Jan Prasko’s research while affiliated with University Hospital Olomouc and other places

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Publications (459)

Practical viewpoints on ethical questions and dilemmas in schema therapy
  • Literature Review

November 2024


11 Reads

Jan Prasko






A narrative review of relationship obsessive-compulsive disorder: Characteristics, causes and cognitive-behavioural interventions
  • Literature Review
  • Full-text available

November 2024


29 Reads


Flowchart of the enrollment.
Standardized path estimates of the hypothesized model.
Demographic Characteristics of the Sample
Clinical Characteristics of the Sample
Measures and Their Mean Scores


Structural Equation Modeling of Childhood Trauma and Self-Stigma in Adult Inpatients with Borderline Personality Disorder

October 2024


37 Reads

Purpose Child abuse and trauma are significant risk factors in the etiology of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Apart from affecting the risk of developing BPD, adverse childhood experiences seem to increase its symptoms and related disability. Self-stigma presents another common issue with equally prominent consequences for mental health. Despite being theoretically linked, the connections among childhood trauma, self-stigma, and mental health have not been explored in patients with BPD. This study aimed to provide first insights into this understudied topic. Patients and Methods This cross-sectional study included 283 inpatients diagnosed with BPD participating in a residential transdiagnostic psychotherapeutic program. The patients completed several measurements – the Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness Scale, the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire – Short Form, the Clinical Global Impression – Severity, the Beck Depression Inventory-II, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, the Dissociative Experiences Scale, the Sheehan Disability Scale, and a demographic questionnaire. The data was statistically analyzed using IBM SPSS and AMOS 26 programs, and bivariate correlation tests and structural equation modeling explored the hypotheses. Results Retrospectively reported childhood trauma positively correlated with current self-stigma. Both childhood trauma and self-stigma were also positively related to several indicators of general psychopathology and disability. The significance of these connections was subsequently confirmed by structural equation modeling, where self-stigma acted as a partial mediator of childhood trauma, general psychopathology, and disability. Conclusion Self-stigma significantly mediates the relationship between childhood trauma and selected mental health symptoms among adult patients diagnosed with BPD. Longitudinal studies are necessary to explore the causality of the findings. Therapeutic and societal efforts to tackle childhood trauma or self-stigma might benefit from reflecting its broader psychosocial context.

Fig. 1. Schema Therapy: Parallel Process Diagram Legenda: A graphical representation of a parallel process from a schema therapeutic point of view could show how the client's schemas, modes, and coping styles are reflected in the therapist's schemas, modes, and coping styles and how these affect the therapeutic alliance and the supervision process.
Parallel process as a tool for supervision and therapy: A cognitive behavioral and schema therapy perspective

INTRODUCTION: The parallel process is a psychosocial phenomenon where the relationship dynamics between the therapist and the client are repeated in the supervisory relationship between the therapist and the supervisor. The concept of the parallel process can be a useful tool for understanding and solving problems in therapy. However, it can induce supervision drift or block the supervision process. OBJECTIVE: This article aims to familiarize the reader with parallel processes in cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and schema therapy supervision and discuss how to manage this phenomenon in supervision. METHOD: This article is a narrative review with illustrations of supervision interviews in which the parallel process unfolds. The text provides an overview of theoretical constructions and empirical studies related to the parallel process. We searched PubMed, PsycINFO, Web of Science, and Google Scholar for relevant resources using the keywords "parallel process," "cognitive behavioural therapy," "schema therapy," "transference," and "countertransference." Case vignettes were collected from trainees, training leaders and supervisors to provide real-life examples of how self-reflection and self-experience can enhance CBT and schema therapy training, practice, and supervision. RESULTS: Interventions focused on the parallel process within supervision can help understand what is happening in the client-therapist relationship and can help focus on therapeutic and supervisory practices. Common CBT and schema therapy interventions such as guided discovery, psychoeducation, imagery rescripting, cognitive techniques, role-playing, dialogue of modes, and chairwork might reveal and elaborate the parallel process. This article also recommends incorporating work with parallel processes into supervision in the context of CBT and schema therapy. CONCLUSION: Supervisors and supervisees should acknowledge and be vigilant about the diverse manifestations of parallel processes and leverage their potential for supervision and therapeutic interventions.

