Jack E. Staub’s research while affiliated with University of Wisconsin–Madison and other places

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Publications (258)

Figure 1: Daily average temperature (ºC), solar radiation (MJ m-2 day-1 ) and relative humidity (%) for location FL, NC, OK, OH, MI, WI and OR for the year 1986 to 1988. Normal growing season of cucumber across tested location is from April to June. This duration is represented between the vertical dashed black and solid red lines 
Table 1 : The 22 cucumber genotypes tested with pedigree and general characteristics. 
Figure 2: The polygon (which-won-where) view of genotype main effects plus genotype x environment interaction effect (GGE) biplot of 22 cucumber genotypes tested in 3 years and 7 locations for total yield (Panel A), marketable yield (Panel B), early yield (Panel C), percent cull (Panel D) and fruit plant-1 (Panel E). The biplots were based on 'Scaling = 0', 'Centering = 2' and 'SVP = 2'. Key to the labels of genotype and management practices is presented in abbreviation section 
Table 2 : Variance analysis of total, marketable and early yield (1000 ha -1 ), percent culls and fruit per plant of 22 cucumber genotypes tested in 3 years and 24 environments 
Figure 3: The mean vs. stability view of genotype main effects plus genotype x environment interaction effect (GGE) biplot of 22 cucumber genotypes tested in 3 years and 7 locations for total yield (Panel A), marketable yield (Panel B), early yield (Panel C), percent cull (Panel D) and fruit plant-1 (Panel E). The biplots were based on 'Scaling = 0', 'Centering = 2' and 'SVP = 1'. The 'ideal' genotype is represented by a circle on average environment coordinate (AEC)-abscissa which passed through biplot origin. Key to the labels of genotype and management practices is presented in abbreviation section 


Genotype X Environment Interaction for Yield of Pickling Cucumber in 24 U.S. Environments
  • Article
  • Full-text available

February 2018


760 Reads


16 Citations



Gary W. Elmstrom




Irvin E. Widders

Reliable yield performance is important in cucumber because seed companies prefer to market cultivars adapted to multiple rather than single regions of the U.S. Also, growers benefit by using a cultivar that performs well in many environments. Future performance of cultivars is also important. The objectives of the study were to (i) evaluate the yield of cucumber genotypes over successive years and in different locations, and (ii) identify cucumber genotypes with high stability for yield. A diverse set of 22 pickling genotypes was evaluated over 3 years (1986, 1987 and 1988) and in 7 locations across the United States. Yield traits were evaluated using once-over harvest and counting the number of fruit that were marketable, culled or oversize. Total yield, marketable yield (total minus culled fruit), early yield (number of oversize fruit), percent culls and fruit per plant were calculated. Data were analyzed with SASGxE and RGxE programs using SAS and R programming languages, respectively. There were strong effects of environment(E) as well as genotype(G) xE interaction for all traits. Genotypes ‘Regal F1’, ‘Calypso F1’, ‘Carolina F1’, ‘Gy 3’, ‘Gy 14’ and ‘Fremont F1’ had high marketable yield and medium to high stability for all traits. There was an advantage of hybrids over inbreds for trait performance. Hybrids fell into a single cluster with large prediction intervals. Based on the stability statistics and divisive clusters, it appears possible to breed stable cucumber genotypes with high yield. The genotype with highest performance for marketable yield, greatest stability for yield, lowest 1-R2 ratio value (diverse and representative) were ‘Marbel F1’ and Gy 14.


