J P Relier’s research while affiliated with Université Paris Cité and other places

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Publications (89)

Long term outcome of small versus appropriate size for gestational age co-twins/triplets
  • Article

August 2004


28 Reads


71 Citations

Archives of Disease in Childhood - Fetal and Neonatal Edition

M Monset-Couchard


O de Bethmann


J-P Relier

Small for gestational age (SGA) extremely low birthweight (ELBW < 1000 g) survivors often remain small and/or have subnormal school performance. Some are twins/triplets with larger appropriate size for gestational age (AGA) co-twins/triplets. To assess whether SGA ELBW twins/triplets remain different from their AGA co-twins/triplets.Design, setting: During 1981-1999, 353 SGA ELBW neonates were admitted to our neonatal intensive care unit: 267 survived, 54/267 were twins/triplets, and 36/54 had AGA surviving co-twins/triplets. This longitudinal study describes the growth, neurodevelopmental outcome, and school performance of these 36 sets (3-17 years). The children were classified as normal, or having minor, moderate, or severe deficiencies. Values for birth weight (mean intrapair z score difference 2.26), length (2.74), and head circumference (2.62) were lower in SGA neonates than in AGA co-twins/triplets. SGA survivors remained smaller at 3-6 years of age: mean intrapair z score difference in weight, 1.37, height, 1.54, head circumference, 1.21. From 6 to 17 years, smaller differences persisted. Former SGA children had a tendency to have motor deficiencies (nine SGA v three AGA) and mental retardation (seven v four), same hearing loss (two v two), but significantly more visual abnormalities (15 v 11), behavioural disturbances (14 v five), and speech problems (14 v eight). Twenty four sets were in the same normal level class, often supported by familial/professional help. Although raised in the same environment, SGA ELBW survivors remained smaller and had more visual/behavioural/speech problems, but most maintained grade level parity with their AGA siblings, with appropriate help.

[Mid- and long-term outcome of 77 triplets and their families]

June 1998


9 Reads


10 Citations

Journal de Gynécologie Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction

To compare the family status and neurodevelopment of triplets conceived by spontaneous pregnancy (SP), ovarian stimulation (OS), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and gametal intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT). A follow-up study consisted of neurodevelopmental examination and/or of interviews of parents/pediatricians/teachers and social workers. Outcome of the children was categorized as defective (mild, moderate, severe) or normal. The Port-Royal neonatal unit and follow-up clinic. From 1/01/1987 to 31/12/94, one to all three neonatal triplets were admitted to the Port-Royal neonatal unit. Pregnancy was SP in 12, OS in 24, IVF in 36, GIFT in 5. All survivors (36 SP, 68 OS, 98 IVF, 14 GIFT) were included and their outcome (at 3 to 10 years of age) was known in 75 families. Prematurity < 32 weeks was highest in the SP pregnancies, with no birth > 37 weeks, and more small-for-dates babies. As of this writing, the neurodevelopmental status was normal or included only a mild deficit (mainly visual corrections) in 82% of SP survivors, 94% of OS survivors, 98% of IVF survivors, all 14 GIFT survivors. Moderate and major deficits were found in one or two siblings of 7 sets of triplets, 5 of which were born < 32 weeks (1 SP, 3 OS, 1 IVF). In all groups, family status was characterized by the need to move, financial problems, maternal exhaustion and parental breakdowns. Five OS mothers, 5 IVF mothers, and one GIFT mother each had one to three subsequent SP pregnancies. In 1997, all families included one to eight children. Because of the cumulative effect of losses, deficits, and other post-natal difficulties, only one of four families had no problems. The overall outcome of surviving triplets is good but they are both a prenatal and post-natal hardship for the parents, chiefly the mother. We advocate a more cautious use of OS, no triple implantation at the first IVF, and more social help and guidance for the families during the pregnancy and the first 3 years of life of the triplets.

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (Cdh) With Antenatal Diagnosis : Possible Impact of Management on Survival. 32

September 1997


6 Reads

Pediatric Research

Aims. We managed in Port-Royal (1985-96) 46 women referred for fetal CDH, and their infants. In Period 1 (< 1992), we used conventional ventilation (CMV) and “early” surgery requiring transport. Since 1992, we prospectively tested: 1) high frequency ventilation (HFO) (± NO); 2) delayed surgery, following stabilization; 3) no transport when switching to CMV was not tolerated (Period 2).

Citations (21)

... The results of the first RCT using a natural porcine surfactant to treat severe RDS were published in 1988, convincingly demonstrating a reduction in air leak, death, and the combined outcome of death or BPD [34]. Additional trials helped to fine-tune surfactant therapy in the management of RDS and revealed a key thematic link between treatment and outcome: the earlier RDS was accurately diagnosed and appropriately treated with surfactant, the better the outcome. ...


Indications for and Risks of Noninvasive Respiratory Support
Surfactant replacement therapy for severe neonatal respiratory distress syndrome: An international randomized clinical trial
  • Citing Article
  • January 1988

... Since the surfactant had no name, Tore Curstedt and Bengt Robertson decided to call the surfactant Curosurf, a name coined from their surnames ( Cu rstedt-Ro bertson-surf actant). Randomized European clinical trials were initiated in 1985 [7,8] , and during the 1980s more than two thousand treatment doses of Curosurf were prepared for the clinical trials in Tore Curstedt's department at the Karolinska University Laboratory. In the first randomized clinical trial, one group received the standard treatment at that time, and the surfactant-treated group had reduced mortality and pneumothorax [7] . ...

