted in 1995, still apply and have been joined by others. However, today’s political communication system has been radically transformed by digitisation, social media and the Internet, allied to accelerating and multi-faceted currents of social change. Its pluses and minuses for effective citizenship are canvassed in detail. Despite the opening up of many constructive avenues, in two fundamental respects, the prevailing system is still enmeshed in crisis.

A democracia e a mí­dia — Revisitadas

November 2017


12 Reads


3 Citations


O modelo que dominou a análise dos sistemas de comunicação política no século XX está desatualizado em muitos aspectos. Para os autores, é fundamental reconsiderar alguns dos conceitos fundamentais da escola de pensamento de comunicação política. Para isso, eles propõem novas linhas de pensamento sobre uma definição sensível à comunicação da democracia; os propósitos da comunicação cívica; avaliações dos papéis de mídia em termos desses propósitos; o eixo política-mídia; e novos papéis dos cidadãos nas condições dasnovas mídias. Observando que os valores estão sempre em jogo na forma como a comunicação política é organizada, praticada e recebida, eles distinguem dois diferentes conceitos dos papéis políticos dos pesquisadores para aproveitar e melhorar a comunicação, a cidadania e a democracia – tanto como um destino visionário, como uma jornada. Concluem que ambos merecem posições proeminentes na academia.

Epilogue for a Comparative Leap Forward

May 2017


18 Reads


3 Citations

Like myself, readers of this collection of articles are bound to be impressed by the actual and potential accomplishments of the Worlds of Journalism study. It has managed major leaps forward in two related respects—in advances (1) of approaches to the conduct of comparative research generally and (2) of the generation of comparative understandings of the journalism field, especially the cultures that shape it in varying ways and to varying degrees, specifically.

“As it was in the beginning…”

November 2016


9 Reads


2 Citations

This chapter revisits a comparative (nine-nation) study of the role of television in the first direct elections to the European Parliament of 1979. In a multi-level analysis – across broadcasting organizations’ policies, politicians’ and journalists’ attitudes to the elections, TV news coverage and audience reception and response – that study had focused on two subject areas: campaign involvement among actors and voters; and European vs. national/domestic dimensions of the campaigns. Having been members of the enquiry team, the authors ask whether any ideas can be derived from its approach for future research into communication in EP elections. After taking account of subsequent changes in the composition of and issues faced by the European Union and of member states’ political and media systems, they outline the main features of the 1979 study design and its principal findings. They conclude by discussing seven directions for future research which in their view emerge from the review.

Citations (64)

... Por ello, la comunicación política se vincula con la creación, modelamiento, diseminación y procesamiento informativo de mensajes por parte de una multiplicidad de actores que utilizan una variedad de canales para difundir sus ideas. Se enlaza con la transmisión de intereses y demandas ciudadanas, la legitimación simbólica de la autoridad y la clarificación de las distintas alternativas dentro de la constitución de las políticas (Blumler, 2017). ...


“El humor está bien, pero con cuidado”: percepciones de la audiencia chilena sobre la presencia del humor en la discusión política en matinales
The Shape of Political Communication
  • Citing Chapter
  • February 2015

... Ky proces transformon formacionet politike, mediat dhe vetë elektoratin (Plasser, 2002). Edhe autorë të tjerë të rëndësishëm të fushës si Blumler et al (1996) apo Scammell (1998) i konsiderojnë Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës si një model që ndiqet në formën e teknikave elektorale. ...

Modern Communications versus Traditional Politics in Britain: Unstable Marriage of Convenience
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1996

... In essence, entertainment is defined as something enjoyable or pleasurable that holds their attention for the time the entertaining object or occasion is perceived (Stebbins, 2007;Vorderer, 2001). In communication science, entertainment and information factors are an essential function of television media and education (Blumler & Nossiter, 1991;Holtz-Bacha & Norris, 2001;Maulana & Fatmawati, 2018). But interestingly, the FGD participants in this study placed the educational aspect in fourth place, even though they often discussed the need for television stations to have educational value in their television programs. ...

