Javier Pineda Arribas’s research while affiliated with Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra and other places

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Publications (14)

Clinical characteristics and prognosis of familial nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 2022


62 Reads


2 Citations

Endocrinología Diabetes y Nutrición (English ed )


Ana Irigaray Echarri


Javier García Torres




Emma Anda Apiñániz

Introduction Familial non-medullary thyroid carcinoma (FNMTC) is defined by the presence of 2 or more first-degree family members with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (DTC). The aim of this study is to compare clinicopathological features and prognosis of FNMTC and sporadic carcinoma (SC). Materials and methods Retrospective study of DTC included in the hospital database during the period 1990–2018. Results A total of 927 patients were analyzed, 61 of them were FNMTC, with a mean follow-up of 9.7 ± 6.5 years. The prevalence of FNMTC was 6.6%, with a lower TNM staging presentation (P = 0.003) consequence of a higher proportion of tumors smaller than 2 cm (P = 0.003), combined with a greater multifocality (P = 0.034) and papillary histologic subtype (P = 0.022) compared to SC. No significant differences in age at diagnosis (P = 0.347), gender (P = 0.406), neither in other aggressiveness markers (bilaterality, extrathyroidal extension, lymph node involvement and metástasis) were detected. Rate of persistence/recurrence (P = 0.656), disease-free survival (P = 0.929) and mortality caused by the tumor itself (P = 0.666) were comparable. Families with ≥3 affected relatives, had smaller tumors (P = 0.005), more multifocality (P = 0.040) and bilaterality (P = 0.002), as well as a higher proportion of males (P = 0.020). Second generation patients present earlier FNMTC compared to those of the first generation (P = 0.001). Conclusion In our study FNMTC presents a lower TNM staging, higher multifocality and papillary variant, with similar aggressiveness and prognosis compared to SC.


Características clínicas y pronósticas del carcinoma familiar de tiroides no medular

September 2021


13 Reads

Endocrinología Diabetes y Nutrición

Resumen Introducción El carcinoma familiar de tiroides no medular (FNMTC, familial non-medulary thyroid carcinoma) se define por la presencia de 2 o más miembros familiares de primer grado con carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT). El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las características clínicas, anatomopatológicas y pronósticas del FNMTC respecto al carcinoma esporádico (CE). Materiales y métodos Estudio retrospectivo de los casos de CDT registrados en nuestro centro hospitalario durante el periodo 1990-2018. Resultados Se analizó a un total de 927 pacientes, de los cuales 61 son FNMTC, con un seguimiento medio de 9,7 ± 6,5 años. La prevalencia del FNMTC es del 6,6%, presentando un estadio TNM inicial más bajo (p = 0,003) debido a la mayor proporción de tumores inferiores a 2 cm (p = 0,003), además de ser más multifocales (p = 0,034) y del subtipo histológico papilar (p = 0,022), respecto al CE. No se detectaron diferencias significativas en la edad al diagnóstico (p = 0,347), género (p = 0,406), ni en otros marcadores de agresividad (bilateralidad, extensión extratiroidea, afectación ganglionar y metástasis). La tasa de persistencia/recurrencia (p = 0,656), supervivencia libre de enfermedad (p = 0,929) y mortalidad ocasionada por el propio tumor (p = 0,666) fueron comparables. En las familias con ≥ 3 familiares afectados, los tumores son más pequeños (p = 0,005), más multifocales (p = 0,040) y bilaterales (p = 0,002), además de haber una mayor proporción de hombres (p = 0,020). Los pacientes de la segunda generación presentaron al diagnóstico el FNMTC a una edad más precoz respecto a los de la primera (p = 0,001). Conclusión El FNMTC presenta en nuestro estudio, en comparación con el CE, una estadificación TNM más baja, mayor multifocalidad y representación del subtipo papilar, con similares datos de agresividad y sin diferencias en el pronóstico.

