Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas’s research while affiliated with Instituto Superior Técnico and other places

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Publications (143)

A modular SU (5) littlest seesaw
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2024


15 Reads


5 Citations

Journal of High Energy Physics

Ivo de Medeiros Varzielas


Steve F. King


Miguel Levy

A bstract We extend the littlest modular seesaw to a Grand Unified scenario based on SU (5) endowed with three modular S 4 symmetries. We leverage symmetry protected zeroes in the leptonic and down quark sectors to suppress deviations to the littlest modular seesaw predictions, but not contributions to the quark mixing. The model is supplemented by two weighton fields, such that the hierarchical nature of the charged-lepton masses, as well as the quark masses and mixing, stem from the content and symmetries of the model, rather than a hierarchical nature of the Yukawa coefficients.


Figure 1. Magnitude of CP violation for different values of the modulus τ in the vicinity of the left cusp and for a fixed set of superpotential parameters. The model considered corresponds to M u,d ∼ M 1 and can fit quark masses and mixing angles -but not δ CP -at the value of τ marked by the black dot. The green band represents the 1σ-allowed range for the J CP invariant.
Quarks at the modular S4 cusp

September 2023


28 Reads


33 Citations

Journal of High Energy Physics

A bstract We analyse the possibility of describing quark masses, mixing and CP violation in S4 {S}_4^{\prime } S 4 ′ modular flavour models without flavons. We focus on the case where the closeness of the modulus to the point of residual Z3ST {\mathbb{Z}}_3^{ST} ℤ 3 ST symmetry (the cusp) plays a role in generating quark mass hierarchies and discuss the role modular form normalisations play in such constructions. We find that fitting quark data requires explicit CP breaking, unless a second modulus is introduced.

Quarks at the modular S4S_4 cusp

July 2023


19 Reads


3 Citations

We analyse the possibility of describing quark masses, mixing and CP violation in S4S'_4 modular flavour models without flavons. We focus on the case where the closeness of the modulus to the point of residual Z3ST\mathbb{Z}^{ST}_3 symmetry (the cusp) plays a role in generating quark mass hierarchies and discuss the role modular form normalisations play in such constructions. We find that fitting quark data requires explicit CP breaking, unless a second modulus is introduced.

Fig. 2 MCMC density plots for UTZ quark and lepton flavoured mass ratio predictions. Plots are generated with the hyper-parameter choices in (33) with model-parameter variations as given in Table 4. The blue (red) regions correspond to the LO (HO) MCMC scan results, with
Fig. 3 The same as Fig.2, but for the CKM and PMNS mixing angles and Dirac CP-violating phases
Fig. 6 MCMC scatter results for β-decay and absolute neutrino mass scale observables. Gray regions correspond to IR bounds from KamLAND-Zen (m ββ ), KATRIN (m β ), and Planck (m ), corrected
Revisiting the universal texture zero of flavour: a Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis

June 2023


30 Reads


3 Citations

The European Physical Journal C

We revisit the phenomenological predictions of the Universal Texture Zero (UTZ) model of flavour originally presented in [1], and update them in light of both improved experimental constraints and numerical analysis techniques. In particular, we have developed an in-house Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to exhaustively explore the UTZ’s viable parameter space, considering both leading- and next-to-leading contributions in the model’s effective operator product expansion. We also extract – for the first time – reliable UTZ predictions for the (poorly constrained) leptonic CP-violating phases, and ratio observables that characterize neutrino masses probed by (e.g.) oscillation, β\beta β -decay, and cosmological processes. We therefore dramatically improve on the proof-in-principle phenomenological analysis originally presented in [1], and ultimately show that the UTZ remains a minimal, viable, and appealing theory of flavour. Our results also further demonstrate the potential of robustly examining multi-parameter flavour models with MCMC routines.

3HDM with ∆(27) symmetry and its phenomenological consequences

February 2023


13 Reads


4 Citations

Journal of High Energy Physics

A bstract We perform a comprehensive analysis of a version of the 3-Higgs doublet model whose scalar potential is invariant under a global ∆(27) discrete symmetry and where the three scalar doublets are chosen to transform as a triplet under this discrete group. For each of the known tree-level minima we study the mass spectra and use the oblique parameters STU as well as perturbative unitarity to constrain the parameter space of the model. We then discuss phenomenological consequences of some leading order flavour mixing quark Yukawa couplings by considering the flavour violation process b → sγ . We show that perturbative unitarity significantly constrains parameters of the model while, conversely, the beyond the Standard Model contributions to the b → sγ decay are automatically tamed by the symmetry.

