June 2020
33 Reads
This study was conducted to evaluate fish cake made from salmon Oncorhynchus keta frame muscle (FC-SFM) in terms of taste, flavor, and nutritional characteristics. FC-SFM was significantly higher in moisture and lower in ash and carbohydrate than commercial fish cake (CFC). There were no significant differences in protein and lipid contents between FC-SFM and CFC (P<0.05). The total amino acid content of FC-SFM was higher than that of CFC. The major amino acids found in FC-SFM were aspartic acid and glutamic acid. The mineral content based on 100 g of FC-SFM was 76.7 mg calcium, 126.3 mg phosphorus, 19.1 mg magnesium, and 88.7 mg potassium. The total fatty acid content of FC-SFM was 1,833 mg/100 g, which was lower than that of CFC. The major fatty acids found in FC-SFM were 16:0, 18:1n-9, and 18:2n-6. The eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid content of FC-SFM was higher than that of CFC. The results suggest that FC-SFM has different nutritional characteristics to CFC, and FC-SFM could be commercialized.