Comparison of clinical characteristics of patients with follicular thyroid carcinoma and Hürthle cell carcinoma

April 2018


18 Reads


8 Citations

Endocrinología Diabetes y Nutrición (English ed )

Introduction Hürthle cell carcinoma (HCC) is an uncommon thyroid cancer historically considered to be a variant of follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC). The aim of this study was to assess the differences between these groups in terms of clinical factors and prognoses. Patients and methods A total of 230 patients (153 with FTC and 77 with HCC) with a median follow-up of 13.4 years were studied. The different characteristics were compared using SPSS version 20 statistical software. Results Patients with HCC were older (57.3 ± 13.8 years versus 44.6 ± 15.2 years; p < 0.001). More advanced TNM stages were also seen in patients with HCC and a greater trend to distant metastases were also seen in patients with HCC (7.8% versus 2.7%, p = 0.078). The persistence/recurrence rate at the end of follow-up was higher in patients with HCC (13% versus 3.9%, p = 0.011). However, in a multivariate analysis, only age (hazard ratio [HR] 1.10, confidence interval [CI] 1.04–1.17; p = 0.001), size (HR 1.43, CI 1.05–1.94; p = 0.021), and histological subtype (HR 9.79, CI 2.35–40.81; p = 0.002), but not presence of HCC, were significantly associated to prognosis. Conclusion HCC is diagnosed in older patients and in more advanced stages as compared to FTC. However, when age, size, and histological subtype are similar, disease-free survival is also similar in both groups.

Comparación de las características clínicas en pacientes con carcinoma folicular de tiroides y carcinoma de células de Hürthle

February 2018


14 Reads


6 Citations

Introduction: Hürthle cell carcinoma (HCC) is an uncommon thyroid cancer historically considered to be a variant of follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC). The aim of this study was to assess the differences between these groups in terms of clinical factors and prognoses. Patients and methods: A total of 230 patients (153 with FTC and 77 with HCC) with a median follow-up of 13.4 years were studied. The different characteristics were compared using SPSS version 20 statistical software. Results: Patients with HCC were older (57.3±13.8 years vs. 44.6±15.2 years; P<.001). More advanced TNM stages were also seen in patients with HCC and a greater trend to distant metastases were also seen in patients with HCC (7.8% vs. 2.7%, P=.078). The persistence/recurrence rate at the end of follow-up was higher in patients with HCC (13% vs. 3.9%, P=.011). However, in a multivariate analysis, only age (hazard ratio [HR] 1.10, confidence interval [CI] 1.04-1.17; P=.001), size (HR 1.43, CI 1.05-1.94; P=.021), and histological subtype (HR 9.79, CI 2.35-40.81; P=.002), but not presence of HCC, were significantly associated to prognosis. Conclusion: HCC is diagnosed in older patients and in more advanced stages as compared to FTC. However, when age, size, and histological subtype are similar, disease-free survival is also similar in both groups.

Acromegalia ectópica por carcinoide bronquial

December 2013


43 Reads


1 Citation

Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra

Los tumores que causan acromegalia ectópica pueden hacerlo a través de la secreción de GH o de GHRH. Se han descrito un centenar de casos de acromegalia ectópica por secreción de GHRH. Dado la rareza de esta patología presentamos un caso clínico con el objetivo de aportar nuestra experiencia diagnóstico-terapéutica y de seguimiento posterior. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con rasgos físicos acromegaloides de varios años de evolución. De forma concomitante también presentaba otros síntomas acompañantes sugestivos de posible origen bronquial. Ante la sospecha clínica de acromegalia se optó por confirmarlo bioquímicamente y posteriormente mediante estudio de imagen. Se descartó el origen hipofisario por lo que se realizó el despistaje de un tumor neuroendocrino bronquial y/o gastrointestinal por ser las localizaciones más frecuentes. El tratamiento de elección fue la resección quirúrgica.

Citations (8)

... The genetic basis of nonsyndromic familial nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma (NSFNMTC), which our patient fits, has been a topic of considerable interest in the past 5 years. The clinical features and secondary neoplasia in probands and family members have been described [8]. No cases of coexistence with MEN syndromes have been reported to data. ...