Littlest modular seesaw

February 2023


13 Reads


17 Citations

Journal of High Energy Physics

A bstract We present the first complete model of the Littlest Modular Seesaw, based on two right-handed neutrinos, within the framework of multiple modular symmetries, justifying the use of multiple moduli fields which take their values at 3 specific stabilizers of Γ 4 ≃ S 4 , including a new phenomenological possibility. Using a semi-analytical approach, we perform a χ ² analysis of each case and show that good agreement with neutrino oscillation data is obtained, including predictive relations between the leptonic mixing angles and the ratio of light neutrino masses, which non-trivially agree with the experimental values. It is noteworthy that in this very predictive setup, the models fit the global fits of the experimental data remarkably well, both with and without the Super-Kamiokande atmospheric data, for both models presented here. By extending the model to include a weighton and the double cover group Γ4S4 {\Gamma}_4^{\prime}\simeq {S}_4^{\prime } Γ 4 ′ ≃ S 4 ′ , we are able to also account for the hierarchy of the charged leptons using modular symmetries, without altering the neutrino predictions.

Geometric minimization of softly broken potentials

January 2023


13 Reads


1 Citation

The European Physical Journal Plus

We study the minimization of the potentials of multi-Higgs models with symmetries that are softly broken. The powerful method of geometric minimization enables analytic minimization of the potentials of multi-Higgs models invariant under large symmetries. When these symmetries are softly broken, the method needs to be adapted. We propose a useful generalization that considers the effect of the soft-breaking terms to the quadratic part of the potential, by applying the procedure to restricted orbit spaces. We exemplify our novel methodology by finding and classifying the minima for an S4S_4 S 4 multi-Higgs model that is softly broken with specific terms.

Constraining flavoured leptoquarks with LHC and LFV

January 2023


20 Reads

We consider the framework of flavoured leptoquarks, in models with scalar or vector leptoquarks, and look for constraints to the parameter space of these models. Using primarily direct searches at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and precision processes that probe Lepton Flavour Violation (LFV), we present lower bounds for the masses of the leptoquarks in different flavoured scenarios. We classify the models according to the specific leptoquark, distinguished with respect to their couplings to charged leptons (lepton isolation, two-columned patterns), and in scenarios with specific hierarchies in the couplings (hierarchical, democratic and flipped).

Figure 2: MCMC density plots for UTZ quark and lepton flavoured mass ratio predictions. Plots are generated with the hyper-parameter choices in (33) with model-parameter variations as given in Table 4. The blue (red) regions correspond to the LO (HO) MCMC scan results, with darker regions corresponding to places of higher density. Gray regions represent the UV bounds for the mass ratios as presented in Table 3, and the black target markers correspond to the global best-fit values shown numerically in Table 6.
Figure 3: The same as Figure 2, but for the CKM and PMNS mixing angles and Dirac CP-violating phases.
Figure 5: The same as Figure 2, but now comparing the neutrino mass ratio observables predicted by the UTZ.
Revisiting the Universal Texture Zero of Flavour: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Analysis

November 2022


24 Reads


2 Citations

We revisit the phenomenological predictions of the Universal Texture Zero (UTZ) model of flavour originally presented in arXiv:1710.01741, and update them in light of both improved experimental constraints and numerical analysis techniques. In particular, we have developed an in-house Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to exhaustively explore the UTZ's viable parameter space, considering both leading- and next-to-leading contributions in the model's effective operator product expansion. We also extract -- for the first time -- reliable UTZ predictions for the (poorly constrained) leptonic CP-violating phases, and ratio observables that characterize neutrino masses probed by (e.g.) oscillation, β\beta-decay, and cosmological processes. We therefore dramatically improve on the proof-in-principle phenomenological analysis originally presented in arXiv:1710.01741, and ultimately show that the UTZ remains a minimal, viable, and appealing theory of flavour. Our results also further demonstrate the potential of robustly examining multi-parameter flavour models with MCMC routines.

Citations (63)

... Since string theories are usually formulated in ten dimensions, the simplest factorizable compactifications require three tori, which motivates bottom-up models based on three moduli fields τ i [64], and several realistic models have been constructed along these lines [65][66][67][68][69][70][71]. In particular, the finite fixed points τ ¼ i and τ ¼ ω seem to play a special role in modular symmetry, since they emerge from 10D supersymmetric orbifold examples [72]. ...


