J. Hart’s scientific contributions

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Publications (11)

Influence of face lighting on the reliability of biometric facial readers
  • Article

January 2018


11 Reads


1 Citation

Agronomy Research

V. Hartová


J. Hart


At present, there is an increasing need to protect workplace entry and specially guarded premises. In addition to standard access systems on a chip cards are getting to the fore of biometric identification systems such as readers for fingerprint, biometric scans faces and others. Biometric readers face still improve, but still have a lot of blind spots, thanks to which their reliability and user-friendliness decreases. One such problem is the light intensity in the room where the reading device is located. The varying intensity of the light in the room causes a different illumination of the person’s face. It emphasizes or suppresses the main points of the face that needed for user authorization, and the whole identification process is prolonged and difficult. The reliability value is significantly different from the value given by the manufacturers. It is very important to highlight on this problem and begin to address it by altering the current production engineering.

Testing of ISM band at remotes for unlocking vehicles

January 2018


12 Reads

Agronomy Research

Every modern car has a remote control for wireless unlocking. Wireless drivers for unlocking the vehicle using frequency in the ISM bands. ISM bands are unlicensed bands. They are usually used for industrial, medical and scientific purposes. The question is whether wireless transmission parameters are sufficient and do not violate defined range of ISM band. Another important aspect is the security of the wireless transmissions and any other signal interference. The problem of interference plays an important role in ensuring the quality and safety of wireless communications, especially when wireless networks can be found everywhere. The issues of remote control vehicles is very important due to the resulting security of a guarded vehicle. One of the major risks that may occur are data transmission that the signal is blocked by another signal and the end user does not notice. In this case, does not lock the vehicle nor ensuring its securing security system. Tests which were performed accurately determined the bandwidth of broadcast remote control for each vehicle. Vehicles for which the tests were conducted are standard vehicles used to frequent occurrence. These are the following types: Alfa Romeo, Hyundai, Mercedes, Škoda and Toyota. Subsequently, the analysis was performed of transmission compared with standard broadcast of jammers. All test drivers worked in the band ISM433. These tests clearly demonstrated that not every manufacturer strictly observes ranges of ISM band. This may affect traffic on surrounding licensed bands.

Development of new elements to automatized greenhouses

January 2018


16 Reads


5 Citations

Agronomy Research

Development of new elements to automatized of greenhouses is always needed and be it is to improve the current situation because of the increase effectivity in greenhouses or their control. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague was to increase efficiency in greenhouses and therefore, devices designed to improve the automation in greenhouses have been designed and patented. The aim was to propose new improvements for automated greenhouses based on demand. This is primarily about solving the problem of lack of daylight and regularly occurring moss on the roof. This research and development are guided primarily because it is a agriculture branch in the stage of expansion, and it is essential that there is a continuous innovation and research in this field of science. New automatic features or upgrades to existing features in greenhouses, was solved on the basis of the current state of development curent technology. When designet new technologies also help us grants, personal experience with a real installation and cooperation with manufacturers (or with distributors) greenhouses systems. Designs for a light routing system and a system for removing moss from the roof were made.

Detection reliability for passive infrared detectors in intrusion and hold-up alarm systems and their ergonomics

January 2018


8 Reads


1 Citation

Agronomy Research

Currently it is highly important for detectors to be able to achieve efficiency, reliability, and faultless operation, and to be ergonomic thanks to their assembly and being easy-to-fit. In the case of a proposal for the placement of detectors it is naturally important to determine position of the detector and the type of detector being used, but also to guarantee their capability to be able to detect anything when in use and their user and installation-friendliness. The problem of passive infrared (PIR) detectors affects a large proportion of intrusion and hold-up alarm systems (I&HAS). In a time of increasing property crime, it is highly important for PIR detector to actually be able to detect break-in attempts within the guarded area on a reliable basis and free of error. In the case of the installation of PIR detectors, it is naturally important not only to ensure correct installation, to gauge the external influences which may impact upon the detector and to ensure proper maintenance, but also to guarantee the capability of detection under more arduous conditions. The tests and comparisons which have been conducted examine both the normal operation of the PIR detectors and the ergonomics of these detectors. These tests are important both from an informative perspective and due to the opportunities to be able to develop potential counter-measures which could lead to their improvement.

Improvement of monitoring of cattle in outdoor enclosure using IQRF technology

January 2018


10 Reads


4 Citations

Agronomy Research

Monitoring of cattle in the outdoor enclosure is a very important issue. Currently, the increasingly stealing cows and other cattle from the pasture. For businesses that manage it, this is a very lossy business. For thieves, the electric fences, which are currently the most widespread, are easily surmountly. And the owner does not have a chance early on to learn the fact theft of cattle. For this reason, a system for monitoring cattle on outdoor enclosure using IQRF (intelligent local network topology) technology has been developed. We have been dealing with this issue for a long time and the biggest problem was the monitoring of only the inner part of the enclosure. Previously, there was an overlap of monitoring in the area beyond grazing. This problem has been solved by using a shielded base for mounting IQRF receivers.

