January 2017
115 Reads
14 Citations
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Outcome Based Education (OBE) or student centered learning is one of the key component in quality assurance and enhancement in the higher education. The OBE approach encourages students to become active learner rather than being passive as in the traditional teacher-centered learning approach. In OBE, teacher is a facilitator of the teaching learning process; therefore the quality of teaching learning process does not depends on how a Lecturer teaches the course, but on the skill or knowledge achieved by the students. The level of the attainment of Course Level Outcomes (CLOs) is the indicator of the skill, knowledge and behavior that students acquired at the end of the course. Therefore each and every activity conducted in the classroom has to be reflected in the assessment of course outcome, which is measurable. In this paper, an efficient way of assessing the course learning outcome using Fuzzy Logic is presented. The uniqueness of the method is it will give an accurate measure to assess the attainment level of the course by considering every parameter enabling the learning process.