Irawan Wisnu Wardhana’s research while affiliated with Diponegoro University and other places

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Publications (11)

Figure 2 Heavy-duty Vehicle Emissions (CO2) in 2021-2030
Heavy-duty Vehicle Population Projection
Forecasting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Heavy Vehicles: A Case Study of Semarang City
  • Article
  • Full-text available

July 2021


169 Reads


1 Citation

Jurnal Presipitasi Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan


Isaaf Faadhilah





In Indonesia, the transportation sector, specifically road transport, consumed the most energy compared to other sectors. Eventually, the energy consumption will increase due to the growth of vehicle numbers that also escalate emissions. Vehicle emissions had been recognized as a significant contributor to atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution. Heavy-duty vehicles are considered as primary sources of vehicular emissions in most cities. Therefore, it is crucial to consider heavy-duty vehicle emission projections to support policymakers in identifying vehicle emissions and developing pollution control strategies. This study aims to forecast heavy-duty vehicle population, and vehicle kilometers traveled (VKT), fuel consumption, and heavy-duty vehicle emissions using data of Semarang City to illustrate greenhouse gas emissions of big cities in Indonesia. Business as Usual (BAU) and The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) method were incorporated to determine vehicle emission projection. Heavy-duty vehicle emissions increase from 2021 to 2030 by 12,317 to 22,865 Gg CO2/year with amount trucks and buses emissions of 21,981.5 Gg CO2/year and 884.2 Gg CO2/year, respectively.


Removal Efficiency of Chemical Oxygen Demand on Greywater using Multi Soil Layering (MSL) Technology

July 2021


23 Reads


1 Citation

Jurnal Presipitasi Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan

Greywater is household waste sourced from kitchens and bathrooms, except for toilets. Around 58%-85% of greywater can be generated from the total volume of household wastewater per house. It is necessary to treat wastewater before it is discharged into water bodies to prevent the adverse effects of contaminants on the environment and human health while reducing the demand for clean water. However, due to environmentally friendly, socially sustainable, and economical treatment costs, considering that greywater is produced every day and continuously, Multi Soil Layering (MSL) technology can be an alternative to remove contaminants in water. Thus, this study aims to determine the migration of COD in greywater using MSL technology. Other parameters tested were pH and temperature by taking samples of wastewater in residential areas of Semarang City. In this study, there are two stages, namely the preliminary stage and the running stage. The MSL system will use three reactors with andosol soil, apus bamboo, and coconut shell activated charcoal as mixed soil blocks (SMB). Reactor A (activated charcoal and andosol soil), reactor B (bamboo apus and andosol soil), reactor C (andosol soil, bamboo apus, activated charcoal). The results of domestic wastewater treatment using the MSL method in each of the three reactors could remove COD by 75%, 74%, and 76%. Reactor C obtained the highest COD removal efficiency compared to other reactors.

Gambar 2. Hasil Pengukuran Kadar Air Menurut Hartadi (1993) bahwa standar kadar air maksimum sebesar 14 %. Menurut Masanto (2010) standar kadar air maksimum sebesar 12%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian kadar air pada hari ke-0 sebesar 10%, hal ini menunujukkan bahwa kadar air telah memenuhi standar yang ditentukan oleh Hartadi (1993) dan Masanto (2010). Kadar air pada hari ke-3 sebesar 12,07%, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kadar air pada hari ke-3 masih melebihi kadar air yang dijelaskan Masanto (2010). Kadar air pada hari ke-5 sebesar 14,52% yang berarti masih melebihi standar. Kadar air pada hari ke-7 sebesar 7,75% dan memenuhi standar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, kadar air mengalami kenaikan
Pengaruh Penambahan Gula Pasir Terhadap Kualitas Makanan Kelinci dari Limbah Sayuran Pasar dengan Teknologi Fermentasi

