J. M. J. Doomernik’s scientific contributions

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Publications (8)

Non-electoral forms of political participation by immigrants in 28 European countries 13
Differences in non-electoral forms of political participation between native-born and foreign-born population
Quantitative Data on Immigrants’ Political Participation in Europe
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2010


667 Reads


3 Citations

J. Doomernik



What precisely belongs to the domain of politics and hence should be considered political participation is not without contention. Most definitions of political participation include both conventional forms of political participation related to electoral politics – such as voting or standing for elections – and various alternative forms of political participation and expressing political voice. Some definitions also include forms of civic participation into a broad definition of political participation. For the purpose of this paper, we define political participation as participation in political procedures, structures and institutions of the political system at the local, national or supranational level. In so doing, we follow a broad understanding of politics and also include civic participation as an important dimension of the involvement in the political and democratic life of a country. Based on this broad conceptualisation, we distinguish five types of political participation: (1) Voting behaviour and political preferences (type A), (2) party membership, standing for election and holding political office (type B), (3) non-electoral and less conventional forms of political participation (type C), (4) labour union participation (type D), and (5) civic participation (type E). Political participation is related to a variety of factors, including the structural integration of migrants (such as demographic characteristics, socio-economic status, and residential stability), social capital, individual political characteristics (such as political socialisation and attitudes towards politics,) and political opportunity structures. Our analysis of available data suggests that only few countries collect data on all five types of immigrants‟ political participation, while available data in some countries does not permit such an analysis at all. However, we also find that the majority of countries do collect some of the core type A data. An improvement of type A data might thus be a sensible first step in increasing our knowledge on political participation of migrants and their descendants. To gain a fuller understanding of patterns of political and civic participation of immigrants, however, systematic and comprehensive collection of all A, B, C, D and E data would be ideal. What data is available and which is not, however, is also an expression of political opportunity structures and the civic and political culture of individual countries. European countries differ widely in respect to the opportunities offered to non-nationals and migrants more generally to participate in political and civic activities, but they also differ in terms of unionisation or the relationship between civil society organisations and the state. Finally, statistics do certainly reflect political priorities, but their quality and scope also depend on financial means. Not all EU member states are equally able to build and maintain structures for the collection of extensive social statistic. In respect to political participation, improving the European Social Survey as the coverage and sampling of migrants is concerned, might provide some middle ground.


International migration and its regulation

January 2006


2,251 Reads


1 Citation

M. I. Baganha


J. M. J. Doomernik


u. c. i. UVAprd




A fundamental issue in society today, migration has been undergoing a new dynamic transformation, calling for new policy approaches. This new dynamic is not yet understood clearly, let alone that adequate policy answers for ‘the managing’ of these new migration processes and the consequences for receiving and sending societies are within.This comprehensive overview of migration research conducted throughout the IMISCOE network of European research analyses the influx of various types of immigrants in Western Europe post World War II, mostly to large cities, as well as the reactions of the native populations and governments to the changes and pressures brought about by immigration.

Arbeidsimmigratie naar Nederland. Regulering en demografische en economische aspecten in internationaal vergelijk

January 2003


69 Reads


16 Citations

Deze studie gaat over de immigratie van vreemdelingen die komen werken. Wij hanteren de begrippen arbeidsimmigrant en buitenlandse werknemer door elkaar. Deze studie gaat in eerste instantie niet over vreemdelingen die voor een ander doel komen zoals het vragen van asiel of voor gezinshereniging, en hun positie op de arbeidsmarkt. Ook wordt in de door ons geraadpleegde bronnen onderscheid gemaakt tussen tijdelijke arbeidsimmigratie en permanente arbeidsimmigratie. Het begrip tijdelijke arbeidsimmigratie kan betekenen dat een arbeidsimmigrant volgens de regels maar een maximaal aantal maanden of jaren mag blijven, zoals seizoensarbeiders of een universitair gastdocent (juridisch tijdelijk). Uit cijfers van het CBS blijkt dat een groot aantal arbeidsimmigranten binnen zes jaar uit Nederland vertrekt (feitelijk tijdelijk). Van permanente arbeidsimmigratie is sprake als het de arbeidsimmigrant is toegestaan zich permanent te vestigen (juridisch permanent). Of de arbeidsimmigrant dat ook daadwerkelijk doet is daarmee nog niet gezegd. Er zijn ook arbeidsimmigranten die in eerste instantie tijdelijk komen maar toch langer blijven, bij dezelfde of een andere werkgever, al dan niet illegaal, of op grond van bijvoorbeeld gezinsvorming (feitelijk permanent).

