International Labour Office’s scientific contributions

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Publications (9)

Figure 1: A typology of forced labour
Table 2 : Total Trafficking-related Forced Labour
Forced Labor and Human Trafficking: Estimating the Profits
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467 Reads


43 Citations


Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work


International Labour Office

The paper is part of the ILO Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour (SAP-FL) research on the quantitative and economic dimensions of forced labor and human trafficking. It complements research published by SAP-FL, in particular on the economic perspective on human trafficking in Europe (Working Paper No.31) and on the definition, indicators and measurement of forced labour (Working Paper No. 18).


Forced Labour: Definition, Indicators and Measurement

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27 Citations

Summarizes and discusses some methods that have been used for measurement, and provides some guidance for future work on the subject. The paper was first distributed in April 2003, as a background document for an eminent group of international experts and ILO officials who participated in a consultation meeting on the measurement of forced labor.

Trafficking of Migrant Workers from Romania: Issues of Labor and Sexual Exploitation

15 Reads

Part of a major research project on the forms of forced labor today developed by the ILO Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour (SAP-FL), this paper argues that trafficking for labor exploitation is an emerging issue in Europe and in particular in Romania. Features a detailed comparison of living conditions prior to the emergence of immigration, trafficking, and/or forced labor.

Bonded Labor in India: Its Incidence and Pattern

820 Reads


55 Citations

This Working Paper on the incidence and patterns of bonded labour in India was commissioned as an input to the ILO Director-General’s second global report on forced labor, entitled A global alliance against forced labor, prepared for the 93rd session of the International Labour Conference in June aims to enrich the debate on bonded labor and its eradication in India by capturing some of the main trends over recent years. It aims essentially to compile and assess the contemporary evidence on bonded labor that has appeared in secondary sources.

Citations (5)

... In Sub-Saharan Africa, over 35 percent of the children are working and Nigeria has an estimated 15 million children engaged in different income-generating activities (Bass, 2004;Ruwanpura and Rai, 2004;Oloko, 2004). In addition to poverty, some other multiple and interdependent factors have been identified as reasons for the increase and pervasiveness of working children, especially in Nigeria. ...


Socio-Economic, Health and Environmental Aspects of Child Waste Picking Activity at Africa's Largest Dumpsite
Forced Labour: Definition, Indicators and Measurement
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... The rst nationwide survey to estimate the prevalence and magnitude of bonded labor was undertaken in 1978 (Srivastava, 2005). The National Commission of Labor, chaired by B.N. Yugandhar, presented the rst detailed report on the system, noting high incidences of agricultural bonded labor, migrant bonded labor, and bondage among tribals or indigenous communities in India (Ministry of Labor, 1991). ...

Bonded Labor in India: Its Incidence and Pattern

... as for the 2006 united nations office on Drugs and Crime (unoDC) report, 127 different nationalities were trafficked to 137 destination countries (unoDC, 2006). a recent international Labor organization (iLo) report estimated the global annual profit from commercial sexual exploitation to be $27.8 billion based on approximately 1.7 million trafficked people engaged in commercial sexual exploitation (Belser, 2005). ...

Forced Labor and Human Trafficking: Estimating the Profits

... A munkaiskolát szorgalmazó pedagógiai ideológia egyszerre legitimálta a dolgos szocialista felnőtt ember nevelését, illetve a szervezett gyermekmunka alkalmazását az állami szocialista munkaiskola rendszerében. A progresszív gondolat iránya a praxisban a visszájára fordult, különösképpen Sztálin időszakában, amikor a gyermekmunka alkalmazásának kezdetét az 1922-ben rögzített 16 éves kortól (Stephenson, 2002) 14 éves korra csökkentették 1940 novemberében, háromnegyed évvel a német támadás előtt (Wright, 1940). ...

Child Labour in the Russian Federation

... Tailby and Moore (2014) have argued that collective bargaining has been slow in engaging in equality-related workplace and social issues. In fact, it could be said that it has often acted as a barrier to such developments and the inclusion of new forms of rights and work conditions central to such groups (Blackett and Sheppard 2002;Tailby and Moore 2014). While we have witnessed many changes, and the language and practices of equality appear central to the development of trade unions and joint regulation in various contexts, the crisis of industrial relations is also related to how 'insider' or established worker issues have not been reconfigured for some time in the light of 'outsider' interests (for a review of these discussions, see Meardi et al. 2021). ...

The Links Between Collective Bargaining and Equaliy
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