June 2019


366 Reads

Jurnal Presipitasi Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan

Sampah merupakan masalah yang paling umum ditemui di Indonesia. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk di Indonesia yang semakin meningkat menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan dan berdampak buruk bagi lingkungan. Berkembangnya Kota Semarang mengakibatkan jumlah penduduk di Kota Semarang meningkat disertai dengan peningkatan konsumsi masyarakat. Masyarakat di Kota Semarang dalam memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi harian salah satunya dilakukan di pasar. Dengan meningkatnya tingkat konsumsi masyarakat di pasar mengakibatkan jumlah limbah padat organik pasar-pasar di Kota Semarang khususnya limbah sayuran ikut meningkat. Pemanfaatan limbah sayuran pasar biasanya dijadikan pupuk. Selain dimanfaatkan menjadi pupuk, limbah sayuran pasar dapat juga dijadikan pakan ternak yaitu pakan kelinci. Jika diolah menjadi pakan kelinci, sampah tersebut tidak hanya menjadi sebuah produk saja tetapi dari hasil pakan yang dikonsumsi oleh kelinci tersebut menghasilkan daging dengan kualitas yang baik serta menghasilkan pupuk organik hasil dari kotoran kelinci. Pemanfaatan limbah sayuran pasar ini dilakukan dengan pengolahan limbah sayuran pasar menjadi pakan kelinci dengan penambahan gula pasir sebagai sumber energi. Pengolahan limbah sayuran pasar menjadi pakan kelinci dilakukan dengan teknologi fermentasi. Proses fermentasi dilakukan selama 7 hari.

Municipal Solid Waste Management Using Bioreactor Landfill in the Treatment of Organic Waste from Jatibarang Landfill, Semarang-Indonesia

January 2019


87 Reads


5 Citations

E3S Web of Conferences

Landfilling is one of the easiest methods to be applied in the management of municipal solid waste (MSW). In its development, bioreactor landfill methods that have various advantages over conventional landfill emerge. This experiment aims to study the use of bioreactor landfills for the management of organic waste in Jatibarang Landfill, Semarang-Indonesia. There are 4 bioreactor landfills operated: 2 anaerobic bioreactors with leachate recirculation and addition of water, and 2 aerobic bioreactors. Different results are shown from these two types of bioreactor, where aerobic bioreactors reach peak temperatures (55oC each) faster even though anaerobic bioreactors reach higher temperatures (60oC and 61oC respectively). Anaerobic bioreactors reach a higher final pH value than aerobes while the accumulation of nitrogen content from an aerobic bioreactor is 2 times higher than anaerobes.

Stability Performance of the Mixture of Bentonite and Zeolite as Landfill Liner

January 2019


286 Reads


5 Citations

E3S Web of Conferences

In some areas, compacted clay liner is chosen as leachate barrier for solid waste landfill. Due to the typical shape of the landfill, the compacted clay liner will be rested both in flat and sloping ground. Since clay has characteristics of low shear strength, improvement of shear stability of compacted clay liner is required. One of the stability methods to increase the shear strength of clay is by adding another material which has higher shear stability. In this study, bentonite is used to represent clay liner while zeolite is utilized as stabilizer material. Four compositions of bentonite with 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% addition of zeolite were prepared to investigate the stability performance of the mixtures. The results indicate that the addition of zeolite into bentonite has increased the friction angle of the bentonite. However, the addition of zeolite seems to alter the hydraulic performance of bentonite. The highest permeability is demonstrated by the bentonite with 15% of zeolite. Whether the permeability increases, the hydraulic performance of all the mixtures are still met the maximum permeability allowed for landfill liner.

Potensi Material Sampah Combustible pada Zona II TPA Jatibarang Semarang sebagai Bahan Baku RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)

March 2018


800 Reads


3 Citations

Jurnal Teknik Mesin

Jumlah penduduk yang meningkat juga meningkatkan jumlah kebutuhan energi. Namun, sumber daya yang tersedia juga semakin berkurang. Sehingga perlu digantikan dengan energi yang baru. Sampah yang meningkat dan pengolahan yang sangat sedikit dapat dijadikan sumber energi yang baru bagi masyarakat dengan konsep waste to energy (WTE). Salah satunya yaitu dengan mengubah sampah menjadi bahan baku RDF ( refuse-derived fuel ). RDF merupakan salah satu teknik penanganan sampah dengan mengubah sampah menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat yaitu bahan bakar. Sampah sangat berpotensi menjadi bahan baku RDF terutama organik dan plastik sebagai sampah yang mudah terbakar (combustible). Sampah tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi bahan baku RDF dengan cara menganalisis nilai kalor yang dihasilkan. Untuk menganalisis nilai kalor pada sampah combustible zona aktif II TPA Jatibarang dapat dilakukan dengan cara pengujian sampel sebanyak 100 gram dengan alat bom kalorimeter. Sampel tersebut diambil pada kedalaman 0-3 m dengan metode random sampling. Kemudian akan didapat nilai kalor tinggi yang dihasilkan sampel tersebut. Nilai Kalor Tinggi yang dihasilkan sampel tersebut sebesar 5,69 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 0-1 m, 6,07 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 1-2 m dan 5,94 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 2-3 m. Nilai kalor tinggi yang dihasilkan sampah combustible tersebut menunjukkan bahwa semakin rendah kedalaman sampah maka akan semakin tinggi nilai kalor yang dihasilkan dan sampah tersebut berpotensi sebagai bahan baku RDF.