MEN1 in a Patient With Nonsyndromic Familial Nonmedullary Thyroid Carcinoma
Clinical characteristics and prognosis of familial nonmedullary thyroid carcinoma

Endocrinología Diabetes y Nutrición (English ed )

... Лише пацієнти у віці до 45 років з мінімально інвазійними фолікулярними карциномами та без судинної інвазії мали 100 % виживання. За іншими даними, у випадках широко інвазійних фолікулярних карцином 10-ти річне виживання пацієнтів було на 16 % нижче у порівнянні з виживанням хворих з пухлинами, які не інвазують [300]. ...

Clinical characteristics and prognostic factors in patients with follicular thyroid carcinoma
  • Citing Article
  • May 2018

Endocrine Abstracts

... Currently, few studies have compared OTC and FTC [12,13]. Whether differences exist concerning the survival rate between OTC and FTC is still controversial. ...

Comparison of clinical characteristics of patients with follicular thyroid carcinoma and Hürthle cell carcinoma
  • Citing Article
  • April 2018

Endocrinología Diabetes y Nutrición (English ed )

... Os carcinomas por células de Hürthle, comuns na quinta e sexta décadas de vida, correspondem a 3% de todos os cânceres de tireoide (4,5). Eles são frequentemente descobertos na investigação de nódulos tireoideanos através do resultado citológico do material da punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) (4). ...

Comparación de las características clínicas en pacientes con carcinoma folicular de tiroides y carcinoma de células de Hürthle
  • Citing Article
  • February 2018

... En el 72 % de los casos los pacientes con esta condición tendrán también una acromegalia (30), como se presentó en nuestra paciente. El manejo consiste en la adrenalectomía bilateral, aunque también se ha descrito la adrenalectomía unilateral, sin evidencia de hipercortisolismo posterior en un seguimiento por más de 10 años (24). ...

Acromegaly in a patient with Carney's complex
  • Citing Article
  • May 2013

Endocrinología y Nutrición (English Edition)

... La acromegalia se presenta entre la tercera y cuarta década de la vida (41-43) con una edad promedio de 28,8 ± 12 años en un reporte de 57 casos de pacientes con CC, una edad más temprana a la de los casos esporádicos de acromegalia de 40 a 48 años (48), sin embargo, hasta en un 75 % de los pacientes se pueden encontrar elevaciones sutiles y asintomáticas de la GH e IGF-1 antes que sea evidente un adenoma en los estudios imagenológicos, debido a una hiperplasia de somatotropos (49)(50)(51)(52), que histológicamente pueden tener tinciones positivas para prolactina y en algunas ocasiones para subunidad alfa y cadenas beta de la TSH, LH y FSH (42,43,53). ...

Acromegalia en paciente afecto de complejo de Carney
  • Citing Article
  • May 2013

Endocrinología y Nutrición

... It was calculated that a sample of 142 individuals would be needed to estimate the proportion of patients with CD among those diagnosed with DM1 (1056 DM1 patients, estimated CD prevalence of 4% in this group) with an accuracy of ±3%. Based on a previous study performed by our group [14], we considered a 70% participation acceptance rate; thus, we aimed to include 200 patients. Th ese subjects were selected consecutively according to their order of attendance at the endocrinology consulting room. ...

[Study of celiac disease in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus].
  • Citing Article
  • October 2009

Gastroenterología y Hepatología

... Another strength is the homogeneity of US-FNABs, all performed under US guidance and by a small number of operators who share their expertise trough the Thyroid and Parathyroid Program for Continuing Learning Education. In most of the previous studies the lack of US guidance might have contributed to increase the discordance between the first and the repeated FNAB, thus influencing the results [5,13,16,19,21,40,[50][51][52][53]. In fact, US-FNAB avoids the possibility that needle tip is out of the nodule, an event that cannot be excluded when FNAB is performed only in palpable nodules. ...

Value of Repeated Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology in Patients with Nodular Goiter

Acta Cytologica