January 2015
2,372 Reads
1 Citation
After the CO2 has been captured at the source of emission, the CO2 would have to be transported to the storage site using different technologies. In some countries (i.e. USA) real possibilities exist so that available and new oil and water pipe lines could be used for such operations. In practice it means that transportation could be carried out with motor carriers, railway and water carriers. If the present experiences are taken into account and the real situation checked, such transportation systems are mainly used in praxis. For maximum throughput and to facilitate efficient loading and unloading, the physical condition with respect to pressure and temperature for the CO2 should be the liquid or supercritical/dense phases. Temporary storage of CO2 is of importance for finding a comprehensive solution for long-term storage under various environmental circumstances. Underground caverns are one of the possibilities of temporary storage. Geotechnical analysis of stress and strain changes that are present in the rocks around underground caverns filled with CO2 under high pressure provides a realistic assessment of conditions for temporary storage. This paper presents the analysis described above, for different parameters relating to underground storage of CO2.