Gambar 2.1 Letak titik pengambilan sampel (Sumber: Google earth, 2017) 
Potensi Material Sampah Combustible pada Zona Pasif TPA Jatibarang Semarang sebagai Bahan Baku RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)

March 2018


2,858 Reads


8 Citations

Jurnal Teknik Mesin

Abstrak: Peningkatan jumlah timbulan sampah menyebabkan meningkatnya kebutuhan lahan pada TPA Jatibarang. Untuk menghindari terjadinya kekurangan lahan perlu dilakukan penanganan pada sampah yakni dengan mengubah sampah menjadi sumber energi seperti bahan baku RDF (Refused Derived Fuel). RDF merupakan salah satu teknik penanganan sampah dengan mengubah sampah menjadi sesuatu yang bermanfaat yaitu bahan bakar. Sampah tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi bahan baku RDF dengan cara menganalisis nilai kalor yang dihasilkan. Untuk menganalisis nilai kalor pada sampah combustible zona pasif TPA Jatibarang dapat dilakukan dengan cara pengujian sampel sebanyak 100 gram dengan alat bom kalorimeter. Sampel tersebut diambil pada kedalaman 0-3 m dengan metode random sampling. Kemudian akan didapat nilai kalor tinggi yang dihasilkan sampel tersebut. Nilai Kalor Tinggi yang dihasilkan sampel tersebut sebesar 5,25 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 0-1 m, 5,76 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 1-2 m dan 6,31 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 2-3 m. Nilai kalor tinggi yang dihasilkan sampah combustible tersebut menunjukkan bahwa semakin rendah kedalaman sampah maka akan semakin tinggi nilai kalor yang dihasilkan dan sampah tersebut berpotensi sebagai bahan baku RDF.

Potensi Sampah Combustible pada Zona Aktif 1 TPA Jatibarang Semarang sebagai Bahan Baku RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)

March 2018


1,083 Reads


3 Citations

Jurnal Teknik Mesin

Banyaknya produksi sampah di Semarang menyebabkan timbulan sampah di TPA Jatibarang semakin meningkat. Untuk mengurangi timbulan sampah, perlu adanya energi alternatif. Oleh karena itu, produksi refuse derived fuel (RDF) dapat menjadi salah satu solusi positif dalam penyelesaian masalah ini. Pemanfaatan energi dari limbah dikenal sebagai Waste-to-Energy (WTE). Pemanfaatan limbah menjadi energi sangat berhubungan dengan nilai kalor. Pada kajian ini, sampah combustible dari zona aktif 1 TPA Jatibarang akan dihitung nilai kalor tingginya dengan bom kalorimeter. Sampah diambil pada kedalaman 0-1 m, 1-2 m, dan 2-3 m di bawah permukaan timbulan sampah. Nilai kalor yang dihasilkan sampel tersebut sebesar 6,07 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 0-1 m, 5,56 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 1-2 m dan 5,55 kkal/ton pada kedalaman 2-3 m. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi kedalaman maka semakin tinggi pula nilai kalornya, sehingga sampah zona aktif 1 TPA Jatibarang memiliki potensi yang tinggi untuk diolah menjadi RDF.

