Jacob Waldbjørn’s research while affiliated with Technical University of Denmark and other places

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Publications (8)

Design of a composite sub-structural beam specimen for investigating tunneling cracks under cyclic loading
  • Article

January 2023


20 Reads

Thin-Walled Structures



Jacob Waldbjørn




The design of a thin-walled composite beam is presented whose purpose is to facilitate the study of intra-laminar tunneling cracks at the sub-structural length-scale. The beam utilizes a variable thickness reinforcement in the longitudinal direction to develop a gauge zone of near-uniform strains when loaded in a cantilever beam configuration. The beam is manufactured from E-glass fibers and epoxy resin and is tested under static and cyclic multi-axial loading. The results presented include experimental strain measurements at the gauge zone, which agree with numerical strain predictions, and observations of the developed tunneling cracks.

Biaxial Strain Control Fatigue Testing Strategies for Composite Materials

June 2021


52 Reads


6 Citations

Experimental Mechanics

Background Efficient biaxial strain control to study fatigue damage growth in composite materials at the coupon scale level under realistic multi-axial stress states observed in structures is needed. Objective Two biaxial cyclic strain control algorithms, referred to here as the active and the passive control method, are presented as a fatigue testing strategy for composite materials. Method The strain is measured at a sampling frequency of 116 Hz through a real-time digital image point tracking system. The active control method utilizes a cascade control algorithm to accommodate the low sampling rate of the digital image point tracking system relative to the servo-hydraulic PID controller. The passive control method is a conditional control algorithm where the force command is adjusted when the measured peak-valley strain violates the predefined strain tolerance. The performance of these control techniques are initially evaluated on uniaxial coupon specimens to investigate the effect of testing frequency, strain magnitude, accuracy of the stiffness parameter and the tolerance band. Subsequently, the two control methods are verified on cruciform specimens under different biaxial strain states. ResultsUnder biaxial loading, the peak feedback strains had a maximum error of 6.4% and 9.0% for the active and the passive control method respectively, depending on the required biaxial strain state. Conclusions The active control method was found to offer a better accuracy relative to the passive control method. However, it suffered from a lower fidelity as the test stopped whenever the real-time digital image point tracking system lost track of the point markers.

Multi-axial large-scale testing of a 34 m wind turbine blade section to evaluate out-of-plane deformations of double-curved trailing edge sandwich panels within the transition zone

December 2020


29 Reads


3 Citations

Wind Engineering

Transverse cracks in the double curved trailing edge panels within the transition zone are among one of the increasingly encountered in-field damages found on wind turbine blades today. Believed to be root cause of these transverse cracks, are the out-of-plane deformation of the double curved trailing edge pressure side panels. These deformations are evaluated on the inner 15 m section of a 34 m wind turbine blade – referred to here as the root section. Through a parametrical study the free end of the root section is loaded in the quasi-static regime comprising edgewise loading (Fy) and torsional moment (Mz) around the longitudinal axis of the blade. The root section is through a multi-scale numerical analysis found to exhibit representative structural behavior in terms of out-of-plane deformations within the area of interest. A combination between Fy and Mz are found to generate the highest peak-to-peak out-of-plane deformation of 15.9 mm.

Figure 1. Illustration of the Shared Boundary used in Hybrid Simulation [2].
Figure 2. Hybrid Simulation Rig with a pultruded fiberglass cantilever beam.
Figure 3. Pattern of DIC points for tracking displacement and rotation. The speckle pattern is unused.
Figure 4. Best fit linear relationships between loading point and shared boundary point.
Figure 5. Control Loops for control methods CM1 and CM2.