Ordination after principal component analysis of all morphological characteristics taken collectively on Festuca accessions and checks evaluated in two experiments in Blue Creek, UT from 2008 to 2011 (Experiment 1) and in Malta, ID, Blue Creek, UT, and North Logan, UT from 2011 to 2013 (Experiment 2). The numbers in parenthesis along each axis indicate the percent variation explained by each principal component
Rooted neighbor-joining tree illustrating genetic relationships among Festuca accessions and checks based on Nei and Li’s (1979) genetic distance among AFLP profiles. Numbers at each node indicate bootstrap values after 1000 bootstrap permutations (Swofford 2003). Letters after accession names indicate species where ar = Schedonorus arundinaceus, ov = F. ovina, pe = Lolium perenne, ru = F. rubra, ruco = F. rubra subsp. commutata, tr = F. trachyphylla, and va = F. valesiaca, and numbers in parenthesis after the species designation indicate ploidy level
Festuca rubra L. accession PI 659984 (People’s Republic of China, 8x) as observed in Malta, ID in August (A) and September (B) 2012 illustrating green color and rhizomes under harsh western US semi-arid growing conditions. Few or many indicates fewer or many rhizomes, respectively, in relation to a plant stake (30 cm). (Color figure online)
Festuca rubra L. accession PI 659984 (People’s Republic of China, 8x) as observed in Nephi, UT (annual precipitation = 305 mm) showing segregates with dead center (A) and continuous grass mat (B) in August 2016 after being mowed in 2015 and 2016. Plant size defined in relation to a measuring tape (yellow portion 30 cm). (Color figure online)
Assessment of Asian Festuca rubra germplasm for potential to improve rangeland sustainability in the western United States

December 2017


102 Reads

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution

There is a need for drought tolerant grass germplasm for use in wildfire control on degraded landscapes of western US rangelands. In 2006, multi-national plant expeditions collected eight fine-leafed Festuca rubra L. (2n = 6x–8x) accessions from the harsh semi-arid rangelands of Kyrgyzstan (KGZ) and the People’s Republic of China (CHN) that may have potential for use in western U.S. rangelands. Morphological and marker-based genetic analyses compared these collections with nine commercial cultivars, and four previously described high performance KGZ F. valesiaca Schleich. ex Gaudin subsp. valesiaca plant introductions in the high desert of the U.S. Great Basin. Initially, accession morphology was evaluated over 3 years at Blue Creek, UT for relative vigor, height, width, total biomass, persistence, and seed yield. Subsequently, a subset of the F. rubra accessions and checks were evaluated at three locations (Malta, ID, Blue Creek, UT, and North Logan, UT) over 2 years. All entries differed for all traits over years and locations in both trials, and CHN PI 659984 was consistently the best performing F. rubra entry examined. Marker-based genetic comparisons differentiated the F. rubra from the F. valesiaca accessions and the Festuca checks examined, and the F. rubra accessions based on ploidy and geographic origin. Because the F. rubra accessions examined were erect (25.5–76.4 cm), green during summer months, and rhizomatous with substantial seed fecundity under harsh semi-arid growing conditions, they have potential for inclusion in plant improvement programs for increased sustainability and wildfire control of western U.S. rangelands.

Figure 1. Principle coordinates analysis of genetic similarity coefficients among DNA genotypes from 314 individual plants of creeping wildrye (CWR), basin wildrye (BWR), and half-sib hybrid (HSH) populations harvested from the 4X Acc:641.T CWR genet in hybridization plots containing tetraploid (4X) or octoploid (8X) pollen-parent populations of 4X Acc:636 BWR, 4X 'Trailhead' BWR, 8X 'Continental' BWR, and 8X 'Magnar' BWR. Population identifiers include presumed self-progeny of the 4X Acc:641.T CWR genet (from hybridization plots containing 8X 'Continental' BWR or 8X 'Magnar' BWR). The identity of two 4x Acc:641 CWR × 4X Acc:636 BWR single-cross hybrids, TC1 and TC2, are also identified. 
Figure 1. Principle coordinates analysis of genetic similarity coefficients among DNA genotypes from 314 individual plants of creeping wildrye (CWR), basin wildrye (BWR), and half-sib hybrid (HSH) populations harvested from the 4X Acc:641.T CWR genet in hybridization plots containing tetraploid (4X) or octoploid (8X) pollen-parent populations of 4X Acc:636 BWR, 4X 'Trailhead' BWR, 8X 'Continental' BWR, and 8X 'Magnar' BWR. Population identifiers include presumed self-progeny of the 4X Acc:641.T CWR genet (from hybridization plots containing 8X 'Continental' BWR or 8X 'Magnar' BWR). The identity of two 4x Acc:641 CWR × 4X Acc:636 BWR single-cross hybrids, TC1 and TC2, are also identified. 
Development and Testing of Cool-Season Grass Species, Varieties and Hybrids for Biomass Feedstock Production in Western North America