Citations (67)

... Lack of open communication and trust within the family can further hinder treatment adherence, making it difficult to discuss symptoms, medication adherence, and coping strategies. 45 Addressing family stigma is therefore crucial for promoting better treatment adherence and improved outcomes for patients. ...


Analysis of inequalities in access to healthcare in North-east Portugal Análise das desigualdades no acesso aos cuidados de saúde no nordeste de Portugal
Self-stigma in patients with schizophrenia: Impact and management

... Their romantic relationship lengths are shorter than healthy individuals, and they perceive less social support. 25 The exosystem, or social structures in the victim's life, is examined at the second level. 14 This level has lots of common points with BPD, including abuse in past relationships, infidelity, childhood abuse, emotional abuse perpetration/victimization, jealousy, relationship communication, relationship satisfaction, separation, trauma, victim of forced sex, witness intimate partner violence (IPV) in family origin. ...

Black & white relations: Intimate relationships of patients with borderline personality disorder
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

... Somando-se essas dificuldades técnicas, pessoas com TPB muitas vezes enfrentam estigma social e podem ter dificuldade em reconhecer seus próprios sintomas ou buscar ajuda profissional 17 . ...

Stigma and self-stigma in borderline personality disorder: A narrative review

... Drift is a phenomenon that can occur in different types of supervision, including cognitive-behavioral (CBT) supervision. As one of the common supervisory roadblocks, it presents by omitting, avoiding, or deprioritizing the core components of supervision, which prevents meeting its purpose (Townend et al. 2002;Prasko et al. 2023a). This is an especially significant issue in CBT supervision, a highly structured, agenda-driven method (Overholser 1991). ...

Problems in Cognitive-Behavioral Supervision: Theoretical Background and Clinical Application

... Quality supervisory is central to psychotherapy (Greben 1991;Falender & Shafranske 2017;Prasko et al. 2022). A competent supervisor is aware of when tensions might arise between the need to attend to restorative aspects of the role while maintaining a focus on the normative and formative elements (Gross Doehrman 1976; Prasko et al. 2011;Prasko et al. 2023b). Thus, drift may occur when there is too little focus on one of these domains or too much of a restorative focus (Prasko et al. 2023a). ...

The importance of self-experience and self-reflection in training of cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

... It can help clients uncover their early maladaptive schemas and their manifestations in maladaptive schema modes (Hill 2004;Arntz & Jacob 2013). Working with dreams can also help clients find new ways to solve problems and develop their Healthy adult mode (Belohradova et al. 2023). Dreamwork in schema therapy is not focused on the symbolic interpretation of dreams but on a client's emotional experience of the dream and its connection with their life (Hill 2004;Stickgold & Walker 2006). ...

Nightmares in borderline personality disorder - narrative review
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

... Real-world evidence shows that patients adhering to CPAP experience increased mental clarity, improved memory, and reduced depression and anxiety symptoms. CPAP effectively lowers the AHI and enhances overall cognitive performance and mood [32]. Similarly, CPAP reduces selfreported fatigue in stroke patients with OSA, which improves stroke therapy adherence [33]. ...

Cognitive Functions, Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms After One Year of CPAP Treatment in Obstructive Sleep Apnea

... Notably, the efficacy of OSAS treatments may also differ due to these characteristics. Therefore, identifying specific comorbidities can aid in developing more targeted diagnostic and therapeutic strategies [4]. ...

Obstruction sleep apnoea and panic disorder
  • Citing Article
  • April 2023

... This narrative review explores the signs, reasons, and impact of supervisory drift at both supervisors' and supervisees' experiential, cognitive, and emotional levels. Through the use of case vignettes, we illustrate the potential solutions for preventing and addressing supervisory drift, such as staying on track, anticipating problems before they arise, adapting supervision to the supervisee's needs, using active supervision methods to understand the drift better, engaging in Supervision of Supervision (SoS), and using alliance measures (Prasko et al. 2023c). ...

Role-playing in cognitive behavioral supervision

... Nine 1-9 of the papers collected in this Special Issue focus on one of the most important topics related to the COVID-19 pandemic: how to treat it. Four 1-4 out of these nine are focused on drug treatment, two 5,6 are related to convalescent plasma use, one 7 paper focuses on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), one on endotracheal intubation (ETI) 8 , and the last one 9 provides the ability to interpret the global effectiveness of COVID-19 treatment. Two 5,6 out of these nine papers are reviews. ...

Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients Needing Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Following a Critical Course of COVID-19
