James A. Drake’s research while affiliated with The University of Tennessee Medical Center at Knoxville and other places

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Publications (17)

Figure 8.2. The classic logistic bifurcation map revisited. This common numerical simulation illustrates a period-doubling route to chaos that results as a single parameter is tuned. 
Figure 8.1. Experimental results depicting the rich dynamical behavior exhibited during the construction or assembly of ecological communities. A fixed species pool, depicted as the cluster of species in panel b, was established from which populations of each species were introduced to an initially sterile environment. Using different invasion sequences (e.g., species one colonizes at time t, species two colonizes at time tþ1, and so on) as treatments, the mechanics of community assembly were explored. Panel a documents the effect of altering colonization history. Alternative community states are readily generated, representing the activation of specific attractors within the basin of
Figure 8.3. A small portion of the landscape topology from a set of experimental studies that explored a spatially extended, laboratory based ecological landscape. Species source pools (grey circles) were assembled by sequentially adding species from a defined species pool of common pond organisms. Arrows indicate colonization pathways. Community patches (A1, A2) were the source of entry into various landscape segments. Assembly processes eventually produced differences in the dynamics of A1 and A2 community patches, patches that interacted via colonization events with developing B level patches. Similarly, B level communities developed alternative dynamics resulting in differences in species composition and relative abundance. Blending B level communities into hybrid patches did not result in convergent structure among hybrid patches.
Figure 8.4. The interaction between two systems without explicit dynamical coupling is most easily visualized by considering two two-dimensional cellular automata. Systems, A and B, are shown developing independently in the top and bottom lattices. However, the attractor interaction field represents a situation where both systems coexist on the same lattice. System A and B come into conflict over cell Q which system A occupied immediately before the trajectory of system B reached that location. This situation effectively represents a change is the boundary conditions of system B.
Emergence in Ecological Systems
  • Chapter
  • Full-text available

January 2007


1,373 Reads


5 Citations

James A. Drake


Michael Fuller


Craig R. Zimmerman


The quest to understand animate nature, its origins, current state and future course, its dynamical underpinnings and interface with the physical world, is surely the tacit aspiration of contemporary ecology. As a field of inquiry, academic ecology emerged in earnest from the descriptive realm of natural history in the late nineteenth century when observers of nature, pondering similarity and difference, sought cause. Adopting the classic approach to science, ecologists further described, but also dissected, modeled, conceptualized, and manipulated the parts of ecological systems. What emerged is the modern framework of ecology, built upon the struts of population dynamics and tempered by interactions between species, all within an environmental context. Yet with the Earth as a laboratory containing millions of extant and evolving species, the number and variety of plausible ecological studies is functionally inexhaustible. A quick glance through any ecological journal reveals surprising novelty and nuance at every turn. Hence, one is compelled to ask whether progress in ecology is best served by strict adherence to a reductionistic program and unending description, or whether this approach should be blended with more general and epiphenomenological complements. This question is apropos to all of science. Attempts at such a synthesis are well underway sparked by the realities of a complex and decidedly nonlinear nature. In this complex nature one þ one need not always equal two, and the simple logical operator if–then requires else. In ecology, if and then produces a highly contingent mapping of their own accord. Add else, and we have the fundamental reason for the diversity of nature and the nuance of its expression.What then are mechanisms, the holy grail of reductionist ecology, but manifestations of an emergent nature? Nature can be described by the action of mechanisms explicit in our logical operator. Yet understanding nature requires a deeper knowledge of how the action of the mechanism emerged. Here we present a solution to the recalcitrant problem of true or hard emergence, the existence of which has been debated, demonized, and exalted for centuries. We suggest that emergence is hidden within the attractor space of dissipative dynamical systems, or more precisely the interaction between multiple attractors. Our arguments while tentative, suggest that two independent systems can interact in the attractor space and produce a persistent attractor that are essentially offspring of the parents. Emergence in this case is absolute because no trajectories exist linking the child to either parent. You cannot get there from here. Our arguments are based on a long series of experimental studies that have explored the assembly or construction of ecological communities. We offer this notion of emergence as a general solution to all things emergent independent of any particular system


