February 1972
15 Reads
17 Citations
Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Collaborative studies showed that relative potency assays for a particular type of diphtheria toxoid (adsorbed) and for tetanus toxoid (plain and adsorbed) gave very similar results, whether the assays were carried out by toxin challenge or by antitoxin titration after immunization of experimental animals with graded doses of toxoid. The same numerical results were obtained with a scoring system as with a system based on survivals only. Although skin tests were used on a very limited scale in these studies, it seems likely that they could replace lethal tests for the diphtheria challenge assays.For both tetanus and diphtheria, the adsorbed toxoid gave a higher relative potency when combined with other antigens than as a single toxoid. Both mice and guinea-pigs were used for the lethal challenge test of adsorbed tetanus toxoid. For the single tetanus toxoid the results were the same, but for the combined toxoid (DPT vaccine) the mouse assay results were about twice those of guinea-pig assays.