January 2017


95 Reads


5 Citations


Breeding of native cool-season grasses has the potential to improve forage production and expand the range of bioenergy feedstocks throughout western North America. Basin wildrye (Leymus cinereus) and creeping wildrye (Leymus triticoides) rank among the tallest and most rhizomatous grasses of this region, respectively. The objectives of this study were to develop interspecific creeping wildrye (CWR) × basin wildrye (BWR) hybrids and evaluate their biomass yield relative to tetraploid ‘Trailhead’, octoploid ‘Magnar’ and interploidy-hybrid ‘Continental’ BWR cultivars in comparison with other perennial grasses across diverse single-harvest dryland range sites and a two-harvest irrigated production system. Two half-sib hybrid populations were produced by harvesting seed from the tetraploid self-incompatible Acc:641.T CWR genet, which was clonally propagated by rhizomes into isolated hybridization blocks with two tetraploid BWR pollen parents: Acc:636 and ‘Trailhead’. Full-sib hybrid seed was also produced from a controlled cross of tetraploid ‘Rio’ CWR and ‘Trailhead’ BWR plants. In space-planted range plots, the ‘Rio’ CWR × ‘Trailhead’ BWR and Acc:641.T CWR × Acc:636 BWR hybrids displayed high-parent heterosis with 75% and 36% yield advantages, respectively, but the Acc:641.T CWR × ‘Trailhead’ BWR hybrid yielded significantly less than its BWR high-parent in this evaluation. Half-sib CWR × BWR hybrids of Acc:636 and ‘Trailhead’ both yielded as good as or better than available BWR cultivars, with yields similar to switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), in the irrigated sward plots. These results elucidate opportunity to harness genetic variation among native grass species for the development of forage and bioenergy feedstocks in western North America.

Phylogenetic relationships among low ploidy Poa species using chloroplast sequences

November 2016


115 Reads


11 Citations

Species in the Poa genus are taxonomically and genetically difficult to delineate due to high and variable polyploidy, aneuploidy, and challenging breeding systems. Approximately 5% of the proposed species in Poa are considered to include or comprise diploids, but very few of those diploids are represented in seed collections. Recent phylogenetic studies of Poa have included some diploid species to elucidate Poa genome relationships. In this study we build upon that foundation of diploid Poa relationships with additional confirmed diploid species and accessions, and with additional chloroplast sequences. We also include a sample from P. pratensis and P. arachnifera to hone in on possible ancestral genomes in these two agronomic and highly polyploidy species. Relative to most of the Poa species, Poa section Dioicopoa (P. ligularis, P. iridifolia, and P. arachnifera) contained relatively large chromosomes. Phylogenies were constructed using the TLF gene region and five additional chloroplast genes, and the placement of new species and accessions fit within chloroplast lineages reported in Soreng et al. (2010) better than by taxonomic subgenera and sections. Low ploidy species in the "P" chloroplast lineage, such as P. iberica and P. remota, grouped closest to P. pratensis.

Figure 1. A schematic representation of breeding (plant evaluation, selection, and recurrent selection) leading to the development of improved plant materials.
Table 1 . Estimates of foundation seed acres planted of some rangeland cultivars developed and released through 2015 by the USDA-ARS Forage and Range Research Laboratory, Logan, Utah
Table 1 (continued)
Figure 2. Siberian wheatgrass successfully excludes cheatgrass on the northern edge of the Great Salt Lake in Tooele County, Utah.  
Figure 3. Average percentage cover (F 1 standard error) of four non-native perennial grass species planted in replicated four, 10-acre cheatgrass infested parcels in Park Valley, Utah six years after sowing.  
A History of Plant Improvement by the USDA-ARS Forage and Range Research Laboratory for Rehabilitation of Degraded Western U.S. Rangelands