490 Single-component hybrid simulation techniques for validation of fatigue models
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

June 2018


156 Reads


1 Citation



Adaptive multi-rate interface: development and experimental verification for real-time hybrid simulation

February 2016


77 Reads


17 Citations

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

Real-time hybrid simulation (RTHS) is a powerful cyber-physical technique that is a relatively cost-effective method to perform global/local system evaluation of structural systems. A major factor that determines the ability of an RTHS to represent true system-level behavior is the fidelity of the numerical substructure. While the use of higher-order models increases fidelity of the simulation, it also increases the demand for computational resources. Because RTHS is executed at real-time, in a conventional RTHS configuration, this increase in computational resources may limit the achievable sampling frequencies and/or introduce delays that can degrade its stability and performance. In this study, the Adaptive Multi-rate Interface rate-transitioning and compensation technique is developed to enable the use of more complex numerical models. Such a multi-rate RTHS is strictly executed at real-time, although it employs different time steps in the numerical and the physical substructures while including rate-transitioning to link the components appropriately. Typically, a higher-order numerical substructure model is solved at larger time intervals, and is coupled with a physical substructure that is driven at smaller time intervals for actuator control purposes. Through a series of simulations, the performance of the AMRI and several existing approaches for multi-rate RTHS is compared. It is noted that compared with existing methods, AMRI leads to a smaller error, especially at higher ratios of sampling frequency between the numerical and physical substructures and for input signals with high-frequency content. Further, it does not induce signal chattering at the coupling frequency. The effectiveness of AMRI is also verified experimentally.

Quasi-Static Single-Component Hybrid Simulation of a Composite Structure with Multi-Axis Control

October 2015


106 Reads


6 Citations


This paper presents a quasi-static hybrid simulation performed on a single component structure. Hybrid simulation is a substructural technique, where a structure is divided into two sections: a numerical section of the main structure and a physical experiment of the remainder. In previous cases, hybrid simulation has typically been applied to structures with a simple connection between the numerical model and physical test, e.g. civil engineering structures. In this paper, the method is applied to a composite structure, where the boundary is more complex i.e. 3 degrees of freedom. In order to evaluate the validity of the method, the results are compared to a test of the emulated structure – referred to here as the reference test. It was found that the error introduced by compliance in the load train was significant. Digital image correlation was for this reason implemented in the hybrid simulation communication loop to compensate for this source of error. Furthermore, the accuracy of the hybrid simulation was improved by compensating for communication delay. The test showed high correspondence between the hybrid simulation and the reference test in terms of overall deflection as well as displacements and rotation in the shared boundary.

Strain and Displacement Controls by Fibre Bragg Grating and Digital Image Correlation

February 2014


55 Reads


9 Citations


Test control is traditionally performed by a feedback signal from a displacement transducer or force gauge positioned inside the actuator of a test machine. For highly compliant test rigs, this is a problem since the response of the rig influences the results. It is therefore beneficial to control the test based on measurements performed directly on the test specimen. In this paper, fibre Bragg grating (FBG) and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) are used to control a test. The FBG sensors offer the possibility of measuring strains inside the specimen, while the DIC system measures strains and displacement on the surface of the specimen. In this paper, a three-point bending test is used to demonstrate the functionality of a control loop, where the FBG and DIC signals are used as control channels. The FBG strain control was capable of controlling the test within an error tolerance of 20 µm m−1. However, the measurement uncertainty offered by the FBG system allowed a tolerance of 8.3 µm m−1. The DIC displacement control proved capable of controlling the displacement within an accuracy of 0.01 mm.

Life cycle strain monitoring in glass fibre reinforced polymer laminates using embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors from manufacturing to failure

January 2014


27 Reads


15 Citations

Journal of Composite Materials

A holistic approach to strain monitoring in fibre-reinforced polymer composites is presented using embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors. Internal strains are monitored in unidirectional E-glass/epoxy laminate beams during vacuum infusion, curing, post-curing and subsequent loading in flexure until failure. The internal process-induced strain development is investigated through use of different cure schedules and tool/part interactions. The fibre Bragg grating sensors successfully monitor resin flow front progression during infusion, and strain development during curing, representative of the different cure temperatures and tool/part interfaces used. Substantial internal process-induced strains develop in the transverse fibre direction, which should be taken into consideration when designing fibre-reinforced polymer laminates. Flexure tests indicate no significant difference in the mechanical properties of the differently cured specimens, despite the large differences in measured residual strains. This indicates that conventional flexure testing may not reveal residual strain or stress effects at small specimen scale levels. The internal stresses are seen to influence the accuracy of the fibre Bragg gratings within the loading regime. This study confirms the effectiveness of composite life cycle strain monitoring for developing consistent manufacturing processes.