Modulus stabilization in the multiple-modulus framework
A modular SU (5) littlest seesaw

Journal of High Energy Physics

... This picture has suddenly changed with the very recent experimental updates from CMS collaboration on BR(B (d,s) → µ + µ − ) with the full Run 2 data [21], and LHCb analysis of R K and R K * with the full Run 1 and 2 dataset [22,23]. The newly reported measurements are in agreement with the Standard Model values, however, the new physics effects can still come into play due to both theoretical and experimental uncertainties [24][25][26][27][28][29][30]. While that measurement provides hints into new physics, the exact mechanics(models) behind those hints are still unknown, and low-energy measurement cannot fully reveal the nature behind that. ...

Constraining flavoured leptoquarks with LHC and LFV
  • Citing Article
  • February 2024

Nuclear Physics B

... It has been shown that the finite modular symmetric models can realize masses and mixing of quarks and leptons using the modular forms of Γ 2,4 ≃ S 3,4 [7,8], Γ 3,5 ≃ A 4,5 [1,9], Γ 6 [10], and their double coverings [11][12][13][14] 1 . Recently, it has been pointed out that the hierarchical flavor structure can be explained by the Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) mechanism due to the residual Abelian discrete symmetry [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28]. The FN mechanism is realized when the modulus is stabilized nearby one of the fixed points, τ = i, e 2πi/3 or i∞. ...

Quarks at the modular S4 cusp

Journal of High Energy Physics

... The universality also holds true in multiple moduli models and the same universal scaling behavior as the single moduli case is found [19]. The small departure of the modulus from the fixed points can produce the quark and lepton mass hierarchies [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. Moreover, it was shown that the invariance under the modular group offers an axion-less solution to the strong CP problem [30][31][32][33], and the modulus τ can play the role of inflaton in the early Universe [34,35]. ...

Quarks at the modular S4S_4 cusp
  • Citing Preprint
  • July 2023

... We only study the case of NO. ourselves to a maximum of a total of four rotations split between the neutrino and charged lepton sector as they provide sufficient freedom to reproduce the three measured mixing angles. More rotations or different predicted values of the neutrino or charged lepton mixing angles might arise, however, in concrete models [176][177][178]. ...

Revisiting the universal texture zero of flavour: a Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis

The European Physical Journal C

... Refs. [410][411][412]) or to numerical verification of existing ones. For the second approach, multi-Higgs doublet models were examined, which include two Higgs doublets (2HDM) [401] and three Higgs doublets (3HDM) [413]. ...

3HDM with ∆(27) symmetry and its phenomenological consequences

Journal of High Energy Physics

... Since string theories are usually formulated in ten dimensions, the simplest factorizable compactifications require three tori, which motivates bottom-up models based on three moduli fields τ i [64], and several realistic models have been constructed along these lines [65][66][67][68][69][70][71]. In particular, the finite fixed points τ ¼ i and τ ¼ ω seem to play a special role in modular symmetry, since they emerge from 10D supersymmetric orbifold examples [72]. ...

Littlest modular seesaw

Journal of High Energy Physics

... As an example of a relatively recent and successful discrete model, we consider the Universal Texture Zero (UTZ) [103,104] introduced by one of the authors and collaborators, based on a ∆(27)×Z N flavour symmetry and consistent with an underlying SO(10) → SU(4)× SU(2) R × SU(2) L Grand Unified Theory (GUT). The UTZ is capable of controlling the Dirac masses 19 of both the quark and lepton sectors in terms of three flavons {θ 3,23,123 } and two additional scalars {S, Σ}, with Σ related to the GUT symmetry breaking and S designed, along with the additional Z N symmetry, to 'shape' the allowed interactions between θ i : ...

Revisiting the Universal Texture Zero of Flavour: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Analysis

... The lepton masses and mixing patterns are often investigated by using several discrete symmetry groups such as A 4 , A 5 , S 3 , S 4 , ∆(96) etc [15,16,[18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29]. Out of these groups, the A 5 symmetry group is used to accommodate GR mixing in a neutrino mass matrix. ...

An A5 inverse seesaw model with perturbed golden ratio mixing
  • Citing Article
  • November 2022

Nuclear Physics B