Itziar Salas-Reguera’s scientific contributions

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Publications (1)

Figure 1. STROBE diagram of the study´s phases. Abbreviations: SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; 2MST: 2 Min Step Test; ACT: Arm Curl Test; 30SCST: 30-Second Chair Stand Test; HDL: high-density lipoproteins; LDL: low-density lipoproteins; NT Pro-BNP: N-terminal pro-B type Natriuretic peptide pro-hormonal; SRT: Sit and Reach Test; BST: Back Scratch Test; FBT: Functional Balance Test; TUG: Time and Up Go Test; 10MWT: 10-Meter Walking Test; SF-36 M: Short-Form 36 Mental Health Survey; SF-36 P: Short-Form 36 Physical Health Survey.
Figure 3. The secondary outcomes that expressed significant differences among groups. Abbreviations: S: healthy sedentary individuals; HTRH: transplanted with a high level of physical activity; HTRM: transplanted with a moderate level of physical activity; HTRL: transplanted with a low level of physical activity; LDL: low-density lipoproteins; BST: Back Scratch Test; FBT: Functional Balance Test; TUG: Time and Up Go Test; 10MWT: 10-Meter Walking Test; SF-36 P: Short-Form 36 Physical Health Survey.
Comparison of all outcomes among the four groups of the participants: healthy sedentary individuals, transplanted with a high level of physical activity, transplanted with a moderate level of physical activity, and transplanted with a low level of physical activity.
Comparative Analysis of the Health Status of Heart Transplant Patients with Different Levels of Physical Activity
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September 2024


16 Reads

Applied Sciences

Itziar Salas-Reguera




Luis Santos

This study’s goals were to determine the health status of a group of heart transplant recipients (HTRs) and their level of physical activity and to compare the health status among them and with a group of healthy sedentary individuals. Fifty-four HTRs and eighteen sedentary individuals (S) were assigned to four groups, according to their level of physical activity (determined with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire); patients with a low, moderate, and high level of physical activity (HTRL, HTRM, and HTRH, respectively) and S participants underwent a basic blood analysis and several tests to assess their cardiovascular, neuromuscular, and functional mobility condition and their quality of life. The S and HTRH were very similar in terms of BP, HR, and blood analysis while HTRM and HTRL differed from both S and HTRH in these parameters. Regarding the cardiovascular, neuromuscular, functional mobility, and quality of life variables assessed in this study, HTRH showed the best results across all of them, followed by S, HTRM, and HTRL. It is suggested that the weekly level of physical activity of HTRs should be high, which might help them to enhance their health and quality of life.