Comparison of reliability of false rejection rate by monocriterial and multi-criteria of biometric identification systems

January 2017


18 Reads

Agronomy Research

Biometric user identification is a highly topical theme these days. The most widespread areas are identification of a person on the basis of fingerprints and identification on the basis of facial features. Testing was performed on the 4 biometric systems. Systems using fingerprint were LA 2000M and iEvo ULTIMATE, and systems disposing even the scan faces were D-Station, IFace 800. Measurements showed that the higher reliability have biometric identification systems which identify the person on the basis of one parameter. From the results it is also seen that sabotage of biometric identification devices that identifies on the the basis of two or more parameters is much simpler than those that identify only using fingerprint or scan of face.

Usage of multi-sensory MESH networks in monitoring the welfare of livestock

January 2017


4 Reads

Agronomy Research

The trend of monitoring the welfare of livestock is continually developing at the moment. This monitoring leads to the optimization of the needs of livestock, which improves their final outputs. In terms of dairy cows, improvements in their living conditions may have a considerable impact on their productivity and the quality of their milk. Countless indicators such as temperature, humidity, how often they drink or eat, and many other parameters can be monitored. Specific measurements always depend on an initial hypothesis that is determined on the basis of specific problems. The main question still remains regarding how to measure selected variables, particularly how to transfer these outputs so that they can be easily processed. It is this issue that leads to the use of MASH multi-sensory networks.

Livestock monitoring system using bluetooth technology

January 2017


146 Reads


6 Citations

Agronomy Research

There is currently no inexpensive solution for monitoring theft of livestock. The cheapest way is to use a camera system. Whilst camera systems are able to capture theft attempts, in order to be truly effective it is necessary to permanently have a live operator available at the monitor to make evaluations. The aim was to therefore devise a system that would be used and that could identify the loss of an animal (or determine the specific animal that went missing). ‘Bluetooth Beacons’ were chosen after a detailed study of current technology. After closer inspection of this technology, we came to the conclusion that it is useful for this purpose with minimal cost for its application. This article would like to present concept of the method to monitoring livestock position.

The next generation of multiple temperature sensor

January 2017


4 Reads

Agronomy Research

Long-term and short-term measurements of temperature at different depths in soil have always been very complicated. The solution that was used until now was measuring using soil thermometers. Measurements were done at shallow depths and generally only allowed for measuring of one temperature, and always at the one depth which was determined for the measurement (normally 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150 and 300 cm). These problems were relatively limiting and impractical. It was therefore necessary to devise an alternative for a simple and effective solution that would eliminate these disadvantages – it was necessary for a probe to allow temperature to be measured at different depths at one measuring point without having to change its position. A requirement simultaneously arose for the need to be able to measure temperatures at greater depths, and a multiple probe was therefore conceived consisting of a rod for dynamic penetration tests.

New security elements in biometric systems and systems I&HAS

January 2016


10 Reads

New security features or upgrades to existing features in biometric and security alarm systems and emergency formed at the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, mainly due to the teaching of subjects with similar themes. When developing new technologies also help us grants, personal experience with a real installation, cooperation with manufacturers (or with distributors) security systems and a testing ground for current security features.

Citations (3)

... LoRa может использоваться при разработке интеллектуальной инфраструктуры освещения улиц [6] и для организации «Интернета вещей» в промышленных условиях [7]. Также технология LoRa нашла широкое применение в сельском хозяйстве, например, для мониторинга крупного рогатого скота [8] и оповещений об угрозе наводнения [9]. ...


Improvement of monitoring of cattle in outdoor enclosure using IQRF technology
  • Citing Article
  • January 2018

Agronomy Research

... У циљу постизања одрживе пољопривреде неопходно је у производни процес уводити нове "зелене" технологије усмерене на заштиту животне средине (Magomedov et al., 2020). Када је у питању пластеничка производња, један од савремених начина за смањење негативног утицаја пољопривреде на околину, је аутоматизација производње у заштићеном простору, коју треба стално усавршавати посебно с аспекта ефикасности (Hart, Hartová, 2018). ...

Development of new elements to automatized greenhouses
  • Citing Article
  • January 2018

Agronomy Research

... Several researchers have proposed emission monitoring systems. Jagasia et al. (2017) suggest the use of emission detection devices at traffic lights. The use of metal oxide semiconductor sensors for carbon monoxide emission detection in homes, industry, and urban areas is encouraged by Nandy, Coutu, and Ababei (2018). ...

Livestock monitoring system using bluetooth technology
  • Citing Article
  • January 2017

Agronomy Research