On Testing the Competition‐Colonization Trade‐Off in a Multispecies Assemblage

December 2006


344 Reads


168 Citations

The American Naturalist


Donny V Mai





James A Drake

The competition-colonization trade-off has long been considered an important mechanism explaining species coexistence in spatially structured environments, yet data supporting it remain ambiguous. Most competition-colonization research examines plants and the dispersal-linked traits of their seeds. However, colonization is more than just dispersal because rapid population growth is also an important component of colonization. We tested for the presence of competition-colonization trade-offs with a commonly used artificial assemblage consisting of protozoan and rotifer species, where colonization was the ability of a species to establish populations in patches. By ranking species according to their colonization abilities and their pairwise competitive interactions, we show that these species exhibit competition-colonization trade-offs. These results reveal that the competition-colonization trade-off exists within nonplant assemblages and that even in a laboratory setting, species are constrained to be either good competitors or colonizers but not both.

Constructing Nature: Laboratory Models as Necessary Tools for Investigating Complex Ecological Communities

December 2005


214 Reads


62 Citations

Advances in Ecological Research

This chapter examines various concepts in community ecology that are difficult to observe in natural systems and examines some laboratory studies that document the production of ecological structure in multi-species systems. Two aspects of ecology have been explored where laboratory studies are crucial for the understanding of ecological phenomena. The first aspect is parameter (and measurement) oriented—what must be measured and how it should be done to make observations in ecological studies. Secondly, the interactive nature of ecological phenomena and the inability to reduce these processes to their constituent components have been explored. These two discussions implicitly address the relationship between reductionism and holism. It has been argued that laboratory studies are not only valid investigative tools, but may also better capture the essential dynamics of ecological systems compared with field studies. Through exploring the use of microcosms, the dynamic reality of ecological systems has been illustrated, and the systems in which explicit tests of these realities are possible have been examined. The chapter contrasts the laboratory approach with the field and model approaches to identify the prescriptive role for laboratory microcosms in ecological research.

Self-organized criticality in ecology and evolution

September 1999


59 Reads


18 Citations

Trends in Ecology & Evolution

Guidelines for submitting commentsPolicy: Comments that contribute to the discussion of the article will be posted within approximately three business days. We do not accept anonymous comments. Please include your email address; the address will not be displayed in the posted comment. Cell Press Editors will screen the comments to ensure that they are relevant and appropriate but comments will not be edited. The ultimate decision on publication of an online comment is at the Editors' discretion. Formatting: Please include a title for the comment and your affiliation. Note that symbols (e.g. Greek letters) may not transmit properly in this form due to potential software compatibility issues. Please spell out the words in place of the symbols (e.g. replace “α” with “alpha”). Comments should be no more than 8,000 characters (including spaces ) in length. References may be included when necessary but should be kept to a minimum. Be careful if copying and pasting from a Word document. Smart quotes can cause problems in the form. If you experience difficulties, please convert to a plain text file and then copy and paste into the form.

Figure 3. Ecological range of species inhabiting a pool increases with the physical variability of that pool. Ecological ranges of species were modi®ed for this ®gure by excluding the pool of interest from the calculations. Thus, a point on the graph shows the mean ecological range of all species inhabiting a pool, calculated with the exclusion of physical data pertaining to that pool. In this manner, the contribution that physical variability made by that pool to characterization of ecological ranges of each of the species present was removed. Such`cleaningSuch`cleaning' of the range estimates was desirable to remove any potential bias in the correlation strength. Dotted lines represent 95 % intervals for the regression line.  
Figure 2. Patterns in the small ecological system mirror large scale patterns of diversity and ecological breadth. (A) Relationship between the occupancy of 49 rock pools and the ecological breadth measured as the ecological range hypervolume based on six environmental physical parameters. (B) Relationship between an index of pool variability and the total species richness in that pool observed over 12 months. Dotted lines represent 95 % intervals for the regression line.  
Rapoport's rule: An explanation or a byproduct of the latitudinal gradient in species richness?