Fig. 1. Evapotranspiration-MFC reactor 
Fig.2. Electric power production from reactor using Alocasia macrorrhiza Plant and control 
Fig. 3. Electric power production from reactor using Eleusine indica grass and control 
Potential of Electric Power Production from Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) in Evapotranspiration Reactor for Leachate Treatment Using Alocasia macrorrhiza Plant and Eleusine indica Grass

January 2018


210 Reads


10 Citations

E3S Web of Conferences

Microbial fuel cell is one of attractive electric power generator from nature bacterial activity. While, Evapotranspiration is one of the waste water treatment system which developed to eliminate biological weakness that utilize the natural evaporation process and bacterial activity on plant roots and plant media. This study aims to determine the potential of electrical energy from leachate treatment using evapotranspiration reactor. The study was conducted using local plant, namely Alocasia macrorrhiza and local grass, namely Eleusine Indica. The system was using horizontal MFC by placing the cathodes and anodes at different chamber (i.e. in the leachate reactor and reactor with plant media). Carbon plates was used for chatode-anodes material with size of 40 cm x 10 cm x1 cm. Electrical power production was measure by a digital multimeter for 30 days reactor operation. The result shows electric power production was fluctuated during reactor operation from all reactors. The electric power generated from each reactor was fluctuated, but from the reactor using Alocasia macrorrhiza plant reach to 70 μwatt average. From the reactor using Eleusine Indica grass was reached 60 μwatt average. Electric power production fluctuation is related to the bacterial growth pattern in the soil media and on the plant roots which undergo the adaptation process until the middle of the operational period and then in stable growth condition until the end of the reactor operation. The results indicate that the evapotranspiration reactor using Alocasia macrorrhiza plant was 60-95% higher electric power potential than using Eleusine Indica grass in short-term (30-day) operation. Although, MFC system in evapotranspiration reactor system was one of potential system for renewable electric power generation.


October 2016


1,415 Reads


4 Citations

Jurnal Presipitasi Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan

Kandungan organik pada limbah padat dapur dapat menjadi sumber substrat bagi bakteri anaerobik, yang akan menghasilkan biogas sehingga dapat menjadi sumber energi alternatif dan terbarukan. Limbah padat domestik dari dua restoran di sekitar Tembalang dijadikan sampel bagi penelitian ini. Pencacahan manual dan proses penggilingan (blender) dilakukan sebelum limbah padat domestik dimasukkan kedalam reaktor dengan volume 300 ml. Air ditambahkan ke masing masing reaktor dengan volume yang berbeda beda untuk memperoleh faktor pengenceran. 1,1; 1,25; 1,42; 1,67 dan 2,00. Ekstrak rumen sapi digunakan sebagai starter bakteri. Temperatur, pH serta volume biogas dimonitor setiap hari selama kurang lebih 3 minggu. Faktor pengenceran dua kali dapat meningkatkan produksi biogas yang lebih banyak dibanding pada reaktor dengan pengenceran substrate lebih rendah. Selain itu pengenceran juga mempercepat produksi dari biogas. Perlakuan pengadukan untuk meningkatkan produksi biogas, tidak teramati pada semua reaktor. Justru reaktor menghasilkan biogas yang lebih rendah ketika dilaukan pengadukan

Citations (9)

... From these gases, N2O emerges from the reaction of NO and O3 in atmosphere air and depletes O3 [6]. NO and CO2 are mostly produced at the end of combustion by vehicle's engines, heating and electricity energy production systems using hydrocarbon-based fuels as natural gas, diesel, gasoline, and coal, etc [7,8]. CH4 emission comes from agriculture activity, farm animals, organic decays, and gas leakages from underground and volcanos [9,10]. ...


Estimations of Green House Gases Emissions of Turkey By Statistical Methods
Forecasting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Heavy Vehicles: A Case Study of Semarang City

Jurnal Presipitasi Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan

... The waste will be transported into the final disposal facility in Semarang (Jatibarang Landfill). Total of 4,000 m 3 waste can be accumulated in the landfill each day, which mainly consist of organic waste (61.95%) [2]. The high composition of organic waste emerges various environmental problems [3]. ...

Municipal Solid Waste Management Using Bioreactor Landfill in the Treatment of Organic Waste from Jatibarang Landfill, Semarang-Indonesia

E3S Web of Conferences

... Lower and upper liners of disposal sites are frequently derived from natural sources, including clays, and often endorsed by plastic or different simulation membranes [31][32][33][34][35], but the use of advanced waterproofing materials, including such compacted clay liners, geomembranes, geonets, and geotextiles, is frequently limited in low-and medium underdeveloped nations [36][37][38][39]. Recent concerns have increased interest in environmentally friendly and sustainable soil amendment materials, including biowaste, geomaterials, and synthetic materials [40][41][42]. These carbon-rich materials are produced by the pyrolysis of plant and animal waste and feature a highly porous honeycomb structure [43][44]. ...