Citations (7)

... Therefore, graphics processing unit (GPU)-based 2D and 3D implementations have become increasingly popular in recent years, [12] with almost all of them concentrating on full-field evaluations. Without GPU, even integral strain measurement rates correlating only two or four subsets hardly exceed 100 Hz. [13][14][15][16][17] In this paper, we report the expansion of an implementation originally designed as a real-time extensometer measuring integral strain for comprehensive crack growth evaluation. [13,18] According to the scheme of Thiagu, it uses in-subset parallelism for the FFT-CC algorithm on the GPU with zero-order shape functions. ...


Application of high-performance DIC for a comprehensive evaluation of biaxial fatigue crack growth experiments
Biaxial Strain Control Fatigue Testing Strategies for Composite Materials
  • Citing Article
  • June 2021

Experimental Mechanics

... Therefore, understanding the transverse cracking mechanisms is of great importance for designing reliable composite wind turbine blades. To investigate the root cause of the transverse cracks in the trailing edge regions, multi-axial sub-structural testing of a 34 m wind turbine blade section was conducted by [3]. In their work, the out-of-plane deformation of the sandwich panel on the pressure side of the inner 15 m root section of the blade was measured. ...

Multi-axial large-scale testing of a 34 m wind turbine blade section to evaluate out-of-plane deformations of double-curved trailing edge sandwich panels within the transition zone
  • Citing Article
  • December 2020

Wind Engineering

... The existing literature describes cascade control schemes using digital image point tracking with various combinations of Single Degree-Of-Freedom (SDOF) vs Multi Degree-Of-Freedom (MDOF) load trains, real-time vs quasi-static time domains, and gauge zone vs actuator displacement monitoring. DIC measurements on the gauge zone are used in deformation control [7,16] and strain control [17] for SDOF servo-hydraulic load trains in a quasi-static regime. A 6-degree-of-freedom (DOF) electro-mechanical load train was used in [8], where digital image point tracking measurements of the actuators in a Stewart Platform were used in displacement control for cyclic motion at frequencies as high as 1 Hz. ...

490 Single-component hybrid simulation techniques for validation of fatigue models


... Axial Damper (BRAD) on the first floor. This 9-story structure has been used as a benchmark problem to study seismically-excited buildings in Ref. [72][73][74]. ...

Adaptive multi-rate interface: development and experimental verification for real-time hybrid simulation
  • Citing Article
  • February 2016

Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics

... Accommodating this compliance creates control challenges when trying to achieve a specific displacement amplitude [9] or rate [10]. Hybrid Simulation is particularly sensitive to load train compliance, as it relies on maintaining equilibrium at the coupling interface between a numerical model and an experimental sub-structure [11]. Any inconsistencies between the desired and achieved displacement cause errors in the measured reaction forces to be fed back to the numerical model, compromising the fidelity of the hybrid simulation technique [12,13]. ...

Quasi-Static Single-Component Hybrid Simulation of a Composite Structure with Multi-Axis Control
  • Citing Article
  • October 2015


... As research moves towards multi-axial loading of complex geometries and material systems [4][5][6], the increasing number of actuators used results in increasing sources of load train compliance. Caused by slack and deformation in both the actuator and testing fixtures, load train compliance is visible in the discrepancy between the internally measured displacement of the actuator piston and the applied displacement on the test specimen [7,8]. Accommodating this compliance creates control challenges when trying to achieve a specific displacement amplitude [9] or rate [10]. ...

Strain and Displacement Controls by Fibre Bragg Grating and Digital Image Correlation
  • Citing Article
  • February 2014


... The issue with using the FBG/taper approach is that this only yields the flowfront location and nothing about the flow-front velocity or the curing state of the resin. Similarly, other researchers have used FBG sensors to measure the strains generated within the mold and have inferred the curing process by monitoring the temperature, but again with no information on the velocity of the flow front [12]. FBGs in birefringent (HiBi) fibers or photonic Letter crystal fibers [13] can in principle discriminate between transverse force/compressive load and temperature. ...

Life cycle strain monitoring in glass fibre reinforced polymer laminates using embedded fibre Bragg grating sensors from manufacturing to failure
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014

Journal of Composite Materials