Jacek Kopecký’s research while affiliated with University of Portsmouth and other places

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Publications (47)

Fig. 1: System architecture 
Fig. 2: Test architecture 
Fig. 3: Performance Results
Web API Management Meets the Internet of Things
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

June 2015


1,288 Reads


4 Citations


Jacek Kopecky



Fig. 1. System architecture
Fig. 2. Test architecture  
Fig. 3. Performance results of CONNECT  
Fig. 4. Performance results of PUBLISH  
Web API Management Meets the Internet of Things

May 2015


160 Reads


24 Citations

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

In this paper we outline the challenges of Web API management in Internet of Things (IoT) projects. Web API management is a key aspect of service-oriented systems that includes the following elements: metadata publishing, access control and key management, monitoring and monetization of interactions, as well as usage control and throttling. We look at how Web API management principles, including some of the above elements, translate into a world of connected devices (IoT). In particular, we present and evaluate a prototype that addresses the issue of managing authentication with millions of insecure low-power devices communicating with non-HTTP protocols. With this first step, we are only beginning to investigate IoT API management, therefore we also discuss necessary future work.

Figure 1: Semantic Web service descriptions with WSMO-Lite.
Figure 2: Subset of OASIS SOA RM relevant for the WSMO-Lite service model.
Figure 5: Extracting operations of the example service from Figure 4.
Figure 6: The structure and use of the WSMO-Lite service ontology, annotating the service model from Fig. 3(b).
WSMO-Lite and hRESTS: Lightweight semantic annotations for Web services and RESTful APIs

March 2015


446 Reads


89 Citations

Journal of Web Semantics


Jacek Kopecký


Tomas Vitvar




Service-oriented computing has brought special attention to service description, especially in connection with semantic technologies. The expected proliferation of publicly accessible services can benefit greatly from tool support and automation, both of which are the focus of Semantic Web Service (SWS) frameworks that especially address service discovery, composition and execution. As the first SWS standard, in 2007 the World Wide Web Consortium produced a lightweight bottom-up specification called SAWSDL for adding semantic annotations to WSDL service descriptions. Building on SAWSDL, this article presents WSMO-Lite, a lightweight ontology of Web service semantics that distinguishes four semantic aspects of services: function, behavior, information model, and nonfunctional properties, which together form a basis for semantic automation. With the WSMO-Lite ontology, SAWSDL descriptions enable semantic automation beyond simple input/output matchmaking that is supported by SAWSDL itself. Further, to broaden the reach of WSMO-Lite and SAWSDL tools to the increasingly common RESTful services, the article adds hRESTS and MicroWSMO, two HTML microformats that mirror WSDL and SAWSDL in the documentation of RESTful services, enabling combining RESTful services with WSDL-based ones in a single semantic framework. To demonstrate the feasibility and versatility of this approach, the article presents common algorithms for Web service discovery and composition adapted to WSMO-Lite.

Fig. 1. 
Fig. 3. 
Fig. 4. 
Federated Identity and Access Management for the Internet of Things

September 2014


3,080 Reads


111 Citations

Abstract—We examine the use of Federated Identity and Access Management (FIAM) approaches for the Internet of Things (IoT). We look at specific challenges that devices, sensors and actuators have, and look for approaches to address them. OAuth is a widely deployed protocol – built on top of HTTP – for applying FIAM to Web systems. We explore the use of OAuth for IoT systems that instead use the lightweight MQTT 3.1 protocol. In order to evaluate this area, we built a prototype that uses OAuth 2.0 to enable access control to information distributed via MQTT. We evaluate the results of this prototyping activity, and assess the strengths and weaknesses of this approach, and the benefits of using the FIAM approaches with IoT and Machine to Machine (M2M) scenarios. Finally we outline areas for further research.

Fig. 1. The overall architecture of iServe. 
Fig. 2. Conceptual model for services used by iServe. 
Fig. 3. SWEET showing possible annotations based on Watson results. 
iServe: a Linked Services Publishing Platform

August 2014


422 Reads


81 Citations

Despite the potential of service-orientation and the efforts devoted so far, we are still to witness a significant uptake of service technologies outside of enterprise environments. A core reason for this limited uptake is the lack of appropriate publishing platforms able to deal with the existing heterogeneity in the service technologies landscape and able to provide expressive yet simple and ecient discovery mechanisms. In this paper we describe iServe, a novel and open platform for publishing services which aims to better support their discovery and use. It exposes service descriptions as linked data expressed in terms of a simple vocabulary for describing services of different kinds with annotations in diverse formalisms. In addition to describing iServe, this paper also highlights the set of principles behind iServe, which we believe are essential for other generic repositories of semantic information notably ontology repositories.

A history and future of Web APIs

January 2014


10,735 Reads


23 Citations

it - Information Technology

Distributed information systems predominantly have client-server architectures, as does the Web itself. In this article, we review the evolution of the interface of client-server distributed systems, from Messaging and RPC systems that predate the Web, to RESTful Web APIs. We highlight the often overlooked importance of the client-server interface in Web applications, and we reference historic and current systems to discuss the roles of “Web Service” technologies and Service-Oriented Architectures. Considering the future, we point out four directions in which we can see Web APIs moving, including the incorporation of hypermedia and semantics.

