James C. Anthony’s research while affiliated with Michigan State University and other places

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Publications (510)

Estimating the effects of prenatal cannabis exposure on birth outcomes
  • Article
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September 2024


18 Reads

American Journal on Addictions


James C Anthony


David Barondess




Background and Objectives Prenatal cannabis use prevalence in the United States has increased. Relaxation of state‐level cannabis policy may be contributing to the diminished risk perception of using cannabis. The main psychoactive constituent of cannabis, delta‐9‐tetrahydrocannabinol, crosses the placenta, interacting with functional cannabinoid receptors in the fetus. Here, we assess the association between prenatal cannabis exposure (PCE) and a set of birth outcomes. Methods Using the Michigan Archive for Research on Child Health, a prospective pregnancy cohort, we linked prenatal survey data with neonatal data from state‐archived birth records. Recruitment occurred in 23 clinics across Michigan. Pregnant participants with live birth records between October 2017 and January 2022, after exclusion for missing data on cannabis use, birth outcomes, and covariates, were included in the final analytic sample ( n = 584). Analyses involved generalized linear models. Results An estimated 15% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 12%, 18%) of participants reported using cannabis during pregnancy. Covariate‐adjusted models revealed an association between PCE and birth size ( ß = −0.3; 95% CI: −0.5, −0.003). Discussion and Conclusions Findings suggest a relationship between PCE and smaller birth size. Clinicians should follow guidelines outlined by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists when counseling pregnant patients on cannabis use. Scientific Significance We detected a significant association between PCE and birth size. Most studies focus only on the extremes of birth size, however, use of z ‐scores allow for assessment of the sex‐specific birth weight‐for‐gestational age distribution, increasing the accuracy of detecting an effect of cannabis exposure on birth size.


Fig. 1 Consort diagram of the recruitment process.
Association Between Youth Blood Pressure and Exposure to Pediatric Fruit and Vegetable Prescriptions

August 2024


14 Reads

Pediatric Research

Background Health impacts of pediatric fruit and vegetable prescription programs (FVPPs) are unclear. This study assessed whether exposure to an FVPP that provided $15 produce prescriptions during pediatric visits was associated with differences in child diet, food security, physical activity, weight status, and blood pressure. Methods This cross-sectional analysis included data from caregiver-child dyads with varying levels of exposure to the FVPP. Dyads completed surveys at pediatric offices. Trained research assistants measured height and weight of children and recorded blood pressure through chart review. Causal inference analyses using propensity score adjustments compared outcomes of exposure groups. Results 680 dyads enrolled. Youth who received ≥1 prescription (exposed) reported greater physical activity compared to youth who received no prescriptions (unexposed). Blood pressure percentiles were lower among exposed when compared to unexposed youth (63.273 versus 75.060 for SBP; 71.472 versus 77.548 for DBP); and fewer exposed children recorded elevated blood pressure when compared to unexposed (0.141 versus 0.343 for SBP; 0.199 versus 0.344 for DBP; and 0.286 versus 0.531 overall). Similar findings were obtained using duration as a measure of exposure. Conclusion Youth exposed to the FVPP experienced greater physical activity and healthier blood pressure. Findings may indicate novel health-promoting effects of pediatric FVPPs. Impact When compared to youth with no exposure, youth exposed to a pediatric fruit and vegetable prescription program recorded greater physical activity and healthier blood pressure. Youth with high exposure (≥24 months) to the fruit and vegetable prescription program experienced greater physical activity and healthier blood pressure when compared to youth with low exposure (<24 months). This extends evaluation of pediatric fruit and vegetable prescription programs beyond feasibility and preliminary effectiveness to indicate potential of such programs in positively influencing physical activity and blood pressure of participating youth. Findings indicate novel health-promoting effects of pediatric fruit and vegetable prescription programs.