Stability Performance of the Mixture of Bentonite and Zeolite as Landfill Liner

E3S Web of Conferences

... Perkembangan berbagai pembangunan di perkotaan dan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk memberikan dampak terhadap permasalahan drainase seperti banyaknya genangan air dan banjir [1]. Kepadatan penduduk dan pertumbuhan penduduk yang pesat mengakibatkan naiknya kebutuhan terhadap ruang untuk tempat tinggal, kawasan industri dan infrastruktur pendukungnya, yang lalu merubah lahan basah atau lahan terbuka menjadi lahan terbangun. ...


Jurnal Teknik Lingkungan

... The area of the Jatibarang landfill is divided into several areas consisting of 276,470 m 2 of waste area, 46,018 m 2 of cover land, 46,018 m 2 of green belt area, 46,018 m 2 of leachate ponds, and complementary infrastructure of 46,018 m 2 . The composition of waste in the Jatibarang landfill is ±50% consisting of plastic waste, wood, tissue, textiles, and other waste [2]. If the addition of waste occurs every day without being accompanied by the final processing of waste, this can cause the capacity of the landfill to decrease, so that the landfill is no longer able to accommodate waste. ...

Potensi Material Sampah Combustible pada Zona II TPA Jatibarang Semarang sebagai Bahan Baku RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)

Jurnal Teknik Mesin

... This waste problem can be used as new and renewable energy (EBT) in the form of a waste to energy (WET) concept. The concept of waste to energy (WET) is to utilize the energy contained in combustible solid waste in the form of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) fuel [3]. RDF is the result of the process of separating solid waste between flammable and non-combustible waste fractions such as materials made of metal or made of glass [4]. ...

Potensi Material Sampah Combustible pada Zona Pasif TPA Jatibarang Semarang sebagai Bahan Baku RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)

Jurnal Teknik Mesin

... The manufacture of RDF takes advantage of the presence of both domestic and industrial waste which has a high calorific value in very large quantity and quality ( TTT Dong & BK Lee, 2009). The main characteristic that must be known when treating waste with a thermal process is the calorific value (Tri Andrianingsih et al., 2018). To find out the potential of RDF raw materials from landfill mining, it is necessary to do composition analysis using SNI 19-3964-1994, characteristic analysis using proximate analysis and calorific value analysis. ...

Potensi Sampah Combustible pada Zona Aktif 1 TPA Jatibarang Semarang sebagai Bahan Baku RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel)

Jurnal Teknik Mesin

... Doherty et al. (2015a) encountered an internal resistance of 508 Ω in the up-flow CW-MFC while no membrane was used between the electrodes, whereas Villaseñor et al. (2013) reported an internal resistance of 120 Ω in the horizontal subsurface flow CW-MFC where calcium bentonite membrane was used to separate the anode and cathode. Zaman and Wardhana (2018) used graphite plates as electrodes without any separator in a downflow CW-MFC for treating landfill leachate and reported a power density of 0.175 mW/m 3 . Mixed flow (up-flow into the anode and downflow into the cathode) CW-MFC with glass wool separator gave MPD of 0.276 W/ m 3 while the internal resistance was found to be 300 Ω. ...

Potential of Electric Power Production from Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) in Evapotranspiration Reactor for Leachate Treatment Using Alocasia macrorrhiza Plant and Eleusine indica Grass

E3S Web of Conferences

... Proses anaerobik digestasi mempunyai beberapa tipe dari bakteri mendegradasi senyawa organik secara bertahap dan dalam proses yang bersamaan. Proses digestasi anaerobik dari polimer organik kompleks biasanya dibagi ke dalam empat tahapan yang saling terkait yaitu hidrolisis, asidogenesis, asetogenesis dan metanogenesis (Soeroso, 2016). Dalam pembuatan biogas, diperlukan suatu rangkaian alat yang disebut digester atau reaktor biogas (Sunyoto dkk, 2016). ...


Jurnal Presipitasi Media Komunikasi dan Pengembangan Teknik Lingkungan