October 2016


447 Reads


7 Citations


On the Ground • Climate change models for the western United States predict warmer winters in the Great Basin and hotter, drier summers in the Mojave Desert, increasing the already high rate of rangeland and pasture degradation, which in turn will increase annual grass invasion, escalate wildfire frequency, and reduce forage production. • These changes in western U.S. rangelands will continue to result in the emergence of novel ecosystems that will require different and/or improved plant materials for successful revegetation. • Traditional plant improvement of native and non-native rangeland plant species by the USDA, ARS Forage and Range Research Laboratory (FRRL, Logan, Utah) has been accomplished through rigorous evaluation of seed collections followed by recurrent selection and hybridization of unique plant types within selected populations to identify plants with superior establishment and performance characteristics. After such plant types have been selected, they are further evaluated in multiple ecologically diverse locations to identify broadly adapted superior germplasm for public release. • Plant improvement of perennial grasses, legumes, and forbs by the FRRL has provided and will continue to deliver plant materials that support sustainable rangeland management efforts to service productive and functionally diverse rangelands.

Poa badensis voucher PI 659654 trnT-L intergenic spacer, partial sequence; tRNA-Leu (trnL-UAA) gene and trnL-F intergenic spacer, complete sequence; and tRNA-Phe (trnF-GAA) gene, partial sequence; chloroplast

September 2016


2 Reads

Poa badensis voucher PI 659654 trnT-L intergenic spacer, partial sequence; tRNA-Leu (trnL-UAA) gene and trnL-F intergenic spacer, complete sequence; and tRNA-Phe (trnF-GAA) gene, partial sequence chloroplast.

Poa chaixii voucher GR 11720 trnT-L intergenic spacer, partial sequence; tRNA-Leu (trnL-UAA) gene and trnL-F intergenic spacer, complete sequence; and tRNA-Phe (trnF-GAA) gene, partial sequence; chloroplast

September 2016


1 Read

Poa chaixii voucher GR 11720 trnT-L intergenic spacer, partial sequence; tRNA-Leu (trnL-UAA) gene and trnL-F intergenic spacer, complete sequence; and tRNA-Phe (trnF-GAA) gene, partial sequence; chloroplast

The first two components of principal component analysis of biparental Festuca cross populations and checks evaluated over three locations (Malta, ID, Blue Creek, UT, and North Logan, UT) in each of 2 years. Parenthetical numbers on each axis indicate the percent variation explained by each component. BlkShp indicates the cultivar ‘Black Sheep’
The first two coordinates of principal coordinates analysis of AFLP data of biparental Festuca cross populations and commercial checks. Parenthetical numbers on each axis indicate the percent variation explained by each coordinate. BlkShp indicates the cultivar ‘Black Sheep’
Coancestry coefficients from Bayesian cluster analysis of AFLP genotypes of biparental Festuca cross populations, their parents, and commercial checks with the optimal number of clusters (K = 3)
Development of fine-leaved Festuca grass populations identifies genetic resources having improved forage production with potential for wildfire control in the western United States

May 2016


27 Reads


5 Citations


Drought and heat tolerant fine-leaved fescue (Festuca ssp.) grasses have potential as components in rangeland greenstrips for wildfire control in semi-arid climates, although such grasses have not been evaluated under rangeland conditions. Therefore, 63 geographically diverse Festuca accessions of 11 species were evaluated for vigor, color, and biomass in 2009 and 2010 in North Logan, UT to identify grasses for use in U.S. western rangelands. Sixty-two plants representing eight species were selected in 2009 to intermate for further evaluation. Controlled biparental matings among these selections in 2010 produced 18 populations with sufficient seed to be evaluated with three commercial Festuca checks in replicated trials between 2012 and 2013 at Malta, ID, Blue Creek, UT, and North Logan, UT, where mean annual precipitation is 265, 362, and 484 mm, respectively. Plants were evaluated for color, relative vigor, biomass, seed yield, persistence, and regrowth over 2 years. Generally, four fine-leaved populations (R4S4, R4S6, R4S22, and R4S32) with parents originating from Turkey (F. valesiaca subsp. valesiaca), Russia (F. valesiaca, F. valesiaca subsp. valesiaca), Iran (F. valesiaca), and the U.S. (F. ovina) performed equal to or better than ‘Durar’ or ‘Covar’ checks. In Malta (harshest environment), the performance of these four populations compared to ‘Durar’ was 84–210 % for vigor, 79–90 % for color, 65–562 % for biomass, 64–296 % for seed yield, 92–117 % for persistence, and 164–454 % for regrowth, where R4S22 was superior. AFLP analysis indicated that all four populations were distinct, and that R4S4 and R4S6 grouped near ‘Covar’, R4S22 clustered near ‘Black Sheep’ and ‘Durar’, and R4S32 was genetically unique. These populations exhibit drought tolerance and green leaf color under harsh U.S. western desert conditions that make them amendable for use in greenstrips for wildfire control. © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht (outside the USA).