Effect of time since cannabis legalization on cannabis incidence in the 21 and older age group with 95% confidence intervals
Effect of time since legalization on incidence in 12-to-20-age-group with 95% confidence intervals
Characteristics of the U.S. population under study from the U.S. National Surveys on Drug Use and Health
Estimating the effects of legalizing recreational cannabis on newly incident cannabis use

July 2022


79 Reads


14 Citations

Liberalized state-level recreational cannabis policies in the United States (US) fostered important policy evaluations with a focus on epidemiological parameters such as proportions [e.g., active cannabis use prevalence; cannabis use disorder (CUD) prevalence]. This cannabis policy evaluation project adds novel evidence on a neglected parameter–namely, estimated occurrence of newly incident cannabis use for underage (<21 years) versus older adults. The project’s study populations were specified to yield nationally representative estimates for all 51 major US jurisdictions, with probability sample totals of 819,543 non-institutionalized US civilian residents between 2008 and 2019. Standardized items to measure cannabis onsets are from audio computer-assisted self-interviews. Policy effect estimates are from event study difference-in-difference (DiD) models that allow for causal inference when policy implementation is staggered. The evidence indicates no policy-associated changes in the occurrence of newly incident cannabis onsets for underage persons, but an increased occurrence of newly onset cannabis use among older adults (i.e., >21 years). We offer a tentative conclusion of public health importance: Legalized cannabis retail sales might be followed by the increased occurrence of cannabis onsets for older adults, but not for underage persons who cannot buy cannabis products in a retail outlet. Cannabis policy research does not yet qualify as a mature science. We argue that modeling newly incident cannabis use might be more informative than the modeling of prevalences when evaluating policy effects and provide evidence of the advantages of the event study model over regression methods that seek to adjust for confounding factors.

On the Importance of Coefficient Alpha for Measurement Research: Loading Equality Is Not Necessary for Alpha’s Utility as a Scale Reliability Index

July 2022


57 Reads


7 Citations

Educational and Psychological Measurement

The population relationship between coefficient alpha and scale reliability is studied in the widely used setting of unidimensional multicomponent measuring instruments. It is demonstrated that for any set of component loadings on the common factor, regardless of the extent of their inequality, the discrepancy between alpha and reliability can be arbitrarily small in any considered population and hence practically ignorable. In addition, the set of parameter values where this discrepancy is negligible is shown to possess the same dimensionality as that of the underlying model parameter space. The article contributes to the measurement and related literature by pointing out that (a) approximate or strict loading identity is not a necessary condition for the utility of alpha as a trustworthy index of scale reliability, and (b) coefficient alpha can be a dependable reliability measure with any extent of inequality in the component loadings.

Citations (52)

... k = number of items. σij= covariance between Xi and Xj 2 x = item variances and inter-item covariances [80,81]. ...


Community attitudes toward tourism and quality of life: a case study of Palangan village, Iran
Evaluating Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha and Testing Its Identity to Scale Reliability: A Direct Bayesian Confirmatory Factor Analysis Procedure
  • Citing Article
  • February 2024

Measurement Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives

... Findings from both clinical and animal studies have shown that females are uniquely sensitive to the disruptive effects of cannabinoids [4,5]. Pregnant women who use cannabis reportedly do so to manage morning sickness, modulate aches and pains, and improve sleep [6][7][8][9]. Heavy use throughout pregnancy, such as that associated with cannabis use disorder, is linked with preterm delivery, small size for gestational age, lower birth weight, moderately abnormal Apgar scores, and increased risk of infant death within one year [10][11][12][13]. ...

Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy and Prenatal Cannabis Use in a Michigan Sample
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM

... The Cannabis plant has psychoactive and medicinal properties that have been exploited recreationally and medicinally for thousands of years, making it one of the most consumed drugs currently. 7,8 In the Netherlands cannabis usage has been fairly stable with a recent study reporting 4.5% of adolescents having used cannabis in the last month. 9 On the other hand, use of medicinal cannabis as a treatment for disease or symptoms has rapidly increased to 24.6 patients per 100,000 Dutch inhabitants in 2016. ...