Citations (8)

... 12 Unemployment in the Netherlands rose, especially among migrants: among Moroccans, unemployment was around 40 per cent in the 1980s (Lucassen & Lucassen, 2018, p. 164). Historians sometimes refer to this period as the 'guest worker trauma': the collective memory of this unfortunate conclusion to the guest worker era is believed to have become a pivotal factor in shaping the migration debate in the decades that followed (Engbersen, 2003;de Lange & Doomernik, 2004;Kremer, 2013). ...


Economic Dynamics and Migration
Arbeidsmigratie in internationaal vergelijkend perspectief
  • Citing Article
  • January 2004

... Naast de literatuurstudie werden dossieranalyses uitgevoerd van afgesloten gerechtelijke dossiers naar Nigeriaanse mensenhandelnetwerken gericht op seksuele uitbuiting. Het analyseren van gerechtelijke dossiers biedt inzicht in de achtergrond, methodieken en organisatiestructuren van mensenhandelnetwerken (nesKe & DooMerniK, 2006). Uiteraard kan er op deze manier geen inzicht verkregen worden in Nigeriaanse mensenhandelnetwerken die onder de radar van politie en gerecht bleven. ...

Comparing Notes: Perspectives on Human Smuggling in Austria, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands
  • Citing Article
  • October 2006

International Migration

... Remittances and Costs) Baganha et al. (2006) had called our attention for a new dualism of migrants and segmented labour markets: (a) a "growing number of highly skilled migrants that the receiving countries are eager to attract"; and (b) a "flow of migrants that, regardless of their qualifications, can only find jobs in the least qualified occupations [in their ...

International migration and its regulation

... Likewise, recent research indicates that immigrants, regardless of their status (documented or undocumented), are increasingly engaging in political activities in various ways (Strijbis 2015;Vintila & Martiniello 2021) and that this activism can lead to effective changes in policies (Kende et al. 2024). Nevertheless, the level of civic and political engagement among immigrant populations remains generally lower than among the majority population (Aleksynska 2008;Doomernik et al. 2010;Pettinicchio & de Vries 2017;Li & Jones 2020;Bešter et al. 2023). ...

Quantitative Data on Immigrants’ Political Participation in Europe

... The impediments to competition in their indigenous area may emanate from heightened market competition or a stagnant economic environment, necessitating the imperative to seek alternative regions for sustained viability. The phenomenon of individuals relocating from one locale to another, especially in the context of business, is multifaceted and often correlated with competitive pressures and economic downturns (Gorter et al., 1998). ...

Crossing Borders: Regional and Urban Perspectives on International Migration
  • Citing Article
  • January 2000


... De steeds verdergaande ontplooiing en specialisatie van de mensenhandel en smokkelindustrie kent diverse nefaste gevolgen, zoals bijvoorbeeld de schending van bepaalde fundamentele mensenrechten (Copic & Simeunovic-Patic, 2009;Winterdyk & Reichel, 2010), een verlies aan menselijk en intellectueel potentieel in landen van herkomst, nadelige economische gevolgen, groeiende aanwezigheid van georganiseerde criminaliteit, toenemende intolerantie t.a.v. migranten (De Mangeleer, De Meulenaer & El Asjadi, 2002) en de ondermijning van de voorspelbaarheid van migratieprocessen (Doomernik, 2001). Ons inziens lijkt de politieke keuze om een structureel beleid en prioritaire aanpak van de twee fenomenen te handhaven dan ook gerechtvaardigd. ...

Tussen Daar en Hier: van Werving tot Smokkel
  • Citing Article
  • January 2001

... It is important to note that managing migration, as Doomernik et al. (2005) suggest, is "metaphorically akin to walking a tightrope", because the government has to try to keep the domestic population's aspirations and economic needs in balance. Singapore's government makes every effort to increase public awareness about the growing importance of immigration for Singapore's economy and society. ...

Prospects on migration management. Opportunities and pitfalls