March 2019
2 Reads
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March 2019
2 Reads
March 2019
7 Reads
March 2019
7 Reads
March 2019
12 Reads
March 2019
5 Reads
March 2019
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March 2019
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March 2019
11 Reads
1 Citation
March 2019
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April 2010
174 Reads
Journal of Social Issues
Data from probability samples in Bogota Caracas Lima Mexico City Rio de Janeiro San Jose San Salvadore and Panama City used to analyze the role of Catholicism in Latin America in relation to ideal fertility. In all but Panama City ideal family size rose with the degree of religious observance. There is considerable variation among cities from an ideal of 2.4 in Rio de Janeiro to 4.1 in Mexico City. The more religious women were more likely to prefer additional children. More devout women were less favorable towards the use of birth control than women of moderate or nominal beliefs. Although there is a negative relationship between religiosity and practice of contraception there is no such relationship between religiosity and fertility. The better educated women were most affected in attitudes and practices by the Churchs teaching but they were the group with the lower fertility. No consistent differences were found between Catholics and non-Catholics in attitudes contraceptive practice or fertility.
... This was mainly in terms of access to land for recreation and requirements to increase its multifunctional land use. Pfeffer et al. (2005) report that strong private property rights often clash with efforts to regulate and improve land-use. This statement may be representative of a frequent source of conflict between agriculture and the recreational use of fringe areas. ...
... As particular attitudes are often culture bound (Stycos, 1998;Evans, 1997), we limited our inquiry to studies conducted within the United States. Furthermore, a study must have assessed the participants' personal attitudes toward homosexuals or homosexuality generally to be included. ...
November 1998
Cross-Cultural Research
... It presumed the need for an "integrated conservation and development program" (ICDP) to relieve pressure on endangered species and a fragile environment (cf. Brandon and Wells 1992;Chou et al. 1991;Stycos and Duarte 1995;White 1988). And, at least in the buffer zone, the plan suggested that a "sustainable" fishery could be fostered-primarily through severe restrictions on gear. ...
May 1995
... In addition to the difference in knowledge and capacity-building opportunities, other dynamics such as stakeholder involvement, structuring and related institutional power dynamics are documented [90]. Stakeholders' knowledge and capacity compliments water and related resources management in practice, the participatory monitoring and learning in integrated approaches, as well as ensuring adequate survey evaluations [82,84,[91][92][93]. Community water resource users may have both traditional and conventional knowledge about water resources governance and management and can access adequate information with the advancement in network technologies and multi-stakeholder collaborations to compel action. ...
June 2007
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association
... Second, many social activists became upset by India and China's population stabilisation policy, calling it "coercion" (Stycos, 1991). One hundred seventy-nine countries joined the ICPD consensus, agreeing that they had a collective duty to respect and promote the right of their respective populations to decide their own reproductive outcomes, to improve their health and wellbeing, and to distribute such wellbeing more equitably among the world's many inhabitants. ...
June 1991
Population and Environment
... Two other town supervisors also stated that NYC used a strategy of targeting each town individually when it wanted to impose a new restriction or avoid paying property taxes, because no single town could stand up to NYC's legal resources (Interviewee A, October 1999;Interviewee D, October 1999). When NYC's land acquisition announcement validated their skepticism, NYC Watershed towns again filed the lawsuit to prevent NYC from implementing its filtration-avoidance plans (Pfeffer and Stycos 1998). ...
August 1998
Population Research and Policy Review
... Sin embargo, la planificación familiar, el uso de métodos anticonceptivos y la posibilidad de espaciar los embarazos planteaba serias confrontaciones con el pensamiento católico conservador de la época (Perez Ramirez, 1965;Vergara Delgado, 1967;Shea et al., 1971;Simmons, Cardona, 1974), como también encuentros entre los grupos que incorporaban el discurso marxista frente a los nacionalistas, entre ellos el dr. Hernán Vergara, psiquiatra y profesor de psicología que afirmaba que las acciones de planificación tenían como fin los intereses particulares de algunos gobernantes, que de una u otra manera funcionaban como intermediarios de las fundaciones como la Rockefeller (Stycos, 1968;Vergara Delgado, 1968) Preguntas como: ¿Podía el matrimonio no conllevar a la procreación? ¿Podían las relaciones sexuales no tener como fin último la reproducción sino el placer? ...
June 1968
... Even in societies where women have a high participation in the labour market, men's economic status remains important in marriage formation (Teachman, Polonko, and Leigh 1987; Santow and Bracher 1994; Sweeney 2002). Thus, the greater the availability of eligible men, the higher women's probability of marriage will be (Stycos 1983; McLaughlin, Lichter, and Johnston 1993). Women's own socio-economic status can also contribute to their marriage timing. ...
July 1983
Population Studies
... Studies have argued that there is incompatibility between employment and childbearing. This is because employment especially formal employment demands time hence, it is inflexible for child bearing and upbringing [50,51]. Moreover, it is also found women who work in more collectivized environments (including formal occupations) have fewer children than women who work in more individualized places (more informal) and those who do not work outside the home [52]. ...
March 1967
... Insight into educational outcomes can be used to aid local governments to develop or refine policies and interventions. 17 In this case, interventions relate to achievement of ZIKV control. ...
September 1964