Contemporary Health Issues on Marijuana
  • Citing Article
  • June 2018

... While some studies report significant increases primarily among young adults [5,6], discrepancies in data may reflect the brief time frame since legalisation, which is insufficient to fully assess long-term societal trends after an initial surge of interest from novelty seekers. Nevertheless, clear evidence points to an increase in both recreational and medical Figure 1. ...

Estimating the effects of legalizing recreational cannabis on newly incident cannabis use

... The information was directly obtained from these targeted respondents. Reliability is dependability or trustworthiness and in the context of the measuring instrument, it is the degree to which the instrument consistently measures whatever it is measuring (Raykov et al., 2023). ...

On the Importance of Coefficient Alpha for Measurement Research: Loading Equality Is Not Necessary for Alpha’s Utility as a Scale Reliability Index
  • Citing Article
  • July 2022

Educational and Psychological Measurement

... 28 By supporting the study with the theoretical framework of SCT, it was suggested that pediatrician issuance of a prescription for fruits and vegetables to children during office visits would promote self-efficacy to consume healthy foods while positively influencing health-promoting behaviors. 29 Intervention description FVPP processes were built into the electronic medical record (EMR) systems, with prescriptions recorded and printed per practitioner order and tracked monthly. FVPP vendors included the downtown Flint Farmers' Market (FFM) and Flint Fresh, a mobile market and food hub that offered locally grown, home-delivered, fresh produce boxes (flintfresh.org). ...

Effect of a pediatric fruit and vegetable prescription program on child dietary patterns, food security, and weight status: a study protocol

BMC Public Health

... Prevalence hid this pattern. Members of our research group hypothesized that age-specific cannabis use incidence would show a similar pattern developing in jurisdictions that legalized cannabis: Once the legal minimum age for recreational cannabis use was set at 21 in some states, many young adults will wait until cannabis use is legal for them to try it [6]. ...

An Epidemiological Hypothesis of Policy-Shaped Drug Use Onset Curves

Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research

... A recent review of interventions for racial and ethnic minority parents found only eight studies (Bo et al., 2023). Of these studies, five focused on Black families (Anderson et al., 2018;Beach et al., 2016;Coard et al., 2007;Okeke-Adeyanju et al., 2014), two focused on Latine families (López-Zerón et al., 2020;Parra-Cardona et al., 2022), and one study included Black, Latine, and Asian American families (Stein et al., 2021). In these interventions, parents received lessons on how to engage their children in conversations about race and address stressors due to discrimination. ...

A Culturally Adapted Parenting Intervention for Mexican-Origin Immigrant Families with Adolescents: Integrating Science, Culture, and a Focus on Immigration-Related Adversity
  • Citing Article
  • October 2021

Prevention Science

... Two studies found that lifetime ATEs were significantly related to alcohol use and consequences, but negative urgency did not moderate the relationship between lifetime ATEs and alcohol outcomes [74,75]. The final two studies found that alcohol consumption, PTSD, and lifetime ATEs were significantly related and that these constructs were significantly associated with increased generalized impulsivity [76,77]. Results from these collegeaged population studies indicate significant relationships between lifetime ATEs and alcohol use; however, the association of these constructs with generalized impulsivity is inconclusive. ...

Drugs Age-of-Onset as a Signal of Later Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: Bayesian Analysis of a Census Protocol
  • Citing Article
  • October 2021

Addictive Behaviors

... The extant and theoretical profiles can then be categorized into different classes using a classification algorithm within the latent class model. The specific optimization algorithm is an expectationmaximization (EM) algorithm (DeSarbo et al., 1992;Jeon et al., 2020). ...

Latent Class Analysis for Repeatedly Measured Multiple Latent Class Variables

Multivariate Behavioral Research