  • Citing Article
  • September 1990

Pediatric Research

... Moderate and severe hypothermia increase the mortality and morbidity and predispose the fragile neonate to an increased risk of late-onset neonatal sepsis (LONS), intraventricular haemorrhage and worsening of respiratory distress. 2 Among children born in Nepal, hypothermia was an independent risk factor for early mortality. The risk was higher for premature neonates than for full-term babies. ...

Factors Influencing Morbidity and Mortality in Infants with Severe Respiratory Distress Syndrome Treated with Single or Multiple Doses of a Natural Porcine Surfactant
  • Citing Article
  • January 1992


... In a preliminary study on postnatal development of PRA in four preterm infants by Richer et al. (22), PRA was found to be very high in the 2-3 weeks and it decreased thereafter. Neither PRA in the first 2 weeks, nor electrolyte balance and aldosterone status were determined in the study (22). ...

Plasma renin activity and its postnatal development in preterm infants. Preliminary report
  • Citing Article
  • February 1977

Biology of the Neonate

... There are genetic links between early life events and adult lung function; polymorphisms in ADAM33, a gene that is important in antenatal lung development (95), are important in early life lung function (96) and rate of decline of lung function (97). Another important group that may be at risk of accelerated decline in lung function is the survivors of premature birth, who are known to have impaired lung function in childhood (98,99), irrespective of whether it is worsened by the consequences of treatment. The CAMP study revealed that there is an ill-understood group of patients with childhood asthma (around 25%) who do not have the expected growth in spirometry, irrespective of the treatment arm (ICS, nedocromil, placebo) (100). ...

Pulmonary function in infancy and in childhood following mechanical ventilation in the neonatal period
  • Citing Article
  • January 1990

Pediatric Pulmonology

... Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (NRDS), also known as neonatal pulmonary hyaluronosis, encompasses detrimental symptoms like escalating breathlessness and respiratory insufficiency that arise promptly following delivery [1]. The presenting clinical signs encompass irregularities in respiratory rate, the production of grunting sounds, evident retraction of the intercostal spaces, and cyanosis, characterized by a bluish discoloration of the skin [2]. Additional supportive treatments for NRDS are essential to alleviate the severity of NRDS and mitigate associated complications. ...

Neonatal diagnosis of respiratory distress syndrome
  • Citing Article
  • April 1989

The European respiratory journal. Supplement

... Previous reports postulated that HNE might play a critical role in the pathogenesis of nCLD (29)(30)(31). Those studies showed elevated elastase in airway secretions of preterm infants with evolving nCLD. ...

Persistent Elastase/Proteinase Inhibitor Imbalance during Prolonged Ventilation of Infants with Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia: Evidence for the Role of Nosocomial Infections
  • Citing Article
  • Full-text available
  • November 1989

Pediatric Research

... In the literature, the term ''WMD'' includes not only infants with periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) but also infants with perinatal telencephalic leukoencephalopathy and periventricular hemorrhagic infarction (e.g., Grade IV interventricular hemorrhage (IVH), ventriculomegaly , and/or hydrocephalus ex vacuo) (Kuban, Leviton, Pagano, & Dammann, 1997; Leviton & Paneth, 1990). The literature suggests that approximately 60–90% of infants with WMD are later given a diagnosis of cerebral palsy (CP) in varying grades of severity (Fawer & Calame, 1991; Leviton & Paneth, 1990; Monset-Couchard et al., 1988; Paneth, Rudelli, & Monte, 1990). The etiology of these motor handicaps is thought to be neonatal injury to the periventricular white matter (e.g., necrosis of axons; impairment of myelination), predominately in areas containing the corticospinal tracts, which pass near the lateral ventricles and involve motor pathways (Truwit, Barkovich, Koch, & Ferriero, 1992; Volpe, 1992). ...

Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Cystic Periventricular Leukomalacia (CPVL) (30 Cases)
  • Citing Article
  • September 1988


... Il est difficile de distinguer ce qui revient à la BDP, à l'immaturité et aux facteurs extrinsèques (exposition tabagique , mode de garde) ou intrinsèques (sexe, atopie). Ainsi, les anomalies observées chez des enfants de très petit poids de naissance (1000 g) sont en partie indépendantes de l'existence d'une BDP initiale121314, parfois simplement liés à une oxygénothérapie limitée ou une maladie des membranes hyalines [15,16]. Cela indique qu'en terme d'obstruction, le seul critère de l'oxygénodépendance ne suffit probablement pas à décrire les séquelles respiratoires. ...

Pulmonary function at 1 year of age in survivors of neonatal respiratory distress: A multivariate analysis of factors associated with sequelae
  • Citing Article
  • July 1987

Pediatric Pulmonology

... La respiration est plus irrégulière dans le sommeil REM (rapid eye movement) (Haddad et al. 1982;Moriette et al. 1983). La CRF est plus basse lors des épisodes d'asynchronisme thoraco-abdominal (Walti et al. 1986), et ces épisodes sont plus fréquents dans le sommeil actif (Moriette et al. 1983). Cependant, il n'a pas été retrouvé de différence significative de niveau de CRF entre les différentes phases de sommeil (Haddad et al. 1982;Moriette et al. 1983;Walti et al. 1986;Beardsmore et al. 1989;Stokes et al. 1989). ...

Influence of breathing pattern on functional residual capacity in sleeping newborn infants
  • Citing Article
  • July 1986

Journal of Developmental Physiology