Broadcasting Finance in Transition: A Comparative Handbook
  • Citing Article
  • July 1991

... The regulations in Germany did not allow any private TV stations in the beginning of 1980s. The first private TV station in Germany was PKS (Programmgesellschaft für Kabel-und Satellitenrundfunk), which started broadcasting on the January 1, 1984 but, as a cable TV channel, it was only available to around 1200 households in the cities of Ludwigshafen and Munich [26]. A year later, it was renamed Sat 1, the name under which it still operates today. ...

Broadcasting Finance in Transition: An International Comparison
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 1991

... The most common form for its financing in Western countries, the licence fee, was already described more than 50 years ago as 'logical', 'more eqitable than the alternatives' and potentially 'easily adjustable' to changing circumstances, yet 'politically impossible' because it is 'generally unpopular' (Coase 1966). Ideological, political, economic and transnational pressures have been noted to influence changes in public broadcasting financing policy incurred by changes in technology dictating a constant need for reevaluation (Blumler and Nossiter 1991). Most recently, different countries have chosen different paths to meet the challenge of new media: Sweden by extending the fee to more devices than just radio and television, the Netherlands, by transitioning to support from the state budget, the UK by significantly lowering the fee, and Germany and Finland by replacing the fee with an 'excise tax' collected from all citizens (Herzog and Karppinen 2014). ...

Broadcasting Finance in Turmoil: An Introduction
  • Citing Chapter
  • July 1991

... Schlesinger, 1987). In reciprocal models, the relationship between sources and journalists is described as a process of exchange and ongoing social relationship, in which the gathering of information is not a single event but the result of complex interactions between the two actors (Blumler & Gurevitch, 1981). This process of "finding the truth" is described as epistemology of news reporting, which is defined by rules and routines that operate within a social setting, and determines how journalists obtain their knowledge (Ekström, 2002). ...


Politicians and the Press
  • Citing Chapter
  • April 2023

... According to the survey, 69.8% of respondents indicated they watched news daily, while 11.1% engaged with it at least once a week (CSDS, 2021). These findings resonate with Coleman and Blumler's (2008) 14 assertion that television channels play a pivotal role in transferring political discourse into the private sphere of viewers' living rooms. This data suggests that, despite the rising prominence of social media, television remains an indispensable medium for political communication in Kerala, directly influencing voter opinions and electoral behaviour. ...

The Internet and Democratic Citizenship: Theory, Practice and Policy
  • Citing Book
  • June 2012

... Precisely, the last one is a very important section considering that the preferred means of communication for monitoring this type of information, especially during electoral periods, continues to be television (Blumler, Thoveron, & Cayrol, 1978;Martínez-Pandiani, 2006). Supporting this idea, Holgado (2003) remarks the fundamental role played by the media in the transmission of electoral information, so that citizens can exercise their right to vote freely and rationally (p. ...

La télévision fait-elle l'élection ?
  • Citing Book
  • January 1978

... For this reason, the endeavour of archiving isiXhosa written materials requires institutions whose muscles can gather the body of documentary materials that have been produced by isiXhosa language speakers or those that are versed in the language. It must further be argued that digital resources provide an opportunity for improved preservation and access to isiXhosa materials, but also new challenges when it comes to who has access to this information, how the materials are categorised, used, and how to best safeguard indigenous rights associated with their content, including rights of privacy and dissemination (Blumler and Coleman 2021). With that in mind, it is clear then that issues surrounding the isiXhosa language and archiving require attention. ...

After the Crisis, A “New Normal” for Democratic Citizenship?

Javnost - The Public

... Klasyczne modele komunikowania politycznego uwzględniają co prawda obywateli jako jeden z kluczowych elementów procesu przepływu informacji politycznej (Wolton 1990;Blumer, Gurevitch 1995;Rush 1992;Perloff 1998;Negrine 2008;McNair 2018), ale traktują publiczność mediów jako "słabe ogniwo" w porównaniu z aktorami politycznymi i mediami (Adamczewska 2023, s. 89). Obywatele postrzegani są w tych modelach komunikowania politycznego zwykle jako ci, którzy nie mają ani zaplecza personalnego, ani finansowego i organizacyjnego, by wpływać istotnie na zawartość przekazów politycznych i ich dystrybucję (Dobek -Ostrowska 2012, s. 194). ...

The Crisis of Public Communication, 1995-2017
  • Citing Chapter
  • April 2020