November 1998


1,346 Reads


38 Citations

Biodiversity and Conservation

A recent explanation of the declining species richness gradient with increasing latitude away from the tropics implicated broad scale habitat variability, an associated range expansion, and a resulting increase in niche breadth. The niche breadth in turn was thought to affect richness by competition and rescue effect. While all three factors appear to be correlated, neither the postulated nor alternative causal mechanisms have been tested. We conduct such a test using a system which has all the attributes of the large scale pattern but which, in contrast to continental scale observations, allows for estimation or control of crucial variables such as taxonomic composition, habitat heterogeneity, habitat variability, exact species distribution, and local richness. Specifically, we test the alternative that the correlation between the geographical range of species and local diversity is a function of differential species survival and link this phenomenon to habitat variability. We use 40 species of aquatic invertebrates inhabiting a landscape of 49 miniature rock pools on the coast of Jamaica. The system we examined exhibits a gradient of increasing richness with decreasing habitat variability, analogous to the broad scale latitudinal pattern. Furthermore, species with broader ecological ranges are also broadly distributed. Superficially, this appears to be in agreement with the older explanations but two facts suggest different causes. First, there is no evidence of a rescue effect maintaining high richness in many habitats despite their proximity to species sources. Second, ecologically broad species coexist with habitat specialists without reducing richness in jointly occupied habitats.

Hierarchy underlies Patterns of Variability in Species Inhabiting Natural Microcosms

November 1996


13 Reads


32 Citations


Relative variability of species has been shown to increase significantly with a decrease in their ecological range. Similarly, the distribution of collapse (e.g., extinctions, disturbances, population declines) magnitudes has also been shown to follow an inverse power-law form described by the 1/f(omega) curve. We hypothesized that the two, possibly general, patterns associated with ecological systems share a common underlying cause: the hierarchical structure of the system itself. To test the hypothesis we used a model system of 49 natural rock pools inhabited by 40 species of invertebrates. Three measures of species variability based on changes in abundance, distribution, and persistence in individual pools conform with the postulated negative exponential curves. Correspondingly, frequency distributions of changes of various magnitudes conform to the 1/f(omega) pattern. Examination of the contributions of species to the 1/f(omega) pattern revealed that species low in the system hierarchy (habitat specialists in this case) are responsible for the majority of small variation events (correlations between the ecological range and position on the 1/f(omega) curve range from 0.625 to 0.807 on the three measures of variability). This permits the conclusion that the two patterns are linked and constitute different expressions of the same hierarchical system structure.

Citations (12)

... Cryptomonas erosa and Cryptomonas ovata or Chroomonas acuta from the same family were often concurrent in HRB (Table 2). These species can benefit from both mixotrophy and phagotrophy, and also can tolerate high dissolved nutrients and limiting light conditions (Graham & Wilcox, 2000;Kruk & Segura, 2012), Scenedesmus and Selenastrum are more resistant to grazing than either Chlamydomonas or Ankistrodesmus, while the latter two taxa are better competitors in the absence of grazing (Drake et al., 1993). ...


Using an affinity analysis to identify phytoplankton associations
The Construction and Assembly of an Ecological Landscape
  • Citing Article
  • January 1993

... This is particularly interesting if we consider that several of the analyzed communities had a different taxonomic composition [21,46] and that they may display large changes in compositional abundances (especially coastal communities) within short time periods. Such SAD similarity, in spite of spatio-temporal variation in community composition, may represent a stable equilibrium (or self-organization process [47]) emerging from biotic and abiotic interactions within communities. ...

An Experimentally-Derived Map of Community Assembly Space
  • Citing Article
  • January 2003

... Another approach to Microcystis blooms is monitoring and controlling its further dispersal, which can be an intervention during the stage of colonial sheath production -an ecological indicator that can be monitored with digital imaging cytometry. The limitations of this study are first related to the apparent limitations of mesocosm research (Cadotte et al., 2005). ...

