September 2005
768 Reads
29 Citations
Applied Engineering in Agriculture
A key component in precision agriculture is exact delivery of liquid and solid materials to site-specific locations. Addressing this concern, Florida growers are in the initial phase of implementing best management practices for verious citrus growing areas. A 16.2-ha (40-acre) field trial was initiated with a grower in the Ridge growing section of the state. As part of that project, prescription maps were developed for multiple dry fertilizer applications throughout the season. A granular fertilizer unit with hydraulically powered dual split-chain outputs controlled from a MidTech Legacy 6000 controller was utilized. Data were collected on target and as-applied rates compensating for missing trees and resets. Additional mass balance data were obtained by weighing each load before and after spreader application. Application rates for each of 43 blocks (42 test, 1 conventional) were compared for eight tests conducted during the 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 fruit seasons. Prescription and as-applied rates exhibited a high correlation (r2 = 0.98) and linear relationship (slope = 0.98). Grand totals from vehicular weighing and controller discharge estimation produced an average absolute error of 7.7%.