December 2005
39 Reads
2 Citations
Performance analysis systems are well known for their use in enhancing the feedback process in coaching. These systems have also been developed to analyse the coaching environment and coach-athlete behaviour. This study used a computerised performance analysis system to monitor the coaching environment of two independent soccer coaching groups. The aims were to report on the use of performance analysis technology to monitor the coaching environment in soccer and investigate the reliability of the performance analysis system used. The two coaching groups were part of a larger study investigating the development of a new soccer coaching programme based on a preceding biomechanical analysis. Sessions were videoed and analysed using GameBreaker™ performance analysis software which was set up to log five events relevant to the focus of the study. A trained independent operator demonstrated the two events whole group on task (2.30% error) and whole group off task (3.12% error) were reliable events to analyse further. The other three events; small group off task, individual off task and other, were deemed to be unreliable. Possible reasons for this include limitations of equipment and training of the observer. Chi-square analysis revealed a non-significant difference between groups for whole group on task (p=0.91) and whole group off task (p=0.87), indicating both groups experienced similar amounts of practice time over six coaching sessions. This study suggests performance analysis technology can be used as an effective tool to monitor the coaching environment. However, care must be taken when setting up the operational definitions and training an independent operator to use the system in order to obtain objective, reliable data.