January 2024
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January 2024
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January 2024
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January 2024
January 2024
January 2024
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January 2024
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December 2020
76 Reads
27 Citations
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education
Purpose This study aims to investigate how university students' basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence and relatedness) determine whether coaching or training is more supportive for them. Design/methodology/approach Real-life coaching ( N 1 = 110) and training ( N 2 = 176) processes with students as clients were examined, measuring the students' needs before the coaching/training, their need fulfilment after the coaching/training and their satisfaction and goal attainment/intrinsic motivation after the coaching/training. Findings The results show that university students with a higher autonomy need had this need fulfilled to a greater extent through coaching, while university students with a higher competence need had this need fulfilled to a greater extent through training. Research limitations/implications The research focused on university students and was conducted at German-speaking universities, so it is unclear to what extent the findings are transferable to other contexts. In addition, future research is needed to further compare other personal development tools, such as mentoring or consulting. Practical implications The results depict the relevance of the most appropriate personal development tool (coaching or training) depending on students' needs. Furthermore, coaches should be autonomy-supportive, while trainers should be competence-supportive. Originality/value Supporting students with the most appropriate personal development tool is essential for the effectiveness of this tool. Thus, the personal development tool used should reflect students' needs: students with a high autonomy need should receive coaching, while students with a high competence need should receive training.
June 2018
41 Reads
2 Citations
In unserer digitalisierten, vernetzten und flexiblen Welt werden nicht mehr nur rein fachspezifische Kompetenzen erwartet. Gefordert werden auch solche Kompetenzen, die es ermöglichen, Wissen in verschiedenen Situationen zu reflektieren, anzuwenden, Verantwortung für eigenes Verhalten zu übernehmen und so zu Problemlösungen beitragen. Aufgabe der Universitäten ist es, eine qualitativ hochwertige Bildung anzubieten, die Studierende unter anderem in diesen Kompetenzen ausbildet. Das heißt, dass Universitäten die Entwicklung einer Persönlichkeit, die diese Kompetenzen langfristig aufweist, fördern sollen. Am Beispiel der Karrierecoaching-Ausbildung des Psychologie-Masterstudiums an der Universität Salzburg wird gezeigt, wie bereits während des Studiums Kompetenzen vermittelt werden, die sowohl im beruflichen als auch privaten Kontext langfristig und wirkungsvoll Bestand haben. Die Kompetenzvermittlung erfolgt dabei durch eine Verbindung zwischen fachlichem Wissen, praktischem Handeln, der Verankerung des Wissens und Handelns in psychologischen Theorien und einer Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.
May 2018
100 Reads
Die Anforderungen an alle Beteiligten in Projekten sind in den letzten Jahren erheblich gestiegen und komplexer geworden. Projektcoaching bietet vielfältige Möglichkeiten, um Projektbeteiligte und -initiatoren bei der Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen zu unterstützen und Prozesse im Projekt besser zu gestalten. Das Kapitel beschreibt, was psychologisches Projektcoaching ist, wie es wirkt und wie es zum Erfolg von Projekten beiträgt.
May 2018
26 Reads
4 Citations
Projektleiter zu sein, ist für viele ein besonderer Karriereanreiz mit außergewöhnlichen Entwicklungschancen. Doch gleichzeitig mit diesen neuen Chancen zeigen sich besondere und sehr komplexe Spannungs- und Anforderungsfelder, die es zu meistern gilt. Ein ganzheitliches Selbstmanagement ist für eine erfolgreiche Projektumsetzung deshalb genauso wichtig wie das fachlich-inhaltliche Management eines Projektes.
... In addition, Demchenko et al. (2021) stated that training involving direct practice in the field is more effective in updating teacher skills than training that is only theoretical. Diller et al. (2021) also found that needs-based and contextual training can improve teaching effectiveness and have a positive impact on student learning outcomes. Kilag et al. (2023) emphasized that teacher professionalism is not only influenced by training, but also by a school culture that supports collaboration between teachers and management that is responsive to the needs of educators. ...
December 2020
International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education
... category. Approach motivation is important for following and attaining a goal set in coaching [26,27]. It means that people are energized, capable, powerful, and determined to move toward something [28,29]. ...
June 2018
... In clients where these ingredients of goal attainment are maintained after coaching, we understand the coaching engagement to have been successfully completed. In coaching, the highest quality form of goal attainment is attained when clients' "need to be autonomous" is met (Schiemann et al., 2018), when they attain goals through engagement in sustained goal-directed behavior beyond coaching (Bachkirova and Smith, 2015). ...
March 2018
... Denn Projekte sind Ausnahmezustände: Neues wird geschaffen, wodurch auch bewährtes Wissen in Frage gestellt und die eigenen Fähigkeiten herausgefordert werden; im Projektverlauf entstehen immer wieder erhebliche Arbeitsspitzen, was Stress auslösen und sich nachteilig auf das Privatleben auswirken kann; der Erfolg in der Projektleitung kann über den Einstieg in die Führungslaufbahn entscheiden. Ein ganzheitliches Selbstmanagement ist deshalb für Projektleiter ebenso wichtig wie das fachlich-inhaltliche oder methodische Managen von Projekten (Kuhrts, Braumandl, & Weisweiler, 2012). ...
May 2018
... Wastian et al. (2014) and Braun et al. (2003) both described self-management as the goal-oriented direction of one's behavior. Weisweiler et al. (2015) believed that people can influence their thinking, feeling, volition, and behavior. They further expanded on Muller's (2003) framework, which defines self-management as a set of activities through which an individual consciously controls psychological processes relevant to their job, beyond the simple accomplishment of work requirements. ...
December 2015
... We used guidelines to instruct coaches and trainers about the content and procedures of the individual units. Coaches were eight master's students in psychology who had successfully completed a professional 1-year education program (for education concept see Braumandl et al., 2013). Trainers were three master students in psychology that were involved in designing the training program. ...
January 2013
... The manager prepares the team for the task, motivated by great visions and ambitious goals, and each member of the team is developed according to their skills and abilities. The most important task of the manager is to strengthen the self-confidence of the team and each individual and to ensure a good climate characterized by trust and openness (Wastian, Braumandl, & Weisweiler, 2015). Self-organization works under the following conditions: ...
August 2015
... Peer-Coaching-Konzepte wurden bereits erfolgreich an Hochschulen realisiert, so z. B. an den Universitäten Regensburg und Braunschweig (Gessnitzer, Kauffeld & Braumandl, 2011) sowie München (Iser & Thedorff, 2016). Das vorliegende Konzept unterscheidet sich von bestehenden Formaten durch den Aspekt der interkulturellen Sensibilität und den Fokus auf internationale Studierende als Zielgruppe. ...
January 2011
... The teams vary in size, industry, the frequency of interaction, goals, functions, adaptability to change, and stress resilience, amongst others. (Colquitt et al., 2015;Wastian, von Rosenstiel, West, & Braumandl, 2014). For example, a sales team of cheap consumer goods in the process of restructuring will diverge greatly from a team of Ph.D. researchers that investigate the behavioral patterns of financial stocks going through the same organizational challenges. ...
January 2015
... They start to act on their own. One possible consequence of this is group think [19]. Team building in the whole team reduces this risk, as it works against the isolation by developing ties between the members of different teams [19]. ...
January 2012