Constructing Nature: Laboratory Models as Necessary Tools for Investigating Complex Ecological Communities
  • Citing Article
  • December 2005

Advances in Ecological Research

... This was demonstrated by the studies on ASS with a ''too short'' time scale, where past perturbation events or initial differences led to alternative communities, which are nonetheless rather snapshots in time and represent transient dynamics instead of stable end states. To understand a recent, transient state, history and stochasticity has to be taken into account as is necessary for bistable systems (Drake et al. 1994, Hastings 2004), but their implications for the system are totally different. As neither discontinuous threshold responses to environmental change, risks for unfavourable state transitions or divergent development trajectories occur historical and stochastic effects are reversible and will influence the system only for the limited time period of the transient, even if this time period can be long in absolute time. ...

On Defining Assembly Space: A Reply to Grover and Lawton
  • Citing Article
  • April 1994

... We tested these hypotheses in a natural system of 49 natural rock pools inhabited by 69 invertebrate species for which long-term (nine annual surveys) environmental and population dynamics data are available. The data span tens to hundreds of generations for most of the constituent species (Kolasa and Romanuk 2005). Earlier work determined that the variable physical environment in these rock pools induces dynamic responses in community structure at both local and regional scales (Kolasa et al. 1996). ...

Hierarchy underlies Patterns of Variability in Species Inhabiting Natural Microcosms
  • Citing Article
  • November 1996


... The complete characterization of the IS gives the information on the mechanics of ecological assembly. Indeed, given the close connection between the IS and the concept of assembly or community transition graph traditionally used in ecology (Hang-Kwang and Pimm 1993;Morton et al. 1996;Serván and Allesina 2021), the IS gives a picture of the pattern of possible developments of the ecological community containing the species present in the ecosystem. ...

On Models for Assembling Ecological Communities


... Furthermore, invasion, disturbance, evolution, species movement and other fluctuating resources can all destabilize the values of the observables, and prevent asymptotic behaviour. As Drake et al. (2007) put it, "asymptotic behavior is seldom realized in the real world because nature happens" (168). ...

Emergence in Ecological Systems

... Cyclic fluctuations in sea level are naturally reflected in the distribution of benthos, including ostracods, on the shelf (Andreev, 1988;Babinot and Lethiers, 1984;Boomer and Eisenhauer, 2002;Kolasa et al., 1998;Pokorný, 1971;Tesakova, 2008Tesakova, , 2013aTesakova and Shurupova, 2018;Tesakova et al., 2016). The coastal shallow-water environment (low sea level and closeness to the coast) is characterized by low taxonomic diversity, and the total number of organisms can be small or large depending on the trophic status (large population size is only attained owing to the dominant species). ...

Rapoport's rule: An explanation or a byproduct of the latitudinal gradient in species richness?

Biodiversity and Conservation

... Excessive flow has the potential to detach periphyton. Water flow also contributes to the cycling of nutrients and energy exchange in ecosystem, thus indirectly influencing the periphyton's metabolism (Ahn et al. 2013;Flum et al. 1993;Horner and Welch 1981). ...

A closed artificial stream for conducting experiments requiring a controlled species pool
  • Citing Article
  • November 1993


... Simple microbial systems can help identify general basic principles that organize ecological communities (Cadotte et al., 2005;Drake et al., 1996;Jessup et al., 2004;Vega and Gore, 2018), and the nectar microbiome has recently emerged as a well-characterized simple system for understanding community assembly (Brysch-Herzberg, 2004;Chappell and Fukami, 2018;de Vega et al., 2021;Lachance et al., 2001;Letten et al., 2018;Vannette, 2020). Our study system here consists of the bacteria and yeasts that colonize the floral nectar of the sticky monkeyflower, Diplacus (formerly Mimulus) aurantiacus, a hummingbird-pollinated shrub native to California and Oregon of the USA . ...

Microcosms as Models for Generating and Testing Community Theory
  • Citing Article
  • April 1996