Hyperdata: update APIs for RDF data sources (Vision Paper)

May 2012


16 Reads

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

The Linked Data effort has been focusing on how to publish open data sets on the Web, and it has had great results. However, mechanisms for updating linked data sources have been neglected in research. We propose a structure for Linked Data resources in named graphs, connected through hyperlinks and self-described with light metadata, that is a natural match for using standard HTTP methods to implement application-specific (high-level) public update APIs.

Fig. 1: Web API Grounding Model 
Lightweight semantics for automating the invocation of Web APIs

December 2011


91 Reads


6 Citations

The past few years have been marked by the rapid increase in popularity and use of Web APIs as indicated by the growing number of available APIs and the multitude of applications built on top of them. The development and evolution of applications based on Web APIs is, however, hampered by the lack of automation achievable with current technologies. In this paper, we focus in particular on invocation, which as of now requires manual implementation of custom-tailored clients for each individual API. We present an approach for employing lightweight semantics for supporting the automated invocation of Web APIs. We investigate current Web API description forms and conduct an analysis of the requirements for a description model capable of supporting unified API invocation. In the light of these results, we propose a shared API description model that overcomes the current heterogeneity of the documentation and provides common grounds for enhancing APIs with semantic annotations that facilitate a general automated invocation solution. We evaluate the applicability of our approach by determining the coverage provided by our description model and via a prototypical implementation of an invocation engine.

Citations (38)

... This is no limitation of generality, because it is just a matter of how to preprocess the service description. We have chosen this approach because otherwise conditions get very complex and need to be decomposed to find the appropriate portion for one operation (see the WSMO Amazon use case as an example of such a WSML description [14]). The approach shown in the Amazon use case is based on a message level semantic description. ...


Semantic Validation of BPEL Fragment Compositions
WSMO Use Case: Amazon E-commerce Service

... Par exemple, les médiators, qui constituent un point fort de WSMO, ont été retenus par plusieurs approches pour réaliser la médiation dans une architecture fondée sur OWL-S, à titre d'exemple l'approche de . L'indépendance du SAWSDL des langages des ontologies de son annotation sémantique et son fondement sur le standard WSDL, permettent aux approches basées sur OWL-S (Paolucci, Wagner et al., 2007) et même sur WSMO (Kopecky, Moran et al., 2007) de le réutiliser comme un modèle de liaison avec les descriptions WSDL. ...

WSMO Grounding

... At the beginning of the 21st century, automated service composition was a promising field of research [5], and researchers proposed numerous rich description formats and language models to describe the semantics of Web APIs, mainly WSDL/SOAP-based Web services, in a structured and machine-understandable way. However, these proposed formats and models, like OWL-S [6], WSMO [7], and SA-WSDL [8], were not widely accepted in practice, because of their complexity and the required expert knowledge for their creation [9,10]. ...

Web Service Modeling Ontology (WSMO)

... WSMO-lite is inspired by the WSMO ontology, focusing on a small subset of it to define a limited extension of SAWSDL [14]. It is the next evolutionary step after SAWSDL, filling the SAWSDL annotations with concrete semantic service descriptions. ...

WSMO-Lite and HRESTS: Lightweight Semantic Annotations for Web Services and Restful APIs
  • Citing Article
  • January 2015

SSRN Electronic Journal

... The generic IoT architecture, whose key elements have been thoroughly covered by [37][38][39], served as the model for SCHub's design. To meet the unique requirements of the Smart City deployment environment and scale, its use in the SCHub concept requires extra care. ...

Web API Management Meets the Internet of Things

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... Gil et al. [4] have formalized an approach how the selection of application components and data sources can be automated in general using semantic Web technologies. Kopeck et al. [6] presented research in lightweight machine-readable service descriptions and semantic annotations for Web application programming interfaces (APIs), building on the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) documentation that accompanies the APIs. Lanthaler [7] described an approach to build hypermediadriven Web APIs based on Linked Data technologies and developed Hydra [8], a small vocabulary to describe Web APIs. ...

RESTful Services with Lightweight Machine-readable Descriptions and Semantic Annotations
  • Citing Chapter
  • June 2011

... A number of research efforts aim to bring together services and the Web of Data. Linked Services follow the principles of Semantic Web Services by annotating services and publishing those annotations as Linked Data (Pedrinaci et al. 2010;Pedrinaci et al. 2011). ...

Unified Lightweight Semantic Descriptions of Web APIs and Web Services

... To evaluate the performance of a web service composition solution, researchers typically use a testbed of sample web services (see References [59][60][61]). However, in the geospatial community, there is no testbed of semantically annotated OWSs to be used for evaluation of the proposed composition methods. ...

Building the WSMO-Lite test collection on the SEALS Platform

... In the realm of service-oriented computing, Web Service Composition (WSC) involves amalgamating numerous web services to generate a novel, more intricate service offering enhanced functionality [1]. In other words, it is the process of aggregating different web services to establish a novel service that fulfills a particular need or solves a particular problem [2]. ...

WSMO-Lite and hRESTS: Lightweight semantic annotations for Web services and RESTful APIs

Journal of Web Semantics

... Few implementations of this approach are available in the IoT domain, some for the MQTT protocol [15] [16], and other for the CoAP protocol [17]. The work in [18] describes how to secure the web APIs for the IoT infrastructures using the OAuth protocol for authorization. ...

Web API Management Meets the Internet of Things