The CmACS-7 gene provides sequence variation for development of DNA markers associated with monoecious sex expression in melon (Cucumis melo L.)

August 2015


107 Reads


9 Citations

Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology

Most melon (Cucumis melo L.) breeding lines in South Korea display andromonoecious sex expression, which necessitates laborious hand emasculation during F1 hybrid seed production. Thus, there is a need to develop monoecious sex types in elite germplasm to obviate self-pollination. Sex expression is associated with floral ethylene production, which, in monecious melon plants, is associated with the A locus. Our study was conducted to develop molecular markers for selection of monoecious plants based on sequence variation inherent in the CmACS-7 gene [encoding 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase (ACS)] that is associated with ethylene production. Full-length CmACS-7 sequences were cloned from a monoecious (MO23) and an andromonoecious (AM24) line. The alignment of those CmACS-7 sequences revealed a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; C170T) in exon 1 and an 18 bp indel in the 3′-untranslated region (UTR) of between MO23 and AM24, which was then used to develop a cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) (EX1-C170T) and a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker (T1ex), respectively. The sex expression and the T1ex SCAR-based genotype of 442 F2 plants derived from a MO23 × AM24 cross was determined. Monoecy and andromonoecy segregated in a 3:1 ratio in F2 progeny, where the sex type of 429 plants (13 plants not classified) co-segregated with the SCAR marker, demonstrating that sex expression regulated by CmACS-7 is controlled by a single dominant gene and that it confers monoecy in line MO23. Allelic variation in 112 geographically diverse melon lines for CmACS-7 as accessed by CAPS EX1-C170T and SCAR T1ex markers indicated that the: 1) exon 1 of CmACS-7 is highly conserved and the SNP/sex expression association detected is highly predictable making it potentially useful for marker-based selection of monoecious plants, and; 2) 18 bp indel mutation in the 3′-UTR was present in various lengths depending on different monoecious melon germplasm. © 2015, Korean Society for Horticultural Science and Springer-Verlag GmbH.

Citations (71)

... In addition to the QTL identified by QTL-seq in biparental populations, novel SNPs were also discovered by association analyses, providing potential additional resources for future breeding efforts. Multiple alternative alleles of the significant SNPs leading to stronger resistance were found in accessions originating from India and South Asia, the primary and secondary centers of origins of cucumber (Lv et al., 2012;McCreight et al., 2013). During the process of subsequent domestication and dissemination, cucumber germplasm diverged between East Asia vs. Eurasia and the West (Europe, Africa, North America) (Qi et al., 2013;Wang et al., 2018). ...


Identification of QTL associated with resistance to Phytophthora fruit rot in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
Gone Global: Familiar and Exotic Cucurbits Have Asian Origins
  • Citing Article
  • September 2013


... The hybrids displayed good stability in traits, in contrast to inbred varieties, which showed greater variability. These results support the potential for breeding stable, high yielding cucumber genotypes, benefiting breeders and seed producing companies, and contributing to enhance agricultural productivity and food security (90). ...

