September 2006
96 Reads
1 Citation
During the period from January 1999 to December 2000 field research has been made at 20 measuring points on the river Bregalnica together with its tributaries. The content of the heavy metals (Pb, Zn and Cd) has been determined in water. In the first year of research the material for analysis was taken once a month during the year (from January to December 1999) but in the second year of research the material of analysis has taken once in a season (spring, summer, autumn and winter 2002). The research made during these two years on the territory of East Macedonia had an aim to establish the degree of water pollution in the river Bregalnica with its tributaries, pollution with heavy metals as a result of direct release of waste water from lead-zinc mines “Zletovo” and “Sasa” as well as from copper mine “Bucim”.