August 2023
58 Reads
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica
Background Informed consent is an indispensable tool in the doctorpatient relationship. Aims broadly and unrestrictedly clarify the patient about the procedure, which he/she will be submitted, including all stages of treatment and possible complications. As for the professional who will perform the procedure it's importance goes beyond the precise information to the patient, and also relevance in the legal scope for any grievances that may arise from the committed act. However for the purpose of consent is reached, one should do it in a way in which the physician has the conviction that his informations and explanations about all stages of treatment were in fact understood by the patient. Method: In order to confirm the transfer of information for the informed consent in an objective manner the authors have developed a method using a test administered to the patient after the clarification on the procedure. Results: We observed a greater satisfaction by patients regarding explanations because they felt more secure about the treatment's knowledge to be carried out, taking the chance of further clarification if necessary Conclusions This model of consent present itself as evidence that the information about the procedure was conveyed unequivocally, ensuring tranquility and safety for the patient and the professional. Keywords Informed Consent; Mental Competency; Surgery, Plastic