Genotype X Environment Interaction for Yield of Pickling Cucumber in 24 U.S. Environments

... The popularity of ornamental grasses in urban environments, parks, and slopes for protection against erosion has been increasing worldwide in the recent period [1][2][3]. In the United States, the urban use of native and non-native lawn grasses is common [4][5][6]. ...

USDA-ARS Multicolored Ornamental Festuca Grass Cultivars “Freedom Fire” ‘Francy’, ‘Vida’, ‘Heidi’, and ‘Kim’ for Low-input Applications in Semiarid Environments
  • Citing Article
  • June 2017


... one or more subsets of the FRR-Cycle 2 plants with high genomic predictions will be isolated to increase seed for larger field evaluations. IWG is already recognized as a valuable forage and biomass crop for the western United States (Robins 2010;Robins et al. 2013Robins et al. , 2020Jensen et al. 2016;Larson et al. 2017). Development of a dual-purpose IWG forage and grain crop will have many benefits for farmers and ranchers in this region, where supplemental feed for livestock through the winter is a costlimiting factor in cow-calf production systems. ...

Development and Testing of Cool-Season Grass Species, Varieties and Hybrids for Biomass Feedstock Production in Western North America


... 2019), suggesting that our accessions of P. laxa was octoploid, judging by its genome size of 8.12 pg/2C. Unclear are some other genome size estimates for Poa species (Joshi et al. 2016), which were also performed using FCM + PI. For all eight species considered diploid (P. ...

Phylogenetic relationships among low ploidy Poa species using chloroplast sequences

... With regards to rangeland plant material development, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (ARS), and Forage and Range Research Laboratory (FRRL) in Logan, Utah has led this process in the region. The FRRL has historically developed plant materials (grass, legume, and forb) that improve the resilience of rangelands and pastures to environmental and anthropogenic stresses [35]. This laboratory currently develops native and non-native plant materials to restore disturbed grasslands [36], recommending plant improvement of the native legume Utah clover (Lotus utahensis Ottley), grasses prairie: [35]. ...

A History of Plant Improvement by the USDA-ARS Forage and Range Research Laboratory for Rehabilitation of Degraded Western U.S. Rangelands


... Application of SSR markers in melon genetic diversity and population structure analysis SSR markers have been used in several melon genetic diversity studies for their high polymorphism and multiallelism (Staub et al. 2007;Tzitzikas et al. 2009). Here, we employed 42 highly informative SSR markers to investigate the genetic diversity of 118 melon accessions including 14 of subsp. ...

Genetic diversity in Chinese melon (Cucumis melo L.)
  • Citing Article
  • July 2007


... According to several authors (González et al., 2010;Martínez-González et al., 2021), most of the genetic diversity of Cucurbita is found in Mexico, which manifests in the wide range of sizes, shapes, colors, and yields in the field. Sánchez-de la indicated that C. agyrosperma is the one of lowest diversity, as is the case of C. fisifolia (Lebeda et al., 2006) in comparison to the rest of the domesticated species. In the Yucatan Peninsula, squash is an important part of the complex milpa production system, where three of the 15 species of the American genus of Cucurbita are cultivated: C. argyrosperma, C. moschata and C. pepo, and where the main objective is obtaining seed for food. ...

Cucurbits (Cucurbitaceae; Cucumis spp., Cucurbita spp., Citrullus spp.)

... Bhat and Jarret (1995) suggested that the number of polymorphisms might be more important than the number of primers for the generation of stable phenogram and it would vary with plant material under investigation and the sequences that are amplified. In bittergourd, Pala (2001) identified six RAPD primers to show genetic relationship among the genotypes while Behera et al. (2007) used twenty nine RAPD primers for genetic diversity studies. ...

A comparative analysis of genetic diversity in Indian bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) genotypes using RAPD and ISSR markers
  • Citing Article
  • January 2007


... Some work has been done using Festuca accessions in the USDA Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) (https:// www.ars-grin.gov) to breed for improved forage production in fescue species (Robbins et al., 2016). To date, there are 229 F. ovina and 486 F. rubra accessions in the USDA GRIN. ...

Development of fine-leaved Festuca grass populations identifies genetic resources having improved forage production with potential for wildfire control in the western United States
